InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What reason do I have? ❯ A Reason to Die ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

A/N: Hello lovely peolpe who read this fic. This story hits really close to home so I asks that at least for Chapter 1, no flames. Please read and review :)

A Reason To Die

Kagome and Rikkou has been friends since Kagome was 14 years old in the 9th grade. Rikkou was a year and 5 months older than her. RIkkou was the first guy to accept her for who she was. He never judged her or called her names, he was simply her friend, and a good one at that. During the first three years of their friendship she fell in love with him and boy did she fall hard. He even developed a love for her. Despite the fact that he had a couple of girlfriemds those first three years, he always came back to her. A few months into the third year of their friendship, they decided to become intamate. Both being virgins, they wanted to experience sex for the first time together. At first they decided to be bedroom buddies, it was better that way, so he got another girlfriend. The devil, as we like to call her, was mean and harsh. In the end, she destroyed him because she was unfaithful. Rikkou was crushed and went to Kagome for comfort. About 4 months after the break up with the devil, he decided to give Kagome a chance. Their first year together was pure bliss. But after their anniversay, his grandmother got sick. She was sick for a month, then two days after her birthday, she died. Then hell started. Rikkou became mean, he lost his will to live, he pushed her away, and he picked fights. A month later he broke with Kagome. He said that she needed more expeience, that she was still a virgin to the world. She pleaded with him, they talked and agreed to go back to bedroom buddies. So now, six years into their friendship, they were back where they started. Kagome looked at it like a second chance, boy was she wrong. Over the following four years, they were on a rollorcoaster ride. A lot of up, a few down and a few loops, but they still loved one another. But one day, KAgome realized she was lonely, that she felt hallow, that what they had just wasn't enough anymore. One night after their weekly sessions, depression hit Kagome, hard.

"What's wrong?" Rikkou asked annoyed
"Well... I .... this is starting to hurt" Kagome answers quietly
"Well you're the one who wants to keep having sex with someone who doesn't want to be with you" he scorned "It's time to move on"
"I can't, I love you so much" she says holding back tears
"You have to, I love you too but I can't keep breaking your heart. I don't want to hurt you like this anymore. We've been neating a dead horse for 5 years and none of this should have happened" he says as Kagome sobs
"I can't live without you, you're my best friend. I can't turn my back on a ten year friendship" she sobs
"I'm not your only best friend, you still have Geneyea, I'm just your closest friend for obvious reasons" he replies
"Please don't do this to me, I'm not strong enough, we can work it out, you just have to try" she says
"Maybe, look can we talk about this later, it's almost midnight and I have to be up at 7 for work, I'll call you tomorrow" he says

Rikkou gets up and gives Kagome a chaste kiss and walks out. Kagome calls Geneyea, sobbing. Geneyea has been friends with Kagome for 14 years. They are like sisters, inseperable, just like her and Rikkou.

"Geneyea, he's gone and isn't coming back" she sobs
"What happen sis?" Geneyea asks concerned
"I told him that I couldn't do this anymore and he told me to move on" Kagome says as a new wave of tears hit her
"It's ok, you can do better. He never deserved you" Geneyea says
"But I'm not strong enough, I just want to die" she says
"No, you can't die, what would Georgia do?" Geneyea asks
"Oh my tiny." she starts sobbing all over again

Georgia is Kagome's two year old neice and Kagome is the center of the toddler's little world. Georgia knows that Kagome is her aunt but she refuses to call her that. To Georgia, Kagome is mama, she even calls her own mother mama. Kagome would argue with her to call her auntie. Georgia's only response is always "I know who you are, you're mama" Finally Kagome decided to give up

"Oh my tiny terror" Kagome sobs
"Yes, she would be lost without you. Who is she going to drag all over the house to show new things to if you died. Think of the impact your death would have on her" Geneyea says. Kagome just sobbed harder
"Look Kags. You'll be fine. It'll hurt for a while but I promise it gets easier. I'll call and check up on you tomorrow, Try to get some sleep" Geneyea says
"Ok Gen, I"ll talk to you tomorrow" Kagome says hanging up the phone

That night for the first time, Kagome cried herself to sleep. She sleep for over twelve hours that night. She woke up the next afternoon with red, swollen eyes, wanting to crawl under a rock and die. Then, the phone rang.

"How are you today Kags?" Geneyea asks
"A little hungry but don't want to eat." Kagome replies
"You have to eat, you need the energy to play with Georgia" Geneyea says
"I know, I'll talk to you later" Kagome says rushing her friend off the phone
"Ok, go get something to eat" she says
"Ok, bye" Kagome hung up the phone

Kagome said she would eat, but didn't Not once that entire weekend.