InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What reason do I have? ❯ A Reason to Live ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

A Reson To Live

Inuyasha hired in the week before Kagome's heart was shattered. He thought she was the happiest, most beautiful woman to ever walk the earth. Her beauty was only surpassed by the kindness of her heart, and her eyes, oh her eyes. You know how they say that the eyes are the window to your soul? Well, in Kagome's case, someone who is suicidal could look into her eyes and find the joy their life is missing. She is the imbodiment of all things pure and perfect in life. But Inuyasha never approached her, not even to introduce himself for fear of rejection. Even though, for him, it was love at first sight. But on this Monday morning, Kagome had the saddest eyes. Depression rolled off her in waves and it infected anyone foolish enough to get that close to her. It looked like she cried all night, hadn't eaten in days and hadn't slept all weekend. It looked like she was just fading away, she was so pale. He wanted to go to her, he wanted to hold her, he wanted to kiss away all her pain and tears. But he didn't dare, he would just watch. This went on for about a month and a half. Kagome got thinner, paler, and much more depressed. Kagome would try to dissapear in the office, not talking to anyone unless she had to, becoming engrossed in her work, fading into the backround in the break room, no food just a book. Until one day he just couldn't take it anymore, he decided he would talk to her. Upon entering the lunch room, he looked in her usual corner, but she wasn't there. It took him five minutes of constant searching to find her. When he did, she was tucked away in the opposite corner, virtually invisable.

"Hi Kagome, my name is Inuyasha" he says walking to her with a smile
"Oh good afternoon Inuyasha" Kagome says trying to smile "Are you new to the company?"
"Well I hired in about two months ago" Inuyasha says
"Oh, I'm sorry, I hadn't noticed" Kagoem says
"I know it's ok. I could tell you've been distracted. In a mood for a while. May I ask what's wrong?" He inquired
"Well, I can't talk about that right now, I still can't handle it" she says starting to cry
"Oh, I'm sorry, no pressure. If you ever want to talk, I'll be here for you" he tells her
"thanks" she replies

With that she gets up to leave the room. Her head began to swim and everything was going black. Realizing that she is fainting, Inuyasha runs to break her fall.

"Kagome? Wake up" Inuyasha says shaking her
"Ri-Rikkou?" she says closing her eyes
"Someone call 911!!!" Inuyasha screams

The paramedics came and took her to the hospital, Inuyasha never left her bedside. He was sitting in a chair by the bed when he noticed her stir.

"Kagome?" He asks
"Where am I?" She inquires
"At the hospital" he tells her
"Oh" her only reply
"Kagome, when was the last time you ate something?" he asks
"That depends, what's today?" she inquires
"October 6" he replies
"What!! It was just the October 2" She screams
"That was before you slept for 4 days. Now, when was the last time you ate, the doctors said that you were severly malnourished. Come to think of it when was the last time you slept?" he commanded
"the 21st" she answered
"Of August" he says concerned
"Of July" she said sadly
"Why Kagome? Why haven't you eaten or slept in over a month and a half? and who is Rikkou?" He asks
"Rikkou? How do you know about him? Why do you care anyway?" she demands
"You said his name when you passed out. And I care because I fell in love when you when I first layed my eyes on you. Then your sadnedd became my depression" He says
"Oh please don't lie to me. I can't take it, I'm not strong enough for this shit" she says
"Please Kagome, eat. I meant every single word. You look like you lost your best friend. Please tell me about Rikkou" he pleads

Kagome sat up and and begun to tell Inuyasha all about her bad break up with Rikkou.

"Wow, I'm sorry. When I said you looked like you lost your best friend, I was right. I'm so stupid" he says
"It's ok Inuyasha, thanks for caring. I think I'm hungry now." she says

With that, Kagome starting eating and within a few days she was out of the hospital and spending lots of time with Inuyasha. Before they knew it six months had passed and Inuyasha had a question to ask:

"Kags, I know we've only dated a few months but, will you marry me?" he asks hopefully
"Yes Inu, you've made me so happy" Kagome says hugging him
"Kagome?" a familiar voice says
"Rikkou? Hi" Kagome says
"Hi Kagome, you look well" Rikkou says
"You don't have the right to talk to her anymore, do you know what you did to her?" Inuyasha screams
"She's my best friend, who do you think you are?" Rikkou asks
"No, you were her best friend, you are the person who made her want to die. And I am her fiance, the man who loves and appreiciates her. The man who made her want to live again. And I'm going to kick your ass" Inuyasha snarls
"What do you mean she wanted to die?" Rikkou asks
"He means that I lost my will to live, that I was so broken I refused to eat for damn near two months" she screamed
"Oh" Rikkou says
"Just leave, you're no longer welcome in my life. Inu baby he's not even worth the ass kicking. Let's go" Kagomes says

Inuyasha complies and Rikkou turns and walks away, never to be seen again. Six months later Kagome and Inuyasha got married. And they lived happily ever after

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A/N: I know cheesing ending, I didn't know what else to put. Like i said before Chapter one is based on life so please no flames. Chapter 2 is open season and I will take all reviews and suggestion for improvement. Please remember chap1 no flames, chap 2 whatever you can throw at me. Thanks for reading.
