InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Happened? ❯ Sweet Dreams ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yay this is my first Inuyasha fic! I hope you guys like it. I've been planning this one I my head for about two months and finally wrote it out.

Disclaimer: No I do not own Inuyasha, but one day I will own him. That's why the world has Ebay.

The sounds of battle could be heard for miles around. The screams of pain echoed through the forest. And in the middle of this was a seventeen-year old girl along with her companions a demon exterminator, a Buddhist monk, a kitsune kit, and an Inu-hanyou.

"Sango look out!" yelled the girl to the exterminator as a huge demon took a swipe at her with it's claws. Sango turned around from the battle in front of her only to have her eyes met the back of the monks head.

"Miroku!" The monk fell to the ground, having taking the brunt of the attack, with a hole through his chest. Sango dropped to her knees next to the lifeless form of Miroku.

"Inuyasha you have to help Sango!" called a frantic Kagome. The hanyou abruptly turned around from the horde of demons in front of him at the sound of her voice. "Help her!" Kagome screamed again as the kitsune clung to her neck crying into her hair. Inuyasha glanced at Kagome and Shippou and then at Sango crouched over Miroku's body. He grumbled something about 'wasting time' and 'needing to find that bastard Naraku' before bounding through the sea of lesser demons.

"Sango!" Inuyasha blared "What the HELL do you think you're doing!?" Sango just sat mutely with tears leaking from her eyes. "Get the hell up!!" he cried as he slashed through an on coming demon. Suddenly an ear-splitting scream echoed across the battlefield. Inuyasha looked up at the source of the sound to see Kagome dangling by her hair above the broken form of Shippou. Clutching the long silky strands was their enemy, Naraku.

"Ku ku ku. Stupid girl you should know that you and your friends could never beat me, the great Naraku." Kagome lashed out at him with her bow, which was thrown to the ground with his free hand.

"Let go of her you bastard!" screamed Inuyasha banishing the Tetsusaiga.

"Aren't you forgetting about something Inuyasha?"

"What the hell are you babbling about?"

"SANGO!!" screamed Kagome only to have Naraku's other hand clamp over her mouth. Inuyasha spun around to see Kagura step from the shadows and attack Sango.

"You sneaking bastard! You will pay for the deaths of my friends."

"Ah, but I am not the one who will be dying." In one swift movement Naraku threw Kagome a side, darted forward and plunged his hand through Inuyasha's heart.

"NO!!" screamed Kagome as she scrambled on all fours to Inuyasha's side.


"Shh… don't talk." She whispered back as silent tears streamed down her cheeks and off her chin.

"But… I need… to… tell you. Kagome I-" His golden eyes slid closed and his breathing stopped.

"In-Inuyasha!" Kagome sobbed into the front of his haori.

"And now" Naraku smirked "For you Kagome dear." Naraku darted forward to grab her by the throat. "A pity that I have to kill you. You were even more beautiful than your incarnate." His grip tightened preventing Kagome from speaking. "By the way I think I'll take this." He reached up with his other hand and snapped the chunk of the jewel that she had fused together. Kagome squirmed within his grasp. "You can never escape." And in one quick twist of his wrist there was a loud snap as he broke her neck and she was plunged into eternal darkness.


Kagome could here the murmur of voices. 'What's going on?' she thought. Her eyes fluttered open to met the bright lights of a white room. "Where am I?"

"Oh my God Kagome you're awake! Nurse get the doctor." The nurse nodded and left the room. Kagome turned to see her mother wracked with tears.

"Where's Inuyasha?" questioned a confused Kagome.


"You know the guy with doggie ears. How could you not remember?"

"But Kagome dear" said Mrs. Higurashi stroking her daughter's hair "You've been in a coma for the past two years. You couldn't have met any one."

'Wait' thought Kagome 'Was it all… a DREAM!'

Cliffie! I hope you liked it so far. Please let me know! Review, review, review!! And I'm sorry but I decided to take Kohaku out of the final battle along with Sesshoumaru. But they are still there in the