InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Happened? ❯ Anger Management ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm so sorry that it took me FOREVER to update this!! *grovels before readers* I finally got around to writing it, thanks to all of you who gave me ideas!! ^__^ This chapter is for ice_princess_1185 for reviewing each of my chapters and emailing me personally!! Thank you so much!!! Warning, this has a little bit of fluff in it!

~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&~&am p;~&~&~&~&~

Weeks passed and slowly the group collected more and more jewel shards. Currently they had 6 shards that Kagome kept in a small vial in her worn, yellow pack. Rin, over the short time she had known Kagome, had become very attached to the miko, following her around almost endlessly. Of course the miko absolutely loved having the little girl looking up to her almost as a motherly figure. Sesshoumaru on the other hand hardly seemed to care about his retainer's actions towards Kagome, which didn't bother her in the slightest. Naraku on the other hand always seemed to go out of his way to pick on the bright little girl. Always sneering or swatting her out of his way, almost as if her were jealous of the attention that Rin was receiving from Kagome.

"Naraku," Kagome sighed, shifting Rin on her hip. The little girl had almost fallen asleep on her feet during the trek back from a small village about 15 kilometers away from Kikyou's village.

'Come on you can ask him Kag…' The hanyou eyed her. "When we get back I should really head back to my time…" She waited for the inevitable blow up.

"WENCH YOU CAN'T LEAVE NOW!" Naraku's shout startled Rin out of her sleep almost making her jerk out of Kagome's grasp.

"I haven't seen my family in 4 weeks, Naraku!" Kagome shouted back. "And if you don't let me I'll 'own' you so hard that you'll have no legs to walk on!!"

Sesshoumaru watched the pair, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. These two almost fought as if they were a married couple. To think that they could effectively work together to recover shards.

"Come on Rin, lets go!"

"Ok Kagome-chan!" And with that Kagome swiftly spun on her heal and walked away. "Uh…Kagome-chan…. Kikyou's village is that way…" Naraku sniggered and Kagome blushed a deep crimson.

"Of course it is Rin!"


"Kikyou! We're back!" Kagome stepped into Kikyou's large hut.

"Back here Kagome!" Gently, Kagome placed Rin on the ground and walked around behind the hut. The elder miko crouched on the ground pulling the annoying little weeds out of her garden.

"Kikyou-chan!!" Rin squealed and leped into Kikyou's arms.

"Careful Rin you'll get all muddy!!" Rin giggled and pulled out of Kikyou's warm embrace. She flashed her toothy grin and ran off, to find Sesshoumaru Kagome guessed.

"So how was the journey?" Kagome helped Kikyou to her feet.

"As good as I can ever get with Naraku." Kikyou chucked.

"I think that he likes you more than you give him credit for."

"Whatever. Any who I just stopped by to let you know that I was leaving for my time. I'll see you in two days!" Nodding, Kikyou bent back over and began to pull more weeds.

"Ok then. Good luck getting past Naraku." Kagome grinned.

"Don't worry about that. I've got my secret weapon, remember?" She laughed to herself as she saw in her mind's eye Naraku splayed face down in the dirt in a large body imprint. "Bye!!" With a cheerful wave she headed back towards the old well.

'Finally! Some peace and quite!' The ancient trees shaded the hot girl as she followed the worn path the gateway to her world. A small breeze blew lazily through the gnarly bows of the silent giants making the tips of Kagome's raven hair tickle her nose. Finally the familiar wooden frame came into eye sight practically making her sigh with relief that she was going home to sleep in an actual bed and take a nice hot shower.

Kagome shifted her heavy yellow pack on her shoulders and swung her legs over the edge. A small thud from behind her caused her to pause.

"Kagome?" She tilted her head around and cocked it to the side.

"Naraku? What are you doing here?" Before her stood the black haired hanyou. Written on his face was almost a look of hurt or misunderstanding. "Naraku?" He continued to stare at her. 'Why is he staring at me like that?!' Kagome's heart began to beat faster.

He snapped out of he daze and blushed a light shade of pink. "I came to say…to say that I'm sorry…" Kagome almost choked. He was apologizing to her?!

"Naraku…" Slowly she turned around so that she was sitting on the wooden rim. She stared at him, studying his face. Why the sudden change? Could what Kikyou said be true? Kagome blushed again and looked away, suddenly finding the dirt under her feet interesting.

"Well? You better hurry up and leave so that you can get back here wench!" What a way to kill the mood Kagome thought. Just leave it to Naraku.

Kagome glared and snorted. "Down boy." WHAM! Naraku met dirt once again after invoking the miko's wrath.

"What was that for, wench!?" Naraku tried to push himself off the ground but the powerful subduing spell prevented him from moving more than an inch.

"Good bye." She huffed and jumped down the well.

When she landed on the other side, Kagome stormed out of the well house and past her brother and mother.

"Mom, I think that Naraku and Kagome had another fight." Mrs. Higurashi simply smiled.

"You'll understand it when you're older." Sota looked up at the older woman.

"You're not making any sense mom."

Kagome let out an agitated sigh, as she flopped, none to gracefully, on her bed. Her left eye twitched ever so slightly and she gritted her teeth.

"What is wrong with that boy?! He had the nerve to come and apologize to me and then yell at me to go! He is the most incorrigible, two-faced, little…little…ARGH!" Her hand shot out and gripped her small panda plushie so tight that the little glass eyes looked as if they would pop out.

"I need a shower," Kagome muttered to herself.

For the most part Kagome's break from the Feudal Era was peaceful. But as time wore on she found that the longer she was away from her friends in the Sengoku Jidai. She sighed thinking of Rin and Kikyou. They had surprisingly become close friends in the few weeks they were together. She even missed the stoic Sesshoumaru!

'Maybe I did over react,' she thought. 'After all he did apologize to me. And if he was half as nervous as I was then he was probably just getting defensive to make himself look tough.'

"Kagome when are you planning to go back? That boy named Hojo called again and wanted to know if you'd like to go out with him." Kagome stopped scrubbing the dishes in the sink.

"Mom!" She whined. "I don't really like Hojo much anymore!" Mrs. Higurashi arched an eyebrow. "Don't look at me like that!"

"So when are you leaving?"

"I think after I'm done with the dishes."

"So soon?! You just got back yesterday! Besides I have no time to pack for you!!" Kagome giggled as her mother rushed out of the kitchen to pack her some clean clothes and then turned back to her sudsy sink. Several minutes later Mrs. Higurashi popped back into the kitchen carrying the bright yellow backpack. She set it on the clean, speckled counter top next to the sink.

"There you are, I'll be helping Grandpa out front so leave a note when you leave." Kagome nodded as her mother kissed her on the crown of her raven hair.

"Ok mom!"

Several minutes later, after drying the many plates that her family had used for lunch and breakfast alone, Kagome snatched up her bag and tossed it over her shoulder. She sighed thinking of what to write for her note before beginning to scribble her message on the pad of paper left on the table.

Dear Mom,

Left at about 12:30. I'll see you in three weeks!

Love, Kagome

She pinned the note on the refrigerator under a yellow duck magnet and left out the back door.


Naraku sat on the ground in front of the well. That miko irritated him to no end.

'All I did was go to apologize to her and she downs me! The nerve of the wench!' He growled and dug his nails into the grass severing the thin green blades with his sharp claws. A soft grunt interrupted his musings and a familiar black haired head appeared.

"Oh! Naraku!" Kagome grinned and heaved herself over the rim.

"Ka-Kagome?!" Kagome giggled at the dumbfounded look on the hanyou's face. "You weren't supposed to be back for another day!"

"I know! I thought I'd surprise you guys! But Naraku, if you knew that I wasn't supposed to be back until tomorrow why are you here?"

"Uhh…" Naraku fidgeted nervously. "Nothing wench! I was just going for a walk!!" H gritted out making Kagome frown.

"Whatever, Naraku." She hurried past Naraku and down the path to Kikyou's village.


"Kagome-chan!" Rin squealed, running full speed, nearly taking out Kagome's knees. Sesshoumaru lept gracefully our of the bows of a near by tree and walked to the growing group.

"Kagome," he greeted with a nod. Kagome ran forward and gripped the cold yokai around the middle. Sesshoumaru blinked when he felt the miko's hand's wrap around his waste. Blusshing, Kagome quickly backed up and nervously smoothed imaginary wrinkles out of her shirt.

"Sorry, Sesshoumaru." He simply grunted and walked away.

"Nice going Kagome. What a way to scare someone off!"

Kagome looked at Naraku before smiling sweetly and saying the words the hanyou dreaded most, "Down boy." And there Kagome left Naraku, face down in the gritty dirt.


Clouds passed lazily before the sun casting gray shadows across the land below. To the small troupe below it was relief from the hot sun They were traveling north following rumors of a shard that Naraku had heard from a pair of passing farmers moving south.

"So how far north is this shard?" Kagome trudged along, balancing a sleeping Rin on her hip.

"About 5 days travel, Kagome." Kagome groaned causing Sesshoumaru to produce an almost chuckle like noise.

"I'm glad you find my pain funny."

"Always," he answered back. Kagome stared.

"My it seems that our Lord Sesshoumaru has a sense of humor!"

"Will you two stop lolly gagging around back there!!" Naraku, who was quite a ways ahead of everyone else, growled over his shoulder.

"Fine Naraku….I sense a shard coming towards us really fast!" Naraku sprinted back to where Kagome had stopped walking.

"Which direction?!"

"That way," Kagome pointed east. A few moments later a woman stepped out of the bushes surrounding the dirt road. Kagome squinted but the fan that she held blocked the view of her face. The feathers in the woman's hair moved gently against her black hair as she moved her fan back from her face.

"Naraku, I will kill you for what you have done to my sister! Now fight me and die!!"

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Man that last line is cheesy… I hope that this chapter was good, after the extremely long delay I might add. I thought a lot about what I was going to do for this story and talked with some people and viola! I finally got it! Thank you so much for your patients!! Now for reviews!!

Ice_Princes_1185: THANK YOU!!! Without your encouragement I probably wouldn't have keeped this going!!! I'm so happy that you emailed me!!!

Sock: I'm glad that you like it!! I was hoping that this story would surprise people!

Lady Keo: Thanks for reviewing!!! ^_^ I love Rin too!! And we saw her at SakuraCon too!!

Parry Aldon: You bet that this is going to be a Kag/Nar paring! ^_^ Glad you liked it so far!

Skilled assasin gurl: Have them meet Yura…hmmm…that sounds like a good idea… I'll think about it! Can you guess who I just introduced in this chapter? Lol. BTW does your name have underscores between the words? I can't tell because all the names are underlined!! Lol! ^_^;;

Lupin III: Thanks a bunch! I plan on putting Kouga in here so never fear or favorite wolf yokai will be in this!! (some where! ^_^;;)