InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Hogwarts? ❯ Gryffindor ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi peoples. I'm not talking any more Votes because the polls are over. It's gonna be a Harry/Kag Fanfic. Yes, Inuyasha will be in it, and maybe even Sango and Miroku. Give me your opinion if u want them in or out, but Inuyasha IS going to be in. Okay people who know who Cho Chang is….. well in my story Harry doesn't like her and anything more than a friend.

Okay if you've read the 5th book then you know very well that Professor Umbridge is the new Dada class teacher, but in my story she's just going to be an inspector you know one of those people who look around the school and make sure everything is all right.


**Last Chapter**

"Higurashi, Kagome!" She heard her name being called.

`oh my god! I'm so nervous!' I thought as I seated my self onto the tiny stool.

`Well this is it!'

***Chapter 8***

~Kagome's POV~

Professor McGonagall came closer with the hat in her hands. As she came up to me about a million worries about where I would go flow in my mind going 95 mph.

Professor McGonagall put the hat on my head. It was a little too big for me.

"Ah, you're a young little miko." I heard the hat say.

"You seem to hold the Shikon no Tama as well." It said.

"You must be a pure hearted soul to hold something as precious. You could do well in Gryffindor, and maybe Ravenclaw. Hmmm…." I heard the hat say.

`Anything, but Slytherin.' I thought, because I remembered what Ginny told me about Slytherin. Just to put it plainly they were cruel and selfish.

"Not Slytherin eh? So for you're the second one to say that. Hm…It looks like you've been through many hardships, but still manage to overcome them." I heard it say.

`Who else said they didn't want to be in Slytherin? Well probably a lot of people.' I thought as the hat was making up it's mind.

"You could be great in Slytherin, you could have all you've ever wanted." It said to me.

`ANYTHING, BUT SLYTHERIN!'I thought franticly, afraid that I'd be put in there.

"Well If your sure," it said.

"GRYFFINDOR!" It called out.

I looked over to the Gryffindor table. Harry and the whole gang were clapping the hardest. (well no duh!) I ran/walked over to the table.

`OH YEAH! I got into Gryffindor!' I thought with glee.

"Kagome!" I walked up to the table to see Harry moving over to give me a seat. I gratefully took it.

"Hi Kagome! Congrats on making Gryffindor!" Fred and George said in unison.

"Thanks!" I said happily, for a second there I thought I was going to be stuck in Slytherin!

"Good job Kagome!" I looked over to see Ginny giving me a pat on the back.

"I told you would make it!" Hermione said with a smile.

"See you had nothing to worry about." Harry said while giving me a hug and a little peck on the cheek.

"Thanks guys," I said. Smiling after Harry kissed me.

I was about to say something when Professor Dumbledore cut me off.

"This year is we have a very special new student. I think you may have seen that she was selected into Gryffindor. Her name Is Kagome, she came all the way over here from Japan. She will be taking classes as a fifth year, and have private lessons with all the teachers afterward." He took a breath.

"We also have a new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, although he wish that his name not be spoken yet. I need not remind you that Forest is forbidden to everyone. Remember all of you have this week off before classes start. Everyone I'm sure we will have an interesting year. Okay everyone dig in!" He said the last part `I'm sure we'll have an interesting year' while looking over to Hermione, Harry and Ron.

I looked down at my plate. There wasn't any food.

"Um, Harry? Where's the food?" I asked a little unsure.

He just smile and chuckled. "All you have to do is say what food you want to the plate."

"Really? So would they have like Japanese food?" I asked, hoping there was Oden.

"Yeah, sure why not?" He said.

"okay um… Oden!" I said to the plate a little embarrassed to be talking to a plate.

Then suddenly Oden appeared.

"Wow, Are a lot of things like this?" I asked Ginny. While just staring at the food.

"Yup, but you have to be careful." She said between bites.

"Okay." I said. I started to eat, it tasted almost as good as the one back at home. .

Pretty soon a lot of people were done eating and started heading back toward their dorms.

"Okay, I'm going back to the dorm anyone want to come?" Hermione asked looking at our once again empty plates.

"Sure, I'm a little sleepy myself." Said Ron while giving a half hearted yawn.

"Sure," The rest of us said.

As we were walking through the doors of the room. Professor Dumbledore came up to me. We all turned around and looked at him expectantly.

"I would like to see Kagome." Was all he said as he gestured me to follow.

"It's okay guys you head on back." I said .

"Are you sure Kagome?" Asked Hermione.

"Don't worry." I said, while the group started walking out. All except for Harry.

"I'm not leaving you here." He said with concern in his voice..

I smiled, " Okay, I'll see of Dumbledore will let you come." I said with a smile while leaning up to kiss him. It was a short kiss, but we had to follow Dumbledore.

We walked until we got to the table where all the professors were.

"Hello Harry, I see you decided to follow Miss Higurashi." Professor Dumbledore said as he turned around to look at us.

"Miss Higurashi, first I just want to congratulate you on making Gryffindor. Now, I know that you haven't been to Hogwarts before. You will take extra classes in every subject so we can get you all settled." He said with a smile.

"Okay," I said simply.

"That's all, and oh yes, Harry I need you to be her guide around the school, seeing you look like your not going to leave her side anytime soon." He said with a kind smile with a little chuckle. He gave us permission to leave with a little nod.

We both blushed, but not as much as before. We started walking out of the great hall and down the hallways. We both made it to the stairs in silence, but a comfortable silence.

I was just about to step onto the stairs, when I suddenly noticed that the stairs started moving! My first thought was… `OMG I'M GONNA FALL!' It was a pretty long way down, too.

I felt someone jerk me back from behind before I could go down. I turned around to see Harry holding me by the back of my robes.

"Be Careful!" He said, but not harshly.

"Oh," was my smart answer.

"Are you alright, Kagome?" He asked sounding concerned.

"I'm fine, jut a little shocked." I said still thinking about the stairs.

"Why did the stairs move?" I asked.

"They're enchanted, so it's gonna move every once in a while. You're gonna have to promise me that you'll be careful." He said.

"Okay, Promise." I said.

`I'm really starting to hate these stairs. Who would want to put spells on a staircase anyway?!?' I thought while Harry held onto my hand, afraid that what happened earlier might happen again.

"I don't get why someone would want to put a spell on a staircase." I said.

Harry just turned to me and smiled.

We made it to the common room without falling. We came up to a picture of a fat lady in a pink gown. I looked over to Harry confused.

"Harry, why are we here?" I asked looking at the picture, when suddenly it talked!

"Password?" it, well she asked.

I just looked at it in amazement. I tugged on Harry's arm.

"Oh, it's Wolf's bane." He said after a moment of hesitation.

The picture just nodded its head and it swung open revealing an entrance to a room full of Gryffindors.

I must have still been looking around in amazement because Harry had to give me a gentle shove in.

Inside there were A LOT of kids. There were bookshelves around the room, and about 5 tables close to the walls. There was a magnificent fireplace that held a blazing fire. There was a staircase on both sides of the room, and an indoor balcony. `I like it here already, well except for the stairs.' I thought.

"Wow," was all I said.

I noticed Ron, Hermione, and Ginny sitting down at a table that was close to the fireplace.

While Harry and I were walking over to them I found Yume and Shippo asleep on one of the many couches, I'm not gonna mention how many kids looked at them longingly to sit on the couch because Shippo and Yume were stretched out so that they used up the whole couch.

`Well, at least there not annoying anyone THAT much. Even though a lot of people want to sit down because it's getting cramped in here, and that couch can sit at least 6 people!' I thought while sighing.

"Hi guys!" I said while smiling. To me they looked bored-to-death, well at least Ginny looked bored to death. Hermione and Ron were fighting over something.

Ginny was apparently the only one who heard me.

"Hi, Kagome" she said with a smile, while moving over a little to lend me and Harry some room and because the fight between Ron and Hermione started getting louder.

"What are they fighting about?" I asked.

"Oh that, Do you remember when Fred and George said they were going to sell stuff from there joke shop to kids here?" she asked me.

"Yes, I think so." I said remembering when we all gave them pixies for there "Candy".

"Well, There trying to find kids who are willing to test them out and help them see if there are side effects." She said as I looked over to George, who was right now surrounded by 1st years.

I looked next to me where Hermione was and started listening to what they were saying.

"We need to stop them! There breaking school rules!" Hermione practically screamed in Ron's Ear.

"There not doing anything, and plus it's not really gonna hurt the 1st years." Ron yelled back.

You could barely hear anything in hear because of all the Gryffindors here.

"Were going over there to stop them now!" Hermione screamed.

"No, were not!" Ron yelled back.

"Yes, we are!"

"No were not!"

"Yes, we are!"

"No were not!"

"Yes, we are!"

"No were not!"

*~Harry's POV~*

`It felt so good to be back here again' I thought as I was sitting next to Kagome. She was now too interested in Ron and Hermione's little fight.

"Hey Harry over here!" Fred said from across the room.

I nodded my head enough for him to notice. Then I looked over to Kagome.

"Kagome?" I asked.

"Yeah?" she said.

"I'm going to see what Fred needs. Okay?" I said.

"Okay, but promise you'll come back fast?" she asked with one of her winning smiles.

"Of course." I said as I bent down a little to give her a quick peck on the lips. We smiled at each other.

I walked over to Fred with MUCH difficulty. There were even more 1st years than before surrounding them.

"Over Here!" George tried to yell over them.

I got past the 1st years, because some of them stepped aside to look at my scar. `Oh yeah I forgot about that part.'

I finally got over to Fred and George.

"Hi," I said

"Hi Harry, What do you think of our Candy?" Fred and George asked while extending out his hand and opening them to reveal one brightly wrapped piece of candy.

"Is it even safe?" I asked unsure. Anything that the Weasley twins made you can assure it definitely not safe.

"Well, so far this one is." Fred said, which didn't make me feel any better about the candy.

"We really want to thank you for all the support money." George said.

"It helped a lot." Fred added.

"Don't mention it." I said.

"Sorry guys I have to get back, good luck." I said knowing well that something wrong would definitely go wrong with the candy.

As I made my way over to the table I noticed that most people have gone to bed. I got back to the table just as Ron and Hermione was Finishing with there fight.

"Yes, we are!"

"No, were not!"

"They're breaking school rules!!!!!"

"They're done anyway." Ron said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Fine, but tomorrow I'm talking to those two." Hermione said with a HMPH.

I noticed Kagome had rested her head against my shoulder and her half-closed eyes.

"Come on guys, it's late and we got a whole week to talk." I said as I helped the now sleepy Kagome up.

"Okay" everyone else chimed in.

*~Kagome's POV~*

`I'm sleepy!' I thought as I walked over to the couch that a sound asleep Shippo and Yume were. I picked them up in my arms and stroked there backs gently.

"G'night, Everyone" Fred and George said too lazy to say anyone's name.

"Good night." Everyone else said.

I leaned over to Harry, who was helping me stand a little, "Good Night." I said while kissing him fully on the lips. It didn't last as long as I would have hoped, because I was still holding the two kitsunes.

Besides I get to spend everyday with Harry, and even a minute with him is precious.

"Night." He said back to me with a goofy smile from the kiss. I gave a little giggle before following Hermione and Ginny up the left side of the room where the stairs were.

`I hope these stairs don't move too' I thought as I took the first step cautiously. `Good it doesn't' I thought with relief.

Once we got inside I found my trunk sitting by the front of my bed. Or at least I think it's my bed. There were so many of them in the circular room, but at that point I didn't really care I was too tired.

I set Shippo and Yume down gently and snuggled in with them. Thinking about my new life here.

`Everything is going to be great!' I thought before drifting off to sleep.


Sorry that the chapter got suddenly smaller, I originally planned to put more, but it got destroyed and I had to type it all over again.