InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Mistletoe Anyway? ❯ What's Mistletoe Anyway? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What's Mistletoe Anyway?

A/N: I just had this great idea to write a lemon between Inuyasha and Kagome with a Christmas setting. I hope you like it and I still do not own Inuyasha! Read and review PLEASE!! Thanks!

Inuyasha and Kagome trudged through the thickly wooded forest that was named after the hanyou himself. It was about mid afternoon and the sun happened to be out that day. Kagome was thankful for what little warmth the sun provided on the cold December day. She shivered making her teeth chatter loudly as she rubbed her numb hands together. Inuyasha looked over at Kagome's trembling body. Her nose was red from the chill in the air.

"Don't worry Kagome, we're almost to the well." She nodded and continued rubbing her hands together for some much needed warmth. Kagome let out a yelp as Inuyasha crept up behind her and scooped her up in his arms. He carried her through the barren field that was usually filled with tall swaying grass. The cold winter weather had killed all the grass and most of the other plants as well.

Kagome nuzzled her face against Inuyasha's broad chest and began to listen to his strong and steady heart beat. Her blue gray eyes closed and she was nearly asleep when she was suddenly being nudged by Inuyasha. "What Inuyasha?"

"We're here Kagome." Kagome whimpered as she was gently placed back on her own two feet. She carefully sat on the edge of the old dry well and flung her long legs over it. Inuyasha quickly followed Kagome into the dark well that connected their two worlds. The two held hands as the familiar blue light enveloped them. They seemed to float endlessly before finally landing softly at the bottom of the well. Inuyasha climbed out of the well first.

He then held out his hand for Kagome. She grabbed his strong hand and let herself be pulled up and out of the well. Kagome led Inuyasha up the steps to the shrine house she called home. He watched as Kagome used the small metal thing to open the front door. 'What did Kagome say that was again? Oh yeah, a key.' Kagome led the hanyou into the quiet house behind her. "Where is everyone Kagome?"

She shrugged and then yelled without warning making Inuyasha's sensitive ears flatten against his head. "MAMA! GRANDPA!! SOUTA!!" Kagome looked over at Inuyasha to see his ears were flat against his head. "Oops! I'm sorry Inuyasha!"

"Next time warn me when you're gonna yell so that all of Japan can hear you!!" She nodded and brought a hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle.

"Come on Inuyasha, let's go see if they're upstairs." He nodded his ears perking up now that Kagome wasn't yelling anymore. Inuyasha's sensitive nose twitched and he sniffed the air carefully picking up a wonderful cinnamon fragrance that seemed to liger in the air.

He noticed a tree in the corner of the living room that was decorated with lights and many other strange objects and there were many boxes that were covered in shiny paper of all different colors. Then his amber eyes landed on six objects that resembled socks hanging from the fireplace all in a neat line.

The first sock was red and had "Grandpa" written across it in green letters. The second sock was green and had "Mama" written across it in silver letters. The third sock was blue and had "Kagome" written across it in white letters. The fourth sock was silver and had "Inuyasha" written across it in red letters. The fifth sock was gold and had "Souta" written across it in blue letters. The sixth and last sock was purple and had "Buyo" written across it in black letters.

"Hey Kagome, what are those socks hanging from the fireplace for?"

"Oh those are stockings, not socks Inuyasha, and we each have one. Santa Claus leaves you little gifts in your stocking. Mama made you a stocking for Christmas this year Inuyasha." He smiled a brief smile. Then his amber eyes noticed a strange plant hanging from the archway in the living room leading towards the staircase. Kagome pulled Inuyasha up the stairs before he had a chance to ask about the mysterious plant.

He noticed the same type of foliage hanging from Kagome's mother's bedroom as well. Kagome peered into her mother's bedroom to find it was dark and empty. Next they went to her grandpa's room. Inuyasha noticed the same weird plant hanging from the old man's doorway too. Kagome's grandpa's room was dark and empty just like her mother's room had been. Kagome led Inuyasha to Souta's room. He saw another one of those weird plants hanging from Souta's doorway.

Souta's room was dark and empty just like her mother and grandpa's rooms had been. "Well I wonder where they went? I guess it's just you and me Inuyasha." The two headed down the hall to Kagome's room. Inuyasha's amber orbs widened as they caught sight of yet another one of those strange plants.

Kagome opened her door and flicked on the light. Inuyasha followed her into the room. He glanced back at the weird plant and decided to ask Kagome what it was. "Hey Kagome?"

"Yes Inuyasha?"

"What are all those weird looking plants hanging from all the doorways in your house?"

"Oh those are called mistletoe."

"Mistletoe?" She nodded and gigged at his funny expression. "What the hell is mistletoe supposed to do anyway?"

"It's not really supposed to do anything Inuyasha. It's just a decoration, but there is something you're supposed to do if you stand underneath it."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Kagome grinned broadly as she decided she would much rather show Inuyasha than try and explain it to him. She grabbed Inuyasha's hand and dragged him back over to the doorway. "Kagome!" Kagome silenced the hanyou by standing on her tip toes and crushing her lips to his. She felt Inuyasha relax and slip his arms around her small waist. Kagome opened her mouth to allow Inuyasha's tongue entrance.

Their tongues dueled playfully as their kiss lingered. Kagome was the first to break their kiss to get some much needed oxygen into her burning lungs. Inuyasha stared down at the raven haired miko in shock. "What was that for Kagome?"

"It's what you do when you're standing underneath mistletoe." He grinned broadly showing off his fangs to her.

"I think I like this mistletoe stuff." Kagome gave a small whimper as the hanyou pulled her into another passionate kiss. She felt his hands slide down from her waist to her backside. Kagome moaned against Inuyasha's mouth when he squeezed her backside. Inuyasha smirked against Kagome's mouth when he heard her moan. He began to walk over towards Kagome's bed not bothering to break their kiss. Kagome was barely aware that they were even moving.

She felt Inuyasha's hands leave their place on her backside. They came up and pushed her onto the bed breaking their long kiss. Kagome felt the air being pushed from her lungs as Inuyasha fell on top of her. His weight pinned her to the soft mattress beneath them. She felt Inuyasha begin to place open mouthed kisses along her slender neck. "Inuyasha?" He silenced her by placing a finger on her lips.

Kagome felt as Inuyasha began tugging at her sweater. She surprised herself when she sat up to allow him to pull the sweater over her head. Kagome sat before Inuyasha only her green lace bra covering her milky white breasts that were nearly spilling out of it. Inuyasha could see Kagome's nipples beginning to harden beneath the thin lacy fabric. He reached out and pressed his palms against her large breasts. Kagome moaned as her nipples hardened from the feel of his hands brushing over them.

She reached behind her back and unhooked the clasp of her bra. Kagome watched Inuyasha's amber eyes widen as her milky white breasts fell out of her bra. Her pink nipples were stiff and looked very inviting to the horny hanyou. She closed her blue gray eyes as Inuyasha leaned down and took a pink bud into his hot mouth. Kagome arched her back forcing more of her breast into Inuyasha's mouth.

"Ohhhh!!" She wanted to touch Inuyasha and found herself tugging at the ties of his pants. Kagome loosened Inuyasha's pants and stuck her hand inside them. She gasped when her hand found his large and very upright arousal. Inuyasha gave a moan as Kagome's slender fingers wrapped around his aching length. Kagome gently began to pump Inuyasha's throbbing erection in her hand. She felt Inuyasha pulling her tight black knit pants down past her hips.

Kagome kicked her pants off hastily and pulled her green lace thong off along with them. Inuyasha quickly stripped off his clothes and forced Kagome onto her back. He quickly descended down to her most intimate spot and parted her thighs. Kagome's back arched high off the bed when Inuyasha's tongue darted between her folds. Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hips and forced his tongue deeper into her pulsating heat.

Kagome screamed out in pleasure at the feel of Inuyasha's tongue darting between her satiny folds. "Uhhnnnn!! Inuyasha!!" Inuyasha began moving his tongue in small circular patterns over Kagome's special place between her thighs. Kagome's blue gray eyes squeezed shut and a million white lights flickered simultaneously behind her closed eyelids. She clutched the thick blanket tightly between her slender fingers as her vaginal muscles clenched uncontrollably from her first orgasm.

Inuyasha smiled feeling very pleased with himself as he watched Kagome writhing on the mattress beneath him. He gently lapped up the honey that flowed from between her thighs. Kagome felt Inuyasha lay over her once more. His breath was warm against her cheek as he whispered to her. "Kagome, this is going to hurt a little."

"It's okay Inuyasha, I want this."

"Are you sure? Because remember it won't be a one time thing. Dog demons mate for life."

"I know Inuyasha and I want you forever. So take me." He nodded and took his thick arousal into his hand. Inuyasha guided his length to Kagome's slicked entrance. Kagome felt him part her folds with the thick head of his manhood. Inuyasha began to ease his throbbing erection into Kagome's tight passage. She felt an unfamiliar pressure between her thighs as he continued to slide into her body.

Inuyasha soon felt the barrier of Kagome's innocence. He grabbed Kagome's hips and quickly forced his thick arousal the rest of the way inside her. Kagome cried out as she felt Inuyasha's member rip through her maidenhood. She blinked and two tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes falling into her thick raven hair to disappear quickly. "Kagome, I'm sorry I hurt you. I love you."

"It's okay Inuyasha, I love you too." Inuyasha began to move inside Kagome when she let him know she was ready. It was painful at first every time Inuyasha would push his length deeper inside her swollen passage. After a few thrusts Kagome began to feel incredible pleasure instead of unbearable pain. She began to raise her hips to meet her hanyou lover's thrusts.

Inuyasha closed his amber eyes in bliss as he felt Kagome's tight walls hugging his member closely. She began to moan as she rocked her hips against him. "Inuyasha! Faster!" He nearly fell over upon hearing Kagome's request. Inuyasha began to roughly slam into Kagome's ever tightening heat. Kagome could hear the glorious sound of their sweat covered skin slapping together with each thrust. She felt heat beginning to pool rapidly in her nether regions. Inuyasha leaned down and sank his fangs deeply into the crook of Kagome's neck.

The salty and metallic taste of her blood enveloped his mouth. Kagome rocked her hips roughly against Inuyasha's member bringing him all the way inside her. She cried out as her orgasm came crashing down around her. "OHHHHH!! Y-YES!! INU-Y-YASHA!!" Kagome was so caught up in her orgasm she leaned up and bit Inuyasha's neck. His salty metallic blood trickled into her mouth immediately. Inuyasha gave one final thrust and cried out his mate's name.

"K-KA-GO-M-ME!!" His erection throbbed within Kagome's walls as his seed flooded her womb. Kagome felt the burst of hot liquid as her womb was quickly filled with her mate's essence.

"Inuyasha, I love you so much."

"I love you too Kagome." He pulled her on top of him without breaking their intimate bond. Kagome pulled the blanket up over them just incase anyone came home. She laid her head against his chest and listened to his still rapidly beating heart. Inuyasha ran his fingers through Kagome's satiny raven locks slowly. "So that's what mistletoe is for huh?"

"Well not exactly. You're only supposed to kiss the person you're standing underneath the mistletoe with."

"Well it looks like you got a little more than just a kiss Kagome." The two lovers shared a laugh and then began to enjoy their closeness after their lovemaking.

THE END! Read and review PLEASE!!