InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What's Right In Front Of You ❯ All In An Ordanary Day ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inuyasha had finally made it to his house. He had brought someone with him too.
"Inuyasha," said the woman, "How come you are not with Kagome anymore?"
"A stupid fight for a stupid reason" Inuyasha responed, in a bitter mutter.
"What kind of fight? Over what?" she asked.
"Look, Kikyou, it doesn't really matter. Kagome and I aren't together anymore and I'm with you. Doesn't that matter?"
Kikyou didn't respond. Inuyasha was acting different. As if he were on drugs or was a sex preditor. Something was wrong with him..... Kikyou just didn't know what.
Her face turned unemotional and she said, without lifting her head to him, "Why don't just watch some tv?"
In just an ordanary day.....
She dialed her mom's number with skill. She had done it so many times before.
Waiting for her mom to answer, Ayame listened in on a conversation of a fight.
"A fight?" a teacher asked in shock.
"Yeah," said another, Ayame reconized him as her last semester science teacher, he chose to be called 'professor', but Ayame loves to annoy him so she calls him teacher or Mr. , you get the picture.
The 'professor' continued, '' It was between a girl and a parent.''
Another teacher chimed in, "I heard that the parent, a lawyer-looking mother, honged her horn to get her child out. But," the teacher a brown hair mousy looking woman, adusted her glasses before continuing, "the girl must of gotten annoyed or something and yelled at the woman.
They were fighting, as I had heared from other students and the girl who had yelled at the woman, was discribed as I think... dark brown hair, very pail light-brownish skin, umm.., purple streaked hair, and today she was wearing I think they said army boots."
Ayame gasped, "That was my mom and Sunny fighting!!!!!"
Everyone turned to Ayame, who's face was as red as the lipstick on her lips.
Ayame hanged up the phone, realizing that her mom wasn't gonna come, and it was her fault this time!
Ayame dashed out the office and out the school, heading towards the park, that was over fifthteen blocks away from the school.
Sunny looked a bit dazed. First Sesshoumaru who had said himself that he hated her, Kagome, Sango, and Miroku, was talking to her. But that all happened after Sunny had fought with a scary buissiness-like woman - hell she even cussed her out!
"Kagome, Sunny," Sesshoumaru said, snapping the two out of their thoughts, "My little brother, something is wrong with him."
"What do you mean?" Kagome said in utter concern. Just because she didn't go out with him no more didn't mean that she didn't not have to care.
"Apon looking for something with I was so sure that Inuyasha had it, I found this," Sesshoumaru opened his hand a showed the girls a herb looking leaf.
"Oh my God, it's tobaco! Your brother is using drugs!!!" Sunny exclaimed, having a better knowledge than Kagome of certain drugs and herbs.
"But there's more," Sesshoumaru said. He showed them a sack... filled with powder.
"Crack? Cocain?" Sunny guessed. Sesshoumaru nodded.
"I'VE BEEN DATING A CRACKHEAD?!?" Kagome yelled.
"I guess." Sunny said, shrugging her shoulders. She was used to this kind of crap. After all, her stepfather, who was now being divored from her mother, is a drug addic.
"Look," Sesshoumaru said, hiding the items in his pocket, '' I want you guys to help me. Inuyasha is killing himself. As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm worried about my little brother. When Sango and Miroku come back, I will find out more about this brother of mine. Meanwhile, you two will see what we can do about my brothers new craze."
"But why us?" Sunny demanded.
"You can fight, and so can Sango. Miroku is good at tricking people, and Kagome, you have some sort of hold on the idiot." Sesshoumaru stated.
"He has a point." Kagome said.
"No shit." Sunny muttered.
The three slit up, and headed towards home. On the way Sunny and Kagome both jumped. They were in the alley and Sunny and Kagome were used to it by now.... But what they heard didn't sound human.
They jumped again as the sound comensed, getting louder and closer.
All of a sudden, a man jumped out right in front of them.
"Who the hell are you?" Sunny demanded. Touchy girl huh?
The man laughed. He started to walk close to them. Dispite the angry look on both Kagome and Sunny's face, they backed up away from him.
A girl, face unemotional, stood behind him.
"Naraku, we must go." she said angryly.
"Later, Kanna."
"Now." Kanna chanlanged.
With a sigh, Naraku, as Kanna had called him. Turn away from the girls to follow Kanna, but not before saying, "I'll finish this later."
"Fucking hentai." Sunny muttered as the two sprinted towards her house. It would be quiet there since her dad had left the house, leaving her mom to work and pay the bills. Of course, Sunny and her brother Sam always help too.
Tonight was different. When the girls got home, Sunny saw her brother lazedly on the couch, watching tv, and her mom with.........
"Oh my God," Kagome gasped.
"Let this be a dream." Sunny whispered quickly.
Her mom smiled. "Why hellow Kagome. Sunny, I want you to meet Naraku. Naraku might be your new daddy. Ain't that just great!?!"
How's that for a good chapter? Okay I've noticed that many people have not noticed that the chapters
A Stupid Fight for a Stupid Reason are two different chapters.
Sorry for the inconveinece. I have changed that chapter so you wouldn't get mixed up.
Also I am being nice to you guys by giving you this extra long chapter, because I'm so good (ha ha dream on...) ^_^
Well to cut it short, I luv you all and I hope you love my story and I hope you have read my new story "Daring Moves" It's quite differen's from my other works and I'll update that chapter tonight.
Ja Ne!
Sunny-chan (I go by alot of other names, but I rather like this one.)