InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Eyes Can't See ❯ Nothing Left to lose and Everything to Gain ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
What Eyes Can't See
Chapter 8 - Nothing Left to lose and Everything to Gain

A/N : HELLO EVERYONE!! I know what you're all thinking...
Well.. I had a bit of writer's block but thanks to my dear friend who tied me to my chair and forced me to write, here is another chapter.. hopefully she won't need the duct tape for the next one... That shit hurts ^^;;
Anywho! Hope you all enjoy! Lemon in the middle so watch out! Luv ya all!!



Inu yasha let out a low, human growl as he pulled himself back off the floor.

"Great," he muttered as he sat back and rubbed his nose. "Ten minutes as a human and I'm already falling down the stairs."

"Inu yasha?" Kagome's voice drifted down from upstairs. "Are you ok?"

The boy nodded, forgetting for a moment that Kagome couldn't see him at the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You still gonna get the door? I gotta finish setting up."

Inu yasha glared up the stairs, in her general direction. "Yes, I'm still gonna get the door! Give me a damn minute..." He let out a very annoyed huff as he pushed himself up. "Bitch.." he muttered.

"I heard that!"

Blind eyes blinked in surprise before he shook it off and moved slowly towards the door, cursing softly as the doorbell rang out several more times before he was able to answer. When he finally *did* manage to reach the door, he throw it open with a growl.


He wasn't expecting that right hook that caught him in the chin.

Inu yasha fell back into the livingroom, his fall stopped short by the arm of the couch. His hand reached up reflexively and rubbed his jaw.

"The hell?!"

The intruder laughed. "Well well.. I dunno what happened to you but it seems I've just gotten pretty lucky."

He growled. "What are you doing here *Hobo*?"

"Just taking care for some trash.." Another punch connected, this time with Inu yasha's stomach and he let out a grunt before sliding to the floor.

Blind eyes glanced around the room, his human ears listening for any sounds. Unfortunately, his human ears were no where near as good as his youkai ones and once again he failed to notice the boy to his left before he was sliding across the ground.

"Kuso!" he cursed, scurring to his feet as quickly as he could.

A laugh came from his left. "I don't know what happened to you," the voice was moving as the boy spoke. Just behind him, to the left again... "But the Kami must really hate you."

The voice stopped just to his right and Inu yasha took the chance to lash out at his attacker, throwing a hard punch at what he guessed was the boy's face. Nothing connected though and he's only reward for the effort was a deep chuckle and a foot to the rib cage.

He bit his tounge. His ribs ached as the kicks continued and it was all Inu yasha could do not to cry out. He attempted to roll away but without his site all he ever managed to do was roll into a more valnerable position.

Suddenly it all stopped and Inu yasha took the oppurnity to scurry to his feet again, ignoring the pain in his body.

"Kagome." he heard Houjou say to his left, his voice monotone. "What are you doing?"

Inu yasha heard the familiar sound of a bow string being pulled taunt. He'd been around enough of them in his life to know that sound anywhere and his eyes widened a bit in shock. Was Kagome going to shot him??

"Houjou," her voice replied from just in front of the blind hanyou-turned-human. "Get out."

He could almost hear the smirk in the boys voice and for once was aware of the sound of the Houjou's sneakers on the carpeted floor as he moved closer to Kagome's voice.

"Now Higurashi, your friend and I were just having a little chat nothing to-"

And then there was a 'twang' as the bow string was released.


The arrow made a sharp 'thud' as it became imbedded in the floor just beyound her prey and she watched with a morbid satifaction as a thin line of blood appeared on the Houjou's cheek.

But as quickly as the look had come, it passed into nothing as she notched another arrow and took aim again.

"I'm warning you Houjou," She pulled the string as taunt as it would go, her fingers shaking slightly but unnoticably. "I don't want to kill you but if you don't leave I will..."

Houjou almost seemed as if he could start laughing at any moment. "Higurashi! You couldn't kill a fly!" He took a step forward, slowly and cautiously. "I'm one of your closest friends, you could never hurt me!"

"I've killed before Houjou," and the conviction in her voice stopped him in his tracks. "And I've done it for less. I suggest you leave before my patience runs much thinner."

Houjou stared at her for a moment, then the blind man to his left. He snorted, a dry laugh escaping his throat.

"Letting a woman fight your battles huh? Tipical."

Inu yasha growled and moved toward the voice but Kagome stopped him.

"Don't do it Inu yasha. He's just trying to provock you."

"Well it's damn well working!" he shot back.

"Get out now Houjou, and not a another word."

The boy shrugged and moved to the door. He glanced back as he opened the door, deep brown eyes catching blank purple before he snorted again, "Fucking cripple."


Inu yasha's fist met the closed door and for a moment he debted going after the little prick to continue their fight but he knew Kagome was right. The boy only wanted to get his goat and he'd be damned if he'd fall for such a lame trap.

"Inu yasha," a gentle hand landed on his shoulder and he stiffened. "Are you ok?"

His fist clenched at his sides, opening and closing in an attempt to relieve some of his angry. "Am I ok? Am I OK!?"

He whirled around, knocking Kagome back and nearly to the floor. "Do I look ok to you?! Some gods be damn asshole *human* just broke into your house, beat the hell out of me and then walked off and you ask if I'm OK?!"

"But Inu yasha I-"

"That's just it!" he growled, a human hand running through his black hair. "You! You took care of him! YOU saved my butt! *YOU* are suppose to let me protect you and what the fuck just happened huh?! You tell me, what kind of protecter has to be protected?!"

He turned around and slammed his forehead against the front door. "I'm fucking worthless."

A long moment passed, then two. The room was quiet except for the shifting of cloth just behind him but it was just a bit too soft for him to hear in his present state.

Warm arms wrapped around his waist and he jumped slightly from the unexpected contact. Her voice was soft against his ear, her breath warm on his skin as she spoke.

"You're not worthless," she whispered. "I'd love you even if you couldn't save me from a fly. That's not why I love you.."

He sighed and relax against her, letting his hands come up to cover her against his waist.

"We're a team Inu yasha. We look out for each other and that's the way it'll aways be." She gently kissed his cheek. "Don't think of my help as something that makes you weak, think of it as my chance to protect the person I love most in this world."

Slowly he nodded - though he wasn't totally convinced - and turned to face her. His hands came up and gently caressed her cheek. "How the hell did I get a girl like you?"

She giggled and playfully smacked his chest. "Must have been something awful.."

"No," he gently ran a finger over her lips to locate them before kissing them passionately. "Must have been something beautiful..."

She blushed and reluctantly pushed him away. "Come on Inu yasha, we better get started."

The hanyou turned human smiled and took hold of the young woman's hand so she could lead him up the stairs. "The sooner we get this over with the sooner you can see again," she cheered softly.

Inu yasha only nodded, an unseen smile on his lips. 'And the sooner I can see you again..'

#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& #

The room was dark. The moon's light refused to shine and left only a few white candles to illumate the room. A young miko knelt on the floor just next to the body of a inu-hanyou currently turned human and as she stared down at him, her teeth lightly chewing on her lip in worry, she couldn't help the small bit of antispation that gripped her heart.

Her fingers tightly gripped the arrow, placing the dulled head of the arrow so that the point lingered just over the hanyou's open eyes. He's unseeing eyes did not blink, his face remained calm.

"Inu yasha?" Kagome whispered into the still night.


She very carefully leaned down and kissed the young man's forehead. "I love you."

Inu yasha said nothing but simply nodded. Kagome took a deep breath and shut her eyes.

It was time.

Chanting quietly to herself, she pulled power from every part of her soul. Pure, healing light flowed though her hands and into the arrow, gathering at the tip and waiting.

Her eyes did not open but she knew that the power was growing. With one last deep breath and a silent prayer to heaven, Kagome very gently pressed the arrow's tip to Inu yasha's eye.

His body went stiff and for a moment Kagome was afraid that he would jerk up and stab himself in the eye but Inu yasha remained still. Once she was sure that the right eye was as pure as she could make it, she gently lifted the arrow, allowing the eye to shut, and moved to the left one.

Once again she repeated her movements and chants, sending power into the eye before pulling back and allowing the second eye to fall closed as well. Drained and totally exhasted, she fell back against her bed and waited.

For along while he didn't move. Through half closed eyelids, she watched his eyelids as they clinched tightly shut and then relaxed again but never opened. She licked her lips, which suddenly seemed very dry.

"Inu yasha?" she whispered.


"Are you...gonna open your eyes?"

He started to nod but it quickly turned into a shake of his head.

"Why not? Don't you want to see?"

She watched his adam's apple bob in his throat as he swallowed, watched his fingers ball into fists at his sides. "What if..What if I can't see?"

With what little strength she could muster, Kagome pushed herself up. Burshing a hand against his cheek, she merely smiled. "You won't know until you try."

Her hanyou seemed to contemplate her words for a moment before he finally nodded. Slowly, the lids of his eyes began to part, thin strips of violet appearing between the gaps before they suddenly few open.

Inu yasha stared up at the young woman above him. He nearly choked on his own emotions as he gazed on that wonderful smile that he had missed so much over the last couple of weeks.

Trembling fingers reached up, cupping her cheek and running a thumb over those beautiful, rosy lips before leaning up to claim a kiss.

White hot and passionate, he kissed her for all he was worth. His eyes never closed, nor did hers as violet orbs studied gray. His body stilled trembled but it was with a different force, the same force that now pushed him to sit up and take Kagome into his arms.

He held her tightly to his chest, pressing her as close to his body as he could. Her eyes drifted shut as his lips moved down her neck, nibbling and licking a path, but his never left her smooth flesh. He wanted to see it all; her reactions, her passion filled movements as he made love to her with his lips. He wanted to watch her moan beneath him.

"Kagome." his husky voice moaned. His hands gripped the bottom of her shirt.

Her hands moved down to rest over his own, helping to pull the shirt over her head. "Inu yasha."

He lightly rested his forehead against her, silently prompting her to open her eyes. When she finally did, he smiled.

"I love you."

Kagome smiled back, her fingers moving to the ties of his hakama.

"I love you too Inu yasha.." she kissed his lips. "Always and forever..."

###Edited version pauses here...####

No more words were spoke. Trembling virgin hands made slow but steady work of clothing until there was nothing between them. Inu yasha moaned as his hands took hold of her succulant breast, molding them and shaping them for his hungry sight.

No part of her flesh was left untouch, no part unseen, as he studied her in the faint candle light. It was strange now, how he finally seemed to notice the little things about her; The slight golden color of her skin or the way her gray eyes seemed almost blue in the flickering lights.

His fingers lightly pinched her nipples and his own arousal grew with her moans. He wanted to do more then just see her. If anything, his time as a blind man had thought him the importants of touch and if her wrathing body below his was any indication, she understood that lesson as well.

"Kagome," he kissed her earlobe, "I want to take you.. as my mate."

She shuddered beneath him, arms coming up to wrap around his waist, holding him tightly to her. "Please..."

Inu yasha's human k-9s brushed against the tender flesh of her neck and she cried out softly. "Please what koishii?"

"May me your mate!" she begged, "I love you."

With a careful knee, he spread her legs and settled his errection at her entance. Once more, his eyes met hers, violet silently asking and grey only smiling in reply.

He entered her swiftly then, breaking her virgin barrer quietly in hopes of sparing her the pain. Kagome whimpered slightly but the pain was soon forgotten in favor of the blissful passion her partner was invoking in her body. She cried out, moaning and pleading as he worked her. Her body tensed slowly with the warm heat that curled in her belly. She couldn't keep her eyes on him but she knew that he was watching and some how that only made the pleasure that much more intense.

With a sudden cry, she threw her head back and her eyes snapped open as the core of her being exploded in light. She could feel Inu yasha driving into her harder and faster then before as her muscles clenched around him, intensifying her orgasum and drawing out his own.

With his seed spent and her body now fully exhasted, the two lovers fell to the floor, curling into each other. It didn't really matter that they were both naked, nor that the warm bed was mere inches away. They were warm in eachother's embrace though, Inu yasha did reach back and grab the blanket from the bed to cover them - no sense in letting Kagome get sick if he could help it.

Kagome smiled at him, her hand reaching up to caress his face. "I love you..."

He kissed her, gave her nose a tiny lick, before tucking her tightly against his side. "Go to sleep wench."

Happy and content, she didn't argue and merely allowed herself to fall into a dreamless sleep in her lover's arms...

#####Edited Verison picks up here#########

Inu yasha didn't sleep. He must have just sat there for hours staring in utter amazement at the young woman tucked against his body. HIs eyes took in the smooth curves of her flesh, mentally mapped out the flawless features of her face.

It was almost too good to be true and he was too afraid that falling asleep now would end the beautiful dream. He was finally with Kagome, was her mate. Though, he wasn't currently in hanyou form, he was still youkai and when his sense were intact once more he would still reconize her as his mate. His scent would still be on her and he felt a deep pride swell in his chest.

Hours must have pasted before he finally noticed the thin strip of sunlight making its way across the room. It wouldn't be long before now until his hanyou powers returned and the anticpation of smelling Kagome's freshly marked skin made him want her all over again.

Closing his eyes just at the sunlight touched him, he relished the feeling of his youkai magic creeping over his skin. He felt his ears move into place on the top of his head and felt the shift of his fingernails as they transformed into deadly claws. NOw he could hear his new mate's steady breaths and his nose was alive with the scent of their joining.

His passion was renewed ten fold as he opened his eyes to stare down at the beauty below him... And froze.

He blinked again. A trembling hand reached up to touch his eyes but once again he only proved he wasn't wrong...

"GODS BE DAMNED!" he cursed, leaping up from their make shift bed on the floor and waking Kagome in the process.

"Inu yasha?" she asked as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "What going on?"

"Gods be damned Kagome!" he cursed and she gasped as he turned angry gold eyes on her.

Blank, unseeing and gold amber eyes.

"What happened?!"

He sent a fist though the wall, cursing. "I'll tell you what happened! I'm still fuckin' blind!"