InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Eyes Can't See ❯ Shattering Bowls, Reliving Doubts ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
What eyes Can't see...
Chapter 7 Shattering Bowls, Reliving Doubts
Author : Sami-chan
Rating : PG
Author's Notes : Hey minna-san! How goes it? Well here is the next chapter of WECS where we will be getting into who was spying on Kagome and Inu at the park ^.~ OOOOO!! heehee.. either way I hope you all like it and if you have any questions or comments you'll drop me a line ^^ Thank you to everyone who has reviewed and to all of you who are still reading even thou I take forever to update ^^; Thank you for putting up with me!
Either way! Please enjoy this chapter with my complaments!
Disclaimer : I once got mistaken for someone of japanese decent but I've also been mistaken for a 10 year old so I'm gonna say there is no one I can be mistaken for Takahashi-san... So no chance that Inu will be mine anytime soon... Damn...


She couldn't help but notice the glares from the hundreds of eyes that seemed to follow her as she moved down the hallways. She sucked in a nervous breath and tried to hide the blush as she felt their eyes burn into her from every direction. She picked up her pace and ducked quickly into her homeroom, hoping to move away from her sudden evil 'fan club' but even in the familiar room the eyes were still upon her.

With a deep sigh and resigning herself to her fate, she moved over and took her usual seat next to the window.

Her eyes stayed focused on her morning tasks rather then the eyes that bored into her. She carefully removed her books from her bag, mentally checking that they were all accounted for, before removing a large book of notes.

Still ignoring the stares that had yet to relinquish their hold on her, she began to read quietly through the notes until someone behind her cleared their throat.

Looking up she smiled at her three friends. "Ohiyo minna-chan!"

"Is it true?!" Eri demanded, slamming her hands down on Kagome's desk.

She let out a small 'eep'and jumped, her startled, wide eyes staring up in question. "Is what true?!"

Yuka folded her arms, looking down on her friend like a mother hen scolding its chick. "You know damn well what we're talking about! Is it true you dumped Houjou-kun for that two-timing guy of yours?!"

Kagome blinked for a moment. "When," she raised an eyebrow, "Was I going out with Houjou-kun to begin with?"

Ayumi smiled bright, "Is he cute?"

The three girls stared at her in confusion, the totally off topic question catching them all off guard.

"Ayumi," Yuka asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Her boyfriend baka!" She turned to Kagome, a dreamy far off look in her eyes. "I wanna know if he's still the handsome bad ass we heard about before..."

Kagome giggled, drawing all attention to her once more. She smiled pleasantly to Ayumi, "Hai Ayumi-chan. He's still his usual good looking bad ass self."

"That's so wrong!" Yuka stomped her feet.

Eri nodded in agreement. "Yeah!! You know he's only gonna cheat on you again!"

Kagome sighed and turned to Ayumi, almost totally ignoring her pessimistic friends. "How did you guys know I was going out with him though?"

"Houjou-kun came in this morning talking about it." Ayumi asked, "He said he saw you at the park with some weird freak with white hair and dog ears."

Kagome gasped. "Kuso.." she cursed through clenched teeth. So that's why everyone had been staring at her, ne? Damn it.

Another question brought her back to reality.

"Is it true?" Ayumi asked excitedly. "Does he really have dog ears?!"

She laughed nervously, putting her hands up in a defensive jester. "No!! Of course not!!"


Kagome's head snapped around and she glared at the young man who had just joined the conversation. "Houjou?" she snapped.

Houjou glared down at her, for the first time looking anything other then sweet and innocent to the miko. "I want to talk to you."

She swallowed hard, almost afraid if what the man would say. She started to stand, nodding her head when a sudden piercing ring echoed through the halls.

"AH!! Where going to be late!" Yuka grabbed Kagome's hand and began to drag her away.

Kagome's eyes never left the boy who stared after her, a deep seeded fear growing in her heart. This would not be the end of what the boy had to say..


Sango grunted in pain as she turned her head back towards the gray brick wall. A steady stream of red flowed through her eye, tainting her vision as she glanced around the room. For a moment, she debated fighting against the iron chains that held her steadfast to the wall by her throat but decided it would be more a waste of energy then anything else.

Clearing her dry throat to elevate some of her discomfort, she turned her vision on her companion on the other side of the dreary cell.

Miroku sat, slumped over against the far wall across from her. He's breathing was shallow and slightly labored but he was alive, though not totally conscious. She could clearly make out the bruises beginning to form on his shoulder as it peeked out from behind a rip in his robes. He was battered, beaten, and barely alive... and it made her want to cry.

He'd tried so hard to protect her, throwing himself in front of blast after blast. Even after one of Naraku's lackey demon's was carrying the small group away he had tried to free her, but only managed to release the kit and her small fire neko.

He had tried and now he seemed to be paying the price.

Sango let out a deep, shuttering sigh as she closed her eyes and allowed her head to slip back against the cold stonewall.

Hopefully Shippou, though also badly injured, who be able to get a message to Kagome and Inu yasha when they returned. She prayed silently that Miroku could hold out until then.. and if not..

There wouldn't be anyone worth rescuing...


She knew he was there, that she was being followed. She'd been avoiding him for days.

She picked up her pace, almost jogging up the steps of her family shrine, picking up her pace slightly as she made her way around the side of the actual shrine and up to the front door of the house. He bag slipped off her shoulder and she fumbled for a moment, trying desperately to locate her keys in time.

Her fingers brushed something metallic and with a sigh of relief, she removed her targeted object from her bag.

She didn't even have time to raise them to the door...

Kagome's gasped as she felt her body spin around before a hard shove into the door forced the air from her lungs. Her large, doe-like eyes stared up into narrowed brown orbs and a look of malice flashed in the boy's eyes.

"Who is he?" the boy ground out.

She swallowed hard. "Who is.. who?"

His hands fisted around the material of her shirt and pulled her forward only to once again slam her back. "Don't play dumb with me Higurashi!" He slammed her back again. "Who. Is. He?!"

A scream escaped her lips, not so much from the pain because frankly she had felt worse and not really from fear either because things much bigger then Houjou had threatened her life before. A look of terror didn't pass through her eyes but instead they were filled with confusion and utter disbelief. She had known this man for a great number of year and never once had this part of him surfaced...

Why now?

The boy was getting impatient. His temper flared with each moment of silence from the young woman he held against the door. His gritted his teeth and closed his eyes tight. "I'm going to ask you one more time," he ground out through his teeth, "Who was the man I saw you kissing at the park?"

Houjou stumbled forward slightly as his captive, who he had been leaning against with most all his weight, shifted backwards. His eyes opened and the boy found himself staring up at another boy who stood just behind the pair.

The boy bared his fangs as his lips curled back in a feral growl and his dog like ears remained focused on the Houjou but his eyes seemed to be staring elsewhere.

"I believe," the silver haired boy growled, "You were looking for me."

Houjou looked back to Kagome who was still pinned under his weight but now, instead of the door, she was pressed back against the silver haired boy. He pulled her away from the other man quickly, tossing her onto the ground behind him.

"Is this him?!" he yelled. "Is this the freak you left me for?!"

Kagome's eyes narrowed in anger. "How can I leave you if I was never *with* you?!"

"What the hell is he?!" he moved to step towards Kagome but a clawed hand on his shoulder whipped him back around. He stared up into two narrowed golden eyes that still seemed to focus just beyond him. What was wrong with this guy?

The clawed hand moved from Houjou's shoulder to his throat in quick succession. His grip was tight and unrelenting as he lifted the boy off the ground, a deep growl covering the boys gasps for air.

"I don't know who you think you are," the hanyou growled through clenched teeth, "But you are not allowed to *touch* Kagome." He gave the boy a shake, "Is that understood?"

The boy gasped and sputtered, clawing at the hand around his throat. Somewhere in the sputtering Inu yasha managed to make out a wheezed, "yes".

He dropped Houjou to the ground where he laid out, choking as new air filled his lungs. A hand reached up and rubbed his abused throat as his slightly unfocused eyes looked up to the man before him.

"What the hell are you?!" he choked.

Inu yasha growled and ignored the boy. With a discreet sniff of the air, he located Kagome and moved over towards her very carefully. He stopped just next to her and reached out a hand.

Kagome half smiled as she looked at the offered hand. Without much thought, she reached out and took hold of the clawed appendage and pulled herself to her feet. Before she could move away though, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her in a tight and protective embrace.

"Are you alright?" he asked softly in her ear.

Kagome blushed but nodded. "Hai," she whispered back so only he would hear. "Thank you.. koi."

Inu yasha nodded as he released the girl and took her hand. "Good."

Kagome giggled softly as she leaned down to pick up her discarded bag and squeezed his hand lovingly. "Say," she smiled, "How about I make some ramen?"


The pair looked down at the boy still lying on the ground just at their feet.

Inu yasha growled. "Is he still here?"

"I'm not leaving 'til I get some reason for why *you* think you have the right to steal my girlfriend!"

Inu yasha growled and kicked the boy in the leg, not where he had wanted to kick him, but it got the desired yelp of pain. "She's not your girlfriend!" He kicked the boy again, this time managing to hit his hip.

The boy clutched his aching hip. "What's wrong freak," he sneered, "Can't you aim?!"

The hanyou growled and kicked the boy again, this time in the stomach. "How's that?"

The boy coughed, his pain filled eyes staring up at the growling hanyou above him. A light smirk played on his lips. "You're blind." he coughed. "So that's the reason.."

"Reason?" he growled.

With much effort, Houjou raised himself off the ground and dusted himself off. "She's only going out with you because she pities you.." Houjou shook his head as he turned to head for the shrine stairs. "Just because you’re a blind freak.. but no matter.. She'll get over it soon."

Inu yasha made a moved to follow the boy as he descended the stairs, intent on ripping out his living heart and feeding it back to him but a gentle hand on his arm stopped him mid-step.

"Inu yasha," her voice was soft and sweet in his ear. "He's not worth it. You know what he said isn't true."

Inu yasha let out a final growl before turning away from the retreating boy. "Keh!" He stomped back towards, what he thought was the house but only ended up running into a rather large bush.

Kagome stifled the giggle before it could escape her throat. She reached out and took Inu yasha's hand in her own and, though he protested, led him back into the house. She pushed him back on to the couch and smiled.

"I'm gonna make some ramen. Any preferences?"

Inu yasha just huffed.

Kagome shrugged and moved off into the kitchen. "Fine, guess you'll just get a surprise."

Only when he heard the distant sound of his Kagome cooking in the kitchen did he finally slump back against the couch with a dejected sigh. He wouldn't tell Kagome but what Houjou had said had really hit a sore spot. He knew that Kagome loved him, or at least he thought she did...

'I mean,' he thought, 'She always stayed with me before I was blind and she knows that soon I won't be blind anymore.. Does that mean she'll leave me once I'm all better? That this is all just something to keep my hopes up..?'

The sound of glass bumping onto wood startled the hanyou from his thoughts. His ears twisted around, trying to find a hint of what had snuck up on him.

Kagome giggled as she set down a second bowl of ramen next to the first. "It's just me Inu yasha." She gently took his hand and turned it over before picking up one of the bowls and handing it to him carefully. "Careful, it's hot."

With a grunt, he took the offered bowl and began to eat. He ate quickly though his thoughts were still not focus on the treat before him.

Kagome watched him very carefully as he ate his meal, her own forgotten for the moment. Something seemed different about him.. His ears were laid back against his head, almost like when he was sorry about something or upset and he didn't seem to be in his usual state of rapture as he devoured his ramen.

Slowly, she set down her bowl and moved to sit next to him on the couch. "Inu yasha?" she asked softly.


She placed a gentle hand on his knee. "Is everything all right?"

He visibly stiffened for a moment before his careful mask slipped back over his features. "Why wouldn't everything be all right?" He took a long slurp of his noodles, hoping that was the end of the conversation.

No such luck.

"Because you're acting weird..."

He slammed his bowl on the table, breaking it and sending several of the shattered pieces into the palm of his hands. "I. AM. NOT!" he yelled.

Kagome jumped a bit, surprised by his outburst. Her eyes drifted down to the shattered bowl and she gasped at her hanyou's bloody hands. "Oh Inu yasha!" she cried, leaping forward and grabbing his hands. "You're hurt!"

He growled and pulled his hands back. "And why the fuck would you care!?"

Kagome looked at him, the hurt evident in her eyes but he couldn't see it. "You know I care Inu yasha.. I-"

"You're lying! You don't really care!" He pointed an accusing finger in her general direction. "You only stay with me because you feel sorry for me and because you need me to protect you! It's true isn't it!?"

As if suddenly losing all of his momentum, he slumped back on to the couch, he hands coming up to cradle his head as he stared down blankly at the floor. "You don't really love me..."

Kagome felt sick. Physically sick. She was torn between comforting the crest fallen hanyou and running to the bathroom before she lost her ramen but one look at his shivering form made the decision for her.

Slowly, Kagome slid in behind Inu yasha, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she sat, perched on the back of the couch.

"Oh Inu..." she whispered softly against the back of his ear. "You actually believed what that 'boy' outside said? You really have so little faith in me?"

He gave no answer.

She hugged the shaking man close to her chest, a hand reaching up to gently rub his tender ears. "Inu yasha... I do care about you. I care about you so deeply and so much that sometimes," she blinked back the tears that formed in her eyes. "That sometimes it hurts me. When you get hurt, it's like I'm hurt. Like someone has run me through as they did you."

Very slowly, Inu yasha began to relax back against the young woman, a soft whimper escaping his throat.

She smiled and leaned forward slightly to place a tender kiss on his temple. "I do love you Inu yasha." She moved around and kissed his other temple. "Anataka suki desu, Inu yasha. Itsumo. Itsumademo."

In a quick movement, he had her pulled into his lap, holding her tightly against his chest in a vise like grip but it was gentle and caused her no discomfort. She only smiled and snuggled closer into his embrace, holding him to her just as fiercely.

"Gomen nasai," he whispered into her hair.

"Don't be." She pushed back just enough to look up into his eyes. Still the same beautiful gold that she loved but the blank expression they held made her heart break, but she pushed that felling back for now as she gently caressed his cheek. "I mean what I say though Inu yasha. I do love you, always have and I always will."

He pressed his forehead to hers, releasing a soft sigh. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"

She smiled and kissed his nose. "Must have been something awful," she teased then gasped as she suddenly remembered something.

"Oh Inu yasha!" she nearly leaped out of his lap. "Let me see your hands!"

Raising an eyebrow at the suddenly frantic young woman, he held up his hands.

She quickly examined them and let out a sigh of relief. They were not as bad as she thought they were and would probably only need a good scrub and a bandage for the night. She gently pulled the hanyou into the kitchen and began the work that she was now a pro at.

The silence was long but not uncomfortable. Kagome worked on bandaging Inu yasha and Inu yasha listened to her gentle breathing, wishing more then anything he could see her now.

"Only 2 more days."

Inu yasha nodded. "I just have to get through tomorrow night. Is everything else ready?"

Kagome nodded but then remember he couldn't see her. "Um, yeah I think so. I should be able to complete the purification without damaging you or your eyes." She stood up suddenly and dusted off her hands. "There! All done!"

Inu yasha stood and gathered the petite woman to his chest. "Arigato."

Kagome blushed. "No prob."

He pulled back then only to place a sweet, searing kiss to Kagome's lips that left her breathless. His hands gently slid down her back, moving around to rest on the curve of her hip. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth and caressed his bottom lip until it parted from the top, allowing her entrance into his mouth.

He gasped and moaned openly as his tongue came up to trace hers, tasting the sweet nectar that was his Kagome. His grip tightened on her waist, pulling her flush against his body.

Kagome shivered with want as she felt his hard member pressed firmly against her lower stomach. Unconsciously she began to move against him, rubbing him softly with her body and producing a growl from his lips.

The kiss ended then, both gasping from breath in the suddenly hot room.

"Kagome.." Inu yasha finally grunted out.

Kagome panted, "Inu.. yasha?"

He claimed her lips again before quickly pulling back and pushing her to an arms length. "I think it's time we go to bed. Tomorrow is another school day, ne?"

Kagome looked puzzled for a moment before finally have the decency to blush and turn away. "Right," she giggled nervously, "School. Well then.." She took hold of his hand and lead them both into the livingroom. "Let's get to bed! The soon tomorrow comes the sooner you'll be all better!"

Inu yasha smiled as he allowed himself to be dragged along. 'And the sooner,' he thought to himself, 'I can see your beautiful face again...'


A/N: OK! So there is the long awaited Chapter 7! I hope you all enjoyed it! Next chapter is the new moon! There will be a lemon soon too so look for it ^.~ I'll make sure I mark it clearly thou so you can skip that part of the chapter if you want ^^;
Either way, I've had a request for a translation section at the end or beginning of my stories when I use Japanese words so here you go ^^ I just want to thank you all one more time from the bottom of my heart for reading my story ^^ I really do love all the reviews I've been getting lately! Thank you so much!

OH! Also before I forget.. The whole 42 thing from last chapter...
Ok In "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" These people from another dimension, just next to ours I believe, create what they believe is the most advanced computer in the universe and ask it the answer to "Life, the Universe and Everything." They have to wait a number of years, which by the computers suggestion they use to market the whole idea and make millions, before they get the answer, 42.
Now this greatly confused the inventers of the computer because obviously this didn't work for everything. I mean 2+2 does not equal 42 so they told the computer that it was mistaken. It told them, quite adamantly that it was not they just didn't know the question.
Getting a bit upset the replied that the question had been the meaning of "Life the universe and everything" to which their computer replied that that was not the question but that 42 was the answer to the ultimate question that answered the phrase "life the universe and everything." So the inventor’s asked the computer what the ultimate question was and it said that it didn't know **BUT** it knew how to make a computer that **would** and hence they built... "EARTH"
The program was to run for several million years and just as it was coming it's completion, (Exactly 5 minutes ‘til they could get their answer) the "computer" was destroyed by the Vogons in an attempt to clear a pathway through space for an interstellar by-pass...

So as it is said.. "The answer to everything in the universe is 42.. Now don't you wish you knew the question?"

Thanks again minna-san! Have fun!


minna-san : Everyone (formal)
Gomen nasai : I am very sorry
Anataka suki desu, (name here). Itsumo. Itsumademo : I love you, (name here) I always have. I always will.
youkai : demon
hai : yes
kitsune : fox demon
miko : priestess, unusally a virgin woman
hanyou: half demon
otouto : brother
nee-chan : sister
nii-chan : also brother ^^
baka : idiot, stupid, you're an idoit/stupid...
Arigato : thank you ^^
Kami : I didn't use this word this time but I'd like to start. Kami is the word of 'God' or 'God(s)' in japanese. It is both purlar and singlar but in my stories you can assume it is the purlar.

Think that covers all for this chapter ^^ Thanks again!