InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Eyes Can't See ❯ A Walk in the Park ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
What Eyes Can't See
Chapter 6 A Walk in the Park
Rating : PG
Author : Sami-chan (AKA Belldandy-chan ^.~)
Author's Notes: Ohiyo Minna-san! How are you all?! Well *FINALLY* here is chapter 6. I'm so sorry it took so long but allow me to explain before you start throwing those bricks.. See I had both chapter 6 and 7 written last week but as I was reading them over before I posted them I realized something really important...
I hated them. ^^;;
I know that sounds weird but I really really did hate them. They didn't seem to fit with where I wanted the story to go and they just didn't seem to flow right with what I already had so I chucked them and started over. I just couldn't see other people liking them if *I* couldn't stand them.
So there's my excuse, like it or not ^^ I just refuse to put out work that I'm not satisfied with even if it does take me forever to post. Thank you to all you who have been so patient ^^ I hope that this chapter doesn't disappoint.
As for a bit of translation...

honto/honto ne : Really? (or Really.)
jii-chan : Grandpa
nee-chan or onee-chan : sister
nii-chan or onii-chan : brother
ja ne : see ya
hanyou : half breed
youkai : demon
jaki : evil air/that stuff that Naraku's always throwing around ^^;;
koiishi : lover
daisuki : (I think I spelled that right) I love you. Not quite as hardcore a confession as Aishitaru but still ^^; It's pronounced 'Dai skee' (the su is really soft and hardly pronounced)

(author note translations:
minna : everyone (it can be made either friendly (chan) or formal (san) with endings)
Ja mata : see ya later)

Ok well I think that's everything! I hope you all have fun and if you have the time please r/r! Good or bad I wanna know ^.~ Thanks again minna-san!
~Ja mata
Disclaimer : Though I walk though the valley of the shadow of 'copyright's I will fear no lawyers for I say "I don't own Inu yasha".


Inu yasha sat alone on the couch, his mind wondering into deep thought. He didn't think about anything really, just allowed his mind to wonder and distract his attention from his current situation.

The number 42** appeared in his mind for a moment but not really knowing what question it answered, he ignored it and shook the thought from his head.

Believing that he was alone, at least for the moment, he loosened his bandana enough to allow his ears an opportunity to stretch. The house was quiet. Now that he thought about it, a bit too quiet for a Sunday morning...

He blinked open his sightless eyes and sat up, trying to remember exactly when his eyes had close or when he had laid down. Shaking away the thoughts, he began to sniff the air around him, looking for Kagome's familiar scent. It only took him a moment to locate her in the medium sized shrine house.

Standing carefully, Inu yasha headed in the direction of her scent. He moved slowly through the house finally coming to a stop just in front of Kagome's door. He lightly pressed an ear to the soft wood, listening carefully.

There was male voice and he seemed to be talking to someone.

"Come on Kagome! He's blind!" the voice laughed, "You should just leave him!"

He heard a voice that he thought might be Kagome's speak next.

"But how will I tell him?"

The male laughed. "Don't bother with the dumb ass!"

Kagome laughed. "You're right! Who needs him now that he can't protect me anyway?"

Inu yasha growled as he burst through the door. "Kagome?!"

He felt their eyes fall upon him and the mocking smiles that graced their lips. "Well," the male voice sneered, "Speak of the devil..."

Inu yasha ignored the voice, turning to where he thought Kagome might be. His eyes were filled with hurt as he looked on at his best friend.

No, she's more then that.. he thought

"Kagome?" he asked softly, "You didn't mean it did you?"

He heard her laugh and felt her cold smile. "Have I ever said anything that I didn't mean Inu yasha?" He heard her move across the room, "I've decided to run away with him, because he's not weak like you are now.."

Inu yasha shook his head in disbelief. His hands shot up and covered his ears, trying to block out their mocking laughter that suddenly filled the room. "No!" he cried out, "It's not true!"


Inu yasha blotted upright, gasping for air and covered in a cold sweat. He was vaguely aware of a voice next to him.

"Inu yasha? Daijobu?"

Inu yasha fell back onto the couch, panting softly as he attempted to regain his senses.

It had been a dream. No. A nightmare.

He shuddered as a cool hand touched his face. He took hold of the hand and held it tightly to his cheek. "Kagome..."

She smiled and gently brushed the bangs from his face with her free hand. "Bad dream?"


Giggling, she took his automatic reply as a yes. She patted his legs, signaling silently for them to be moved. He comply, moving to sit up while she took a seat next to him, her hand still locked in his.

"How about you and I go out today?"

Inu yasha raised an eyebrow at her skeptically. "But what about my eyes?"

"That's not a problem. I don't mind staying close to you and anyway, aren't you tired of being stuck in the house?" She clapped both of her hands over his, "It'll be fun! Onegai?"

Inu yasha was still a bit worried. What if someone tired to take advantage of Kagome while they were out? What if some weird youkai attack??

"I don't think it'd be a good idea.."

Kagome sniffled, salty water immediately catching Inu yasha's attention. "You.. you don't want to be seen with me? Is that it?" She scooted away from him, but stayed on the couch.

She moved to stand but a hand pulled her back. She landed, quite comfortably, in Inu yasha's lap. He pulled her back against his chest and rested his chin gently on her shoulder.

His voice was soft as it whispered in her ear, "Baka. I'm the one *you're* suppose to be ashamed of.."

Kagome shuddered. "Never..." she more moaned then whispered.

He began nuzzling her neck, pushing her hair away gently until his cheek was pressed against her warm skin. "If you really want to," he said after a long moment, "We can go out."

Kagome smiled brightly, "Honto ne?!"

Inu yasha nodded.

Kagome let out a squeal of joy as she leapt from the hanyou's arms. "I'll be right back!" she cried as her feet pounded their way up the stairs. "I have to get ready!"

Inu yasha sighed, flopping back against the couch. 'Oh gods', he thought, 'what have I gotten myself into...'


Shippou laughed as he darted through the large meadow, a giggling taijiya at his heals. To his left, Kirara mewed happily as he passed her the ball they were currently trying to 'keep away' from Sango.

At the edge of the large field, Miroku watched the three with a soft smile and a twinkle of happiness in his eyes. There was something special about the scene before him.

Something about the scene made him think of children of his own.

His eyes wondered over to Sango who had now caught up with the small neko youkai and was tickling her into submission while a kitsune kit jumped on her back, attempting to free his partner in crime.

Something about that woman, about how she gave all her attention to the kit. Something about how she lovingly smiled at him and handled him, made the houshin long to know what it would be like to see *their* children playing like that with her. Sure, he had asked other women in the past to 'bare his child' but it had only been a question then.

With her, it had meaning.

With a deep sigh, he stood and headed over to the trio who had now given up their game in favor of heading home for lunch. He walked just behind the small group, his mind deep in thought.

Sango glanced back over her shoulder, surprise to have 'seen' Miroku before she 'felt his presence' on her rear. He seemed to be deep in thought and for a moment she wondered what had the usually hentai houshin so distracted.

"Sango-chan!" Shippou called as he bounded just a head of her. "I bet I can beat you back to the village!"

Sango laughed. "You're on!" She turned to Kirara, a bright smile on her face, "Are you ready?"

A small mew was her reply before the small neko took off running.

"Hey!" she giggled, "That's cheating both of you!"

Miroku smiled as he continued after the playful group. 'Yes,' he thought to himself, 'We could be very happy together..'


Not one member of the happy group noticed the dark eyes watching from the shadows. No one heard the sound as she moved to follow. No one even noticed when she was so close, she could reach out and touch them...


A shiver ran down Kagome's spine. 'That was the strangest feeling..'

"You cold?"

She turned, a bit surprised, to the man beside her, having forgot momentarily that he was there. She smiled and shook her head. "Iie. Just a shiver I guess." Shrugging the feeling off, she took in her new surroundings.

After leaving the shrine ground, Kagome and Inu yasha had just starting walking. They didn't really pick a direction or destination, just merely enjoyed the feeling of the cool spring breeze against their skin.

Now that Kagome was taking the time to look she noticed that they had made their way into a heavily wooded park. The fresh buds on the trees, promising new leaves by summer, gave the area a feeling of warmth and life, beckoning travels into its depths.

With a content sigh, she leaned against her traveling companion and felt the hand that she had been leading him by tighten around her waist. The pair walked deeper into the tree line, a comfortable silence falling between them. They had travel together for far too many years to let silence bother either of them for it was only natural on long trips.

Kagome's eyes wondered through the trees, focusing on nothing inparticlar, until something caught her eyes. With a gasp she darted towards the object, breaking free of Inu yasha's hold and leaving him on the path.

Startled and a bit concerned at the miko's sudden departure from his side, he called out to her.


When there was no answer he called again.


There was still no answer.

His hands reached out into the darkness, a swell of panic rising up from his stomach.

"Right here!"

His ears twitched in the direction of the sound. "Where's here?!" he called back, trying to sound more angry then panicked.

Someone was running towards him. A quick sampling of the air told him it was Kagome before her hand took hold of his.

"Oh Gomen! I was so excited I forgot!" She moved to pull him with her, "I saw this-" She let out a gasp as she found herself suddenly pulled backwards into a strong body.

Inu yasha's arms wrapped tightly around her waist and held her close. She felt her breath catch in her throat as he nuzzled the hair away and pressed his cheek against the soft curve of her neck.

He let out a sigh of relief before frowning. "Don't worry me like that," his husky voice reprimanded.

Kagome shuddered. His breath was too close to her ear. "Go-gomen nasai." She swallowed a lump that began to form in her throat as his tongue began to lap at the skin of her neck.

Her skin was so inviting. The scent of it, the feel of it against his own. He almost hadn't realize what he was doing until the sweet taste that was her's assaulted his sense, making him forget all else. He closed his eyes, enjoying the heavenly taste.

Her stuttering voice caught his attention once more. "Inu yasha..?"

"Kagome..?" he asked into her neck, his fangs accidentally brushing over the sensitive flesh.

A deep shiver of pleasure ran down her spine, lighting a fire in her blood. In a swift movement, she turned in his arms and pulled him into a deep, searing kiss.

A deep moan escaped the hanyou's lips, allowing her probing tongue to enter unhindered. Her hands tangled in his silver hair, moving up to slide the bandana that hid his ears away.

He gasped, his head falling back and breaking their kiss, as her hands began working at his ears. His hands reached up and gripped her shoulders tightly, pushing her suddenly back.

She whimpered in protest and attempted to move back to him.

He continued to hold her at arms length while he attempted to calm his racing heart. "Kagome we need to stop."

She whimpered again, "Why?"

He shuddered as she moved to press against him. "Because," he said, trying to ignore the soft perky breast pressed against his chest. "Because if you don't I'm going to do something you might regret."

With a sad sigh, Kagome took a step back but kept hold of one of his hands. A long, silent, moment passed between them.

"Then you regret it?"

He blinked. "Regret what?"

"Kissing me?"

She gasped, finding herself once more in his strong arms, his warm gentle lips caressing hers. Before she had time to react, he pulled away and gently caressed her cheek.
"What do you think?"

A silly grin tugged at her lips as she steadied herself against Inu yasha. She giggled and his blind eyes looked at her quizzically.

"What's so funny?"

"My knees feel like jelly." He chuckled and she blushed, belittling herself for saying such a silly thought out loud.

He wiggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. "Damn.. I knew I was good but.."

She laughed and swatted his chest playfully, "Jerk."

He laughed and hugged his beloved miko tightly to him and kissed the top of her head. "Bitch."


A pair of soft brown eyes hardened as he watched the two lovers on the dirt path. He watched as the woman he had trusted with his heart kissed the tall stranger, deeply and passionately, as if nothing else existed.

He gasped as he watch the bandana fall away from the man's head and a pair of tiny white ears stood in its place but they were pushed to the back of his mind as once more the pair lock together in a searing kiss.

He shook his head before looking again to make sure he wasn't seeing thing but they were still there.. And his heart was still breaking.

"Kagome.." he said softly. "How could you?.."


The lights in the living room had been off for hours. Alone in the darkness of the quiet house, two lone figures sat, one curled up on the couch, the other leaning against it. Both were lost in their own thoughts about the day’s earlier events.

"Kagome?" Inu yasha whispered. "Are you awake?"

"Hai.." she turned over to face him.

Inu yasha shifted his body around until his face the young miko. He brought his hand up and she gently guided it to her cheek, nuzzling it softly. He smiled slightly before clearing his throat.

"Umm... Kagome? About earlier."

He felt her stiffen but her voice was calm when she spoke. "Hai?"

"I.. well that is... I just want..." He took a deep breath but his word came out in a sound just above a whisper. "Daisuki..."

There. He had said it. He had laid his heart on the line. Now he just prayed to every kami he could think of that he hadn't made a huge mistake.

Kagome blinked, trying to decide if she had heard the hanyou correctly. A look of surprise and joy flooded over her features as the words finally rang clearly through her mind. 'I love you.'

She leaned forward, her lips centimeters from the soft white triangle that was his ear. Her voice was gentle and loving as it blew across his ear.

"Daisuki... Inu yasha"

He turned back to her slowly, a hopeful gleam in his blank golden eyes. "Honto?"

Kagome laughed and grabbed Inu yasha's arm, pulling him onto the couch with her. He situated himself so that he was laying down next to her, facing her with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist.

"Hai," she kissed his nose. "I love you too."

In an instant, he had captured her lips in a deep and passionate kiss. She returned the kiss, adding her own passionate fuel to the growing fire.

His hand traveled up to gently cup her cheek as he pulled back, gently ending the kiss. His finger tips lightly brushed over her face, as if memorizing it by feel.

Kagome smiled and closed her eyes, enjoying his soft affection. It wasn't long before he noticed her even breathing and knew she had fallen asleep.

At that moment, he wanted so badly to watch her sleep. He wanted to watch her pale red lips gently part as they took in each life giving breath but, the darkness held him tightly in its grip.

'Just a few more days,' he reminded himself, hugging the petite woman in his arms. 'Just a few more days and I'll be able to see you again.. koishii...'


** a/n : For those of you that don't get the reference read "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". It's a great book and really funny! And it'll explain the whole "42" thing ^^ If you don't feel like reading the book and just want me to type the passage that explains it, review and let me know and I'll just add it to the end of the next chapter thou I really think that everyone should read it cause it really is good ^^
Another good book? 1984 ^^ Awesome book that coined the phrase "Big Brother is watching you.." It is, however, a very political book and not very funny at all. Thou it is a classic ^^
One more? How about almost anything Anne Rice? Her vampire series was great ^^ (thou I'm only half way through it myself ^^;;) And "The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty" is a great choice for any of you more demented hentai fans out there ^^
Oh! And I can't leave off without at least mentioning "To kill a Mocking bird" (Not funny but still very good) and I think the name of the book is "The Divine Human Comedy" thou it's been a *LONG* time since I read that book and I haven't seen a copy of it since... It's based on the 'messageners of death' in WW2, the guys that had to deliver the telegrams that said that someone's family memeber had died in the war. Very sad book but very good! If you find a copy, read it ^^
Anywho! I think I've babbled enough here ^^ If you need more books to read let me know ^.~ And I'll try to get a chapter out to you soon! Hope you all have a great day!