InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the fans think ❯ Gueshoo's Opinions ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

LOTSHA: these belong to gueshoo

Inuyasha: He's ok. Mean sometimes. Put is cool when he fights. Needs to learn a few manners. Not that bad. He cares, even though he tries not to show it. ^_^ Luv the ears!!

Kagome: My favorite character. I'm sitting here waiting for her to learn her powers. I hate the fact that the people make her seem weak. I think in the end of the series she'll be a bit more powerful.

Miroku: Needs a leash. He's a pervert. And needs to get a few things cut off. He is pretty funny though. I love it when people hit him. I find it amusing.

Sango: Cool. She can handle herself. She isn't that bad, got a cool weapon too. I want one.

Kikyo: I'll refer to the dead one. Hate her. SHE TRIED TO KILL KAGOME! I would say I want her to die, but she's already dead. Sometimes I wish she were alive, then I could kill her.

Sesshomaru: I thought he was a she. Kids at my school would call sessho a he-she. Gay wad. And, he's sorta cold. But, I think it's funny when he hurts Jaken.

Shippou: One word. Just one word. *CUTE*! ^_^

Kaede:Not half bad, helps Kagome. Doesn't think Kikyo should be around.

Naraku: Don't you see the pattern? All of the evel people wear either eye shadow, or eye liner. Creeps me out. Takes off his clothes too often. *shudders*

Myoga: Wimp. Like you said, he needs a back bone. Gets on my nerves sometimes.

Jaken: Toad boy? Whast about him? Ugly. He and Kikyo should hook up.

Rin: Cute. ^_^ She seems nice. I haven't seen very many episodes with her in it though.

Kouga: I've only seen one episode with him in it. Dumb cartoon network. I know what happens in all of the episodes. Such nice spoiler sites. ^_^ What I do know about him is that, I guess he's ok. He's a little thick. He needs to learn what the opisite of yes is. He doesn't know what the word 'no' means.

Kagura: What I do know of her is that Naraku controls her with her heart. I know that she does run a bit too. Right? I can't really say that much. I don't really know about her.

Kanna: Doesn't talk. Same here. Don't really know about her to say.