InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Brings ❯ Break Up To Make Up ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1 - Break up to Make up
He did it again. He once again made the mistake of saying something he shouldn't have said, resulting in Kagome's voice screaming, “SIT!”. This was the last straw. They had gotten into another one of their silly arguments. Without thinking, Inuyasha said, “I'm tired of saving you all the time when I could have already finished off every demon here in the feudal era. You just get in the way and slow me down. Why can't you be more like Kikyo was, you ARE her reincarnation”. Inuyasha's temper had yet again gotten the best of him. He had hurt Kagome in one of the worst ways possible to her… he compared her to his old beloved Kikyo. Kagome was so sick and tired of having to take in all of Inuyasha's hurtful words. Inuyasha knew he had said something wrong, therefore kept quiet. With his face in the dirt and Miroku, Sango, and Shippo flashing him dirty looks, he felt the guilt take over him.
`Oh, why me? Damn it all! Can't I ever say the right thing? Feh, I'll always wind up in the dirt`, Inuyasha thought to himself.
Kagome ran as fast as her legs could carry her to the well and jumped inside. She didn't want Inuyasha to see her tears. But with his keen sense of smell, he could smell them from miles away, causing him even more grief. He was angry at himself for hurting her so bad, even though unintentionally.
`Can't she tell how much I love her? She knows how when I'm angry I say things I don't mean yet she still runs away thinking I'm mad at her. I could never be mad at her no matter what”.
And these were Inuyasha's true feelings, coming from his heart, but never being able to admit it to Kagome or anyone else. Having to watch Kagome flee from him, tears in her eyes, killed Inuyasha inside. He couldn't bear to live with the thought of making her upset and unhappy.
Meanwhile back home at the dinner table, Kagome was very quiet around her family. She didn't want to show them that she was upset.
“Mom, may I be excused?” Kagome said.
“Yes, is there anything you want to talk about?”, Her mother asked.
Quickly getting on the defense she said, “NO! its nothing! Just leave me alone.”
And with that, Kagome ran up to her room. She just wanted nothing more then to get Inuyasha off of her mind but with everybody asking what was wrong that would be impossible. She hopped onto her bed, diving face first into her pillow hugging it tight and nuzzling her face into it, as if it was that amber-eyed hanyou. As much as Kagome wanted not to think about it, nothing would stop the memories from running through her mind.
`Why do we always have to get into these stupid fights? They are so pointless, yet we both let it get to us so much but this time he just took it too far.`
As thoughts raced through her mind about her and Inuyasha, a new song had began to be announced on the radio. It was then that she realized she left her other portable radio back in the feudal era along with her yellow backpack. She was in such a rush that she just took off without bringing back any of her belongings. Kagome thought about going back to get her stuff, really just to have an excuse to see Inuyasha. But the thought of seeing him after their argument would have been awkward for her to go back so quickly.
“This next song is called `Crazy' by KC & JoJo”, Kagome heard. She turned up the volume and tried to listen to the words, trying to let any thoughts of Inuyasha escape from her mind.
Sango eyed the hopeless hanyou, knowing that he'd be way too stubborn to go to Kagome's time and apologize. Inuyasha just spent his time sulking very subtly as so no one would notice that he missed Kagome. He smelt her scent, causing him to jump off the trees and follow wherever the sweet aroma led to. He let out a huff as soon as he saw that it was only the yellow bag that carried her scent laid out on a blanket along with her radio. The radio was left on and he decided to lie down by it and inhale her soft scent. His ears twitched as he heard, “This next song is called `Crazy' by KC & JoJo”, Not even knowing, that the same song was being listened to by Kagome back in her time.
“Baby I, apologize
For all the things that I've done, that I've done
See I know, I've been a fool
For far too long
Baby you don't have to, go and run away
Just come back to poppa
Please baby, baby won't you stay
If you really love me, then why are you leaving me?
I can't think, think about this crazy day
I lose sleep, just to daydream about you baby
I'm goin crazy crazy crazy just thinkin about you lately
I'm goin crazy crazy crazy just thinkin about you lately
I'm goin crazy crazy crazy crazy
Thinkin about you lately
I'm goin crazy crazy crazy crazy
When I can't touch you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy
When I can't hold you
Crazy crazy, when I cant see you again”
His soft, amber eyes shot open after hearing those sweet lyrics that were now stuck in his head.
`I can't believe it. All this time I never could explain in words how I felt about Kagome, and that song just sang out all of my feelings for her. If only she knew though`.
Inuyasha laid back down, shutting his eyes, letting those words just seep into his mind and his heart as his own feelings really began to surface.
Kagome was too busy sobbing to hear any of the words from the song no matter how hard she concentrated. As soon as she settled down, she listened carefully to each and every lyric.
“I finally realize
That you are my true love
And I had a lot of time to think
And you're all I seem
to keep think, to keep thinking of
Now I know I need you
Each and every day
I cant live without you
So don't run away
Baby you said that you love me
So why did u leave me
Why why why why?
I cant think
Think about this crazy day
I lose sleep
Just to daydream about u baby

I'm goin crazy crazy crazy just thinkin about you lately
I'm goin crazy crazy crazy just thinkin about you lately
I'm goin crazy crazy crazy crazy
Thinkin about you lately
I'm goin crazy crazy crazy crazy
When I can't touch you
Crazy crazy crazy crazy
When I can't hold you
Crazy crazy, when I cant see you again
If I could see u again I would go
If I could see u again id go crazy
And after hearing just a few simple verses, Kagome ran down the stairs, fled out the door, and ran to the well. The song made her realize that she couldn't just let a simple fight ruin a great relationship like this. After all, meeting someone like him doesn't happen everyday.
Inuyasha got up after the song ended and simply questioned himself of whether or not he would have enough bravery to go and apologize to Kagome for what happened. He ran over to the well but was too deep in thought to realize the branch laying out in front of it. He stopped short, but not short enough to miss tripping over the branch. He was sent flying over the well, leaving a nice new bruise on his poor little head. He was a bit dizzy, but shortly after recovering, his vision became clear again and he saw Kagome climb out of the well.
“Uh, Kagome .. I .. uh ..” was all Inuyasha managed to babble out.
“Shh, don't say a word”
A confused Inuyasha sat quiet, trying to predict what was exactly going on. Kagome slid over to his side, leaned over towards him, and lightly planted a soft kiss on his lips. Inuyasha couldn't believe what had just happened.
`She kissed me! I screwed up and she still loves me. I just wish I could explain to her the love I feel for her. After all, I'm the one who's always messing up. I wish I could just stare at her like this all day. She looks so beautiful`
This time he did end up in the dirt, but for the better. Kagome, now being on top of the hanyou, came to her senses and began blushing severely, only causing Inuyasha to blush as well.
“I really am sorry.. for the fight and all.. I didn't mean to say the things I said to you Kagome..”
`Oh no.. maybe she had forgotten about the fight we had.. what happens if I just reminded her about it.. what if she decides to leave me.. then I'll never have the chance to tell her how I feel..`
Kagome just flashed him a reassuring smile, sending chills up his spine and placing a warm smile on his face. Just as she was about to lean in for another kiss, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye…
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Please review my story when you get the chance! When I get reviews I know I should continue updating my story because I'll know that people want to read it! Thanks =)