InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Brings ❯ Encounter With Kikyo ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2 - Encounter with Kikyo
“Kikyo? What are you doing here?” Inuyasha said as he got up.
Kagome kept her distance, still crouching on the ground by the well.
“I should be asking you the same question”, Kikyo answered.
“What's that supposed to mean?!”
“Usually you're following around that pitiful girl back in her era like the dog that you are”, Kikyo shot back.
All Inuyasha could do was let out a deep growl after hearing such a comment from Kikyo.
“You shouldn't even be here Kikyo! I mean your friends down in hell are probably waiting for ya”.
He could tell this made Kikyo angry from the expression on her face.
“I'd keep that sword handy if I were you”, Kikyo warned.
And with that, she walked away, disappearing into the forest.
“I wonder what that was all about… well, whatever it was I sure didn't like the sound of it…” Kagome said, apparently a little shaken up by Kikyo's words.
“Yeah… me neither…” Inuyasha answered back.
Inuyasha helped Kagome up and they both walked back to the village where they were greeted by Sango, Miroku, and Shippo.
“Kagome! I'm so glad to see you back!” Sango remarked cheerfully.
Yes and I can see the two of you made up”, Miroku snickered.
Inuyasha and Kagome looked in opposite directions and both turned bright shades of red.
“Yeah Kagome, I really missed you! I can tell Inuyasha did too because of all his sulking and moping and—” Shippo was cut off.
Before he could finish his sentence, Inuyasha pounded him in the head. This left everyone to hear the sound of Inuyasha's growl, Shippo's wincing, and Kagome's soft giggle.
“I should tell you guys, we ran into Kikyo by the well…” Kagome informed.
“I don't see anything good coming of this, I can tell you that much”, replied Miroku.
“Me neither… what'd she say Kagome?” Sango asked inquisitively.
“She basically hinted that we should watch our backs, as if to give us fair warning of something.”
Inuyasha just stood there appearing lost in thought.
“Are you okay Inuyasha?” Kagome asked feeling slightly concerned.
He didn't answer.
“Inuyasha??” Kagome said a bit louder and very uneasily.
“Oh what? …yeah… I'm fine”, Inuyasha answered back unpersuasively.
Night soon fell and they all decided it would be best to stay overnight in Kaede's hut. With Naraku's incarnations after Inuyasha and the gang and that encounter with Kikyo, it seemed like a good idea. After about two hours or so of walking, they were all back at the village.
“So Kagome, ye are saying that ye had a run-in with my sister Kikyo?” Kaede asked a bit surprised.
“Right, and I have a feeling that Naraku is behind this”, Kagome assured feeling confident with her opinion.
“I think it would be best if we all kept out weapons nearby just in case”, Miroku suggested.
“Kilala will keep guard with you Inuyasha” Sango confirmed.
Inuyasha just sat with his arms crossed, staring at the blazing fire. Ever since that little incident by the well he seemed to be unfocused.
“Inuyasha has seemed to be a bit dazed since we met up with you and him”, Miroku said to Kagome. “I wonder if he's okay”.
Kagome didn't answer. She just glanced across the room at Inuyasha, wondering what thoughts were crossing his mind.
The silence was broken due to a loud bang coming from outside and the startling screams of villagers. Panic and fear filled the air as quickly as ever. Inuyasha jumped to his feet. Just as he was about to grab Tetsusaiga, him and the rest of the gang blacked out.