InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Brings ❯ Memories ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 6 - Memories
Inuyasha entered the room Kagome was in and paced back and forth, muttering to himself. Shippo stared at him intently, his eyes following Inuyasha's every step from one side of the room to the other.
“What are ya starin at?!” Inuyasha grumbled.
“Uh… nothing!” Shippo responded as he quickly looked in the opposite direction.
“Feh”, Inuyasha mumbled. He was in no mood to put up with Shippo.
“Why isn't she better yet, Kaede?” Shippo asked worriedly.
“It takes time for the herbs to kick in but she should be awakening soon”
“It's been hours!” Shippo whined.
“Aye Shippo, but all we can do is wait” Kaede said.
From the corner of Inuyasha's eye, he could see Kagome slightly squirming and fluttering her eyes gently. As soon as he caught a glimpse of this, he rushed over to her side.
“Kagome? Are you awake?” Inuyasha asked softly.
“Y-yeah. I'm awa- *GASP*” Kagome trembled.
“What's the matter??” Inuyasha questioned.
“Uh, well, its nothing. I'm fine” Kagome quivered and swung her legs off the table, ready to get up and move to the far end of the room away from Inuyasha. Only she hadn't totally regained her strength so she whimpered in trivial pain.
“No, don't move. You should continue to rest. You were really badly injured and shouldn't be moving without tons of rest”, Inuyasha said in a doctor-like manner. He lightly patted Kagome's back, urging her to sit back down but she resisted.
“I said I'm fine”, Kagome blurted irritably.
Inuyasha noticed a look of discomfort in Kagome's eyes, almost as if she feared him, but he couldn't understand why.
`Why is she looking at me like that? She has never looked at me like that before`, Inuyasha thought to himself, uncertain of the look Kagome was giving him.
Kagome held her side and wobbled over to the other side of the room to sit down by the fire. Shippo scurried over and accompanied her while Inuyasha tried to figure out what he did wrong.
`I don't understand… maybe she's just a little out of it from what happened to her. Or, or maybe, maybe she had a fight earlier with Sango and it just put her in a bad mood. Yeah, that's it. A bad mood. That's all. No… that cant be it. I've never seen that look on her face in all the time that I've known her` Inuyasha sat down and stared at the ground trying to recall what he might have done to set her anger off.
Meanwhile, Kagome sat Indian style in front of the fire, feeling better as the healing herbs started to really kick in. She had a frightened look plastered on her face and stared into the fireplace. Shippo took notice to her petrified appearance and wondered what she could possible be thinking about.
`Why was he worried about me when I had regained consciousness when he is the one who tried to kill me in the first place?` Kagome thought to herself. This dream she had in her unconscious state had become her reality. She didn't realize that what she dreamt about was nothing but a figment of her imagination
`Oh, its too obvious… Kikyo probably ditched him again. Too bad she didn't pin him back up to that tree. Wait a minute… what am I saying? No matter what he did to me, I do still love him and I cant even deny that to myself.` Kagome then glanced over at Inuyasha. Inuyasha sensed eyes on him and looked back at Kagome. Kagome was quick to look away from him and back into the fire which Inuyasha definitely noticed.
`I just feel so uncomfortable around him now. Thank goodness that terrible stare he gave me over by the well when he tried to hit his Tetsu-` All of a sudden chills ran up and down her spine. Shippo could feel her whole body shake as he lay upon her lap but still he laid quiet leaving Kagome to her thoughts.
`Well, thank god that look has changed. He looks so sincere now when he gazes at me. But he cant just expect me to forget that. What does he think, that I'm dumb?! Does he think I'm going to just forget that he wanted to kill me?!` Kagome slammed her fists into the floor startling Shippo and causing him to jump out of her lap. Sometimes she let her anger get that best of her.
Kagome let out a long sigh. `Oh well, I came here to find the jewel shards and I'm not going to leave until I do. It's my fault we are on a search for them anyway… and… well, I don't really want to leave inuyasha… even if he wanted to hurt me…`
And that's when she realized. He wanted to hurt her. Or so she thought.
Shippo was getting tired of not knowing what was going on with Kagome and why she appeared to be so uptight. It wasn't like him to keep so quiet under such circumstances.
“Kagome…” Shippo said softly. Kagome was still deep in thought.
KAGOME, This time Shippo shouted which caused Kagome to snap out of it.
“What's wrong, Shippo?” Kagome asked.
“I should be asking you that. What's been up with you? You've been acting pretty strange if you ask me”
“Nothing's the matter”, Kagome lied. She turned her back to him.
“Not the way I see it”, Inuyasha said after eavesdropping. He stood up and started approaching Kagome.
“Really, its nothing Shipp-” Kagome said with her back still facing what she thought was Shippo until she turned around and realized it was Inuyasha. Kagome let out a frightened gasp.
“Oh really? Then tell me, why is it whenever I move toward you, you back away from me?” Inuyasha interrogated in an annoyed voice. His warm, amber eyes showed his true sincerity and confusion.
She stood up preparing to back away even more but the fire was right behind her leaving her with no where else to go.
`Why is she acting this way?` Inuyasha wondered.
For the last time, nothings wrong! Now move!” Kagome ordered but didn't move from her spot. She feared that Inuyasha would hurt her again.
“Not until you tell me what's really wrong!” Inuyasha shouted.
“MOVE!!!” Kagome demanded clenching her fists and squeezing her eyes shut. She would've stamped her foot but she didn't want to trigger his anger. As if screaming at him wasn't enough.
WHAT'S YOUR GOD DAMN PROBLEM?!!” Inuyasha screamed stepping closer to her.
All of a sudden, memories of her blood splattering in the meadow she was in and Inuyasha aiming his Tetsusaiga towards her started replaying in her mind. Kagome did the only thing she could think of.
“Demon! Behind you!” Kagome shouted pointing over his shoulder.
Inuyasha turned around but there was no demon. The only thing he saw was Kagome running out of Kaede's hut. Inuyasha noticed her scent was still sweet but it was also mixed in with the scent of pure fear.
Inuyasha would've gone after her if it weren't for Shippo who jumped on him and clung tightly around his head and wound his hands around Inuyasha's eyes.
“Let her be, Inuyasha! Cant you see she's upset?! Just give her some time to cool off. Obviously she didn't want you around right now I mean who could blame her.” Shippo squealed.
“Why I outta!!” Inuyasha threatened. Shippo yelped and hid behind Kaeda as she walked into the room.
“What's all this commotion?” Kaede asked with Sango and Miroku trailing behind her.
“And where's Kagome??” Sango questioned looking around the room.
“Feh, who cares. I don't need Kagome around here anyway”, Inuyasha lied. Good thing he sat down and closed his eyes because his amber eyes could give away the slightest bit of emotion he was feeling just by looking into them. He truly wanted to go look for her but he was way too proud… and way too stubborn.
Kagome was running non stop through the forest trying as hard as she possibly could to hold back her tears. She eventually tripped over a tree root that stuck out a bit from the tree's stump. It was no use getting up because she was just too weak being that she wasn't completely healed.
Kagome lay limply, staring into the night sky and listening to the owls. Red eyes lit up all around the forest. She knew it wasn't safe to be out at this time of night by herself and unarmed. The forest was always full of demons and in her condition she couldn't fend for herself. Thoughts of what just happened replayed in her mind.
Suddenly, her eyes widened. She recalled a vague memory that had taken place not too long ago.
The place of Naraku's so called illusions of death was filled with demons. Inuyasha was fighting Kaida in an open field with Sango and Miroku near him ready to help if needed. Kagome didn't have a bow and arrow with her so she was useless in this situation. Kagome backed up a little into the forest to keep out of danger from Kaida who tried to harm her.
Kagome had a strange feeling within her. She was too distracted by a weird aura that surrounded her body to focus on the fight between Inuyasha and Kaida. Kagome quickly heard a rattle in the bushes and trees in the forest. She could've sworn she saw someone pass by abruptly but couldn't figure out who… and the last thing she knew, she blacked out. That person… so familiar…
Another IdeA!! - - she quickly heard a rattle in the bushes n behind the trees n saw someone pass by abruptly but could figure out who. (KIKYO) , , kikyo used a few of her soul collectors to go into Kagome's body n as she passed out from tetsusaigas hit she made her have that vision in her sleep . . . her and Kaida planned it together but she didn't expect Kaida to die so she had to work alone into getting kagome to distrust inuyasha.