InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Brings ❯ One Strike From Tetsusaiga ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5 - OneStrike From Tetsusaiga
“Hahaha, I guess I do know you pretty well, seeing as to how my plan worked perfectly. I knew you would strike your pathetic, weak sword at me.” Kaida laughed as she transformed into dust and floated away.
Inuyasha was trying to take this all in. Because of that stupid demon Kaida, Kagome was now on the verge of dying.
“WIND SCARRRRRR!” Inuyasha screamed as he lashed Tetsusaiga in the air at Kaida just before she escaped from the barrier. Kaida's ashes began to shrivel up into pure air.
“No! How could this be? How did--”, but before Kaida could finish she was nothing but air. Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga combined with Kaida's power was enough to break the barrier. But after that incident, Inuyasha stood there motionless.
He was in utter shock with his eyes widened overwhelmed with the scent of Kagome's blood. He ran as fast as he possibly could over to Kagome followed by Sango, Miroku, and Kilala.
“KAGOME!!!!” Inuyasha screamed. He stared at her while she lay on the ground bleeding and unconscious. “I'm so sorry for doing this to you, Kagome. I'm so sorry”.
Inuyasha leaned over Kagome and took her in his arms, pressing her lightly against himself. A small tear gently made its way down his cheek as he gritted his teeth. His bangs covered his glossy eyes. Emotions were usually something Inuyasha had the better of but not at that moment.
Sango and Miroku jumped off from Kilala's back and Kilala transformed back into her tiny self. They both kneeled down on the ground and stared in terror at what they all thought to be a dead Kagome.
“Inuyasha, you didn't mean for this to happen. It isn't your fault”, Miroku said comfortingly while Sango wept quietly.
“OH YEAH? HOW IS IT NOT MY FAULT? IT WAS MY TETSUSAIGA, MY WINDSCAR THAT HIT HER!” Inuyasha shouted, his watery eyes now visible.
Kagome's eyes began to flutter a bit until she finally opened them very slowly, seeing all her friends crowded around her. Being a human, they didn't expect her to survive a strike from Tetsusaiga.
“W-what happened?” Kagome asked as she tried to get up. She fell back down holding her side as she squinted from the piercing pain.
“Don't get up, you're badly injured”, Inuyasha said, relieved that she was alive.
“I am so glad you are okay!” Sango cried.
“We must quickly get you over to Kaede's village. You lost a lot of blood, Kagome.” Miroku proclaimed.
“I don't understand. How did all this happen? I don't remember a thing”, Kagome whimpered.
“No time to talk. Miroku, help her onto my back”, Inuyasha ordered. Miroku cocked an eyebrow up and grinned.
“Uh, on second thought, Sango you help her onto my back.”
“Inuyasha, this is no time to get overprotective. I can get Kagome on your back”, Miroku insisted. With that, he gently picked up Kagome secured her on Inuyasha's back, quickly groping her.
“Miroku if Kagome wasn't on my back right now, you wouldn't have legs to walk on”, Inuyasha snarled.
I'd help you out in doing that, Inuyasha”, Sango remarked irritably. She grabbed her boomerang and swung it under Miroku's calves, causing him to fall to the ground.
Well, at least I know she cares enough about me to get jealous…” Miroku whispered under his breath.
“What was THAT, Miroku?” Sango scowled.
“Uh nothing my sweet Sango!”
That's what I thought!” Sango said as she stuck up her nose and walked away.
“Would you guys stop bickering for cryin' out loud? We have to get to Kaede's!” Inuyasha exclaimed fiercely.
Sango and Miroku hopped onto the transformed Kilala. In a matter of seconds, Inuyasha was racing over to Kaede's village with Kagome on his back and Sango and Miroku following closely behind on Kilala.
Kagome began to slip in and out of consciousness. Soon she was completely out cold.
*Out of consciousness*
Kagome found herself in a meadow. It was very foggy but she could still see the wild flowers that surrounded her. The place looked oddly familiar and very beautiful. She giggled and fell back into the dandelions. As soon as she sat up, she felt an unbearable pain. Kagome glanced behind her at the white dandelions that were now spattered with bits of red. She looked to see that it was her own blood. There were marks on the ground, deep strips made in the ground from something that led out into the field.
As she followed the path of the marks in the ground with her eyes, she could see the bone eaters well. Right by it was Inuyasha. Kagome called out to him, but he said nothing. Something scared her about him. He didn't answer, but he gave her this look. This glare. It frightened her yet she didn't know why. He didn't even blink. He just glared at her. She was too weak to move from all the blood she was losing. Then from out of the well appeared Kikyo. Inuyasha grabbed Kikyo's hand and helped her out of the well.
“Did you do it?” Kikyo asked.
“Yeah, she wont be alive for much longer”, Inuyasha guaranteed, patting Tetsusaiga in its case.
Kagome realized what she hadn't wanted to know. The strips in the grounded were markings from Tetsusaiga. Markings that aimed for her. She couldn't believe it. Inuyasha tried to kill her! Kagome started to become numb.
*Back in consciousness*
Kagome felt wind hitting her face but was too weak to really understand what was going on. She looked down only to realize that she was on Inuyasha's back and a feeling of panic took over her. She let out a slight gasp due to the fear that now besieged her and because of her lack of blood.
As soon as they all reached Kaede's hut, Inuyasha rushed Kagome inside and gently laid her across a small mat on the floor.
“Kaede!!! Where is the old hag?!!” Inuyasha screeched.
“Kaede!” Sango and Miroku yelled in unison.
“What bothers ye?” Kaede asked concerned.
“Kaede! Kaede! Come quick! Kagome is badly injured!” Shippo squealed.
“Oh my. How did this happen to her?” Kaede asked while she examined Kagome's badly wounded body.
“Well you see, Inuyasha hit her with his wind scar when he was trying to kill the demon Kaida”, Shippo ranted.
“That's enough, ya little weasel”, Inuyasha fumed as he hit Shippo on the head.
“I am just trying to figure out how the poor girl survived such a brutal hit” Kaede wondered out loud.
“Well she does still have the jewel shards around her neck. Thank goodness for that because otherwise she would have been dead. The shards must have put up a barrier around her that was enough to protect her from Tetsusaiga taking her life but not strong enough to leave her unharmed.” Miroku assumed.
“Sango, do me a favor and please go get some herbs for her. They should help her to heal as well as plenty of good rest”, Kaede assured.
“I'm right on it”, Sango affirmed.
“I'll go with you”, Miroku suggested.
“Fine, but no funny stuff or the herbs will be needed to heal YOU.”
“What do you think I am, my dear Sango? Some sort of pervert?”
“You took the words right out of my mouth…” Sango murmured.
Miroku and Sango ran off into the woods to go find some healing herbs. Meanwhile, Inuyasha, Kaede, Shippo, and Kilala watched over Kagome.
Arg, what's takin' so long?” Inuyasha asked impatiently.
“They should be back soon”, Kaede guaranteed.
“Is Kagome going to be okay?” Shippo questioned sorrowfully.
“OF COURSE SHE WILL YOU PEST!” Inuyasha shouted and with that, he stormed out of the room.
“What's with him?” Shippo inquired.
“He is just worried about Kagome's well-being and health. Just give it time and everything will be back to normal”, Kaede said comfortingly.
Sango walked through the door with herbs and Miroku with a handprint across his face.
“Well, I cant imagine why you would have such a large handprint across your face Miroku”, Shippo teased.
“I merely tripped and fell onto my dear Sango, that's all.” Miroku lied.
“Uh huh, and your hand happened to find its way over to my ass, right?” Sango bawled.
“HMPH!”, Sango yelled loudly as she handed Kaede the herbs and walked out of the room.
“What can I say? My hands have a mind of their own!” Miroku joked.
“I'll just give Kagome these herbs and we will wait it out”, Kaede announced.
Now all they would need is time.