InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Brings ❯ Illusions Of Death ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 4 - Illusions of Death
Something told Inuyasha and the others that this wasn't going to be easy. All the group could do was stare intently at the barrier before them. Inuyasha used Tetsusaiga to try and open it with no luck. They were all in disbelief of how easily they got in but how difficult it would be to get out. Tetsusaiga wasn't strong enough yet to break through so they would have to find another way to get out.
“What are we supposed to do now?” Kagome questioned bitterly.
“Well, I doubt Naraku and his incarnations trapped us in here alone. We're going to have to look out for what lies ahead of us.” Miroku assured.
Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Sango all headed back into the forest, weapons ready for use in case of danger. As they walked deeper into the forest, a large cracking sound came from the ground, startling the creatures in the trees.
“We meet again Inuyasha. My illusions of death gladly await you. Words of wisdom from me - don't be fooled or a fool you will be”, Naraku chuckled, finding much amusement in his own little riddle with his only intentions of it being to confuse them all.
“I don't like the sound of that”, Inuyasha said with his hand grasping Tetsusaiga.
The ground beneath them began to crack, first slowly then gaining speed.
“KILALA!” Sango screamed with Miroku at her side.
Kilala swooped down but only had time to pick up Sango and Miroku. Kilala wouldn't have enough time to reach Kagome and Inuyasha.
Inuyasha and Kagome began to run for dear life but the ground swallowed them up in a matter of seconds. They kept falling for what felt like an eternity. Kagome looked at Inuyasha as they continued to fall and he slowly began to fade until he completely disappeared. Kagome panicked in fear and started to call out to him, her echoed voice being the only thing that responded. The same went for him, and she disappeared before his eyes.
Soon after, they both hit the ground, still thinking that they were invisible to the eyes of the other and in different areas of that mysterious forest. Kagome got up and brushed her skirt and sleeves off of all the dirt that powdered onto it from the impact of the fall.
“W-where am I?” Kagome stammered. “Oh no, I'm lost. GREAT. There's nothing I'd love more than to be by myself in a strange forest, defenseless, and trapped inside Naraku's barrier.”
There was a rustling sound in the bushes which caused Kagome to jump. She quickly turned around only to come in contact with Kaida.
“Wha-? What are you doing here? Inuyasha killed you!” Kagome cried.
“Hah, as if I would let that half breed kill me. Of course his precious Tetsusaiga was too weak to break through Naraku's barrier being that you are still here.”
“I don't understand this all, how can you be here? I saw it with my own two eyes that Inuyasha killed you. Wait a minute, you're just an illusion! Just like everything else in this forest! Don't think I forgot what Naraku said about all these `illusions of death' as he likes to call it”, Kagome alleged.
“Ah, I see you are wiser than you appear to be. But I may be wrong based on the fact that you are unarmed”, Kaida smirked.
Kagome stood there with fear in her eyes knowing that she had no sacred arrows to use if by any chance she was attacked. Kaida stared down at Kagome who was rendered powerless and watched her as she desperately hoped that Inuyasha would come and save her. Before she knew it, Kagome was sprinting away from Kaida who swooped her sword down at Kagome and barely missed her head.
“INUYASSSHHHAAA!” Kagome screamed flailing her arms in every direction.
Kagome stopped, extremely out of breath, by a misty stream. As much as she wanted to keep running she just couldn't anymore. Kaida wasn't chasing after her anymore so she figured the illusion had vanished. The sight before her was beautiful with pink and white tree petals swaying in the light breeze. Kagome wished she could have a better view of the sight she was so entranced by but the mist was too thick. She sat down on a log by the side of the stream and tilted her head back on the tree behind her as she regained her energy.
Inuyasha took a hard bump on the head when he fell. As soon as consciousness hit, he was up and about ready to find Kagome and the others. Out of nowhere, a large bear demon came behind him with his paw ready to strike but he wasn't quick enough for Inuyasha. Inuyasha turned around and swung his sword through the demons body. The bear demon began to vanish right after.
“Well, that was easy enough. I almost forgot about Naraku's deathly illusions. That bear demon was probably one of them. I hope Kagome is alright. I bet she is seeing some strange illusions, too”, Inuyasha said to himself.
He walked off holding the handle of his sword as he leaned the top of it across his shoulder. He came across a small stream, the air filled with fog. It was so different from all the other parts of the forest. So peaceful and calm. He wished it could always be how it was there. There was a figure on the other side that he couldn't make out because of the thick miasma. He squinted really hard until he could finally see who it was. Kagome.
Kagome was in a daze, watching the small currents of the stream and staring at her own reflection in the water. All of a sudden from the other side of the stream, she could see Inuyasha's reflection as well which startled her a bit.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome squealed as she sprang up from the ground and hopped across the stones over the stream to Inuyasha.
`Oh wait a minute, nothing has been real in this forest, it's probably just another illusion to trick me` Kagome thought to herself disappointedly.
“Kagome, its you! I was really worried about you”, Inuyasha admitted. Kagome could see the concern that filled his amber eyes. He then pulled her into a tight hug which to her felt unreal.
`This MUST be an illusion… the Inuyasha I know would never show so much affection`, Kagome thought a little disheartened. `But for some reason I just cant seem to pull myself away from his warm embrace, even if it is just an illusion.`
Kagome was smitten. She wrapped her arms around him, never wanting to lose such a moment.
Inuyasha was so overjoyed in finding Kagome by the stream. He felt a certain comfort in that forest, knowing the she had to be one of the illusions, which made his usually well-hidden feelings for her show.
Inuyasha was completely infatuated, more than he had even been with Kikyo. Inuyasha slowly released her from his loving clasp and held her hand. He took his index finger on his other hand and lightly began stroking her cheek. An adoring smile slowly crept over both of their faces.
How could that illusion be so fake, yet feel so real? They let go of the moment, knowing that the image of the other would soon fade away just like everything else they had encountered in the forest.
Miroku and Sango panicked trying to think of ideas of how to get them out of the ground. They had made several attempts to get into the ground but nothing worked. Miroku then noticed a small crack in the ground, hidden by the shadow of the tree.
“Kilala, fly down over by that tree”, Miroku gestured.
“What's going on Miroku?” Sango asked.
“I see a small crack in the ground. The large bang before that sucked up Kagome and Inuyasha somehow left few small openings that could possibly lead to their location.”
From the darkness of the ground emerged Sango, or what appeared to be Sango.
“Inuyasha! Kagome! I know a way out!” Sango shouted.
`Great, more illusions`, both Inuyasha and Kagome thought to themselves.
`Well we should follow just in case` Inuyasha figured.
They ran after Sango, trying not to lose her. She came to a tree which had what looked like a jewel shard partially tucked away inside a piece of the bark.
“If we touch that, we will be out of the forest in no time at all”, Sango assured.
“Where's Miroku?” Inuyasha questioned.
“He is already out of the forest waiting for us. I was already out but I came back for you guys”.
“How'd you get back in here, Sango?” Kagome asked curiously.
“That's not important, now come on!” Sango said forcefully.
“DON'T DO IT!”, Miroku shouted from outside of the crack.
Inuyasha and Kagome both quickly placed their hands away from the counterfeit jewel in the tree which left an angry expression on the illusionary Sango's face.
“The real Sango is up here with me!” Miroku assured while Sango peaked her head out.
“That imposter isn't me I can assure you. Hurry out of here before anything else can get in your way!” the real Sango commanded.
Kagome and Inuyasha ran to the crack in the ground and climbed out. They looked at each other and realized how they were together the whole time after their embrace by the stream. That would mean that they weren't illusions. It was all real! Kagome gave Inuyasha a look and they both blushed fiercely. Sango noticed the redness in their cheeks.
“Uhm, what happened while you were down there?” Sango asked.
“Uh…” Inuyasha said tongue-tied.
Miroku raised his eyebrow and began to nudge Inuyasha which wasn't the best idea. Inuyasha snuffed him in the face almost knocking him out cold which caused both Sango and Kagome to giggle.
“Yeah… its okay I don't like to kiss and tell either”, said the amorous monk.
Inuyasha began walking over to Kagome with a light smile on his face. As quick as lightning, Kaida jumped down right in the middle causing Inuyasha to jump back with his weapon ready for attack.
“Haha, always ready to start a battle Inuyasha.” Kaida sneered.
“Well I guess you know me pretty well then”, Inuyasha retorted.
“Yeah, you could say that”, Kaida snickered.
I'm tired of you already. Why are you alive anyway! Time to die!”
Inuyasha slammed his Tetsusaiga on the ground and used his Wind Scar to get rid of Kaida. She jumped out of the way and the Wind Scar headed straight for Kagome. Kagome tried to run but she wasn't fast enough. Before they all knew it, she was hit.