InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Off The Beaten Path ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter One: Off the Beaten Path

You don't even know what he looks like.

The words spoken by Sesshomaru went through Inuyasha's mind for the hundredth time. Yeah? he thought to himself, What do you say now, Sesshomaru? Now that I've seen him. And you know I've seen him.

"Inuyasha?" came a voice from his side.

The half demon looked to his right to see a very concerned Kagome staring at him. How long had he been staring at the sky? It wasn't like him to do that. Inuyasha sighed.

"What's wrong?" she prompted when he said nothing.

The half demon shook his head. "Nothing."

"You can tell me. You tell me everything," she said again.

No, I don't, he thought to himself, but kept the comment to himself. He did not feel like arguing, which was odd for him.

"It's not something you need to worry about right now," he told her. "You know, you really should take these beads of subjugation off. It's not like you can't trust me anymore."

Kagome flashed him a pretty smile. "Yes, but I like not having to worry about you running off. We've been through this already, Inuyasha."

The half demon sighed. He wondered what his brother thought about all of this. What Sesshomaru thought about his little brother being controlled by a human.

Inuyasha's eyes widened at this. What was he doing thinking about his brother? Why should he care what Sesshomaru thought about him?

You have to work with him, Inuyasha! Ask him for help!

He shook his head. No. He would never ask Sesshomaru for help. Unless he wished for a speedy grave.Yet, Kagome still had some strange faith that the two brothers would eventually overcome their rivalry.

Inuyasha scoffed. Yeah, sure. As soon as Sesshomaru admits who is stronger, then Inuyasha would back down. Until then, the half demon had no reason to even look in Sesshomaru's direction. Filthy half breed.

He wondered how much of a "half breed" he seemed now. He and Sesshomaru had worked together to defeat Sounga. Together, they had managed to destroy the ancient demonic sword.

How many other things could the brothers accomplish if they merely worked together? Finding and defeating Naraku perhaps?

Again, Inuyasha huffed. Fat chance of that happening.

"You're doing it again," Kagome complained.

Inuyasha tilted his head in slight confusion. "Doing what?" he asked, not knowing what she was talking about.

Agitated, the human girl pointed at the bowl of instant noodles in his hands. Inuyasha followed her finger to the half empty bowl. Still, he was confused and managed to tilt his head even more.

Her face was a bright red when she yelled, "I went through all that trouble to make you a nice meal and you're EATING NOODLES! Not to mention, you won't even talk to me."

Inuyasha shrugged and looked at the food she had brought with her from her time. He wasn't even sure what it was. He had sniffed at it earlier and had decided he was going to eat the noodles and hope that Kagome didn't notice. Of course, he should have known better.

That's when he realized there were others around. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo sat around the blanket Kagome had spread and had been eating her food when Kagome started fussing at him. Now the three friends looked at the half demon and human, probably wondering what was going on.

Inuyasha wanted to know himself.

"Seriously, Inuyasha. Sometimes you can be really insensitive, you know," Shippo commented while putting a mouth full of what Kagome had called sushi in his mouth.

"Insensitive?! I can't help it if she can't cook a decent meal!" came out of the half demon's mouth before he could stop himself.

"Sit, boy!"

How he hated that command, he thought as he felt himself plummet quite heavily face first into the ground. His noodles spilled over his kimono.

How did this happen? One minute they had been talking about their next move and now she was telling him to sit. He remembered the conversation before his mind had wandered off. They still hadn't found Naraku. And the jewel was still mostly in shards.

This annoyed Inuyasha. He had waited so long to become full demon. He needed that jewel to do that. But, as he got to know Kagome, he began rethinking his plans.

As a demon, he had a better chance of survival. And as a demon, he could be...

What did Inuyasha want again?

Oh. That's right. He would have a place. Rather then not knowing where he belonged.

But, Kagome liked him as a half demon. She had even said so. And he had promised to stay a half demon for a little longer. Just for her. Of course, he would be a half demon... until they found the rest of the Jewel Shards. And then he could become a full demon.

To what purpose?

It seemed as if Inuyasha no longer knew. Most of his friends were human. In fact, of his... four friends, three of them were human. What did that mean? And what did it mean when he found he actually prefered to be around humans rather then demons?

Humans seemed to be far more friendly then demons. But, at the same time, they didn't live as long and they still judged based on blood. Inuyasha felt himself lucky to have the friends he had. He knew it took special people to befriend a hanyou.

The half demon looked around at his companions. Kagome sat next to him, quietly enjoying her meal. She was an odd human, dressed in her "school uniform." That uniform was enough to make even the cruelest of demons gawk. The skirt was green in color and ended mid-thigh. It didn't even go passed her knees. Her blouse wasn't much better. It was white with a green collar that tied in the front. Both garments were formfitting. Kagome, herself, wasn't bad to look at. She had raven coloured hair and beautiful blue eyes.

Inuyasha admitted, one could easily fall in love with Kagome. After all, her looks were enhanced tenfold with her personality and heart. He had known her long enough to know that she was loyal, selfless, and charming. She had a good sense of humor, most of the time, and carried herself respectfully, regardless of the garments she wore.

And she was a miko from five hundred years ahead of time. She was the most extraordinary being he had met. A mortal who knew what immortality truly meant.

Inuyasha sighed softly to himself and looked across from him. There was Miroku. The egnamatic monk who had a weakness for women. Embedded in his right hand was a curse bestowed upon him by a demon. The Wind Tunnel was a black hole that sucked up anything and everything in front of it. As time goes on, the tunnel will eventually expand and suck Miroku up along with it. He will no longer exist.

This saddened the half demon in a way, for Miroku had become a close friend of the hanyou. But, then, all humans died eventually. Sooner then any demon. Inuyasha tried not to think of how much shorter Miroku's life was from the other humans he lived among.

His gaze fell on Sango, who sat to Miroku's right. She was a beauty as well. A demon slayer who knew how to fight and protect herself. She wore her pink and purple komono and kept her long black hair down. She was extremely strong, even though her life was hell.

Inuyasha knew this. While he never really understood the idea of sibling companionship, he knew Sango loved her lost brother. And she missed him. She had lost everything she had known and loved within one fatal mistake. A demon had snatched everything in Sango's life.

Inuyasha's heart went out to the demon slayer. Silently, he vowed to help her avenge her home and family.

His attention was taken by the small fox demon to his left. Shippo completed the circle. He was a child by demon standards and the closest Inuyasha had ever come to having a little brother. He knew the fox demon looked up to him. But, he never said anything about it. It wasn't something two males discussed.

The small fox had come to Inuyasha and Kagome when Shippo had lost his father to evil demons. After Inuyasha and Kagome helped him, they let the child travel with them. After all, Shippo had no one else. Sometimes, the child was a nuisance and Inuyasha wanted him away. But, for the most part, Shippo had grown on the hanyou.

Kirara slept a little away from the group of friends. The cat demon was a companion and mount for Sango. Inuyasha didn't know much about Kirara, for she tended to keep to herself. She was extremely loyal and loved Sango very much. He knew that much. She went whereever Sango went and did everything she could to protect the human.

Inuyasha looked down at his plastic bowl of instant noodles. He really did love this stuff. He couldn't understand why Kagome had such a hard time accepting that. At least he ate the food she brought. Most of the stuff she brought was questionable to him.

"So, Inuyasha. You gonna sit there all day staring into space, or would you like to pack up so we can leave?" Shippo's voice piped into his thoughts.

Without thinking, the hanyou reached over and hit the fox demon in the head.

"INUYASHA!" Kagome shouted, jumped up from her spot and staring at him.

Inuyasha snorted and finished his noodles. He stood up and looked around. "Ready?" he asked.

They packed up their small picnic and began walked south. It seemed almost as if they'd never find Naraku nor the rest of the shards. As they walked down the beaten path, Inuyasha wondered for a moment where they would end up next.