InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Rin's Curiousity ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Two: Rin's Curiousity

Sesshomaru stopped and looked around. They had been travelling for hours and he knew Rin needed a break. While the demons could go for days without stopping, humans had a limit. And human children had even more of a limit.

He held his hand out slightly, signaling the temporary reprieve from walking. He looked over his shoulder and watched as Rin plopped to the ground. Jaken ran up to him.

"My lord, why are we stopping?" the demon asked, out of breath.

"Rin needs to rest," was all Sesshomaru said.

"You don't have to stop because of me, Lord Sesshomaru. I can always ride," the little girl suggested.

Sesshomaru shook his head. He would never understand humans. Especially not this one. No matter what, the girl was always thoughtful to others. Sesshomaru shrugged. "Ride, then. And let us be on our way," he said to her.

She gave a quick, "Yes, my lord," and mounted up on the large demon mount Sesshomaru had gotten for her use.

Once she was settled, they started off again. This time, Sesshomaru quickened his pace.

A lot of things ran through his mind. Mostly, his father and the last words he had said to him. Have you no one to protect?

Sesshomaru had no one to protect. Had no one. Looking behind him, he knew it wouldn't be much longer until he could no longer deny the small girl that traveled with him. He did not know why he protected her. Nor why he even cared. After all, she was but a human and would die within sixty or so years anyway.

But, something about the girl had kept him with her. She was his ward. And as such, he protected her. He also spoiled her. She was held in higher regard then any demon he knew, including his servant, Jaken. Not that that really meant much.

Have you no one to protect?

Sesshomaru sighed. Of course he did. He just didn't want to admit it. Admitting the need to protect someone meant admitting a weakness. And Sesshomaru had no weaknesses.

He saw out the corner of his eye as Rin rode up next to him. "My lord? May I ask you a question?" she asked, softly and kindly.

The dog demon turned his attention to the small girl. "What is it, Rin?" he asked, curiousity peaking. It wasn't like Rin to ask anything of him.

"My lord, why do you and Lord Inuyasha fight so much?" she asked.

Sesshomaru heard Jaken squeal and reprimand the girl before he fainted. Sesshomaru knew the question to be an insult, but he also knew the girl didn't know better. "He is a hanyou," he answered, as if that explained everything.

"Yes, but," she continued, still not satisfied, "he's your brother. Doesn't that mean anything?"

Sesshomaru shook his head. "No, Rin. It doesn't," he said and began walking again, ending the conversation.

"Stupid girl," he heard Jaken say as they caught up with him.

"I am not stupid, Master Jaken. I was just curious," Rin retorted, then went quiet.

It was Rin's curiousity that sent Sesshomaru back into the past. Were it not for Inuyasha, InuTaisho would still be alive. Have you no one to protect? InuTaisho had a wife and an unborn child to protect. Protecting the half breed and his whorish mother had caused the great dog demon's death.

To add insult to injury, Sesshomaru was given Tensaiga while Inuyasha sported the powerful Tetsusaiga. Even in his death, the great dog demon had favoured his human wife and half breed son. It was enough to make the most sensible demon sick to the stomach.

Rin did not know these things about Inuyasha. It wouldn't be until she was older that Sesshomaru told her any of this. For now, she was too young to understand.

"Where are you going, foolish girl?" Jaken called.

Rin pointed far to the left. "I saw something," she said, as she jumped from her mount and bounded to the object that had caught her attention.

"Rin," Sesshomaru had called to her. He turned to look at her as she picked the object up.

"It's Kagome's, Lord Sesshomaru," she told him, coming back to her two companions.

The dog demon looked at her curiously.

"It's something she carries with her," the girl explained. "She showed it to me once."

She showed the object to Sesshomaru. It was an odd object. Almost like a bracelet, the middle of it was round and had a piece of... well, it wasn't quite glass... on top of it. Under the glass were two pointers that went around a set of twelve numbers.

"She called it a watch," Rin said. "She told me it's supposed to help keep time."

"How?" The dog demon asked.

The little girl shrugged. "I think it might be magic. She tried explaining it to me, but I didn't really understand."

Sesshomaru moved to toss it, but Rin took it back. "If you don't mind, my lord, I'd like to hold on to it. Just in case we see Kagome again, I can give it back to her," she inquired.

Sesshomaru nodded once and turned back to the road. "Are you tired, Rin?" he asked. "The sun is going down and you will need to rest soon."

The girl nodded in agreement and the demon looked to his servant to set up camp for the night.