InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Through the Well... ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Three: Through the Well...

"How long will you be?" Sango asked as they reached the Bone Eaters Well.

Kagome shrugged. "It really all depends. I have a lot of tests I need to take and I'm sure my mother and family miss me. I've been gone a lot longer this time. Plus, I have to take my driving test."

"Driving test?" Miroku questioned, tilting his head.

The miko nodded. "Yeah, so that I can get my license and drive. I don't think I'll need it much right now, but it'll be nice to have. I won't have to walk to school all the time anymore."

The feudal friends looked at each other in confusion. Kagome sighed. She really didn't feel like explaining anything to them at the moment. She needed to hurry home so she could get a bath and go on to bed.

She bid them all a good bye, promising to explain to them what she meant when she got back. They conceded and waved as she put her legs over the edge of the well.

She took a deep breath and then jumped...

She didn't know what happened next. She felt a sharp pain on her side and then hit her head on something hard. The impact of the fall knocked her out.

When she woke, she found herself inside the well. But, something was different. It was dark in the well, but she felt strange. It was warm, yet fall had been present for three weeks now.

She looked around and was surprised to find a kitsune tail poking out from the ground. Cautiously, she bent over and touched it. She grasped the base of the tail and tugged.

"Hey!" a familiar voice shouted, causing Kagome to jump back suddenly and bump into something hard behind her.

She turned and saw she had bumped into a very confused and peturbed Inuyasha.

"What's going on?" she asked him.

The hanyou shrugged. "I would like to know that answer myself."

"Where are we?"

"At your home in future Japan," he answered.

Kagome nodded and turned to look back at the curious kitsune tail only to find a hurt Shippo looking at her while rubbing his rear. "That hurt, Kagome," he told her.

"I'm sorry, Shippo," she apologized.

Then, it dawned on her. "Um... Shippo?...What..."

"That's what I would like to know as well," came Miroku's voice.

Kagome stood up and whirled around to find both Miroku and Sango standing up and dusting themselves off.

"One moment we were bidding you farewell, the next, we were falling into some odd void. And now, we are here," the monk said to her. "And what's even more strange is my Wind Tunnel is gone."

"I don't have my weapons and cannot find Kirara," Sango sighed.

Kagome's eyes widened. She didn't know how they had gotten here nor what they were going to do. Sighing in slight frustration, she grabbed the ladder. "Well," she said, resigned, "might as well get out of this well and figure out what to do next."

She climbed the ladder and watched as the others cautiously followed suit.

Climbing out of the well, her shock was complete as she came face to face with Rin. "What are you doing here?" she asked, seeing that both Sesshomaru and Jaken were here as well.

Instantly, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had unsheathed their swords and stared at each other menicingly.

"Sit, boy!" Kagome said automatically.

With a shout of surprise, Inuyasha hit the floor. Sesshomaru snickered, "It doesn't surprise me that you take orders from a human."

"Would you two stop it!" Kagome shouted before Inuyasha could rebuttal. "You are in my shrine right now and I would rather it not be torn to shreds with your need to show who the better youkai is."

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed. "He is no youkai."

Kagome huffed and put her hands on her hips. "I don't care what he is. I will not have you destroy my home," she snapped at him.

If looks could kill, Kagome would have been dead with the look Sesshomaru shot her. But, the human woman didn't care.

"Kagome? Is that you dear?" came the sweet voice of her mother.

Kagome squeaked, "Yes, Mom! I'll be right there!"

She looked at the seven people before her. "You try and get back through the Bone Eaters Well while I go explain to my mother what happened."

She dashed out of the building, leaving the others to their devices and praying that the two brothers did not get into a fight in her shrine.

Her mother smiled as she watched her daughter come out of the building. It always made her happy to know her daughter was safe once again.

"Mom? We have a problem," Kagome said as they exchanged hugs. The young miko quickly explained the strange occurance as best she could, for she still did not know what had happened.

"Well, if your friends are still down there, I would love for them to join us for dinner. Souta helped me in the kitchen today and is quite proud of the desert he made," her mother offered kindly.

Kagome smiled, "You always know how to be generous. Let me go downstairs and see what's going on."

Her mother nodded as Kagome turned around and went back into the building that held the well. Unfortunately, everyone was still there looking as confused as ever.

"Uh, Kagome..." Inuyasha stammered, "We can't get back. It's almost as if the well has sealed itself some way..."

All the colour drained from Kagome's face. "That can't be possible."

To demonstrate, Inuyasha jumped into the well. A loud crash could be heard as he hit the bottom of the well. Kagome nearly fainted. She would have fallen had Miroku not caught her.

"Steady, there," he said, righting her.

Kagome thanked him and then sighed. "I suppose you are all staying here for the night then. Until we can figure out what happened."

Jaken snorted, "Lord Sesshomaru doesn't stay anywhere if he doesn't know where he is."

Kagome shrugged, "Well, then, Lord Sesshomaru can stay in this building if he wants to be stubborn. However, my mother has just finished making dinner and has offered all of you something to eat if you are hungry and shelter to sleep for the night."

Miroku beamed. "If your mother is anything like you, I know how generous she is. We would be grateful to what she can provide for us."

Kagome gave him a grin and patted him on the shoulder. She then gestured to the door. "If all of you would step outside, I can introduce you to the twenty first century," she said, adding the date for dramatic effect.

Rin's eyes widened. "How did we get here?" Sesshomaru asked as he stepped up to Kagome.

The miko gave a nervous laugh and shrugged her shoulders. "I suppose we are all wondering that same question."

"Does this mean I have to sleep near him?" Shippo inquired, his fox nose wrinkled in slight disgust.

Kagome shook her head. "I'm sure you could share a room with Souta. He would love the company. And Rin and Sango could sleep in my room. I'll give Rin my bed and I'll make pallets for Sango and myself."

Shippo pointed to Jaken, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Miroku. "What about them?" he asked.

Kagome shrugged. "We'll figure it out once we get inside. For now, let's get out of this cold."

They stepped into the courtyard. Immediately, the companions were amazed at the building before them. It was simular to what they had seen countless times before, but the awe was there.

"You live here, Kagome?" Rin asked, her respect for the older female tripling.

Kagome smiled. "My family owns this shrine, but we live in the house."

She led them to her home where her mother, brother, and grandfather waited for them. Souta's eyes were the size of saucers when Sesshomaru entered the house. "Who is that?" he asked.

Kagome blushed. She then turned to each companion and introduced them to her family. She ended with Sesshomaru and made it a point to add, "He is Inuyasha's older brother. A full dog demon."

"A demon!" Grandpa shouted, immediately grabbing the holy water. "Begone from here you..."

"Grandpa!" Kagome shouted as she stopped him. "For one, we do not throw holy water on our guests. For two, he isn't the only demon. Shippo and Jaken are demons as well. And for three, if Sesshomaru had a choice, I highly doubt he'd be here."

The idea that Kagome had just defended Sesshomaru had made the dog demon take a step back. He would never expect, nor want, the help of a human. As it was, she was right. He had no choice in the matter. He knew nothing of where he was nor even what century he was in, by the looks of it.

Mrs. Higurashi gestured to the table. "There is room for everyone here if you would all like to be seated. Souta and I were just putting out the food," she offered.

Miroku took her hand into his. "I cannot thank you enough for all the kindness you are showing to us. I just have to say, I now know where Kagome gets her heart and looks from," he told her, kissing the back of her hand.

Mrs. Higurashi blushed. "Kagome, you do have nice friends. Thank you, Mr. Miroku. I will agree, I believe I have raised a fine daughter. I am very proud of her."

Sesshomaru snorted while Jaken snickered, but neither had said anything.

The seating was a little cramped, for the number of guests. Not liking the idea of being so close together, Souta went into his room and brought out his leggo table. He set this up for the children. He, Shippo, and Rin sat at the table. After a quick look from Sesshomaru, Jaken joined them.

The dog demon looked at the food on his plate curiously. Silently, he sniffed at it. "What..."

He was cut off by a loud clang. "Inuyasha! What are you doing?" Kagome asked.

All eyes turned on the half demon as he was rummaging through the pantry. "Where are the instant noodles?" he asked, distraught.

"I haven't been to the store yet. Kagome took the rest of them with her when she went into the well," Kagome's mother explained.

Inuyasha snapped his fingers and dived for Kagome's backpack.

"Sit, boy!"

Inuyasha fell mid jump. "Kagome!" her mother scolded. "I know I taught you better then to act so rudely. There was no reason whatsoever for you to do that to him. You owe Inuyasha an apology."

Miroku and Sango looked at Mrs. Higurashi in surprise. Shippo was too stunned to even say anything. A smirk appeared on Inuyasha's face, but before he could say anything, Kagome's mother turned on him.

"And you should know better then to rummage through someone's house as if you own the place. Didn't your mother ever teach you some manners? Now, there is plenty of food right here for you to eat. There is no need to go after the instant noodles in Kagome's backpack. That is for you and your friends when you are in the feudal era looking for those shards," Mrs. Higurashi fussed at him.

Miroku looked at Sango. "Now I know where Kagome gets her temper from as well," he whispered. Sango quietly nodded in agreement.

"Now, if Inuyasha would be so kind as to rejoin us, perhaps we could eat," Mrs. Higurashi said, darting a look at Inuyasha, daring him to argue.

The hanyou didn't argue. Instead, he took a seat between Kagome and Grandpa. He looked gloomy, but kept his comments to himself.

Sesshomaru still didn't understand the food that was placed before him. Taking his chopsticks into hand, the demon slowly picked up a bit of the rice. He sniffed it at first. It smelled a little like chicken and honey. Wrinkling his nose, he put the food in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. It wasn't that bad at all.

Mrs. Higurashi smiled. "I take it my food is to your liking?" she asked him, causing Sesshomaru to look up from his plate.

"It is not common for me to accept food from a mere mortal," he told her, and took another bite of the rice. "What is this anyway?"

"One of Kagome's favourites. Honey chicken and rice," she offered.

The dog demon nodded slowly, now understanding why he smelled the two odd ingredients. He had never known the two could be mixed and was pleasantly surprised that they were.

Inuyasha sniffed at his food and took a bite of it. It wasn't really what he wanted. He really wanted those noodles. But, he decided to humour the others, not really wanting to hear Kagome's mother fuss at him again. Something about the adult fussing at him made Inuyasha uneasy. Especially considering he never knew her to raise her voice.

For the most part, Mrs. Higurashi was a comely woman. She had short black hair and always wore nice clothes. She carried herself with dignity and spoke with a soft voice. Her love for her family was obvious and she did what she could to take care of them.

As they finished their meals, Kagome and Souta got up to clean up the table. "Kagome, why don't you and Souta take your friends into the living room? Grandpa and I can clean this up," her mother offered.

"You did all the cooking, Mom," Kagome pointed out.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded. "Yes, I did. However, you have guests and you don't want to leave them unattended. Grandpa and I will bring out the desert once we are finished cleaning up. Now, you go and help your friends get comfortable."

Kagome nodded and gestured to Souta. Her brother beamed and looked at Shippo and Rin. "Hey, Kagome," he asked, "can Shippo and Rin come to my room to play?"

Kagome's mouth quirked in a smile. "Sure. Just remember that they are from the past and won't know half the stuff in your room. You'll have to explain things to them."

Souta nodded and waved for Rin and Shippo to follow him. Rin looked at Sesshomaru. "May I go, Lord Sesshomaru?" she asked.

The dog demon gave a slight nod of his head and the girl giggled, eager to join the boys. "Jaken, go with them," the youkai commanded.

"But, my lord..."

Jaken was silenced by the dangerous glare from Sesshomaru. Sighing in defeat, the toad demon nodded his head and followed the three children. All the while grumbling under his breath about the idiocy of taking care of children.