InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Settling In ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

Linkin Park is copyright via their owner.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Four: Settling In

Kagome led her friends and Sesshomaru into the living room. Immediately, Inuyasha went to the CD rack and began thumbing through the CDs. Having been to the modern era, Inuyasha knew much more then the others.

Sango sighed in awe. "What is all this stuff?" she asked.

Kagome blushed a little and waved a hand at the couch and loveseat. She told them what they were and what they were used for. Taking the lead, Miroku stepped up to the loveseat and sat down in it. "It is very soft and quite comfortable," he said.

Kagome smiled. "Yeah. It's one of my favourite places to read," she told him.

"Sango, why don't you come sit next to me? We could then see if the chair really works," the monk implied.

Sango's eyes narrowed dangerously as Kagome shook her head. "I don't think you are getting the concept, Miroku," she told him.

"When will we be able to leave?" Sesshomaru interrupted, not liking the prattle. He wanted to go back to the feudal era and find Naraku.

Kagome shrugged. "I honestly don't know. Inuyasha and I will try the well in the morning to see if it works. But, without any real knowledge of the well, I couldn't tell you. I don't know what happened."

"Kagome! Kagome!" Rin shouted, running into the living room.

The miko looked at the little girl. "Yes, Rin?"

Rin held up her hands to show Kagome a watch. "I almost forgot to give this to you. I found it this morning and knew it was yours," she said, handing the watch to Kagome.

"Thank you, Rin. I didn't even realize it was missing," the miko replied.

She looked at the watch and a thought suddenly dawned on her. "You showed this watch to Sesshomaru and Jaken, right?" Rin nodded and Kagome continued, "So, they knew that I wasn't from your time as well. That might be why the three of you came. You had the watch, so you were connected to me."

"But, Kagome," Miroku said, "there are a lot of things that belong to you that we have. Yet, never before have any of us been able to get through the well. With the exception of Inuyasha."

Kagome sighed and nodded. "Yes, I know. That's what's so confusing. I know you didn't jump after me, so I don't know why you are even here. I just know now that it has something to do with being connected to me."

"The watch connected Rin to you?" Sango asked. After a nod from Kagome, the demon slayer continued, "And Rin is connected to Sesshomaru and Jaken, which makes them also connected to you. So, where is Kirara? Why isn't she here?"

Kagome shook her head. "I don't know."

Kagome gave a frustrated sigh and the companions went into thought. Her work done, Rin went back to the room with Souta and Shippo.

A loud noise brought everyone out of their thoughts and staring at Inuyasha. The hanyou was standing before a large box that was blaring with the strangest sounds.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted.

"How do you turn it down?" he asked her, shouting over the noise.

Miroku and Sango clapped their hands to their ears.

Kagome ran to the stereo and turned the volume down considerably.

"What was that?" Mrs. Higurashi asked as she and Grandpa came in with a large cake.

Kagome groaned, "Inuyasha turned on the stereo."

"Souta must have turned it up the other day when his friends were over," her mother said, apologetically.

"What's a stereo?" Sango asked curiously, moving towards the odd looking box. She saw an assortment of various buttons and knobs.

"It's something the modern people use to play music," Inuyasha said, showing Sango a CD. "They take this frisebee and put it inside the instrument and it plays the music that's on it."

"It's not a frisebee, Inuyasha, it's a compact disc," Kagome corrected, taking the Linkin Park CD from him.

Inuyasha shrugged and Sango looked at the compact disc curiously. Kagome handed it to her and she looked at it. "So, you put this in there and it plays music? Where are the instruments?"

"Inside the box," Inuyasah told her. "Don't ask me how they got them so small, but they are in there. So are the voices of the people who sing the songs. Modern people capture their song voices inside these little boxes and play them back."

"Sounds painful," Miroku commented, having walked to the three people.

Kagome shook her head. "It's really not. They use what's called a recorder. They record your voice, not capture it. Here. I have a recorder in my room. I'll go get it and show you what I mean."

The miko walked out of the room leaving the companions standing there in confusion. Inuyasha played with the volume button, turning the volume up a little more.

"You don't even understand what they are saying," Sesshomaru commented.

Inuyasha shrugged. "I don't really like the song for the words. The music is good."

Sango shook her head. "Doesn't really sound like music to me. More like... noise."

The monk nodded in agreement.

Kagome returned with another box. Only this one was smaller and didn't have quite as many buttons. To Inuyasha's dismay, she turned off the stereo. "Ok. Just talk like you usually do," she told them.

"Talk?.... about what?" Miroku asked.

Kagome smiled and pressed the record button.

"What does that do?" Sango asked, pointing to the recorder in Kagome's hand. Kagome said nothing, but smiled.

Inuyasha shook his head. "I can't believe you fell for that one, Sango."

Kagome hit the stop button, rewound it, and to everyone's surprise, played back what Sango and Inuyasha had just said. Inuyasha huffed as Sango and Miroku looked in amazement.

Sesshomaru approached them. "How will this help us get back home?" he asked, annoyed.

Kagome shook her head. "They won't. I don't know how to get you back home. So, until I figure out how, you'll just have to get used to being here."

Mrs. Higurashi placed the cake on the coffee table and began cutting slices for everyone. "Dad? Can you go get the children?"

Grandpa mumbled something about annoying demons, but went to Souta's room to retrieve the children.

Souta quickly explained what cake was to Shippo and Rin and then led them into the living room. The smell of sugar and sweetness came to their noses and suddenly Shippo and Rin were immensely interested.

Everyone took their plates, thanking Mrs. Higurashi while they were at it. Sesshomaru gave the cake a slight sniff and took a careful bite. Finding the sweet to be satisfying, the taiyoukai sat down in the Lay-Z-Boy and began eating.

Kagome and Mrs. Higurashi smiled as they stood back, watching the feudal people eat. "Kagome, dear, may I speak with you a moment?" her mother asked.

Kagome nodded. "I'll be right back guys."

She followed her mother into the kitchen.

"It's great that I've been able to meet your friends," her mother began. "They all seem to be really nice, aside from Inuyasha's brother and his little green companion. Though, those two seem as if they will be better as time goes on."

"That's the problem, Mom," Kagome sighed, "they can't stay here. They are not in their right era."

Her mother nodded in agreement. "What are we going to do? Have you tried the well again?"

Kagome shook her head. "I have to bring Inuyasha with me. I fear doing it myself because I do not want to end up on the other side without anyone else. What happens if I end up there and can't get back to this time?"

Mrs. Higurashi nodded in understanding. "Where will they sleep? In the shrine? Here?" she asked.

"I was hoping they could stay here. At least until we figure out what to do," Kagome told her.

Her mother nodded. "I agree. How would you set it up?"

Kagome shrugged. "I suppose Sango and Rin could sleep in my room. Sango and I will make pallets on the floor for ourselves and Rin can sleep in my bed. Shippo can sleep in Souta's room. I think Jaken could sleep there as well, though he might be better off closer to Sesshomaru. As for Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and Miroku go, they could sleep in the living room."

"I see you've thought this out," Mrs. Higurashi observed.

Kagome nodded, her brow frowned in thought. "Only thing is, I don't like the idea of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru being left in a room alone together."

"Why is that? Miroku would be with them," her mother assured her.

Kagome shook her head. "Sesshomaru and Inuyasha hate each other. If they started fighting, there is no way Miroku would be able to stop them. I was lucky to be able to stop them by the well."

"Hate is such a strong word," her mother whispered. "Surely two brothers cannot hate one another."

"They do, Mom. Though, they've learned to tolerate one another more, they cannot be left alone together. I cannot begin to tell you how many times they've tried to kill each other," Kagome confessed.

"I do not believe Inuyasha is capable of hate," Mrs. Higurashi argued. "Dislike, perhaps. But not hate. Why would he hate his brother?"

Kagome gave a smirk that showed no humour, "Because his brother keeps trying to kill him and steal his sword? Because his brother constantly reminds him that he's a half-demon? Because his brother treats him like dirt?"

"Why would Sesshomaru do that? There has to be a reason," Mrs. Higurashi pushed.

"I don't know, Mom. I'm like you. Sometimes I get annoyed with Souta, but I would never dream of hurting him. Nor letting anyone else hurt him," Kagome said with a sigh. "But, demons can be quite unreasonable."

Mrs. Higurashi was not buying it. "He and Inuyasha are connected by blood. They are brothers. Regardless of species or race, brotherhood is brotherhood. Sibling rivalry can be expected in any family. There has to be a reason Sesshomaru dislikes his younger brother."

Kagome shrugged and sighed. She sat at the table and fiddled with the table cloth. She didn't know what else to tell her mother. She knew nothing about the taiyoukai aside from the obvious. Her mother had a strong heart and would not believe that someone would hate someone else for no reason. But then, her mother knew nothing about demons.

Mrs. Higurashi placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder and hugged her. "We shall learn about it all," she assured her. "For now, I think your friends are tired. It's been a hard day for them and they could use the rest."

Kagome nodded and followed her mother back into the living room. They found the feudal people sitting in a semi circle. Sesshomaru stood off to the side with Jaken and Rin sitting at his feet. Souta was immersed in a lively conversation with Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo about the miracle of television.

Kagome surpressed a laugh and quickly put her hand over her mouth to cover her smile. Once she subsided, she spoke up, "Mother needs help getting blankets, Souta. While I help everyone here get situated, I need you to go with Mom and gather extra blankets."

Souta awwww'ed, but complied.

"Mister Sesshomaru," Mrs. Higurashi turned to the demon, "if you don't mind, Kagome and I have agreed that your daughter should sleep with the girls tonight."

All eyes went to Mrs. Higurashi as she mentioned Sesshomaru's "daughter." Kagome groaned as she remembered that she forgot to tell her mom about that.

Sesshomaru knew who the woman was talking about but was appalled at the idea of a human being his child. "Rin is not my daughter," he informed her, his voice edged in ice.

Kagome's mother looked at him curiously and then to Kagome, Rin, and back to Sesshomaru. "I don't understand. She looks so much like you..."

This caused the youkai's eyes to narrow as Inuyasha burst into laughter. "Rin is merely an orphaned human girl that I took in. She is not of my blood," he growled.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded slowly. "I am sorry I misunderstood. However, the original request remains the same," she told him.

Sesshomaru shook his head. "I will not let Rin out of my sight while she sleeps. I know nothing of your land, therefore I do not trust it. If she sleeps in there, she will have at least Jaken near her."

The toad demon looked as if ready to protest, but did not actually say anything. He knew better then to refute his lord and master.

"What a fatherly thing to say," Mrs. Higurashi teased softly, offering him a quiet smile. "Kagome's room is quite safe. There are no demons in this era to harm your small ward. If anything, you should at least trust that Kagome would not let anything bad happen to Rin."

"My answer remains the same," Sesshomaru confirmed, showing that he was not going to back down.

Kagome sighed, "Sesshomaru is as stubborn as Inuyasha. You're not going to win this arguement, Mother."

"At the very least, allow me to take the child for a bath. She needs fresh clothes to sleep in. I have some of Kagome's clothes from her childhood that would fit Rin," her mother offered, not backing down.

The dog demon's eyes narrowed, but he relented, "I want her back the moment you are finished." It had been a couple days since Rin had had a bath and he knew she needed one.

Happy that she won that arguement, Mrs. Higurashi held out her hand to Rin, which the child happily accepted. "Don't worry, Lord Sesshomaru," the little girl piped. "I'll be back shortly."

Kagome shook her head. Rin did not know what she was in for.