InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Living Modern ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Five: Living Modern

The next morning left everyone confused. Not only were they not in their own time, but their only guide, Kagome, had to go off to school. It was a Monday morning and she had two tests to take that day. Not to mention, the beginning of her driving lessons.

They sat at the breakfast table when Mrs. Higurashi looked at Shippo and Rin. "You two should be in school as well," she told them as she took a bite out of her toast.

They looked at her curiously. "What's school?" Rin asked.

Mrs. Higurashi looked up at Sesshomaru. "I'm guessing school does not exist in your time?"

The lord rolled his eyes slightly. His expression was one of annoyance.

"Then it settled. Shippo and Rin will be enrolled into Souta's school," she proclaimed. "What's your last name?" the mother asked the children.

Their confused expressions told her they didn't even know what a last name was. Mrs. Higurashi sighed. Getting them into a school would be hard without proper information. In fact, getting any of Kagome's friends anywhere would be hard without proper information.

She looked at Inuyasha. "You do not have a last name either, do you?" she stated more then asked.

Inuyasha shook his head. "Most commoners go by whatever their father's name was. Like, Opa, son of Durgan. Or, whatever city they live in. Wealthy members of society have titles."

Mrs. Higurashi nodded in understanding. "What was your father's name?" she asked him, kindly.

She knew mention of Inuyasha's father would pain him, but she knew this to be vital information. "InuTaisho," he offered her, without showing emotion.

Kagome's mother nodded. "He had a very strong name," she admired.

Inuyasha said nothing. Sesshomaru stood up and turned his back to them, walking to the archway and standing there.

Mrs. Higurashi gave a grim smile. "You'll have to make her your adopted daughter," she said, suddenly, causing Sesshomaru to turn around a glare at her.

"A mortal?" he demanded.

"She wouldn't be your blood daughter, but you would have parental rights over her. In this day and age, a child such as her needs either an adoptive parent or she'll be taken by the government. I cannot have an unattached orphaned child in my shrine. If the government finds out, they will take her away and you getting her back will be much more difficult," Mrs. Higurashi explained.

Jaken scoffed, "Only a fool would try taking Rin away from Lord Sesshomaru."

Mrs. Higurashi argued, "Things do not work the same around here as they do in your time. If you attempt phyiscal violence here, not only will they take her away for good, but you will either end up in jail, or worse."

"What's jail?" Miroku interrupted.

Kagome's mother shook her head. "You do not want to find out," she informed him. She turned back to Sesshomaru. "Adoption is the surest way to keep Rin in your care. All it is is a piece of paper stating that you are her permanent guardian."

Sesshomaru looked at the small girl who had been in his care for a while now. The idea of anyone attempting to take her away from him was laughable, but, he knew it could be done. Naraku had done it once and he wouldn't put it passed the humans to try it. He didn't know about this era, so he figured the woman knew what she was talking about.

He could very well lose Rin. He looked up at the woman. "Do you have this paper that I must sign?" he asked her.

She shook her head. "No, but I know where to get it. First, though, you must get some identification. All of you have to."

"What about the last name, Lady Higurashi?" Rin asked.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded. "I've been thinking about that. And you can call me Mrs. Higurashi, Rin."

The woman looked at Miroku and Sango. "We will tell the DMV that you, Sango, are a cousin from Kagome's father's side. You will be Higurashi Sango. Miroku, you will be Cho Miroku. It's a common name, so no one will question it."

She turned to the two brothers. "Since you are brothers with the same father, I suggest you both take on the same name."

Inuyasha looked at her. His eyebrow rose slightly, waiting for her response. Sesshomaru looked at her as well, eyes narrowed.


Inuyasha took a surprised step back.

"And, Inuyasha, I think you should adopt Shippo. You or Miroku. Perhaps even Sango. So that we can get him into school," she told them.

Shippo laughed, "They aren't my guardians."

Mrs. Higurashi looked at him curiously, not understanding. "Then, who..."

"Kagome is the only one who watches over me," Shippo finished as if Kagome's mother hadn't said anything.

"Kagome is too young to adopt anyone," Mrs. Higurashi explained.

"Sango is as well, then. They are the same age," Miroku told her.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded. "Then either you or Inuyasha will have to become his legal guardian."

Shippo pouted, "But, Kagome is my guardian. Those two idiots don't care about me."

"Sure we do, Shippo. Who watches over you when Kagome's not around if not us?" Miroku asked, giving the fox demon a hurt look.

"The most important thing right now is identifying you, Miroku. We can discuss Shippo's guardianship tonight. We've got Rin covered, so we are safe for today. Besides, Shippo is a demon and has a tail. I don't think he'll be ready for school..."

Before Mrs. Higurashi could finish, she heard a pop and looked to where Shippo sat. Before her sat a human child that looked a lot like Shippo and still wore the large bow on his head. "I'm a kitsune, Mrs. Higurashi," he reminded her. "We practice illusion and can change shape."

Kagome's mother smiled. "Well, that's settled as well."

Rin asked softly, "What about Master Jaken?"

All eyes turned to the short toad demon. Unlike Shippo, Jaken did not have the ability to hide his demonic features. And unlike Sesshomaru, Jaken's features were clearly defined with his skin a deep shade of green.

"He will help me in the shrine," piped in Grandpa, who had been silent since last night. "He will help me set things up in the shop and clean."

Jaken's already bulgy eyes widened incredibly. "Me? Clean? With a mortal?"

"Yes, Jaken. You will do such," Sesshomaru ordered the toad demon.

Jaken nearly fell over with the idea. But, he couldn't argue with the dog demon. Such a thing would be suicide.

"Father will show you to the front of the house. I'm going to go get my van from the garage. We must waste no time. Jaken, I will ask that you stay here with Shippo and Rin and watch them. Don't let them get into any trouble," Mrs. Higurashi said.

Jaken huffed, "I will not let a mortal..."

"You will do as you are told!" Sesshomaru hissed, his eyes darting dangerously at Jaken.

"They shouldn't be any trouble," the mother continued. "Rin and Shippo know where the toys are. They can play while we are gone. Or, they can watch TV. Father? Will you put it on cartoons for the children?"

Grandpa nodded in agreement and turned the television on. He then looked at the four people. "Follow me," he said to them as he led the way to the front door.

Mrs. Higurashi left out the back.

The world outside the house was enough to make Miroku and Sango gape. Never had they seen such buildings and structures. Everything about the world in which Kagome lived in puzzled and excited them.

The sound of the van caused them to start. And when Mrs. Higurashi climbed out and explained what it was, she feared Sesshomaru, Miroku, and Sango wouldn't enter it. Luckily, they did. Sango and Miroku both took window seats in the back of the van while Sesshomaru took the front seat. Inuyasha happily reclined on the middle seat.

"Seat belts," Mrs. Higurashi ordered and then showed them how to put the seat belts on and take them off.

Once everyone was settled, Mrs. Higurashi got into the driver's seat and pressed the gas pedal. Sango and Miroku watched in amazement as Kagome's world passed by them. People of all shapes and sizes walked, rode bikes, and drove large and small versions of the van Mrs. Higurashi drove. Apparently vans came in various shapes and sizes as well, but the monk and demon slayer kept this thought to themselves.

Trees could be seen standing in front of structures that were ten times taller then the trees themselves. They pulled up to one such structure and got out of the van. Inuyasha showed them how to open the side door, then showed Sesshomaru how to open his door.

Mrs. Higurashi locked the doors and then led them into the building. She knew everyone was staring at them. At the same time, she knew her company was staring at everyone else. What a strange situation to be in.

They walked up to the desk and she asked which floor the DMV was located. The secretary gave her directions and Mrs. Higurashi led the feudal people to the elevator.

Miroku and Sango stepped warily onto the elevator. Sesshomaru almost refused to get on it, until Inuyasha called him a chicken.

The demon and two humans gave a start as the elevator began lifting.... lifting!!!... them up. They reached the correct floor and Mrs. Higurashi led them to the room where the DMV was located.

"We need a birth certificate of each individual and a social security number," the secretary stated.

Mrs. Higurashi sighed, "Unfortunately, all that got lost in the fire. Is there any way we can fill out the paper work with the information?"

The secretary quirked an eyebrow, but relented, "I suppose, but we will need that information as soon as possible"

"We will go to the courthouse once we leave here and return with the information," Mrs. Higurashi promised.

The secretary handed her the correct forms and Mrs. Higurashi brought the four people to a small area of the room that had chairs. She sat down and began the tedious task of filling in all the correct information. Most of the information, she just made up stuff.

Date of birth gave her a laugh. If these people knew exactly when Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango were born, they would probably have her commited. She looked at each of the people thoughtfully and gave them each a date she thought to be good enough. She knew Sango was the same age as her daughter, so that was easy. She made Miroku and Inuyasha a little older then that, and Sesshomaru a little older then the other two males.

She did not put anything for Social Security number, for none of them had one yet. She indicated where they should sign and then brought the papers back to the secretary.

"They wouldn't want their Social Security numbers to show on their IDs anyway," she explained to the secretary.

The woman nodded. "Make sure you bring me that information before we close today."

Mrs. Higurashi agreed.

The secretary looked at the first name. "Cho Miroku?" she looked up and nodded when Miroku stepped up. She waved to a stool. "Please, sit in that stool."

The monk did as he was told. "Now, smile," she said. He gave a bright smile and then a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Startled, Miroku fell out of his chair and scrambled to get up. "What was that?!" he gasped, feeling as if his heart had been caught in his chest.

Mrs. Higurashi suppressed a laugh and grabbed Miroku's hand. "It's ok, Miroku. It was just the flash of the camera," she reassured him. She looked at the secretary. "Since the war, bright lights have scared him," she said in explanation.

The secretary nodded slowly and then piped, "Taisho Sesshomaru."

Sesshomaru raised a slender eyebrow, but did not move. "Mister Taisho?" the woman asked again, looking at the two remaining males.

Sesshomaru nodded ever so slightly. The secretary waved to the stool. Sesshomaru sat in the stool and await the ill fated flash of the "camera." It came and it took a moment for Sesshomaru to readjust his eyes. The bright light stung his eyes.

She called Sango and then Inuyasha. They took their pictures and then waited. She handed each of them their identification cards. "Where do we put it?" Sango asked, shocked that she saw herself staring back at her.

"For now, I can hold onto them. Until I can get you all proper card holders," Mrs. Higurashi offered, taking the four cards.

They got back into the van and went to the courthouse where Mrs. Higurashi again falsified things a bit for a birth certificate and then a Social Security card. She was able to get the correct names of the parents of each person, however, so she didn't feel as bad about the small lies she told.

Satisfied, she drove back to the DMV and had the four people wait in the van while she brought their information up to the secretary.

As she got back into the van, she said, "We have one more stop to make. To the adoption agency for Shippo's and Rin's paperwork."

That proved to be a little more difficult seeing as the social worker wanted to see the children in question. Mrs. Higurashi agreed to letting the social worker come to the shrine tomorrow to see the children.

That settled, the woman brought the four companions home. She decided that they had seen more then enough of the 21st century for the day.

Indeed, Sesshomaru could feel a headache begin behind his eyes as he took in all the scents, scenes, and sounds of modern day Japan. Miroku and Sango were nearly exhausted by what had turned out to be a very long day. However, Inuyasha was energized. When they reached the house, he bid them farewell, saying that he was going to meet Kagome and walk her home from school.

Mrs. Higurashi went into the kitchen and nearly plopped into a chair. She looked up at her father, who had been rummaging through the fridge. "Once Kagome gets home, we will have to have a meeting. The social worker comes tomorrow and will want to know who is going to adopt Shippo."