InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Adoption Comes With Compromise ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

Pokemon is copyright via it's owner.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Six: Adoption Comes with Compromise

"Shippo, I can't adopt you. I'm only sixteen years old," Kagome argued.

"But, you know how Inuyasha and Miroku are," he growled. "How could you let them adopt me?"

Kagome put her head in her hands. "You don't understand, Shippo. All the paper says is that, should something happen, Miroku or Inuyasha will be able to dictate what happens next. Also, it means that you would live whereever they lived. This is stuff that happens anyway. The only difference is that now it'll be legal."

"But, they won't take care of me," he pointed out. "And they won't tell me what to do."

Kagome held out her arms to the small kitsune. She enfolded him in her hug and rested her chin on the top of his head. "No, but Sango and I will. You know we have always had your best interest at heart. I will not let anything bad happen to you, Shippo. I promise."

Shippo nodded. "Alright. I guess I could let one of them adopt me. But, which one? They're both idiots."

Inuyasha growled. Miroku sighed, "Shippo, you have to choose one of us."

"Another thing," Mrs. Higurashi told them. "When the social worker comes, you have to act like you really care for one another in that way. Sesshomaru, you must hold Rin, or play with her. Like a loving father would do with his daughter. And Shippo, you must treat Inuyasha or Miroku with respect."

"It must look believable," Kagome agreed. "If the social worker thinks the child is unhappy or unloved, they may think you are not suited to be a parent."

"You want me to... play with Rin?" Sesshomaru drew out the word "play," showing he did not like the idea.

Kagome nodded. "It'll only be for as long as the social worker is here, Sesshomaru. It's not like we are asking you to continue once they are gone."

Rin jumped out of her chair and stood next to Sesshomaru. "You don't have to hold me, my lord. I'll get a ball from Souta's toy box and we can bounce it to each other."

"And don't call him 'lord,' Rin. When the social worker comes, you have to call him either Mister Taisho, or preferably 'Daddy.' We are trying to convince that you and Sesshomaru are already a family," Mrs. Higurashi stated. "Any indication otherwise may convince the social worker that Sesshomaru is unfit for you."

"Unfit? He is all that she knows," Sango told her.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded. "I understand that. But, I'm not the one that needs to be convinced."

"Will I have to call Inuyasha or Miroku 'Daddy' as well?" Shippo asked, suddenly.

Kagome gave him a look that told him what the answer was. Shippo gave a devilish smile. "Then, I choose Inuyasha! He'll be my Daddy!" he squeaked, pouncing on the half-demon.

Kagome, Sango, and Miroku laughed as Inuyasha gave a sour look.

"Now, Inuyasha, you can't look like that. You have to be happy," Mrs. Higurashi told him.

That made the friends laugh even more. "Yeah, Inuyasha. You have a son now. And you love him very much. Have loved him since the day you found him," Kagome giggled.

Inuyasha gave a low growl and plucked the kitsune from his shoulders. "When the time comes, I'll act all fatherly. I don't understand why Miroku or me didn't get a say in this."

"Because neither one of you were fussing about it. Besides, it's really up to Shippo who he wants to be with. Whomever Shippo is most comfortable with, that's who the social worker is going to place him with," Kagome told him.

"But, Kagome, I'm most comfortable with you," Shippo began arguing again.

"And I'm too young to adopt a child. One has to be an adult before they'll even consider it," she reminded him.

Shippo snorted and returned to Kagome's lap.

After dinner, they sent the children to bed. Miroku, Grandpa, and Sango followed shortly after. This left Kagome and her mother with the two brothers to discuss the adoption. They stayed up past midnight going over what was to be said and everything.

They decided to tell the social worker that while neither male had a job yet, they had just arrived and hadn't had a chance to get a job. Once everything was covered, they bid each other goodnight and went to bed.

Kagome woke up to a childish face in front of her. Shippo gave her a bright, toothy smile. "Morning, Kagome," he said. "Ready for the social worker to come?"

Kagome sat up and looked around her. Rin wasn't in the room and Sango was already dressed. The miko looked at the disguised kitsune. She was amazed at how human he looked.

The young miko offered the kitsune a smile and gave him a hug. "So, Shippo, how do you feel about getting a dad today?" she asked him.

Shippo shrugged. "He won't really be my dad. I just have to call him dad until the social worker leaves. And Inuyasha is still an idiot."

Kagome paled. "Try not to say anything like that today. Please? Do not call Inuyasha names. And most importantly, do not call him Inuyasha."

Shippo nodded, "Don't worry. I won't. But, it doesn't change the truth."

Kagome sighed, but relented. There was no use in arguing with Shippo's opinion. She softly shooed the kitsune out of the room so that she could get dressed.

"I don't think I've ever seen the fox demon like this," Sango stated, sitting on Kagome's unmade bed.

Kagome went to her closet and pulled out a rose coloured blouse and a simple black skirt. Since she wasn't going to school or the feudal era today, she didn't see the point in wearing her uniform. "What do you mean?"

Sango quirked an eyebrow. "You mean you haven't noticed?" she questioned, seemingly surprised. "He's been more attached to you then I've ever seen."

Kagome gave a nervous laugh, "Oh, that. That's just because he's in a time he doesn't understand. Once we are back in the feudal era, he'll be fine."

"I think it has to do with this whole adoption thing," Sango observed, laying Kagome's fear out before her. "The idea that he has a chance to get a parent and it can't be you. You know he looks up to you."

Kagome sighed as she slipped on the skirt and then the blouse. "He's old enough to be my little brother," she said. "It's not that I don't care for him, but he's more like a little brother to me then a son. Besides, I can't adopt him. I'm too young."

"I know," Sango agreed, "but that doesn't stop him from wishing. In all honesty, you've always been there for him. Even I can't be there when he really truly needs someone. I have too much emotional stress on my own. But you, Kagome, you have everything you could possibly need. And you have the ability to open your heart to invite others to share it with you.

"Look at everything you've done already. None of us asked you or your family to take us in. Yet, not only have you taken us in, but you are willing to help us get our lives straight. And, at the same time, you are trying so hard to help us find our way home."

Kagome gave her a weak smile. "I'm only doing what any other friend would do."

"And you consider Sesshomaru your friend?" Sango asked her, not believing it.

Kagome shook her head, confirming Sango's belief. "But, he is Inuyasha's brother. And he is stuck here because of me. I don't know why, but he's here and he needs my help."

"Do you see what I mean? You would even help Sesshomaru just because he needs the help," Sango pressed.

"Well, he did save our lives that one time. Maybe I'm just paying him back for helping us," Kagome figured.


The girls left the room and walked into the living room where the others sat waiting. On the television was Pokemon. Rin sat at the TV giggling at the cartoon while Souta and Shippo discussed the "seriousness of Pokemon."

"What time is the social worker supposed to come?" Kagome asked.

"Ten o'clock," her mother announced to her.

Kagome nodded and took a seat next to Inuyasha. She smiled at him. And then she frowned. She looked around her and frowned even more.

"What's wrong, Kagome?" Inuyasha asked.

"All of you are in Feudal Era clothing," she told him.

Shippo turned to look at her. "All except Rin," Kagome corrected herself.

Mrs. Higurashi agreed, "You should all change. We have time. It's only 8 o'clock."

"Mom, I'll see what Souta and I have for Sango and Shippo, but the guys need clothes as well," Kagome told her.

Mrs. Higurashi nodded in agreement. "We'll go to the shopping center real quick and get something. You take care of those three. Kagome, see if there is anything pretty for Rin to wear. Perhaps a cute dress or kimono from your childhood."

Kagome nodded as Mrs. Higurashi grabbed her keys. Kagome apologized to the brothers and Miroku, "I'd take you myself, but I'm just learning how to drive."

"Will Master Jaken need new clothes?" Rin asked.

Kagome shook her head. "Jaken will be with Grandpa in the shrine today. Hopefully the social worker won't even see him."

The social worker looked from one brother to the other. "Do you make it a habit to conveniently find children off the street and then decide who takes what child?"

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed at the insulting question. Inuyasha folded his arms and answered, "No, we don't. It was a coincidence. Normally, Sesshomaru and I don't even talk to one another."

The social worker's eyebrow quirked, "Do you fight often?"

Kagome quickly shook her head. "What he means is that they rarely ever see each other. They both travel and rarely come in contact with each other."

"And they've decided not to travel anymore? Tell me, Mister Sesshomaru, is this because of the child?" the social worker asked.

It had been two hours and already the meeting wasn't going as planned. Rin had fallen asleep an hour ago and Shippo had turned his attention to a video game Souta was playing. The social worker hadn't even asked about jobs yet. They were still going over the relationship between the males and the children. Apparently, the social worker did not like the idea of handing children over to single men.

"Rin goes whereever I go. She has since the day she came to me. I've had her with me for over a year now," Sesshomaru answered.

The social worker nodded. "Where does she go to school? Surely you would put her into a schooling system? A child of 7 needs her education, Mister Taisho."

"She will indeed get her education," Sesshomaru assured her.

"Why has it taken so long? And what about you, Mister Inuyasha? Why has it taken so long to put Shippo into a school? You had to have known the child was not getting an education. Especially if his parents had died and you knew nothing of any other relatives," she pressed on.

"Schooling just wasn't an option at the time," Kagome helped. "As Sesshomaru said, the children went whereever they went. It wasn't probable to put a child in school only to take him or her out a few days later. It made no sense."

"Who are you to these two men?" the social worker asked.

Kagome stopped. She really didn't know how to respond. If she said friend, the social worker would ask her to leave.

Shippo got up from his spot on the floor and walked to the adults. Without saying a word, the kitsune climbed into Kagome's lap. "She takes care of us and helps us. She stays with us when Daddy or... Uncle... Sesshomaru have to go somewhere and can't take us."

"She's your babysitter?" the woman asked.

Shippo shook his head. Rin had woken up at this point and looked at Shippo curiously. "She's our mother," Shippo told the social worker. "But, we don't call her mother because she's too young to be our mother."

"Who told you this, Shippo?" the social worker inquired, concern etched on her face.

Shippo shook his head. "No one. But, isn't that what mothers do? Kagome's the closest I've ever had to a mother. The closest Rin has ever had to a mother."

"Did she give birth to you?"

Kagome paled and nearly fainted. Inuyasha gasped and Sesshomaru's eyes widened. All eyes turned onto Kagome. "What would make you say that?" the teenager asked.

"I've seen a much deeper reaction to you with the children then I have from either one of these guys. If you are their mother, you don't have to give parental rights over to these two jerks. They are your children. Teenagers have children all the time these days. It's more common then you think," the woman told her.

"Yeah, but... I would've had to have been Rin's age to have Shippo. I'm only sixteen years old myself," Kagome told her.

"Oh," the woman stopped. "You seemed a lot older then that. But, the question remains the same. Why would you want to give parental rights to these guys when you can do it yourself?"

Kagome looked at her curiously. "I'm only sixteen years old..."

"With parental consent, you can adopt Rin and Shippo. All you need is your mother's written consent," the woman informed her.

Kagome's eyes widened as she looked down at the two innocent children.

"In all honesty, I would much rather see them go with you rather then two feuding brothers who don't even have jobs. Plus, you have a more stable life. These two travel a lot and the road is a dangerous place for children. Not an appropriate place to raise them," the social worker explained.

Kagome shook her head, "No, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru are more suitable. They are both adults and are more responsible. I'm just a teenager who hasn't even finished high school yet."

The social worker nodded her head. She went over everything she had written down. "There is a problem, Miss Higurashi," she told her. "I cannot give custody of these children to these to men."

Kagome paled considerably. From the other side of the room, Sango and Miroku froze. Mrs. Higurashi and Grandpa stopped as well and turned to look at the social worker. Tears filled Rin's eyes as Shippo looked down. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed dangerously and Inuyasha placed a hand on the hilt of his sword.

"Wh..what do you mean?" Kagome whispered.

"They are too unstable. Even now, I can see how easily their tempers flare up. I cannot put children in a dangerous environment. It would be unfair to the children. If..."

Rin gave a shout of fear and dashed to Sesshomaru. She threw herself into his arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Shocked by the girl's actions, Sesshomaru sat there for a moment, unsure what to do. Then, he did the unthinkable. He wrapped his arms around the frail child and engulfed her in a hug, trying to calm her down.

The social worker smiled suddenly. "That's what I wanted to see," she said as she stood up. She looked at Kagome. "If I were to grant parental rights to the Taisho brothers, I would need to ask a favour from you."

"And that is?"

"That you agree to be their adopted mother," the social worker asked. "They need someone to moderate the brothers and you seem to be the one for the job."

"But... wouldn't that be... awkward?" Kagome pointed out.

The social worker shrugged. "No more awkward then an aunt and uncle taking over custody of a child. And if Sesshomaru or Inuyasha or both ever found spouses, you could always either give up your right, or negotiate."

Kagome looked to her mother. "But, I need parental consent."

Mrs. Higurashi walked up to the social worker. "I do not like the idea of my daughter taking on the responsiblity of two young children. However, I have never once questioned her ability to take care of anyone." She looked to her daughter. "If you want to adopt them, I will allow it."

"And if I don't?"

"Then Rin and Shippo will have to come with me. I'm sorry Miss Higurashi, but that's just the way it has to be," the social worker stated.

Kagome watched as Rin shifted slightly in Sesshomaru's grasp. The demon and child held each other, not letting go for fear that it would be the last. Her eyes swept to Inuyasha, who sat there watching her. She did not know what he was thinking, nor did she know how he was taking all of this. She turned to her two friends who gave her sympathetic smiles. She then looked down at the small kitsune in her arms.

"I'll do it," she said, not taking her eyes off of Shippo. Shippo's mouth curved into a broad smile that reached his ears. Kagome turned back to the social worker. "But, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru has to adopt them as well. I will not be the sole provider for Shippo and Rin."


Kagome watched in amazement as they began filling out the paperwork. Just last week she was your average teenager who went to the feudal era to find Shikon Jewel Shards. Now, she was adopting two children from that very era. One was a human, the other a demon.

Kagome wondered when she would ever wake up from this dream.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Just a quick note. I do not really know how the adoption system in Japan works. I don't know all the legal stuff or anything. However, I decided to make it like this because it fit the story. If you want to read a story about the true legal system, there are plenty of books in the library. Just remember that this story here is a work of fiction and is subject to my imagination.