InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ The Act of Claiming ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

WARNING: This chapter contains a scene that is inappropriate for underaged readers. If you are under the age of 18, I suggest you skip to the next chapter. The next chapter will explain, in less detail, about what happened in this one.

Again, this chapter contains a scene that is inappropriate for underaged readers. Thank you for your coorperation

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Act of Claiming

Kagome felt a small hand touch her face. It was warm and comforting. She gave the hand a smile. She felt warm all over. Life was bliss for her and she felt as if she had just gotten the jackpot out of it.

The young miko opened her eyes to see the bliss laying next to her. She had thought the little girl was awake, but upon inspection, she could see the child was still sleeping. She gently slid the child's hand off of her face.

She looked further and saw the demon lord asleep next to the child. He was laying on his side, his arm draped protectively over the two females. Kagome had never seen him look more peaceful. His handsome face was relaxed.

She smiled at him and lifted a hand to brush back a long lock of silver hair from his face. It was the only thing that marred his face. She felt him stir under her touch. She knew he was a light sleeper... or at least, she assumed he was. It would only make sense.

He had known when she had woken up. He could sense it. Sesshomaru opened his eyes slowly when she had touched him. His golden eyes stared into her blue orbs.

She smiled at him. She wished momentarily that she could stay in this moment forever. Every fiber of her being was in bliss. "Sesshomaru," she whispered, letting the name slip between her lips. She savoured the taste of his name.

He took a deep breath and raised his hand to cup her cheek. The sound of his name on her lips brought back memories of that night. He wanted more. Much more. He wanted to taste her again, to touch her again, to fill her up inside and out.

She gently sat up, making sure not to wake Rin. She took in her surroundings. Course, she already knew her room. But, there was something different. As her eyes drifted to the two forms that shared her bed, she knew what the difference was.

She glanced at the clock. It was a little after five. She looked back down at the demon lord's face. "We should probably wake her up," she whispered.

He raised an eyebrow. He hadn't let his eyes off of her since he opened them. "What time is it?" he asked her, not wanting to turn to look at the clock.

She giggled, "A few minutes after five."

He nodded. "It's Saturaday," he informed her.

She blushed at this. She hadn't realized the weekend had already come. Did she sleep through Friday? No, she hadn't. She had been too busy... getting lost in him. She giggled then. "I suppose I just wasn't paying attention."

She laid back down and kissed him lightly on the lips. She wrapped her arms around the small child that slept between them. She closed her eyes and let herself fall back to sleep.

The youkai watched as his mate drifted off again. She was the oddest creature he had ever known. Her whole world was odd, in his opinion. Everyday he had learned new things. Many things confused and surprised him. And Sesshomaru was not one for surprises.

He rolled onto his back, making sure to keep his hand at least on Rin. He missed his own time. The world he knew. When he returned, things were going to change. They would find Naraku and finish off that hanyou. And then, Sesshomaru would take his mate and child and return to his father's lands.

He looked down at the two females who had suddenly come to mean so much to him. How did he let this happen? He couldn't stand to be around humans and now he wanted to claim one. Here he was raising a human.

He looked up at the ceiling. He was becoming more and more like his father with each passing day. But, this had to be different. It already was. Kagome wasn't from his time. Rin wasn't a hanyou. These small details separated him from his father.

Sesshomaru would father a hanyou... or two. Perhaps even three. The thought made him smile. A houseful of the little half breeds. All born from Kagome.

Never had he imagined these thoughts would go through his mind. He was planning a future with the miko. A future he never would have thought of had he not met her... Or would he? After all, he had Rin.

Then again, Rin was a child. His ward. When she got older, she would marry. She would grow old and then she would die. These were things that could not be avoided. But, he knew he would cherish every moment spent with her. And he would never forget her.

The taiyoukai put those thoughts out of his mind. He focused on the present and the life he was making for himself. He growled and slipped out of the bed. It was not like him to think about such things, neither the present nor the future. Especially when it pertained to humans.

He walked to the window and watched as the sky changed colours. Today would be the day. He would make her his. Fully, completely. And this time, nothing would stop them.

"Kagome, this meal was delicious," Miroku commented as he dabbed his lips with a napkin.

The miko smiled. "Thanks, Miroku. Sango and Eri helped me."

The monk stood up and bowed to the other two females. He offered his thanks and excused himself.

Eri giggled as she watched the monk leave. "For a pervert, he truly is a gentleman," she observed.

"For all the trouble he causes, he had better be a gentleman," Sango retorted.

Eri shrugged and offered a playful smile. "You know, I've been watching all of you and I must say, there's not a member of your group that doesn't cause trouble. And I include Kagome in that."

Sango laughed and did not disagree. Whereever the companions went, they seemed to attract trouble. It seemed as if Kagome attracted the most, however. Inuyasha and the gang were constantly saving her from something. Sango wondered if the taiyoukai knew what he was getting himself into...

The demonslayer looked at the lord who sat at the head of the table. She wondered briefly when he had decided to claim that seat. She immediately dismissed that thought. Since last night, Sesshomaru had rights to a lot of things. Sango wasn't certain what had happened last night, but by the way Kagome kept blushing everytime she looked at the demon lord... the slayer had a good idea.

It wasn't that Sango wasn't happy for her friend. She believed Kagome deserved to be happy. And to be with someone who could make her happy. Sango just wasn't sure if the taiyoukai was the perfect guy for the job.

By the look of him, she knew he could make any girl happy... in bed. But, further then that? The demonslayer had her doubts. He just wasn't really... happy material. He was always so serious and rarely showed any emotion. Not to mention his complete dislike of humans.

The demonslayer sighed. It wasn't her job to tell the miko how to live. Perhaps Kagome saw something in Sesshomaru that the others didn't. That had to be it. If she could not trust Sesshomaru's judgement, then, in the least, Sango could trust in Kagome.

"Why do you keep doing that?" the demon lord asked the miko suddenly.

Kagome blushed profusely. "Keep doing what?" Had he noticed? Of course he had. He is a demon after all.

He offered her a smile. He knew the others were staring at him, shocked, but he did not care. "You keep staring at me," he informed her. "And everytime you do, your cheeks turn that pale shade of pink. Why?"

So, he had noticed... This revelation only made the miko blush even more as she quickly turned her head. "Have I been staring?" she asked, coyly. Then, she waved her hand at it in dismissal, "It's nothing, really. I've just been thinking about a lot of things and just so happen staring at you while doing it. My mind's been very busy lately with the well and school and the children..."

He could smell the nervousness flowing off of her. He watched as she continued on. He knew she was known for talking nonsense, and it amused him. He let her continue for a moment before standing up. "Somehow, my miko, I have much doubt your mind has been on the well or school," he whispered softly. "Though, I can understand your need to think of children..."

Kagome's eyes widened at that. He could smell and see her go from nervous to angry faster then a demon to their victim. The strangeness of her sudden change startled him.

"If you think I'm having kids anytime soon, you've got another thing coming, buster!" she shouted, her hands slapping onto the table. "There are too many other things I have to worry about! Besides, I have to think about Rin and Shippo and I am not planning on giving them a brother or sister sooner then necessary!"

"A lot of things happen when we do not plan for them to happen," the demon lord told her, keeping his voice calm.

This just made her more angry. "Yeah? Well, not with this miko! Especially where it concerns kids! I'm just a kid myself and you want to give me more then I have already? I'm not supergirl, you know!"

She was really trying his patience. He knew now why his brother constantly argued with her. He gazed at her and locked his golden orbs to hers. The look caused her to become instantly quiet. Good. "Do you really believe you can control when you have children? Do not be so presumptuous," he growled softly.

She smiled suddenly and then... she giggled. She looked at Eri and giggled more. Before everyone, she began to flat out laugh.

Eri couldn't imagine what could be funny about all of this. And then she thought about the demon's words. She, too, started laughing. They laughed until they had tears in their eyes. And then, they laughed some more.

At first, Sesshomaru had raised an eyebrow when the miko started giggling. What had he said that was so funny? When she started laughing, he frowned and when her friend joined in the laughter, he growled. He did not like being laughed at and the miko will learn this. Now. "Silence!" he snarled.

The two girls stopped laughing and stared at the demon with wide eyes.

He walked up to the miko, pushing a chair out of the way. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. Red anger flashed across his eyes. He could hear his brother unsheath his sword. So, the hanyou was still bent on protecting the miko? Sesshomaru was not going to hurt her. "What are you laughing at?" he growled fiercely. His blazing eyes stared into her blue orbs.

"Sess..." she whimpered under his gaze. She tried to break free, but he was not going to have it. "Please... you're hurting me..."

His eyes returned to their normal shade of gold. He was hurting her? He was barely holding her. He only held her arm. He wasn't twisting it, nor was he squeezing it. He slipped his hand from her arm and let it slid to her waist. There, it rested as he waited for her answer.

She stood there a moment with her eyes closed. He had not really hurt her, but he had frightened her so much. She desparately tried to catch her breath as she collected her thoughts. "There are ways now to prevent pregnancy," she told him.

He said nothing as he waited for her to continue.

"There are pills women can take. They are called birth control and they stop a baby from forming. There are also things that guys can wear around... their... you know..." she felt herself heat up around the cheeks at this. "And now they've been talking about patches and shots women can take to help prevent pregnancy."

"Why would you want this?" he asked her, his face returning soft. Did she really not wish to bare his children? He lifted his hand to her chin and tilted her face to his. He saw the tears he had smelled glistening in her eyes. "Do you fear the life our children would live?"

Confused, she whispered, "The life..."

She thought about Inuyasha. The life of a hanyou was what Sesshomaru was talking about. The child would forever be judged and would never fit in either the world of demons or the world of humans. It would be an outcast, scorned by all.

Funny, she hadn't even thought of that. She shook her head. "I do not fear for their life," she admitted. As rough as Inuyasha had it, she knew any child sired by Sesshomaru would not have to worry about living that life. It was not the demon lord's way. "Now is just not the time. I still have a mission I must finish. I must defeat Naraku before I can even think about having children."

"Then defeat Naraku," he whispered as he brushed his lips against hers. "I know you can defeat him, for I have witnessed you defeating demons. Naraku is merely a half demon. The task before you is not as hard as it seems and you keep good enough company."

She smiled at him. In his own little way, he had just praised her. He had also shown that he trusted her and believed in her. She remembered then why she wanted to keep this man. It wasn't for his arrogance or his handsomeness. It was for his determination and belief in himself. He did not pretend things would all be better. He knew they would be, because he would make sure they were.

She nodded her agreement with him. "And then, my lord, we shall have all the children your demon heart desires," she giggled, lifting her hand to let her fingertips trace along his jawline.

He liked it when she called him that. He was her lord. Her lord. And she did not deny it. He kissed her on the lips, letting his tongue slip to hers.

Inuyasha, who had been watching them from the doorway, rolled his eyes and turned his back on the demon and human. He walked away then, just like he had last time. He wondered how many other times he would walk away before he turned around and confronted it.

Eri and Sango blushed. They knew they were both witnessing a very personal moment. They quickly ushered the three children out of the kitchen as they followed. Mrs. Higurashi thought to say something, but then dismissed the idea. She would talk to her daughter later. Right now, she would give Kagome this. She led a grumbling old man out of the room.

As the kiss slowly broke away, Kagome glanced around the kitchen. "It seems we've managed to scare everyone away," she commented with a soft chuckle.

Sesshomaru nodded as he swept his arm under her and lifted her to sit on the kitchen counter. "I have been waiting all day to be alone with you," he whispered.

She smiled at him curiously. "What for?" she asked, suspecting, but not really sure.

He lifted his claws to the left side of his neck and cut a gash there. He then brushed Kagome's hair away from her neck and dipped his head to it. He tasted her flesh with his tongue first before pressing his lips against it.

She gave a soft gasp of surprise before dipping her own lips to his neck. She tasted his blood and suddenly wanted more. She didn't even know why she wanted more. After tasting blood last night, she had decided she didn't like the taste and was not anxious to taste it again. But there was something about him that made her lick... and then lick some more.

He closed his eyes as he suckled on her skin. He could feel her follow his lead and it made him groan in anticipation. It was time.

He lifted his head slightly and could feel her following. He opened his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs. He dipped his head back into her neck and could feel as she bit down into him. He knew she had broken the skin. He pressed his fangs into her neck.

Had she not been biting into his neck, she would have screamed from the pain. As it was, she let out a groan and whimper. Hot tears burned her eyes. She could feel as he began sucking on her. She felt like she was in some kind of vampire movie as she began sucking on him. This had to be the weirdest thing she had ever done.

He lifted her into his arm, not breaking the contact. Carefully, he carried her into her room and shut the door behind him. He could feel his need coarsing through him as he brought her to the bed and laid her on it. He did not let go of her as he undressed them both and then filled her up with him.

This was the most crucial part of the claiming. He started off slowly, like he had done the night before. He felt her nails dig into his back as he began rocking her. They had to keep contact. He pushed harder.

He felt her begin to let go. "Don't!" he growled in a muffled voice. She must have heard and understood him, for she bit down more firmly.

He heard her moan and he quicken the pace. It wouldn't be too much longer now.

As one, they released themselves. He bit down harder on her neck and drank of the blood that poured from her veins. He felt her do the same, no doubt following him... as it should be. He emptied himself into her and, as he slid out, he let go.

She coughed and sputtered. The taste of blood was in her throat, up her nose, in her ears. She wanted to vomit from it. She felt him lift his head and touch his nose to hers. She did not open her eyes. The last thing she wanted to see was a dog demon, her dog demon's face covered with her blood.

He had not opened his eyes. He was working on instinct alone, doing what his ancestors had done for centuries. He pressed his lips to hers and tasted the blood there. His blood.

As they kissed, he entered her again. This time, it was more gentle. Everything was more gentle.