InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ A Family ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Twenty-Three: A Family

Inuyasha had heard the moans and gasps coming from the bathroom. How could he not? The bathroom was two doors away from his roon and he was a light sleeper. He knew who was in there. He could smell their scents behind the closed door.

The hanyou watched as Kagome left the bathroom. Her ivory nightgown billowed softly at her ankles. She stood for a moment in the bathroom doorway and then ran down the hall. Inuyasha didn't know why the girl would run. Especially considering everything she had just done in that bathroom. Then again, he didn't know exactly what had happened in there.

His gaze went to his brother's form as Sesshomaru stepped out of the bathroom next. The taiyoukai wore nothing save a pair of black slacks. The hanyou watched as the dog demon walked slowly in the direction Kagome had ran. Inuyasha knew the demon was stalking the miko, but for whatever reason, he could sense no malice. It was almost as if the two were playing a game of some sort.

He had never known Sesshomaru to play games. It wasn't in the demon lord's nature. Inuyasha watched as his older brother disappeared down the hall way. He could hear Kagome's giggles coming from the other end and knew Sesshomaru had caught up to her.

He turned his attention back to the bathroom. The smell that came from there was nearly overloading. He stepped cautiously to the door frame and peered inside. Inuyasha knew he wouldn't have needed his sense of smell to guess what had went on in there.

Clothes lay strone all over the floor. Everything seemed to be dripping wet. The shower didn't look much better either. He could see the imprints of their bodies on the glass door. The streaks on the mirror spoke of a hot bath. A brush lay on the counter covered in silver and black hair.

The hanyou could feel his heart ache as he witnessed this room. All he could smell were Kagome and Sesshomaru. Their scents lingered in every crevice. The knowledge of everything that had gone on overwhelmed him.

He peeked into the shower and closed his eyes against the sight. He knew his brother would come back and clean up the mess left in the bathroom. Sesshomaru wasn't a pig. At the very least, he would send Jaken in to clean it up. In the morning, Kagome and the demon lord would find their forgotten clothes washed and folded at the foot of her bed.

He reached down and picked up her blouse. His eyes widened at the shredded garment. Perhaps he was wrong. Perhaps she wouldn't find her clothes ready for her. He remembered his brother's one arm. He assumed that in his haste, Sesshomaru had ripped the blouse apart. It was the only explanation. Sesshomaru was not know for his patience.

Inuyasha felt light headed and unable to think.

"Inuyasha? What happened here?" came the voice of the monk.

The hanyou growled, "What does it look like?"

"Hmm," the monk thought. He looked around the bathroom and studied the mess. He had caught the smell of jasmine and lavendar and knew Kagome had been in here. Then, he saw Sesshomaru's red button up shirt. He nodded in realization. "Has he claimed her yet?"

Inuyasha huffed, "Who cares? It's not like it really matters anymore anyway. I have to get out of here, the stench is getting to me."

Miroku had forgotten about Inuyasha's sensitive nose. Apparently, Inuyasha knew more then he was letting on. Looking at the bathroom, the monk wasn't sure he wanted to find out. Some things were better left unknown. He let the hanyou walk passed him and then turned off the bathroom light. With one last look, the monk closed the bathroom door.

Kagome giggled as she hopped on the bed. Sesshomaru walked up to her and pressed his body against hers. He kissed her deeply while he played with her nightgown.

The demon had let her believe he wasn't going to catch her. At the last moment, he had swept his arm around her waist and hefted her into her room. He had then deposited her on her bed.

She was kneeling on the bed when he had pressed his lips against hers. She moaned softly against his mouth. She loved the feel of him. Everything about him set her on fire.

He gently broke the kiss and gazed into her blue eyes. "My miko," he whispered hotly.

Her lips broke into a large smile and she bent her head to one side, revealing her neck to him. His eyes flashed at this. She was offering herself freely to him. The priestess was going to give herself to him.

He dipped his head and grazed his lips across her neck, his teeth nipping a soft pink line down it. He felt her shudder beneath his teasing. He did not know or understand why she was suddenly offering herself to him, but he didn't really care either. She belonged to him and now he was going to put his mark on her.

But first...

"In order for me to claim you," he breathed hotly against the curve of her neck, "you must claim me as well. But, before we do that, I need to ask you something."

With that, he raised his head up and looked her in the eyes. She gazed back at him, her eyes a mixture of love and wonderment. He almost felt himself lose control, but then he snatched it back. Sesshomaru did not lose control.

"What is it, my lord?" she asked him when he did not continue.

"I want you to become my mate. My lady," he told her. "You will become the female head of my house and my lands. My lands will become your lands. Everything I have will become yours."

He watched as her face went from bliss to sadness. "Sesshomaru..." she whispered. She placed a gentle kiss on his lips, "we've talked about this before and I've told you. I am mortal. I won't be here forever."

"Then we shall cherish the time we have together!" he snarled. He couldn't believe he was saying this. For a moment he wondered if it was really him saying all these things. He held the small of her back with his hand and leaned his forehead against hers. "You may be mortal, miko, but you are mine. We are bound to one another by more then just an adopted child. We were meant to be together. Can you not see that? Are you so blind that you cannot see that we belong?"

She felt the tears hot on her cheeks. "I know what my heart tells me, Sesshomaru," she answered. "I know what I feel. And yes, I know we belong together. But, the fates have been cruel. They are cruel for they know we cannot be together forever."

He thought about her words for a moment and then he smiled. "But, we already are," he responded.

She lifted her head from his forehead and looked into his eyes. "Where are you going with this?" she asked suspiciously.

"I am from another time, my miko. After all is said and done, I will be back in that time. You will return with Inuyasha and your friends. You'll find Naraku and defeat him. The Shikon Jewel will be restored. You'll make your pure wish and then come back to this time," he explained. "And then, we shall be together. I know where this shrine is, and even after all is finished, I will find you."

"Five hundred years is a long time to wait for me," she whispered.

He offered her a smile. She melted with that smile, knowing it was something he did not often do. "For a mortal it is a long time," he agreed. "But, neither of us are mortals, are we?"

Her eyes widened. Had he figured it out? "Sesshomaru..."

He shook his head. "I know what's in your soul, Kagome. I felt it. I wrapped myself around your soul and kissed every part of it. You are immortal, my dearest. It is only the body that isn't. And yet, you still found a way around that. You travelled five hundred years in the past. You proved your immortality. No mere mortal could have committed such a feat," he whispered to her.

She felt her heart fill with the joy his words brought to her. She had never looked at her life like he did. Had never come to the conclusion he had. Sure, she believed she was an immortal trapped in a mortal body. But, she never guessed that she had found a way to live in her immortality. Life is what happens when you are busy doing everything else.

She smiled at him. "Kagome, Lady of the Western Lands," she said aloud to herself. She liked the sound of that name. She came to her decision and nodded to him. "Yes, my lord. I shall do it. I will become your mate. I will help you rule the lands that once belonged to your father and his father before him. I shall bear your children and raise them to follow in their father's footsteps."

He laughed at her. Kami-sama, she loved to hear him laugh. It was such a rare thing for him, but it wasn't nearly as terrifying as she once believed it would be. There was a merriness, a happiness behind that laugh. Both emotions she had thought him incapable of feeling.

He straightened his throat and gazed back at her. His laughter was replaced by desire. He would claim her this night. And she would claim him. With her being human, she did not have fangs, so he would have to help her with her bite.

He lifted his right hand to the left side of his neck. There, he gently slid his claws into his own neck, drawing out a thin line of blood. She watched in amazement. She knew what he was doing. He was helping her. She dipped her head slightly and licked at the blood that formed around the cut.

He cupped her chin suddenly and pulled her away. He looked into her eyes as he kissed her. He could taste his own blood on her lips, but it didn't matter to him. He led her in a trail of kisses down her neck. She followed his lead and left a trail of kisses down his neck.

He reached the curve of her neck and began kissing and sucking on it fiercely, yet, he still hadn't bit down.

Not really understanding the ritual, she took his lead and did the same thing. She could taste his blood, an iron like taste. She traced the cut with her tongue and almost bit him. It was tantalizing, intoxicating. She didn't know what it was about the whole process, but she was lost in it.

Sesshomaru felt his eyes turn red. He was ready to bite down. As he opened his mouth to do just that, he felt a slight pull on his pants. At first, he ignored the pull, thinking Kagome was fiddling with his pants again. But, the pull was persistant. He then realized that Kagome's hands had been tangled in his hair.

He growled in frustration and turned his head, breaking the trance. He looked down at the small figure standing in the dark next to him.

Kagome's head was in a whirl. She pressed her hand to her forehead to strike off the dizziness. What had happened? Why did he break it? She opened her eyes and looked at him. She followed his gaze to the small girl.

Rin was in tears. She sniffled as she watched the two adults in the act of... well, whatever they were doing. She knew she shouldn't disturb them, but she couldn't find Jaken and she was scared.

"Rin?" the demon lord growled, jerking the child out of her thoughts.

"Lord Sesshomaru," she cried, "they're coming to get me. It was a lot of them this time. More then I could count. They were all chasing me. Please, make them go away."

The taiyoukai bent down to her level, careful not to place his knees on the ground. "Who is chasing you?" he asked her suspiciously.

It was obvious the girl had had a nightmare. There were no demons or anything around here for her to worry about. He got confirmation when she whispered, "Wolves. Too many to count."

Kagome let out a small gasp in worry for the child. She knew Rin had been killed by a pack of wolves. She also knew that the girl was prone to have nightmares about them. This wasn't the first time Kagome had been distracted by the child's nightmares.

"They took my doll, too," she told them both.

Kagome slipped off of the bed. "You stay here, Rin. I'll go get your doll," she whispered to the girl.

Rin sniffled, "Be careful, Kagome. They are dangerous. You might want to bring Inuyasha with you."

That name caused both adults to stiffen. It wasn't a name either had wanted to hear. But, Rin was young and innocent. She didn't know everything that was going on, nor did she understand it. Kagome nodded. "I'll be alright, Rin. They won't hurt me," she assured the child before leaving the room.

She went into the children's room and to Rin's bed. She looked around until she spotted the doll on the floor. Her mother had given Rin that doll as a present. Kagome knew Rin had come to cherish the toy.

She brushed the bit of dirt off the doll from where it had been on the floor and went back to her room. When she got into her room, she smiled at the sight before her. She didn't know how he had done it. Yet, he had calmed the little girl.

The demon lord was laying on the bed, his left arm under Rin as his right arm was wrapped around her. Rin was fast asleep. At first, it looked as if the youkai might have been asleep as well, but the young miko knew better.

"Did you find the doll?" he asked softly, not too loud for fear of waking the child.

She nodded and brought the doll to the bed. He took the doll from her and placed it next to Rin. Kagome smiled. "I suppose there's no way I'm going to be able to sleep in my bed tonight, is there?"

He gave her a curious glance. "Why do you say that?"

She gestured to the bed. "Where shall I sleep?"

He lifted his head up slightly and looked at the other side of the bed. There was enough room for the miko's small form. He pointed the spot out to her. She giggled and crawled over him to the other side. He groaned against her touch.

"Shhh!" she quietly reprimanded. "We can't do that sort of thing when there is a child between us."

His eyes flashed with annoyance as the miko settled down, digging herself into the covers. Once she was settled, the dog demon stretched his arm to settle on her stomach. She smiled at him sadly. "I guess this means our ritual will have to wait?"

He gave a soft shrug as he kissed her gently on the lips. "Tomorrow, my dear," he answered.

He watched as she fell asleep. He hadn't realized how tired she was. He knew a night of mating could do that to a person, and her body was mortal. He watched the two people he shared a bed with as they slept.

The small child had been his ward. He had watched over her and protected her. Now, through an act of chance, he had adopted the child. It was because of being in this modern era that he allowed the child to call him father, or more to the point, "daddy."

His gaze went to the miko who hugged the girl. His miko. They had just been about to claim one another when the child had interrupted them. In every other way, the priestess was his.

Sesshomaru went over all the events that had occurred recently. In a manner of... four? five months now? He had gained a daughter and a mate. None of this would ever had happened in his time. Or at least, that's what he told himself.

Still, he could not help but feel grateful to whomever had stuck him in this time. In a matter of a few months, Sesshomaru had gained a family. He called to his retainer and instructed the toad demon about the bathroom. He knew the mess in there needed to be cleaned before the rest of the household woke up.

He wasn't ashamed of what he and the miko had done. But, he didn't feel like advertising it either. Besides, it would all be known tomorrow anyway. He had felt his brother's presense when he walked out of the bathroom. Indeed, he had smelled his brother as well. At the time, his thoughts had been too focused on Kagome to worry about the wayward half-breed. But, he had not forgotten.

As he watched his family sleep, he felt himself drift off into the blissful darkness. He wondered, briefly, if his happiness would actually last.