InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ Wash Away ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

WARNING: This chapter contains a scene that is inappropriate for underaged readers. If you are under the age of 18, I suggest you skip to the next chapter. The next chapter will explain, in less detail, about what happened in this one.

Again, this chapter contains a scene that is inappropriate for underaged readers. Thank you for your coorperation

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Twenty-Two: Wash Away

Sesshomaru slowly brought the dance to a stop. Kagome lifted her head, unsure what had happened. She looked up at him and stared into his golden eyes.

He pressed his lips to hers hungrily. His tongue swept along her bottom lip and then teased her mouth open. Kagome willingly opened up to him. She had done it so many times before.

She licked his canines as her tongue clashed with his. It was the first time she had been allowed to enter his mouth. She hadn't realized it until then, however. Something in the pit of her stomach fluttered at that. He was opening up to her.

As Sesshomaru distracted her with his kiss, he slipped his hand to the door handle of the bathroom door and quietly opened the door. He gently pushed her in, following with her. Her eyes were closed, so he knew she had no clue where they were.

He kept her busy. Kissing her, touching her. His foot went around the door to shut it, shutting the demon lord and his miko inside. A soft click was all he heard from the door as it closed. He turned her around so that she was pressed against the door. Then, without taking his mind or eyes off of her, he locked the door.

He almost thought she had wanted this. For, locking her in the bathroom with him had been extremely easy. A little too easy.

He groaned against her mouth as she teased the roof of his mouth with the tip of her tongue. Kami-sama, she was a good kisser! He then began the impossible task of trying to get her clothes off.

He slipped his hand under her shirt. It had been easy to do because the shirt was so short, she couldn't tuck it in. His hand pressed against her lower back as he pushed her against his chest. He felt his groin tighten as his body became aware of what he was doing.

She, too, was responding to his touch and kiss. She had heard the door click shut and had felt him lock the door. At first, she wasn't sure where they were. She had thought they had gotten into his room, but dismissed that. Then, she smelled soap and detergent and knew they were in a bathroom. She could not fathom why he would bring them into a bathroom, but she supposed he had his reasons.

Her body was melting into his. As he slid his hand along her upper body, he could feel her response. He gently pushed his hand under her bra and let it cup her breast. He felt her nipple tighten at the touch. She moaned against his mouth and he knew this time she would not fight him.

Her hands went to his chest where they clutched at the silk fabric. She could feel his hard muscles underneath and had a sudden desire to see them. Her hands went to the buttons of his shirt as she began unbuttoning it.

He didn't know how in all hell he was going to get her shirt off of her. With one hand, it was difficult. He wouldn't let his disadvantage get the best of him. He took his claws and slid them along the shirt, tearing it to shreds. He was careful not to scratch her in the process.

The bra was easy. One quick slip of his claws and the bra was no longer an issue. Her upper body lay bare to him. He took a step back and broke their kiss to look at her. Her flesh was pale and perfect. Her breasts curved nicely and were round and not saggy. Her small nipples were pink and perky. Course, he knew why. He hadn't been playing with them for nothing.

It was her neck that appealed to him most, however. That was were he would leave his mark. Her flesh reminded him of porcelain. He knew what she tasted like there. He wondered if the rest of her body tasted as great. He would find out tonight.

She unbuttoned the last button on his shirt and pushed the shirt apart and way. He shrugged it off of himself. She gasped at what she saw. By god! He was... well, Eri had been right when she had called him a god. There was no other way to describe him. He was flawless. Each muscle was sketched perfectly into his frame.

Then she saw his left arm. Or, what was left of it. It had been cut right before the muscle. She didn't know how he had maintained that bicep. She reached a hand to it and touched the flesh. She heard an intake of breath and looked up at him.

He had watched her as she looked over his body. He could tell she was pleased with what she saw. And then, she had looked at his arm. When she touched him, he was hardly able to suppress his gasp. She had heard his intake.

No one had ever touched his maimed arm. Then again, no one had even seen it. Much less touch it. He had learned to live with the missing limb, but he had refused to let anyone else notice it's absence. And that worked well with him. Yet, here she was, touching it.

He almost wondered what she had thought. After all, it was partially her fault the arm was missing. Partially. She had been there when the hanyou had cut it off. She had been a victim of circumstance.

She had thought about removing her hand and then thought better of it. She wasn't ashamed of his missing limb. In fact, she thought it gave him character. She wanted to trace over the scar. She reached up and touched it again.

"Kagome," she heard him whisper hoarsely.

She turned her eyes back to him and then to his right hand as she watched his hand fall upon hers. She watched with fascination as he removed her hand off of his maimed limb. He placed her hand on his chest where his heart was. She closed her eyes and felt his heart beat. The feeling was comforting.

He dipped his head to her and kissed her again. He rested his hand on her waist and pulled her further into the bathroom. With a growl, he broke the kiss again and moved to the tub. He turned the water on and waited for it to get to the right temperature. He then turned the shower on.

Kagome watched in fascination. Did he want her to take a bath? Did she stink that much? Self-consciously, she sniffed at herself. Sesshomaru turned and caught her in the act. He tilted his head to the side curiously. "What are you doing?" he asked her.

She blushed as she looked up. "Trying to figure out why you would turn the water on. Do I really smell that bad?" she asked.

His eyes widened a little and his eyebrows raised. She was completely missing the point. Yes, the water was to erase a scent, but not hers.

The look he had given her had made her blush more. Apparently she had gotten it wrong. But... she still didn't see the reason for the shower. She knew now exactly where she was. She was in the back bathroom. The one the guys used for the most part. She glanced over the bathroom and wondered briefly why her nightgown was in here. She thought for a moment that perhaps Sesshomaru had been planning this, but dismissed it. Even if he had been, there wasn't anything she could do about it now.

Not that she wanted to.

He stepped closer to her and kissed her neck. Her beautiful neck. His brother's scent still lingered, but already it was fading faster then before. His hand went to her jeans then. He hated jeans more then he hated pull over shirts. At least the shirts he could rip up.

He growled in distaste as he tried to unbutton the damnable thing. But then he felt a soft hand touch his. She was going to help him? He looked down and watched as she unbuttoned her pants and let them slide off her body. He gave her a smile that he truly felt.

It was the first genuine smile she had ever seen from him. It made her smile. She reached up and kissed that smile, savouring the feel of it. He groaned against her kiss as his hand swept over her rear. He pushed her panties off of her. She stepped out of them as she pressed her body against his.

His groin was now painful as it tried to get past the barrier his pants presented. With a quick move, he unlatched his pants and let them fall off his waist. He felt Kagome's hands on his waist then as she played with his loincloth. So, she wanted to be the one to discard that? He gave a soft moan, letting her know it was ok.

She suppressed a giddy giggle as she pushed the piece of cloth over his waist. The cloth had caught on his hardened malehood and she tilted her head back in a laugh. She then pulled it around the penis and let the garment fall to the floor.

With that last piece of clothing gone, Sesshomaru picked the miko up in his arm and brought her to the shower. He pressed his body against her as he stepped into the shower with her and closed the glass door. Hot, steamy water beat down on their bodies. All that did was add more flame to an already burning fire.

He held onto her and grunted as he pressed her against the shower wall. Out of instinct, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Once she was secured, he removed his arm from under her and began teasing her breast. His kisses were hot against her mouth as his tongue slid in and out.

She could feel as he pressed against her. She gasped slightly when he entered her. He was bigger then the half demon! Much bigger. She dug her nails into his shoulder as he rested against her.

Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands, the dog demon lord of considerable power was inside of her and all she could think about was how great he felt. She could feel the pounding of the water, but that didn't matter to her. Their bodies were getting slick from the wetness, but that didn't matter either. He was inside her.

And then he moved. Fireworks exploded behind her eyes as he moved, grinding himself against her. She gave a loud moan at the feel.

Kami-sama, she was tight! He had to stop once he was inside for she was really tight. She felt really wonderful, too. Just as he'd imagined. Even better then he had imagined, in fact. He began moving slowly, wanting to enjoy every moment inside her.

And then she had moaned. He didn't mind that she had moaned. After all, she moaned because of him and that pleased him. What he didn't like was the idea that her moan could wake up others. He knew some females were vocal during matings and he hoped she wasn't. At least, not while they were in the shower so late at night.

He kissed her and kept kissing her as he mated with her. He felt her moan softly against his mouth. This was a lot better. He quickened the pace while letting his hand travel over her body. He could feel her reaching her climax as he began hammering into her. He deepened their kiss. He would muffle what he could of the sound of her release. He knew it was going to be loud regardless, but he did not care. He wanted it to be loud. To inform at least those who were light sleepers that she had a mate. Him.

Her climax came when he dived himself hard into her. She moaned into his mouth and clutched his shoulders tightly. He knew he would have indents in his shoulders, but he did not care. He pulled out slightly and then pushed himself in as far as he could go. He released his seed deep into her belly. He moaned against her mouth, suppressing as much of the moan as possible.

"Sesshomaru," she whispered between gasps.

He pushed back her wet hair and kissed her gently on the lips. He had taken her. But, he was no where near finished. He could still smell the hanyou. He let her stand on her own feet as he reached for the shampoo.

He squirted some of the green stuff onto the top of her head and put the bottle back down. Then, he carefully began massaging the shampoo into her scalp, careful not to scrape her with his claws. She closed her eyes at the feel of his hand in her hair. She turned so that her back was facing him so that he could get all of her hair.

The feel of her silky black hair sent a wave of arousal through his body. As he finished his massaging, he placed his hand on her stomach. "Lean into me," he whispered into her ear.

She did as he told and he let the hot water from the shower pour over her head. He gently massaged the shampoo out of her hair. He did all he could and then set her upright. He then stepped back so that she could rise the rest out. Satisfied, he moved to grab the washcloth.

Her hand touched his and she flashed him a mischievous smile. "Don't think you're gonna get away that easily, my lord," she told him.

He was startled by the name. She had never addressed him as "lord" before. At first, he didn't know what she was up to. And then she grabbed the shampoo. She was going to wash his hair! He laughed at the thought and decided to humour her.

She squirted the shampoo into her hand and then looked up. He was too tall for her. She smiled as she got an idea. "Pick me up," she told him.

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. Was she ordering him? He decided to go ahead and do it. Just out of curiousity's sake. He wrapped his arm under her bottom and lifted her. She grabbed onto his shoulders and used that for leverage as she wrapped her legs around his waist again.

The demon lord caught on to what she was doing. Once she was secure, he let his hand rub playfully along her buttocks. He closed his eyes as he felt her hands run through his hair and rub his scalp.

Kagome hadn't realized just how much hair the dog demon had. That is, until she decided to wash it. She had to reach for the shampoo again and pour another handful of it into her hand in order to wash all of his hair. But, she just loved the long silver locks. She rubbed the shampoo into his hair gently, cautiously. It was almost as if she feared she would break the hair.

Her administrations had caused ripples of desire and arousal to coarse through the demon. Before he knew it, he felt his erection grow again. He pressed his desire against her softly, letting her know he wanted her again.

She looked at him in astonishment. Did the demon ever tire? she wondered. But, she wasn't finished with his hair. She raised herself up, using him as leverage as she reached for the shower nozzle.

He watched her as her breasts pressed against his face. What was she doing? Driving him insane? He placed his hand on her waist and let it slide down. If she was going to drive him crazy, then he would do the same thing. He ran his hand past her rear and to her inner thigh. He both heard and felt her gasp as he tickled her inner lips with his fingertips. He smiled into her breasts. Now she knew how he felt.

She wanted to kick him. Didn't he know she was trying to rinse his hair? She shook her head. Some guys could be really thick headed. She finally grabbed hold of the nozzle and was able to detach it from its holder. She settled back onto his waist as she poured the water over his head. She giggled as she watched his face.

Now the dog demon understood as he felt the water tumble over his head and his face. She wasn't trying to drive him crazy. That was just a side effect of her getting the shower nozzle.

"Sorry," she apologized. "You still had shampoo in your hair and I didn't want it to settle."

He didn't say anything, mostly because he couldn't. He kept his eyes closed to keep the water out. Then, he felt her chest press against his as she lowered the nozzle. She was rinsing off the bottom part of his hair now. Her chin rested on his shoulder as she did this.

He nipped at her neck and kissed it. He let his tongue glide over the curve. Unfortunately, the spot he would claim was on the other side of the neck. But, he did enjoy teasing her. He bucked his hardened groin against her, letting her know that he wanted to continue and was growing impatient.

She wrung his hair and watched as the last traces of shampoo went down the drain. Satisfied, she lifted herself up again and placed the nozzle back into it's holder. She looked down at Sesshomaru, enjoying the advantage of being on him. She bent her head down to kiss him and he moaned against her mouth.

"Stop teasing me," she felt and heard him growl.

She pulled back and looked at him curiously. Tease him? Then, she remembered his erection and threw him an apologetic glance. She let herself settle back onto his waist and felt him fill her again.

This had been the most interesting shower she had ever had. They had finished their second act of love making and now Sesshomaru was bathing her. He had started at her face and was literally kissing every part of her body. He would kiss, then clean. Kiss, then clean. She trembled in heated passion as he went over her body. She did not know what to make of it all.

Sesshomaru worshipped in Kagome. He had been right. Every part of her tasted delicious. He moved all over her body, tasting her breasts, her arms, her back. He lingered at her belly. He imagined how that flat belly would taste when it was filled with his child. The thought sent shivers down his spine.

He reached her mound and breathed it in. She clutched at the shower wall and gasped. He wasn't going to do what she thought he was going to do, was he?

He reveled in her scent there. She was wonderful. He could even detect his own scent on her. His scent was strong, but not as strong as hers. The water pounded on his back as he slipped his tongue between her legs and tasted her.

He did! she thought as she moaned. She grabbed a handfull of her hair and bit down on it. She felt as he licked her down there. His tongue slid deep with her. Dear god, is that what that felt like? She shuddered as she felt herself melt into a puddle.

He continued to taste her until he felt her climax. He knew she was trying to keep from yelling out. He assumed she had finally realized the time herself. As she went over the edge, he heard her groan loudly. He grimaced and hoped her sound wasn't too loud over the shower. He quickly licked up her release and cleaned her with the washcloth. He then continued on, kissing and washing the rest of her.

When he finished, he gently placed her under the water to rinse off. She watched him. "You know you aren't going to be able to leave here until I do the same to you," she warned him.

He raised an eyebrow in amusement. He watched her take the washcloth he had used on her and rinse it off. She grabbed the bar of soap and lathered it up. With experience, she climbed onto his waist and began with his face.

He closed his eyes and gave a sigh when he felt her hot tongue trace his crescent moon. She licked his stripes as well. He felt her kiss his neck and nip at it. She looked up at him suddenly, her eyes searching his. He opened his eyes slightly, wondering why she had stopped.

"Are women allowed to claim men?" she asked him.

The question was so unexpected, he didn't know what to say at first. He actually had to search his mind for the answer. "Women are expected to claim their men," he responded finally. "Once the man has claimed her, it is then her job to claim him. It is not necessary, but it is expected."

Kagome thought about this for a moment and then went back to her enjoyable job. When she got to the curve of his neck, she bit him. Hard. He gasped at the feel of her human canines biting into his skin. He knew what she was doing and it made him smile. So, she wanted to claim him? That meant she wanted him to claim her. He bent his head to her neck and kissed the curve of it.

He opened his mouth to bite down when she pulled back. She looked at the mark she left on him. She hadn't even broken the skin. How was she expected to break it enough to drink his blood if she couldn't even break it a little?

"Kagome," he growled softly.

She pulled back even more to look into his face. He gave her a confused look. Weren't they just about claim one another? Why did she stop?

She felt her heart pull in her chest. "I... I can't... break the skin..." she said, her eyes welling up with tears.

He watched her curiously. Is that what she was worried about? He gently set her down. "Perhaps we should do that later," he offered.

She gazed into his eyes searchingly. Was he disappointed in her? Would he back out now? She was human after all and he didn't really care for humans.

"I'm sorry..." she began.

He shook his head and stopped her, "Don't apologize, Kagome. Because you are human, we have to do things a little differently, that's all. We'll do it later. After our shower."

She looked at him hopefully. So, he wasn't mad? She smiled at him and nodded. She then continued her bathing of him, pushing the act of claiming to the side for the moment. She spent a lot of time at his left arm, making sure to kiss and lick every bit of it. She wanted to make sure he knew that she didn't care if he was missing the arm or not. She still loved him.

Loved him?

Where had that come from? As she continued down his body, she thought this over. When did she decide she loved him? It had to be before this and after her time with Inuyasha. She didn't know when it had happened, but now that she knew she was in love with him, she felt better. At least she knew it wasn't just lust or infatuation.

She realized the spot she had reached. She looked at the long, hard shaft. Her eyes widened slightly. This had been the first time she had actually seen one. Tentatively, she touched it. Seeing that it wasn't going to jump out at her, she found more courage.

Sesshomaru watched her as she studied his groin. He wanted to pick her up again and fill her. He wanted to release himself inside her. He let out a gasp when he felt her lips close around his shaft. He looked down and watched as she did to him what he had done to her. The sight of her caressing him nearly sent him on edge. He knew she would not stop until he did release. For, he had done the same thing to her.

What was this creature? She couldn't be a human with the way she acted. Her heart and soul were as pure as a winter breeze. Yet, she held a fire within her that Hell could not duplicate. She was a walking contradiction and he was drawn to her.

He groaned as he released his seed into her throat. She was so gentle, so kind. She gave more then she took and she never asked for anything in return. She held a permenant innocence inside her that he knew an eternal life couldn't even take away.

She finished her work on his body and stood up. She was swaying from the lightness in her head. She felt like she was walking on clouds, with this guy. And it was raining, but it was a welcome rain, like the first rain of spring.

They rinsed each other off and stepped out of the shower. Drying each other had become another adventure as they found they couldn't keep their hands off each other. She stood on the toilet as she brushed his long hair. It was so much easier then having to reach up. When she finished with his hair, he brushed her hair.

They dressed each other and then contemplated on undressing each other. Kagome giggled, "Tell you what. If you can catch me, you can take this nightgown off of me."

Sesshomaru smile at her. "Is that a challenge?"

She threw him a mischievous smile as she unlocked the door, opened it, and jetted out. He followed her as she giggled down the hall.

Neither noticed the hanyou who stood in the doorway of his room.