InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ The Right to Claim ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Twenty-One: The Right to Claim

Sesshomaru looked down into the well. How was it that they could not get through? What had caused them to come on this side? He wondered if time was moving forward there as it was here. Kagome had told him that it did, but he wasn't so sure.

He turned away from the well and walked back to the house. He had to prepare for the evening. If his thoughts were correct, he might be able to claim Kagome tonight and then... he would have his Lady of the West.

Kagome tucked the children into bed and kissed them both on the forehead.

"Momma?" Shippo called to her.

The young miko walked over to the kitsune's bed and sat on it. "Yes, Shippo?" she asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

"You love me, don't you?" he questioned.

Kagome was taken aback by his question. "What would possess you to ask such a question? Of course I love you, Shippo. For the moment, you are my son. And even before I adopted you legally, I've always considered you like a son to me. Or, at the very least, a little brother," she told him.

Shippo thought it over. He came to his conclusion then. "I don't care if Inuyasha remains my dad or not. He's nice and all, but I was really close to my real dad anyway. But, if you don't mind, Kagome, can I keep you? I like having a mother. And I like having you as my mother," he asked her.

Kagome felt her heart go out to the small kitsune. She knew how much he had loved his real father. But, she had never really heard him speak of his mother. She wasn't sure what that had meant. And now, he was asking her to truly be his mother. Not just in the modern world, but back in his own time as well.

"I don't know, Shippo. You have to remember. I'm mortal. I will die long before you grow into an adult," she told him, placing her hand on his cheek.

Shippo sighed, letting his chin fall to his chest. "It was just a thought. I thought maybe, when we get the Shikon Jewel back, you can ask for immortality. And then, we could be together forever," he whispered.

Kagome could feel the tears well up in her eyes. She wanted so badly to gather the child up in her arms. How could she explain to him that it couldn't be that way? When Kagome makes her wish, it has to be a wish that was selfless. A pure wish. A wish from her heart, not from her desires. She could wish for Shippo to be happy and live a long and good life, but she couldn't ask to become immortal.

The young miko bent down and kissed Shippo on the forehead one more time before she got up. She bid goodnight to the children and flipped off the light. She walked to the living room rubbing her temples.

The day hadn't been that bad. She got some housework done and had given a monk and a demon dancing lessons. It had been the evening that made the day tiring. Inuyasha's choice and now this.

Shippo wanted a mother. He wanted her for his mother. And yet, realistically, she knew that could never be. She was bound by her mortality. It was a mortality she didn't even feel, aside from the many times she almost died.

She knew she could die, but in many ways, she felt like the very demons she was around all the time. She was a girl of the future who had found her way in the past. She knew things that hadn't even happened yet.

She was an immortal stuck in a mortal body. She was a miko from the future who preferred to live in the past. She wondered, once this was all over, if she would be willing to even come back to the modern world.

She sat down on the couch and flipped through the channels on TV. She saw one of her favourite animes and kept it there. Good. It was an episode she hadn't seen before.

She felt a demonic aura enter the room. She knew Shippo was sleeping. Or at least, he better be. She turned her head to see Sesshomaru moving to the couch.

The taiyoukai sat next to her, looking at the TV. "What are you watching?" he asked her, his face twisted in a way that could only be described as disgusted.

She laughed at him, "It's one of my favourite animes. Samurai Champloo. I think the guy with the glasses is kinda hot," she admitted.

"Is he even real?" the demon lord asked, staring at the screen.

Kagome shook her head. "Anime is where artists draw the characters and bring them to life. It's really hard to explain. But, basically, they use computers and multiple drawings to make the characters do everything they need to do."

"So... he's fake?"

"As fake as a child's doll," she confirmed.

"You harbour feelings for... a fake man?" the demon lord asked, as he turned to look at her.

He wasn't smiling. There was no mirth in his words. His eyes didn't even twinkle. Yet, Kagome couldn't shake the feeling that he was laughing at her. "I didn't say I harbour feelings for him," she corrected. "I said I think he's cute. Gosh, a girl can think a fake guy is cute, can't she? It's not like I wanna date him or anything."

"Should I be jealous?" he questioned.

Kagome bit her bottom lip. She could feel he was getting amusement from all of this. She looked at him. He was wearing a dark red button up silk shirt and a pair of black slacks. She gave her sarcastic reply, "Sure. Why not? After all, that guy has a better chance with me then just about any guy in this place."

She knew she had said something wrong the moment his eyes met hers. "Do you care to test that theory?" he asked her before leaning over to kiss her on the lips.

He kept his lips brushed against hers as he teased, "I think I just got further then he ever had."

For a moment, Kagome was at a loss. Had he just teased her? Sesshomaru? She backed up a little to look into his eyes. She saw it. Briefly. A slight twinkle passed through his eyes and then was gone. It was so uncharacteristic for him, she was left stunned.

What had she done to cause this curious change in the demon lord's behaviour? It was so unlike him she almost wondered if something very bad had happened. It would explain his good mood. Especially if said bad thing was in his benefit.

He stood up and held his hand out to her. Curious to see where he was going with all of this, she took his hand and let him help her up. Once she was standing, he retrieved the TV remote and shut the TV off.

"Hey! I was watching that!" Kagome began angrily.

Sesshomaru put the remote on the coffee table and turned to look at her. He stepped closer to her and slipped his hand around her waist. "I wish to dance with you again," he whispered softly to her.

Kagome could feel her heart begin to race at his request. She felt him lead her to their makeshift dance floor. He then pressed her closer to him as he began the simple dance moves. She let her hands move to his shoulders and looked up at him. "But... we have no music..."

Sesshomaru closed his eyes and pressed his cheek against hers. He then whispered in her ear, "Listen to the music in your mind. That is all the music you need."

She couldn't believe he was saying these things to her. The music in her mind? He wanted to dance with her? To the music in her mind? To the music in his mind? Did he even hear music in his mind? She had never known the demon lord to possess such thoughts. And yet... here they were... they were dancing... to the music in his mind.

As she let him guide her into the rhythm of his steps, she could begin to feel the music he spoke of. She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his chest. She listened to his heartbeat and felt the rhythm. She could feel his soft breath as his chest rose and fell with each step. She could actually hear the music he heard.

As they danced, Sesshomaru found he could not shake his brother's scent off the miko. While it was a fading scent, it wasn't faded. He knew the scent would stay there until someone else came along to wash it away or his brother would come to claim her.

Annoyed, the taiyoukai guided her to the back bathroom. It was time to rid her of this scent once and for all.