InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What the Future Has to Bring ❯ In the Eyes of A Demon ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned any part of Inuyasha or his world. This is a work of fanfiction made entirely for the fans of Inuyasha to enjoy. This story is based off of Inuyasha characters that I do not own.

This is also a work of fiction. Any simularities to any real person, dead or alive, is completely coincidental.

What The Future Has to Bring
by: Tassana Burrfoot

Chapter Twenty-Six: In the Eyes of A Demon

Shippo charged into the living room. He took a great leap and cleanly landed in Kagome's lap. "Hey, Momma!" he giggled.

Kagome gave him a hug and then scolded, "Shippo, you know better then to jump in my lap like that. You could've hurt me."

Shippo waved the notion away. "I wouldn't hurt you. I'm too light!" he told her, but he jumped off just for safe measure.

The young miko laughed as she looked back at the social worker. "As you can see, my children are quite happy," she explained.

The social worker nodded. "Yes, I see that. And what about their fathers? I see the children are happy with you. I see Rin is happy with her father. But, what of the relationship between Inuyasha and Shippo? Is it a healthy relationship?"

Inuyasha looked at the woman. He was sitting on the couch next to Kagome and had been trying to keep from smelling her. Her scent was strong with his brother's and it bothered him more then he cared to admit. "What do you call a 'healthy relationship'?" he asked, not understanding the terminology.

"Do you play together? Get along? How much time do you spend together as father and son? Do you argue? Is he disciplined around you? Can you control him? Things like that, Mr. Taisho," she explained.

Inuyasha looked to Kagome and then nodded. "I guess we have a 'healthy relationship.' We do argue at times, but we get along for the most part," he answered.

The social worker raised an eyebrow. "You argue?" she asked.

Kagome laughed, "What child doesn't argue with their parents? I'm sure even you have argued with your mother and father from time to time."

The social worker did not respond, but she did write on her notepad.

Sesshomaru sniffed, "What is it you write on that thing?"

The worker smiled. "Mostly just my notes. These are things I observe while speaking with you."

"What have you observed?" he questioned again.

"When it comes to raising the children, Mr. Taisho, you and your brother do a pretty decent job. Though, I believe Kagome takes care of most of it. She also handles all the meetings we have. I am not sure as to why. Whether you and your brother are shy, or you don't know what to say," she explained.

"You have yet to ask me a question I feel needs answering," Sesshomaru informed, his face unreadible as she spoke.

She smiled. "Very well, Mr. Taisho. Let me think of a question that would interest you... How is your relationship with Rin's mother? Have the two of you become friends? Or are you still on a 'only discuss Rin' terms?"

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow slightly at this. It was none of her business what went on between him and Kagome, but he decided to humour her. "Kagome and I have become... what was the word you used? Intimate?" he almost smiled when he saw the look of surprise on the woman's face.

Kagome blushed a crimson red at the cheeks. She had not expected Sesshomaru to say that, though she should have known.

"I'm surprised. What has brought about this change?" the social worker prodded.

Kagome shook her head. "Sesshomaru and I are... well... we are getting married soon. We fell in love with each other and have decided we want to marry."

"Congratulations!" the social worker beamed. "I am quite happy for you both. But, where does this leave Inuyasha and his son?"

Inuyasha wanted to know this as well. He hadn't expected Kagome to mention her getting married to Sesshomaru. He thought they already were married. Did she not know what claiming was?

Sango and Miroku had been sitting at the far end of the living room, watching the meeting. They both went wide eyed when Kagome mentioned marriage. She had never once told them she was getting married. Sango took a mental note to fuss at Kagome later.

Eri had been sitting in the kitchen with Mrs. Higurashi. When Kagome made the proclaimation, they looked at one another. Eri mouthed, Did you know? Mrs. Higurashi shook her head.

"Look, I love Shippo," Kagome stated, startling everyone out of their thoughts. "I am his mother, not just through adoption, either. I am his mother in every way except one, I did not bare him. But, these days, it doesn't matter who had the child. All that matters is the person loves the child."

The woman nodded. "Would you want to change fathers?"

Kagome shook her head vigorously. "No. Shippo's father is Inuyasha. And whether or not Inuyasha will admit it, he loves Shippo. And he cares for him very much. To separate them would be cruel."

"But, wouldn't that interefer with you and your new spouse?"

"Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are brothers," Kagome explained. "Besides, Inuyasha lives here with us. He's not planning on moving out anytime soon and I'm not planning on making him leave."

The social worker nodded. "You are very loyal, Ms. Higurashi," she praised the girl. "Just be careful, for children have a way of seeing things others do not. Just try to do what is best for Shippo."

Kagome agreed, "You have no worries."

The social worker packed her things back in her suitcase and stood up. "I shall return sometime after Christmas. Have a wonderful holiday to you all."

Kagome smiled and led the lady to the door. After she left, Kagome leaned against the door and wiped her brow. "That woman makes me nervous every time," she commented.

She looked up to see eight pairs of eyes staring back at her. Her face screwed up in confusion. "What?" she asked to the staring eyes.

"Since when are you getting married?" her mother asked, hands on her hips.

Kagome paled.

"She isn't getting married," Sesshomaru informed as he stood up. He walked over to his mate and looked down into her blue eyes. "Why would you not tell her the truth?"

"I don't think she knows, Sesshomaru," Inuyasha interrupted, drawing all eyes to him.

The taiyoukai growled, "What do you mean?"

The hanyou threw a bored look and then focused on Kagome. "Do you know what it means to claim someone?" he asked her.

Kagome thought about it for a moment. "Isn't it obvious?" she returned, not sure where he was getting at.

Inuyasha shook his head. "No, it isn't obvious," he responded. "When you claim someone, they become your mate."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Yes, I know that. I wasn't born yesterday, you know."

The hanyou smiled a sarcastic smile. "What is another word for 'mate'?"

Kagome thought about this for a moment. She knew what another word for "mate" was, but she didn't really want to say it. Especially not with her mother standing right there.

Miroku's eyes widened as he began to understand. Kagome couldn't get married to the demon, because she already was. He offered her a comical smile. "Kagome, my friend, take a moment and think about it," he told her. "Do not think the way we humans think. When we think 'mate,' we think children, intercourse, those things. Think of 'mate' the way a demon would."

Kagome did as suggested and thought "like a demon." Slow dawning came upon her and she looked at Sesshomaru. Suddenly, she hit him. Flat out, popped him on the chest.

Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed at the strike. Anger flashed across his face.

"I can't believe you did that!" she yelled at him. "You didn't even ask me! And what ever happened to a good old fashioned ceremony? Complete with a priest in a temple! Don't you know how old I am? You have to be at least an adult to do something like that!"

Inuyasha huffed, "Apparently you don't have to be an adult to do other things."

"Sit, boy!"

"Son of a--" Inuyasha crashed into the floor.

"Higurashi Kagome!" her mother scolded.

Kagome started crying. She sat on the floor and drew her knees up to her chin. She then buried her face in her knees. Her sobs wracked through her body.

Sesshomaru's eyes changed as he looked at her with confusion. He didn't understand what was going on, nor what she was talking about. Ceremony? Priest and a temple? He had never heard of such rediculous practices.

Sango and Eri ran to their crying friend. Sango looked up at the demon. "I don't think it's best you stay here. She needs some time alone," the demonslayer told him.

"No, Sango," came Kagome's muffled voice. She lifted her head and wiped her tears. "Don't make him leave. He needs to be here because we need to talk."

Sango nodded. "Do you want us to stay?" she asked.

Kagome sniffled, "I need to talk to Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, and my mom alone."

Sango nodded again in understanding and stood up. She and Eri offered Kagome reassuring smiles as the led the way out of the room. Sango took Rin's hand as Eri took Shippo's.

"What's wrong with Mommy?" Rin's sweet voice asked. "Is she mad at my daddy?"

Sango whispered to the girl to be quiet as they left the room.