InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ The Suiren Castle ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Don’t own so don’t sue …
Chapter 8
The Suiren Castle
Persephone led them through the streets to the front of the castle. As they walked , they made small talk.
"Um, Persephone, you are not Japanese. May I ask where you are originally from?", queried Kagome.
"I am a traveler. I am originally from a country far away from here. A country called Greece. I decided to explore the rest of the world although my mother and Lord husband did not approve. But I needed to leave."
Kagome looked at her excitedly. A real foreigner. Kagome had studied Greece in school and had studied the gods and goddesses. She related that to Persephone. Persephone was surprised to hear that Kagome had heard of Greece, as most Japanese had not. But then, she realized that Kagome wasn't pure Japanese - those striking green eyes said otherwise.
"Were you named for the goddess Persephone?" Kagome asked to which the girl just smiled at her.
"So how did you end up all the way here," asked Inuyasha, after Persephone explained that Greece was many, many moons away past the continent.
"I am not sure, really, I just traveled for years and finally ended up in China. I met my friend, Xia. She is a female ninja from the continent."
"A female ninja?", both Inuyasha and Kagome chimed in unison.
"Yes. I learned all I know now from her. She came to the island to assist her friend, who is the Lady of the castle. A panther demoness named Lien Qing."
"The lady of the castle is a panther demoness?", asked Inuyasha, incredulously.
"Yes, you will meet her tonight. She is a kind and proud demoness from the mainland. She is the daughter of a powerful Chinese demon who was betrothed to another powerful panther demon, but she didn't want to marry him. So she fled to the island. Her father sent his forces out to bring her back, but Xia and I came to her assistance. So did the lord of the mystic castle, Lord Monzaemon of the Suiren clan. He fell in love with her the moment he saw her and sent his mystic samurai out to assist. The panther demons, what were left anyhow, ran back to the continent with their tails between their legs. The lady says the moment she laid eyes on her savior she knew who she belonged with for her entire life."
"WOW!", commented Kagome dreamily, "I just love romance!"
As they reached the castle guard they grew silent. Although not made of real gold, the castle was made of a type of golden stone.
"I've never seen anything so beautiful," said Kagome, as she admired the stone, "What is it?"
"It's a stone the Mystic stonecutters make. Only they know the secret." The castle guard let them enter and the walked through the many rooms.
"Persephone!", they heard a female voice call out.
"Xia!", Persephone replied. "Xia, this is ..."
"Yes, I know, Lady Kagome," Xia bowed to Kagome, "and Lord Inuyasha, son of the legendary dog-demon. We've been expecting you."
She held out her arm to Inuyasha, who looked at her questioningly. Xia smiled and took Inuyasha's opposite arm and clasped it above the elbow and used her free hand to have Inuyasha clasp her arm above the elbow.
"This is how Mystic warriors greet each other, Inuyasha. The stronger the better. And I hear you are a pretty good warrior," she continued, releasing his arm, "I look forward to meeting you in a match soon."
"I don't make it a habit to fight women," Inuyasha replied, turning his head.
"You better rethink that, my friend, as I don't care. I attack. You fight or lose. It's that simple.", Xia replied with a cocky smirk.
Kagome watched Xia the whole time. Xia was a beautiful woman, but definately a warrior. Taller than most Orientals, with black, almost blue hair and dark, almond shaped eyes. And that cocky smile. She could definately be Inuyasha's equal in cockiness.
"Now Now, no fighting before we've had a good meal," called out a familiar voice.
"Zeshin! How long have you been sneaking in the shadows, my friend?", asked Xia.
"Long enough. Although a battle between the ninja Xia and the warrior Inuyasha - now that I would pay to see.", Zeshin replied with a heart laugh, "Dinner is ready. Let's go and eat, shall we?"
The group followed Zeshin into a large formal dining area. Many people were already sitting down and enjoying their meals as Zeshin walked the group to the head of the room.
"My Lord," Zeshin bowed to the graying man at the table, "May I introduce Lord Inuyasha and Lady Kagome of the country of Mushashi."
The gray-haired man stood up and bowed and Kagome returned the bow.
"My boy, you do not bow to your host?" asked the old man.
"I bow to no one," replied Inuyasha, roughly, which got him a jab in the ribs from Kagome (but not a SIT thankfully).
"Ha Ha Ha ... no, I don't suppose you would. You are very much like your father. I am Lord Monzaemon of the Suiren clan.", the old man finished.
Inuyasha asked, wide-eyed, "You knew my father? You mean you're not ..."
"Human? No, my boy, I am Mystic and our life spans can rival some of even the longest-living demons. Allow me to introduce my 'honodono' ...that's mate in Mystic. Lady Lien Qing," he swept his arm towards the lovely panther demoness kneeling beside him on his left, "and my son, the Crown Prince Okyoito," he motioned to his right as the young man with red hair and tail stood up to greet them, holding his arm out to Inuyasha, as Xia had done earlier. Knowing what to do now, Inuyasha clasped Okyoito's arm in a firm embrace. Warrior to warrior. "Let's sit and eat, friends," the old man said, motioning them to sit down.
Kagome and Inuyasha sat down to enjoy their second feast of the day, filled with more food and drink then they could finish. The couple was plied with questions about their journey and the defeat of Naraku.
Kagome couldn't help but ask Okyoito, "Are you considered a hanyou as well, Prince?"
"Yes, technically as I am not full-blooded demon. But up here, hanyous are as accepted as everyone else. We are not looked down upon.", he replied casually, but Kagome was even more excited,
"A place where hanyous are accepted. It sounds like the Mystic Island we visited."
"You know of Mystic Island?", Lord Suiren asked, "Although it no longer is the place we created, I didn't know others knew of it."
Kagome went on to explain their visit their and Inuyasha's and Kikyou's visit there over 50 years ago.
"I wish I knew what happened to the hanyou children that we rescued from the island," Kagome said, wistfully.
"Why, my child, wish no more. We would never let orphaned Mystic hanyou children to fend for themselves. They are here in the town orphanage. I will make sure you get to see them soon.", Lord Suiren said.
Kagome excitedly replied, "Really? Isn't that great Inuyasha?"
"HMMPH!" was all he replied but secretly he was glad to hear they were safe.
As dinner was cleared, the servants began to bring out dessert.
"Chocolate?", Kagome asked, surprised.
"Why yes, child," replied Lady Lien Qing, "You know of chocolate?"
"Of course she knows, mother, she is from the future after all.", Okyoito said.
Kagome's attention was quickly drawn away from the surprise of the rich dessert.
"You ... you know where I come from?", she asked hesitantly.
Lord Suiren just laughed. "Yes, child. We have been watching you for some time. We know your origins and that is why you are here. A child from the future with magical powers is definately more than a priestess - even if you are the reincarnation of a powerful one."
Remembering what she was originally going to say, Kagome asked, "Where did you get chocolate?"
"Through trade with the mainland. We get many rare foods, spices and such through bartering with our Chinese tradesmen."
"Gee Kagome, I thought you could only get this back with your ninja foods. At least I won't have to do without one of your ninja treats. Though I do miss the stuff you add hot water to and the dried potatoes.", Inuyasha commented.
"All you think about is food, Inuyasha." thought Kagome.
They finished dessert and Kagome asked, "So why am I here, Lord Suiren?
"It is time to explain that to you, isn't it?", the lord replied, "And here is the woman I was waiting for to help to explain. Welcome Mistress Mystic."
Inuyasha and Kagome turned around to see a large, formidable-looking woman standing behind them.