InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ And The Pup's Name Is ... ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 19

And The Pup's Name Is ...

Town of Kusamura, Early Spring 1546

The winter was extremely harsh and some elderly residents didn't make it through the hard times. Unfortunately, even though the healers tried, some newborns and toddlers didn't make it through either. Kagome was entering her training as a healer, and when she lost another patient it affected her deeply.

She kept her pup tightly swaddled and took him everywhere with her after she was ok to get up and go back to training. She kept calling him 'pup', since she wasn't allowed to know his name that Inuyasha had chosen. For his part, Inuyasha usually called him pup too, unless he wouldn't stop crying and then, even though he had made progress with his lack of patience, it was still, "HEY KID - GIVE MY EARS A REST WILL YA!".

Inuyasha still had a way to work on his temper, and he and Kagome still argued, although it was mainly because he liked to see the spark in her eyes when she was pissed. Plus, he enjoyed making up to her and the pleasures they shared afterwards. Unfortunately, his temper was fodder for the young pup, who at first was surprised at his father's outbursts, but after he started smiling, began cooing and giggling when Inuyasha began one of his tirades. This would make Kagome burst out into fits of laughter and Inuyasha to just mutter, "Feh, I give up!" and walk away.

They discovered that the pup had his human time also - and it was the day before his father's. "Great!", sighed Kagome, "Two days in a row with grumpy men!"

Kiyoshi and Kimiko would bring over their young hanyou cub, Kentaro, and the two boys were fascinated with each other. Kimiko and Kagome would discuss training, babies and other motherhood things while the men discussed Takagawa.

"It's only a matter of time before he strikes again.", Kiyoshi commented, "He's still trying to figure out what do about that sword of yours." "Yea, well let him fucking come," Inuyasha responded back, "The son of a bitch is mine!" Inuyasha hadn't felt this much wrath towards any human in his life and only felt it against one other person ever - Naraku. Takagawa's atrocities to humans and demons alike was enough to make his blood boil.

Even with the harsh environment, Inuyasha's training didn't cease. In fact, the harsher the climate, the better, as he learned to be more resourceful in keeping up his energy. Since being able to turn full demon he had discovered he could withstand more pain and survive poison. He also developed a new power he called Lightening Wave, where he could send out bolts of energy from his hands to his opponent. He also learned to make himself seemingly invisible, as he learned total stealth.

Spring came seemingly early, as the thaw came around the spring equinox. The new parents in the village, whose children were born four moons ago, prepared for their naming ceremonies. Inuyasha and Kagome were no different, as they were anxious to have their son officially be considered a villager.

The ceremony was held on a beautiful, sunny morning, with birds singing and not a cloud in the sky. Snow was still around on the ground, covering the soon to be tilled fields. The altar where Kagome and Inuyasha said their vows was prepared with a bassinette and torches surrounding it. Each father brought their child up to the bassinette and asked for the Mistress's blessing. She would ask for the name and then ask the mother if she agreed. She then would bless the child and say a prayer for their celestial sign - which was then given to the father to give to his wife. She would wear the charm around her neck on a necklace given to her by the temple maids. Then, as an added bonus, with Persephone in the town, Persephone would ask for the blessings of the powerful greek gods and goddesses as well and then request a sign from the gods as to the sign of protection for the child from the heavens. Finally, family and friends would greet the child, welcome him or her into the world and bestow a gift upon the babe.

A total of five children were born four moons ago, Inuyasha's son included. When the time came, Inuyasha walked up to the Mistress and placed his son in the bassinette as he bowed to the head Mystic. "Mistress Mystic, I request your blessing upon my son." Inuyasha announced solidly. "What is the child's name?" Inuyasha swallowed and replied, "His name is Inuyashaichi, the first born son of Inuyasha." The Mistress eyed him and them turned to Kagome, "Does the mother concur with the chosen name?". This having been the name Kagome wanted for her son, she clapped her hands together excitedly and nodded, "YES!" she said, happily. The Mistress raised the child up to the heavens and chanted a prayer in mystic before announcing, "His celestial sign is that of the moon." She placed the pup back in the bassinette and pulled out a charm that she handed to Inuyasha who turned around and handed it to Kagome. Persephone came over and prayed in her native language of greek, while holding her hand over the pup's chest. A greenish-blue light swirled around the child as she called upon the will of her gods. Finally she spoke and said, "His guardian from the heavens is Pegasus, the powerful flying horse. Pegasus will guide him through his life and protect him. Later on I will show you where in the heavens you find his guardian. Now my friends, I will grant him a gift. Oh child of Inuyasha, you are the son of a powerful and strong warrior. So in light of that I grant you the gift of strength to guide you through these troubled times of war." With that, she smiled and bowed her head to Inuyasha and sat down. Behind her, Xia came and bestowed her blessing of courage upon the child. Zeshin bestowed faith, Kimiko bestowed handsomeness, Kiyoshi bestowed music. Other friends came up and bestowed other similar wishes and Kagome had tears in her eyes. She felt her son was a lucky pup and she felt even luckier. She looked at Inuyasha and smiled.

A/N: Okay - the ending "ichi" means first born son so the name Inuyashaichi translates to 'first born son of Inuyasha'. Whaddya think? let me know.