InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ A Face From The Past ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 20

A Face From The Past

Town of Kusamura, Late Summer, 1549

The years seemed to pass quickly and before they knew it, Kagome and Inuyasha had been in Kusamura for going on five years now. Inuyasha's training advanced considerably as he learned ninja techniques, speed and stealth as well as perfecting his newest technique, Lightening Wave. He also continued to apprentice as a farmer, stone cutter and builder to continue learning. To keep himself relaxed, Inuyasha learned to play the stringed instrument, the biwa, and was so fascinated with glass blowing that he took it up as a hobby. He even sold some of his creations. Because of his training and his efficiency in battle, Inuyasha was bestowed the title of Captain and given his own regiment. Lord Suiren granted him a house of his own among the Samurais, but Inuyasha refused. He chose instead a house among the farming lands and started farming. He had plans to take his family and return to Mushashi next year since Kagome's training was nearly completed. He enjoyed Kusamura, but they missed their home and their old friends. And there would be no other way to support his family than by farming in Kaede's village so he decided to start now.

Speaking of family, their family had grown considerably. Being a dog, Inuyasha discovered resisting his mate while she was in heat was impossible. For her part, Kagome couldn't say no to his sweet affections when she was fertile. She could have brewed a tea to keep her from being fertile, but she couldn't be nursing when she drank it. Unfortunately, she was always nursing when she became fertile so she was pregnant every year. Her first fertile time came just before Yashaichi's naming ceremony, and in late autumn of 1546, about a month before Yasha's birthday, she birthed an identical pair of twin boy pups, Shaoran and Shirrow. Both boys had silver hair with black tips and black tipped puppy ears as well as their father's golden eyes. Their next son, Bunza (named after the little lynx that Inuyasha had met at Totousai's), was born in the early spring of 1548. He had silver hair with black streaks and black puppy ears but he had his mother's emerald eyes. Their youngest son, Yukio, was born this past winter of 1549. He looked like a copy of Yasha except he also had Kagome's eyes. And now she was pregnant again, due in late winter. It was to be after this pup's naming ceremony that the family planned to pick up stakes and head back to Mushashi.

Kagome's training took her to incredible heights as her powers grew exponentially. She even surpassed Mistress Mystics expectations of her. She completed her levels of training and now stood one quest away from completing her training. On her forehead, above her right eyebrow, was three stones for each year of training, placed into her flesh. Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire. All she needed know was the Diamond and her training would be complete. In her second year, her trainers discovered she had power over fire, so fire became her attacks. She carried her bow and a fan and each had an attack. Her Fire Typhoon attack was from her bow, enabling her to shoot numerous arrows of fire at her enemy. Her Fire Twister was created by her fan, similar to Kagura's wind attacks. And lastly, her DragonFire attack came from her hands as she could send fireballs to throw. When she completed her quest she would be known as a Mystic Fire Sorceress Princess. She also became an excellent healer with powers of an empath (being able to take on the pain of another). And besides knowing major events of the future because she was FROM the future, she discovered that she was also a seer and could predict events she hadn't heard of before. Yes, she had become powerful.

The family was well known around town and market. Inuyasha was comfortable enough in town to walk around unprotected even on the nights of the new moon. The family attended festivals and plays and visited the marketplace regularly. Kagome created food for their crops and animals to help them remain healthy so the family could earn money by selling what they didn't need.

Takagawa did return and Inuyasha and the evil Hun came face to face many times. To avert problems with Takagawa's sorcerer, Kagome began joining in on the battles, even though Inuyasha disliked the idea. Unfortunately, he had to agree that magic was needed to fight magic, so she wore clothes that kept the enemy from realizing that 'Inuyasha's sorcerer' was actually a sorceress. While Kagome would hold off the sorcerer's attacks on Inuyasha, Inuyasha was able to engage Takagawa. So far all the battles ended in draws with Takagawa calling for retreat after Inuyasha would destroy his troops with a well placed Wind Scar that always seemed to miss its main mark.

Kagome's final quest came up and Inuyasha was not happy. His wife, while pregnant and with a nursing pup in tow, would be journeying with Persephone and Xia to Mount Kousetsu to search for the bow of Odysseus, the legendary Greek warrior. Persephone had used her powers to hid the bow on the Mount. Kagome would need strength, courage, resolve and full knowledge of her magic to survive and retrieve the bow. If she succeeded she would be awarded the bow, which would enable her to shoot five arrows at a time. She would also receive her diamond stone on her forehead as well as the Sorcerer's Stone. The stone was a huge diamond necklace surrounded by gold rings encrusted with precious stones. It was said to contain the wisdom of the Mystic sages and sorcerers that she would be able to call upon when needed. This was something extra that the Mystics decided to give to Kagome if she completed her quest and not something all who finished training received.

Inuyasha was not allowed to travel with her and, while he knew she had to complete this herself, his protective side didn't like it. The whole time she was gone, all he did was fidget. The pups kept him occupied but he still had plenty of time to worry. Xia promised not to let anything happen to her "charge" and Inuyasha had to accept that. Although, to Inuyasha, it seemed like a year, after two weeks, a tired but elated Kagome returned, pup on her back and bow in hand.

At the ceremony celebrating her return, accomplishment and awards, she was given a beautiful, proud, but gentle, demon palomino stallion from Lord Suiren and a peregrine falcon named Taka as a familiar by the temple priests. The whole town seemed to be on hand to celebrate her achievement. Per Mystic tradition, Kagome was to choose a new name for herself that she would now be known as. Only her closest friends and her husband could now call her Kagome. She decided to use her second name, Leilani. She was now known officially as Lady Leilani, sorceress princess.

Fall harvest soon followed with a Harvest moon festival. Kagome prepared the foods for the winter as Inuyasha tilled under his fields for the last time. The pups enjoyed their favorite foods from pumpkin breads, to apple spice cakes, apple cider and acorn squash. The celebratory mood, however, would be short lived.

Inuyasha and his troops were summoned to a village at the southern end of the castle town's area by the village bells. It was the smallest village, extremely poor, and had nothing of value for bandits. As Inuyasha raced with Xia, Persephone, and the rest of his men to the village, he wondered why they were being attacked. Feeling it wasn't Takagawa, Inuyasha had Kagome remain behind. Surely he could handle a few worthless bandits. When he arrived he met up with Kiyoshi and some of the demon wolves. It seemed like a simple band of thieves, but he discovered he was wrong. Before he had a chance to draw Tessaiga, Takagawa appeared on his steed, laughing a sneering laugh and Inuyasha felt a searing pain through his entire body. Takagawa's sorcerer had hidden the familiar scents so Inuyasha was unaware of what was coming. Using Inuyasha's own Lightening Wave, the sorcerer was filling Inuyasha's body with electricity, electrocuting him. This continued unrelenting until Persephone was able to discover where the sorcerer was and break his contact with Inuyasha, but it was too late, Inuyasha's body lay crumpled on the ground, smoldering from the incessant attack, his eyes void of all expression. As Kiyoshi tried to give chase, the sorcerer pulled Takagawa away from the battle and into safety.

His friends rushed over to him. "Is he dead?", whispered one of his soldiers. "No," said Xia, as Kiyoshi picked up Inuyasha's limp body, "but I feel he doesn't have long.", she continued, "Kiyoshi, take him into one of the huts, I'll go get Lady Leilani." she finished as she rushed off.

Farther into the village, a woman watched the battle. When she saw the half-demon approach, she hid herself. As Kiyoshi carried Inuyasha into the closest hut, the woman now entered to assist. She looked at the half-demon with knowing eyes. Kiyoshi turned around and saw her and said, "Oh, Priestess, I didn't see you there. I doubt there is anything you can do for my friend. His mate is an exceptional healer and empath. She will be able to cure him." "Mate?" thought the priestess looking curiously at Kiyoshi, "He's mated?" she thought. The priestess went and drew some water for Inuyasha and brought it in to the hut. A commotion outside alerted her to the arrival of the healer. She heard the murmurs of "Lady Leilani" and it confused her more. The lady walked in, wearing a light blue velvet hooded cape. She saw the priestess inside the hut and froze. As she removed her hood she made eye contact with the priestess. "Kagome." the priestess thought with disgust. With amazement in her voice, Kagome breathed out the name, "Kikyou".