InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ The Demon Awakens ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 21

The Demon Awakens

"Kikyou," breathed Kagome, "What are you doing here?" "No matter why I am here. I am and I plan on completing the task of taking Inuyasha to hell with me, like he promised." Kikyou said to her menancing, raising her bow and cocking an arrow, "and you will not interfere." "Kikyou, do you really think your simple arrow will affect me now?" asks Kagome, "I will not let you take Inuyasha. He does not want to die. He has a family of pups now. He wants to be with them." Kagome took a battle stance. "Hmph! Pups you say - you call your children like dogs. If I had been the one to give Inuyasha the family like I wanted to when I was alive, they would be human. I've had my say ... now DIE!" As she fired her arrow, a loud growl of "WENCH!" and a bright flash of light filled the room. Kikyou's bow fell to the ground as its owner fell sideways, bleeding profusley from wounds on her back. Kikyou looked up, thinking, "What just happened?". She saw that Kagome had caught her arrow in her hand and that directly in front of her, in a protective stance, stood Inuyasha. His clothes in tatters, his eyes flaming red, his elongated claws at the ready, his long fangs bared.

"How dare you attack my mate?", demon Inuyasha growled, "Who the hell are you, bitch?" "He doesn't know me?", Kikyou thought, "What's happened to him? A minute ago he was lying lifeless on the floor." she thought, trembling in fear. Kagome herself thought similar thoughts. "He doesn't know Kikyou but he knows me. He's full demon now. My spell doesn't help him control his demon when he's on the verge of death." "I'll leave you be, bitch, since I can smell you're dead already." Inuyasha growled as he turned around and picked up Kagome and bolted out the door of the hut. He sprinted past the samurais outside, as Kiyoshi watched and followed. Demon Inuyasha ran deep into the forest heading for what he knew was home, carrying his mate, with Kiyoshi close behind, worried. Kiyoshi knew about Kagome's spell on Inuyasha but was concerned about what had just occured at the village.

Demon Inuyasha raced into the town and entered his 'den'. The maid that was there watching their pups screamed in fear at the sight. "Suki," Kagome spoke calmly, "It's fine. Just get the pups and take them out to get air. I can handle the lord." "Y-Y-Yes, Lady Leilani," the young maid stammered as she gathered up the wide-eyed pups, who were just staring at their father. They had seen their father as a full demon, but never as wild-looking as he appeared now, and they were curious. "Come children," Suki urged, "Let's go pick some flowers in the meadow." Suki picked up Yukio and Bunza as the other three followed. "Is papa ok?", asked little Yasha of his mama. "Yes sweetie, he just needs to calm down. Go with Lady Suki." The children left with Suki and Kagome turned her sights on Inuyasha as she noticed Kiyoshi enter. "Please, Kiyoshi, leave Inuyasha to me." Kiyoshi left the two alone.

"Inuyasha, please put me down. We're safe now." She kept her arms around his neck as he gently released her. His breathing was heavy and she could tell he was still badly injured. She closed her eyes and concentrated healing energies through her hands into his body. His breathing slowed and his eyes closed as the energy surged through his body. His body slowly slumped to the ground as she knelt beside him. "Inuyasha?" she said, as he slowly opened his eyes to reveal gold orbs. She saw his claws and fangs retreat and knew he was coming around. "Ka - Kagome?" he sputtered, "What happened?". "You don't remember, my love?" she spoke steady and softly, "Apparantly, when you are on the verge of death, your demon can still take over." "Did ... did I hurt anyone?" "We'll talk about it later, right now you need to rest." She helped Inuyasha to his feet and to their bed. She brought him some food and water and made sure he was comfortable before she left him alone.

She went out to talk to Kiyoshi. He explained what had happened in the battle. After he was finished, he asked, "Who was that priestess? Does she know you?". "Yes,", Kagome replied, "But I'll explain later. We need to find a way to stop that sorcerer. As long as he is alive, Takagawa is protected and these lands will never be free. First, however, I need to take care of someone. KHAN!," she called for her demon stallion. "Where are you going, Kagome," Kiyoshi asked as she mounted her steed. "Nevermind, please keep an eye on Inuyasha and don't tell him I've gone. If he asks just say I'm out with the pups." she said as she rode out of town and into the forest - south to the recently attacked village. "Kikyou," she thought.