InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Kagome is Kidnapped! ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 23

Kagome is Kidnapped!

Winter Solstice, 1549

A blizzard blew fiercely outside. Inside the small house, the half-demon family gathered around the fireplace. Kagome had introduced the concept of "Christmas" to her pups by celebrating the pagan celebration of the longest night of winter. The pups knew of "Santa Claus" and eagerly awaited his gifts on the morning of the longest night. Kagome worked all year weaving clothes and blankets for the pups for winter while Inuyasha bartered his labor for gifts. The family wasn't poor, but Inuyasha was still used to not having money so he would work for other families in exchange for them making toys for the pups. The pups bounced around eagerly, playing with their toys and trying on their new clothes.

Kagome made a feast for her family (although with a family of hungry dog-demons, every night was a feast). They had goose, yams, green beans, rice, soup, and plenty of sweet dumplings and rice cakes. The pups ate voraciously (given their young ages - they ate like their father). They also celebrated Yashaichi's 4th birthday with his favorite dessert - spice cake.

Inuyasha had told Kagome about Kikyou leaving before he could get to her and all about what Persephone had told him. He had promised never to hide anything from her a long time ago and he had always kept his promise.

Suki was staying longer with the family to help with the pups now that Kagome was six months along and beginning to rest more often in her "birthing room". She was beginning to become more and more invaluable to Kagome and the pups hated to see her leave.

A few days later, Inuyasha received a request to investigate a demon causing problems outside a local village so he kissed Kagome and left to investigate. Kagome and Suki put the pups down for their naps and Kagome went to lay down while Suki worked on some knitting.

When Inuyasha arrived at the village, the villagers were confused. They knew nothing of any demons plaguing the surrounding area. Inuyasha searched, but could find nothing out of the ordinary, no smells that were different.

He headed back to town and went home to find Suki unconscious on the floor. He became alarmed and tried to wake her up. He called for Kagome and when she didn't answer he hurried to the bedroom. He found five sleeping pups but no Kagome. "KAGOME!" he yelled, running to check her special room and didn't find her there either - though there appeared to have been a struggle there. He check every room before heading back to find Suki stirring. "Suki, dammit, what happened? Where's Kagome?" "Lord Inuyasha?", Suki said, coming to and then, "Oh my Kami, my Lord! These 3 strange looking men came in and took the lady. I tried to stop them but they hit me and I must have passed out. The pups? Where are the pups?", she stated, crying. "The pups are ok - they're still sleeping. You stay here and take care of them - I'm gonna follow Kagome's scent."

"DAMN!", he thought as he raced out the door, "That damn demon hunt must've been a trap to lure me away so they could get to Kagome." He followed Kagome's scent out of town and northwest in the surrounding forest. He followed until he came to Takagawa's camp site. "So this is who's taken her.", he thought angrily. He walked through the campsite, Tessaiga drawn. Surprisingly, it was empty. He searched until he saw a building in the distance. He picked up the scent of Kagome and ... "That damn sorcerer!", he thought as he raced to the building and crashed his way inside only to find ... "MIRRORS?!"

Inuyasha had entered a house of mirrors and illusions. He looked around and all he saw was his reflection until ... "KAGOME!" He saw his wife in battle with Takagawa's sorcerer. "She's not up to battling!" Inuyasha thought, worried and angry at the same time. "KAGOME", he called again to no avail. Not being able to find a way to get to his mate, Inuyasha began destroying the mirrors with his fists, all the while screaming Kagome's name.

Kagome's POV

A tired Kagome battled on. Three men had taken her to Takagawa's sorcerer, who had sneered at the young girl's abilities. He finally had the source of Inuyasha's strength and he planned to destroy her for his master. Doubting her strength, the sorcerer even let her be free to defend herself, but she only had her hands and fan with her. Kagome only seemed to have time to dodge the sorcerer's attacks and never time to respond. Plus, she was trying to protect her stomach and the pup she carried inside. "Inuyasha, hurry, I don't know how much longer I can last.", she thought to herself.

Inuyasha's POV

"KAGOME!", Inuyasha screamed again as he watched his mate get thrown into the wall by another blast, "DAMMIT! How do I get to her?" he said aloud as he continued breaking mirror after mirror. "You can't half-demon!" came a voice from behind him. Inuyasha turned to be face-to-face with Takagawa. "You bastard. Your fight is with me, not her, let her go, dammit she's pregnant!" Inuyasha growled. "HAHAHAHAHA,", Takagawa laughed evilly, "Blame yourself half-demon. You're the one who brought her into this battle. I finally discovered the source of your strength. When she's dead you'll be helpless." "BASTARD!", Inuyasha screamed as he began swinging Tessaiga. The two men became locked in a heated sword fight, each countering the other's swings. All the while, Inuyasha attempted to keep his eye on Kagome, asking the gods to watch over her until he could get there. "Keep your eyes on me, half-breed!" Takagawa sneered as his sword made contact with Inuyasha's left arm, cutting the fire-rat cloth and drawing blood. "BLADES OF BLOOD!", Inuyasha took the chance to apply another attack, which caught the Hun off guard. "He's more than just a mere half-demon.", thought Takagawa, "What else is the source of his power?" The battle continued until Inuyasha caught something out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see Kagome thrown across the room and lie in a crumpled heap on the floor ... and not move. "Get up! Dammit Kagome GET UP!" Inuyasha screamed as Takagawa took another swipe and sliced him across the back, deeply cutting him. As Inuyasha fell to his knees, he saw Kagome stand and then ...

An intense, bright lightening bolt filled the sky and destroy the building. Mirrors shattered and Inuyasha felt himself getting hit with shards of glass. He instinctively flattened himself to the ground and covered his head, all the while wondering what had happened and where Kagome was. He waited until the debris had settled before getting up. He was bleeding profusely, but he didn't care. He had to find Kagome! He sniffed around and realized that Takagawa had managed to escape. "Cowardly bastard.", he said to himself as he looked around. That's when he saw her. "KAGOME!"