InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Kagome's Demon ( Chapter 25 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 24

Kagome's Demon

"KAGOME!", Inuyasha called again when she didn't respond. He looked around and saw a gruesome sight. Takagawa's sorcerer was laying face-up on the ground, a look of shock on his face, impaled all over with shards of mirror, bloody and obviously dead. He watched Kagome as he came closer, watched as her body swayed slightly back and forth, as if unsteady on her feet. Suddenly, she turned to Inuyasha and growled a menacing growl.

Inuyasha stopped dead, shocked. Kagome's eyes were blood red with blue slits, light purple streaked her cheeks, and she had fangs and claws. She bared her fangs and growled at Inuyasha. "She's .... she's demon?", Inuyasha thought as he stared at her. As she growled once more, Inuyasha's instinct took over. "She smells my demon, she's challenging me.", Inuyasha realized, remembering that dog demonesses were dominant over their mates if the mate was weak. Allowing his demon blood to rise to the surface, he growled back at her, a growl telling her to step down, that he was her dominant male. When she refused, she growled again and took a swipe at him with her claws. The claws were small, smaller than his normally were as a half-demon. Inuyasha, being quicker, dodged and maneuvered behind her, grabbing her arms and forcing them behind her back, trying to be gentle, but tough at the same time. He didn't know what caused this, but he couldn't bear to see Kagome like this. "Back down", he growled again in her ear. "Never!", she hissed at him. Following instinct, Inuyasha quickly clamped his fangs into the base of her neck and shoulder, causing a loud, banshee-like scream to erupt from Kagome. Because Kagome was still fatigued from the fight and unused to her new body, he managed to get her on her knees without much difficulty. Kagome tried to struggle but to no avail. Inuyasha had her firmly in his grasp and she finally slump against him, admitting defeat.

Inuyasha released his fangs and turned Kagome around and cradled her in his arms. Her eyes were closed and she appeared to be sleeping, passed out from the fight. "Kagome," he thought, worriedly, "What happened to you?"

Inuyasha picked her up bridal style and, ignoring his own pain, ran at full speed back to town. He had to get Kagome back to the temple and fast.

Inuyasha arrived at the temple and was greeted by temple maids. Seeing Inuyasha's state and Lady Leilani lying limp in his arms, one of the maids ran to get some help. A couple of nursemaids came to their aid but Inuyasha insisted on seeing someone else. "Get Lady Noni", he demanded of the maids as one ran to fulfill his request. Lady Noni arrived and was distressed to see the two of them. "What happened?", she asked as she took Lady Leilani from Inuyasha's arms and laid her down on a futon. As the nursemaids tended to his wounds, Inuyasha explained what had occurred. "You tell me what happened, woman! Why did she fucking turn demon?". "It appears your fathers' demon blood is even stronger than I had expected,", Lady Noni started, "When Kagome drank the potion with your blood in it, I explained she may notice some changes as she was, technically, now a half-demon. Have you noticed any other changes?"

"Changes? Only that she heals a bit faster than a mere human,", Inuyasha commented, "and that she has more stamina.", he said, allowing his mind to wander to their "playtimes", before shaking the memories out of his head and getting back to the present. "Another change, obviously, is that, like you, when her life is mortally in danger, the demon blood arises to protect itself from harm. This is not good for her. We must seal her demon blood inside her so this will not occur again. She was lucky this time. If there is a next time ... ", Lady Noni's voice trailed off.

"What about the pup she's carrying? Will the change have any affect on him?", Inuyasha asked, worried. "I will have the nursemaids check her over now. As for any changes to the child, I cannot say until after the child is born. And even then, if anything affected him, it may not show up for years." With that, Lady Noni bid him a good day and left as the nursemaids began to check on the unborn pup. By this time Kagome was stirring, and complaining of one nasty headache. "What happened?", she murmured. "I'll explain later, Koshii.", Inuyasha spoke to her softly. The nursemaids assured him that the pregnancy seemed fine and she was ok to go home. Inuyasha cradled Kagome in his arms and carried home, thankful to the gods that his mate and unborn pup had survived this day seemingly unscathed.