InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 29


"KAGOMEEEE!!!" Shippou yelled loudly as he ran to greet to the two travelers as they approached Kaede's hut. "Shippou!!!" Kagome greeted him as she picked him up and hugged him tight. "I missed you so much Kagome!" Shippou told his friend. "Oh, Shippou, I missed you too!" Kagome said, still hugging the kitsune.

"I missed you too, Inuyasha.", Shippou said as he bounded onto Inuyasha to hug him, only to be greeted by a pair of amber eyes from underneath Inuyasha's silver hair. "Whoooaa!", Shippou cried out as he flipped off of Inuyasha onto the ground, "Whaa?", he started as a silver haired pup, jumped down beside him, dressed in clothes similar to Inuyasha and taking a stance similar to his father. "I'm Inuyashaichi, first-born son of the gweat dog-demon Inuyasha.", the pup announced proudly, then looked up at his father, "Wight Papa?" as his father smiled at him proudly.

"SON?", Shippou, Miroku, Sango, and Kaede chimed in unison as they looked at Inuyasha and Kagome incredulously. Then their attention was drawn to the front wagon where another 5 pairs of eyes stared out at them. Kagome giggled and said, "We have alot to tell you, but first,", she said, hugging Inuyasha, "We're married." The group just stared at the couple, not knowing what to say, when finally Shippou broke the silence, "Bout time!" Kaede urged them all to come inside and she would make some lunch. Kagome said they'd be in as soon as they tied up the horses and secured the wagons. As Miroku, Sango, Shippou, Kaede and the three little girls settled inside, Miroku said, "This oughta be interesting."

The surprises didn't stop as in walked Inuyasha, followed by (like baby ducklings), six pups ranging in age from a year to 4 years and then Kagome, carrying two infants. As they settled themselves (or more likely, settled the pups), their friends just stared. "Are these ALL yours?" Sango asked. "Yup!", replied Inuyasha. "Well, more or less," Kagome added as she explained about their two adoptees, "But other than that - yea, they're all ours!" "You've been busy, Inuyasha", Miroku smirked, "Making up for lost time, I see. And you call me a lecher!"

Introductions were made, with Sango introducing their three daughters, Cho who was 4, Hotaru who was 2, and Miya who was 1. Inuyasha couldn't help but comment that it was appropriate that the lecher would have three girls. Cho curiously went over and looked at Yasha and Kentaro, when she found out they were 4 years old as well. "Mama," Cho asked, "Why dey got dog ears?", she said, pointing to their ears to which Yasha replied, "Cause my papa got dog ears, dat's why.", as he pointed to his father. Cho looked at Inuyasha and then back at Yasha and cooed, "Can I touch'em, huh huh huh?" Yasha replied, sounding ever so much like his father, "Peh, don't care, go 'head if ya wanna." Cho gently touched first Yasha's ears and then Kentaro's (who wasn't as a obliging), as the adults smiled.

The children began to play together, as the adults started reminiscing and getting to know each other again. As Kagome, Sango and Miroku chatted, Sango, Miroku and Shippou kept an eye on the normally quiet hanyou. At first, he was sitting in his normal position, cross-legged, with his arms crossed, Tessaiga beside him on the floor. Every now and then, a pup would come over and climb into his lap looking for a hug. Oblivious to the stares he was receiving, Inuyasha would pick up his pup and nuzzle them affectionately. Sometimes, there would be a small exchange of words, ... ahem ..., barking between them. This would cause the trio to look at each other in amazement. Kagome, realizing where her friends attentions were, smiled as she realized this was the first time they were seeing this side of Inuyasha.

After a while, Inuyasha stretched out on his side, tired and bored, his head cupped in his hand. Almost as if a signal, all six pups scrambled over to their father. As everyone but Kagome watched in shock, the pups began using their father as a plaything, crawling over him, tugging on his clothes, hair and twitching ears. The normally impatient hanyou simply laid there, still as a rock, except for his twitching ears. He would, now and then, bark or growl and his pups would respond in kind.

"They're barking!", Sango commented in surprise.

"I noticed," agreed Miroku.

"It's Inu-Youkai language," Kagome explained, "It's instinctive to them when they're born. Inuyasha's been able to talk to them from the beginning. I have to admit, I was jealous at first, but Inuyasha has taught me some of the language so I can talk to them too."

"Inu-Youkai's have a language?", Miroku and Sango chorused in unison

By this time, Yukio was bouncing on Inuyasha's hip, while the other five used Inuyasha as a wall for playing war. Inuyasha dryly commented, "Yea - whaddya think - those barks, yelps and growls were for our amusement?"

Kagome couldn't help but laugh at her friends reactions. Shippou couldn't believe THIS was the same Inuyasha who used to swat him around all the time. Kagome finished telling them about her training and they congratulated her on her accomplishments. Kaede said she would inform the villagers that they were to call Kagome by her official name, Lady Leilani. She felt the villagers would be in awe of knowing that had a living myth in their village, as mystics were believed to be.

Sango also informed a shocked Kagome that Kohaku was alive and well and that Sesshoumaru had been the one to revive him. This elicited a "Feh!" from Inuyasha, who felt his brother wasn't capable of that kind of kindness. Ignoring Inuyasha's comment, Sango continued to explain that Kohaku, now 20, had taken a liking to Rin, who was now about 17, and would go off to travel with her, Jaken and Sesshoumaru every now and then.

"He's trying to talk Rin into marrying him and settling down in the village, but she's not ready to leave Sesshoumaru yet.", Sango finished.

As the pups tired of their escapades, they settled down to eat their lunch. Again, this drew stares from the group as they watched the young pups devour bowl after bowl. "More pwease, Grammy Kady." they'd asked Kaede. Obviously, Kagome had succeeded in making them much more civilized than their father. Kaede would smile broadly and refill their bowls.

After eating, Inuyasha got up and started to walk out. "Where are you going, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

"Just out for a walk," he said, as he crossed his arms and walked out of the hut. Little Yasha got up, crossed his arms just like his father, and said "Me too." as he marched out the door.

"Yasha adores his father," Kagome told everyone.

"It's obvious,", Miroku said, "he emulates Inuyasha perfectly." Miroku then got up and decided to follow Inuyasha.

When the men had left, Kaede turned her attention to Kagome, who was in the process of nursing a pup. "Child, ye must be exhausted from having so many babies so quickly."

"Yea, well, it's hard for Inuyasha to keep his cool when I'm fertile and the only birth control the mystics had couldn't be used while nursing. I always became fertile while nursing."

"Aye, child," Kaede said as she took out a pouch and she ground up a root into it. She handed it to Kagome. "Here, child, use this to make a tea. It's a bitter tea but it will protect ye. And it's safe to use while you are feeding. It won't harm the children."

Kagome was elated. As much as she loved Inuyasha and the pups, she needed a rest. She put the pouch away and began getting the pups ready for their nap. Sango settled her girls down also. Soon, ten small children were asleep.

With Inuyasha and Miroku

Inuyasha and Yasha strolled down to the area of the sacred tree. There, Inuyasha stopped and surveyed the area. Miroku caught up with them.

"Inuyasha," Miroku started, "I'm happy to see that you're with Kagome. I take it this means you are over Kikyou." To this, Inuyasha remained quiet. Miroku continued, "She's still alive, by the way, about five years ago ..."

flashback "Miroku, what are those lights over there." Sango asked as she sat on the porch.

Miroku looked towards the forest, "Those lights are disconnected souls." then thought, "Is Kikyou alive? Is she looking for

Later - Miroku with Kaede, "Lady Kaede, did you notice the lights in the forest last night?"

"Aye," said Kaede, "it was my sister Kikyou. She came to see me last night. She is looking for Inuyasha. I explained to her that Kagome was called to the fabled land of mystics and that Inuyasha went with her. She told me such a land did not exist and then she left. I fear she is still after Inuyasha's life."

end flashback

Again, Inuyasha said nothing. "You don't seemed surprised to hear that she is alive." Miroku commented.

"I already knew.", Inuyasha said quietly, "She was at one of the villages surrounding the Mystic town. She became injured and Kagome healed her. But she left the village before I ever arrived."

Miroku mulled this over. "So you didn't go after her?" This question brought a deep growl from the hanyou's throat. He opened his hitoe and yukata far enough to bare his left arm and marriage tattoo.

"Do you need to ask?" was all Inuyasha said as Miroku examined his arm. This satisfied the monk's questions. Miroku began to stare at the space that Inuyasha was looking at.

"What are you looking for?", Miroku asked his friend.

"I need to build Kagome and the pups a house. I don't want to be right in the village. This seems like the perfect spot." Inuyasha noticed that Yasha, bored, had curled up at his feet and was sleeping. He gently picked up his sleeping son and started back to Kaede's hut.

"You coming, Miroku?", Inuyasha called back.

As Miroku started to follow, all he could think was, "You've definitely changed, Inuyasha."

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A/N: ok - long chapter. I decided to try and separate the quotes more to make it easier to read. When I get the chance, I'll go back and edit my last chapters. I had a tough time with this chapter - but I have lots in store for the next chapter - HA HA - Sesshoumaru returns!!!!