InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Back To The Future ( Chapter 39 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 38

Back To The Future

Modern Day Tokyo

Izayoi found herself at the bottom of the well. "I wonder what that strange blue light was?" she said to herself.

As her eyes adjusted to the dark well, she spied the ladder. She climbed the ladder and found herself inside a building. Confused about her surroundings, she climbed out and looked around.

"Where am I?" she thought, then called out, "Lily? Mama?"

She climbed the stairs and opened the doors to the building. The light assaulted her eyes, the noise assaulted her ears and the smell assaulted her sensitive nose.

"PHEW! What is that smell?", she said to herself.

Izayoi started walking into the yard calling, "Mama? Papa? Are you here?"

She saw the sacred tree and ran to it. "Where did the forest go?", she thought.

Spying the house she ran up to and opened the shoji. "Mama?", she called again.

A woman with black hair came out of the kitchen saying, "Kagome? Is that you?" and stopped when she saw the little girl.

The woman stared at the child with silver hair, white puppy dog ears, and emerald green eyes. She knelt in front of the child.

"Who are you, sweetie?" she asked.

"My name is Izayoi. Do you know where my Mama and Papa are?" the little girl asked.

"You look just like Inuyasha.", the woman said, mostly to herself.

"He's my papa.", the girl said proudly.

"And who's your Mama?", the woman asked.

"Her name is Kagome.", Izayoi said.

"Kagome." the woman thought, "How can she have a daughter this age? It hasn't been that long since I last saw her."

"Sweetie," the woman said to her, "You may not believe this but your mama is my daughter. You are my granddaughter."

"You're my grandma?", Izayoi said excitedly, "But where am I?"

"Did you come from the well?", her grandmother asked.

"Yes," Izayoi answered.

"Well, it's a long and complicated story for a little girl to understand. Why don't you come in and I'll try to explain it to you as best I can." her grandmother said to her.

"Ok,", the girl replied happily as she followed her grandmother into the kitchen.

"If Izayoi came through the well, Kagome shouldn't be far behind. Maybe she can explain what is happening.", Mrs. Higurashi thought to herself.

Back At the Well, 1562

"Inuyasha, what are you saying? Did she jump down the well?", Kagome asked worriedly.

"Looks that way. And she's not at the bottom. Her scent disappears just like yours did when you passed through.", Inuyasha said quietly.

"Then she's in the future? We've never fully explained to the pups about where I come from. She must be terrified.", Kagome said, even more worried.

"This is Izayoi we're talking about. She's probably bullying your brother, Souta.", Inuyasha commented dryly.

"Inuyasha, 21 years have passed. Souta almost 30.", Kagome reminded him.

"Ok, fine, so she's bullying Souta's kids!", He remarked back, "Either way, Izayoi is not one to be frightened easily is my point."

"Fine, but we have to go get her, but without the jewel, what if I can't get back?", Kagome asked, worrying even more.

Inuyasha appeared deep in thought. "Kagome," he started, "Remember way back to Yura?"

"Yea," Kagome responded.

"Well, Yura stole your piece of jewel when you went back. But after I came through the well, you were able to return with me, even with no jewel shard in your possession." Inuyasha finished.

"That's right, so maybe I can return with you. It's worth a shot anyway, we need to get Izayoi back. She doesn't belong in the future.", Kagome responded.

"Let's gather the pups and explain it to them." Inuyasha suggested.

"Are we going to take everybody through?" Kagome queried.

"You got a better idea? One, if this works, your mother is going to want to see all the pups. And two, should we get stuck in the future, we should have us all together. Don't you agree?" Inuyasha asked her.

The parents gathered their pups as well as Miroku, Sango and Shippou at the well. Kagome explained to her family where she came from. The younger ones didn't quite understand, but the older boys were in awe. When their father explained what happened to Izayoi, Kiyoshi piped up,

"Are we gonna go through the well too?", Kiyoshi wondered.

"We're gonna try.", His mother said.

Inuyasha explained, "We'll send your mother through first with the babies. If that works, the rest of you will follow. I'll come through last to make sure everybody gets through." And then turning to Miroku, "I'm worried Kentaro, Kieran, and Kowaro might not go through since they aren't Kagome's natural children. If that happens, watch them for us, Miroku?"

"Of course," was Miroku's reply.

The group prepared and Kagome bundled Shinta and Tatsuya and had Inuyasha strap them to her back. Hoping for the best, she swung her legs over the top of the well and jumped in. A bluish light appeared in the well and she was gone.

"WOW" numerous pups cried out at once and then they all clamored, "Me next! Me next!"

"Age order, youngest first,", Inuyasha said as he picked up Kotaro, who clung to him, "No Papa, don't wanna go!" he screamed.

"Ok, I'll take you with me, Kotaro. Jasmine, what about you, are you ready to jump in?" Inuyasha turned to his second youngest daughter.

"Sure papa, I do it.", Jasmine said as she climbed over the well and jumped. Like before, the bluish light enveloped her and she was gone.

Inuyasha decided to take the chance with Kowaro, worried that he might ended up at the bottom instead of the future. Miroku suggested he climb into the well and be there in case Kowaro didn't go through.

"Good idea, Miroku.", Inuyasha agreed.

Miroku climbed in and said, "I'm ready."

Inuyasha picked up Kowaro and said to him, "Ready, Kowaro?"

"Ready papa!", Kowaro said as Inuyasha tossed him into the well. The blue light appeared and Kowaro was gone. Inuyasha quietly thanked the gods as the others prepared to jump. Finally, Inuyasha, holding Kotaro, was the only ones left.

"Hopefully, we'll be back.", Inuyasha said to his friends as he jumped in and disappeared.

"They're gone.", said Miroku, quietly, "Be safe, my friends and return to us.", Miroku prayed quietly.

Modern Day Tokyo

Kagome helped the last of the pups out of the well and then Inuyasha appeared, carrying Kotaro.

"Well, we made it.", Kagome said, happily, knowing she would get to see her family again.

The pups were excited about their adventure. Kagome opened the well house doors and all the pups complained.

"What noise!"

"What's that smell, papa, it stinks!"

"That's what Kagome calls "progress"," Inuyasha snidely commented as Kagome looked at him fiercely.

"I smell Izayoi,", Inuyasha stated, "She went to the house, it seems." He finished as he started heading to the house.

The pups and Kagome followed. Kagome thought, "That's strange. Nothing looks different."

They entered the house. "MAMA?", Kagome yelled out, "Are you here?"

"MAMA!!!" came Izayoi's voice, as she bounded out of the kitchen followed by a young boy, an old man, and a woman.

"KAGOME!", the boy, old man, and woman, chorused at once and then they stopped as they stared at Inuyasha and Kagome surrounded by a lot of kids. "Kagome?", they queried.

"Mama? Souta? Grandpa? What's going on? You haven't changed a bit!" Kagome said, stunned.

"What are you talking about, sis? You just saw us two weeks ago." Souta commented.

"Two ... weeks? It's been 21 years since I last saw you!" Kagome insisted.

"21 years?, How can that be girl?," her grandpa said, "You don't look any different either if it's been 21 years."

Kagome's mom interrupted, "I think we all need to sit down and talk." as the others agreed.