InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Double the Hanyou ( Chapter 40 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 39

Double the Hanyou

Modern Day Tokyo

Since there were so many kids, Mrs. Higurashi suggested they all go outside and sit around the sacred tree. Introductions were made and Kagome's family enjoyed the younger children who climbed on their laps, while the older children asked a thousand questions of Kagome and their new found family. As Mrs. Higurashi held the infant twins in her lap, the other pups started playing with Souta. Questions finally came.

"The last time you were here, Kagome, you were just getting closer to defeating that Naraku character.", her mother stated.

"We defeated him. And then I didn't come back through the well because I thought, without the jewel, I wouldn't be able to return to the Feudal Era. And I wanted to stay with Inuyasha.", Kagome stated, "And we've been married for 17 years."

"Why don't you look any different the, girl?", Her grandfather asked.

Kagome began explaining to them all that had happened in the last 21 years of her life. It was alot of information for them to absorb. Especially her being a hanyou now and a sorceress capable of magical powers.

"What I don't understand is why 21 years hasn't passed in this world. Normally, when I travel through the well, the time I've been gone on the other side, has passed on this side too.", Kagome said, completely confused.

"It's like the well stopped time.", Inuyasha commented, also confused.

They all pondered this thought but no one had an answer.

"This whole time travel thing has always screwed with my head anyway,", Inuyasha said finally.

"I can't get over the fact that I have 15 grandchildren.", Mrs. Higurashi commented, laughing and hugging the twins, "I wonder if I'll ever get all the names straight."

"The pups will let you know who they are.", Kagome said, cheerfully.

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and catching up with the grandchildren as Kagome told her family stories of things the pups did as they grew up.

When Kagome was helping her mother prepare dinner, she realized, "Oh, Mama, this isn't going to be enough food for my family."

"It's not? Why, it's almost enough to feed a small army.", her mother replied.

"You've never fed 16 hungry demons before. They eat like 5 armies.", Kagome replied, chuckling, "We need to go get some more food."

Kagome and her mother headed out to the market with Yasha, Kentaro, Shaoran, and Shirrow in tow, hats on heads to cover conspicuous ears. As her mother and the boys worked one side of the market, Kagome worked the other side of the market. She was busy choosing vegetables when she heard ...

"Kagome!!!", voices chorused.

Kagome winced at the sound. "Oh No!", she thought, then, turning she said, "Hey, Eri, Yuka, Ayumi, Hojo. How are you?"

"Are you feeling better now, Kagome?", Ayumi asked.

"Yes, much better. I just needed to do some shopping." Kagome said trying to sound rushed, hoping her boys wouldn't show up.

The friends started jabbering on about school and what Kagome was missing, as Kagome continued to stock up on vegetables. Finally, Eri commented ...

"That's ... That's alot of food, Kagome.", she said, looking at Kagome's full cart of vegetables, "You planning to eat all that?"

"Yea, well, you know ..." And then Kagome's fears were realized as she heard ...

"MAMA, guess what?", she heard as four boys, looking about 13 years old, ran up to Kagome excitedly.

The four friends looked at each other, puzzled, and then back at Kagome, questioningly. "Mama?", they chorused.

"It's a long story, guys,", Kagome realized her double life was now going to be exposed, "Look, if I can trust you guys to keep a major secret, I'll let you know my biggest secret. And believe me, when you hear the secret, you won't want to repeat it, because no one will believe it."

The friends just stared at Kagome and nodded.

"Alright, meet me at the shrine tomorrow and I'll tell you everything. But for now I have to go.", Kagome said as she managed to get her friends to leave, satisfied that the next day they would learn their answers.

All the way home, the boys excitedly talked about the market and how all the food was already to be cooked and all the ninja food. Kagome had made sure to pick up alot of ramen for Inuyasha and some candy for the pups and Shippou. She also bought tons of crayons and paper to introduce to the pups.

Mrs. Higurashi was surprised to see the pups pack away so much food. She expected there to be leftovers, but not a crumb was left. All the pups gathered around Souta after dinner to watch his 'video game' thing and quickly learned to play when given the chance. Souta also taught them how to duel with Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Then the pups became fascinated with the people talking on the box that had the games on it earlier.

Every nook and cranny of the Higurashi house was filled with pups as Kagome and Inuyasha worked on getting them to sleep. Finally, Inuyasha and Kagome squeezed into her bed to try to get some sleep. It had been a long day.

The next day, Kagome's friends showed up and were greeted by 13 kids with puppy ears. The shock on their faces were clear as Kagome and Inuyasha joined them, Kagome carrying two infants.

The friends sat down on the grass as Kagome introduced her family. Disbelief filled her friends faces as Kagome explained why all the time she had been out of school.

"If you don't believe me, all you have to do is look at the dog ears. Have you ever seen anything like that here?", Kagome said.

"You mean they're real?", Ayumi asked as she petted Jasmine's ears, "Yea," she said in awe, "They're real!"

"So you have really been time traveling?", Hojo said.

"Yes, I have never been sick, well, except for that time I had the cold. I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you, but as you can see, I doubted you'd believe me.", Kagome admitted.

They continued chatting for a while before Kagome excused herself, "It's time for lunch and then naps." With that, her friends left and Kagome and Inuyasha rounded up the pups and headed inside. Later that night after the pups were down for the night, Kagome and Inuyasha took a walk in the yard. As they sat on the bench under the sacred tree to relax, they saw a figure coming up the shrine steps.

"Who would be visiting the shrine at this hour," Kagome wondered aloud.

The figure headed towards them and Kagome and Inuyasha got up to meet him. Then they both stopped. The figure in front of them was in jeans and polo shirt, with long black hair and violet eyes. Inuyasha picked up the scent.

"He's .... me ... as a ... human.", Inuyasha stammered out.