InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Return to the Past ( Chapter 41 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 40

Return to the Past

Modern Day Tokyo

"Who are you?", Kagome asked, after hearing Inuyasha's comment.

"He's right,", the stranger replied, "I'm Inuyasha ... Inuyasha of the future."

The couple just stared at him. Past Inuyasha said, "I'm human in the future?"

"Oh, sorry,", future Inuyasha said, as he removed a necklace from around his neck. His features changed from human to hanyou. "Kagome, you created this spell necklace to cover our hanyou features. It's strong enough so that even other demons can't tell us apart from other humans."

"We're still alive in this time?", Kagome asked, amazed.

"Actually, that's why I'm here. Can we talk somewhere?", future Inuyasha asked.

They walked over to the other side of the yard, away from the house, and sat down.

"Do you know why the well seems to have stopped time?", Kagome asked future Inuyasha.

"Yea,", he said, "Because I had one of the pups put a spell on it shortly after you went through the last time. Time passed in the Sengoku era but not here. Anyway, wow, it feels weird talking to my past self, but I had to risk it. I need you to change my past. Your future, but my past.", future Inuyasha started.

"What? Isn't that dangerous for some space time continuum thingy?" Kagome asked, trying to remember from sci-fi shows.

"According to the Fates, what happened shouldn't have happened. I need you two to set it right.", future Inuyasha continued.

"What happened?", past Inuyasha queried.

"Kagome dies.", future Inuyasha said, as the couple gasped, "In 1565, some local samurais decide to try to rid the area of demons so they set out on a demon hunt. That's why you created these necklaces. But when they arrive in the village, the samurais threaten to burn every house down unless the villagers reveal the demons. Obviously, they knew about us being there. One of the more cowardly villagers gave us up. I tried to fight them and I told Kagome to stay in the house and protect the pups. I didn't see them, there were others, they set fire to our house. The pups got out, but Kagome, I don't know what happened, she didn't get out.", he finished, but then, looking at Kagome, "It's been so long Kagome, I miss you so much,", he said with love in his eyes.

Past Inuyasha found himself getting jealous at his future self as future Inuyasha stared lovingly at Kagome. He tried to shake off the feeling, remembering what he felt like when Kagome was gone to another village. His future self had been without for over 400 years. Finally, past Inuyasha spoke up.

"What do you suggest we do about it?", he asked his future self.

"Don't play the hero. Leave the village. Head back to Kusamura. We'll be safe there. Even to this day, Kusamura is hidden from the human world. Alot of demons, witches and such still live there."

"So you want us to run, like cowards.", past Inuyasha said sourly.

"Dammit, for once stop being a hardhead and do what's right by Kagome. Unless you enjoy sleeping alone at night.", As he said that the future Inuyasha got up to leave.

"Wait!", Kagome called out, "Can we get back through the well?"

"Yes,", future Inuyasha said, "But you must never return to the present. You must seal up the well with a magic spell. I'll have one of the pups seal this side up just to be sure."

"Why?", asked Kagome.

"Because of that space time continuum. I can't risk having you or one of the pups running into your future selves. I don't understand it, personally. Never did. Kentaro is really into that science stuff, he's tried to explain it to me numerous times.", future Inuyasha concluded as past Inuyasha "HMPH'd" his agreement.

"Anyway," future Inuyasha started again, "Please heed my words.", and with that he was gone.

"That was weird.", Inuyasha said, mostly to himself.

"I think we better listen Inuyasha, so we don't put the villagers in danger, or the pups.", Kagome said, wrapping her arms around him, "Besides, it wasn't just anybody warning us, it was you, the you of the future, but still, do you want to risk losing me?"

Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear, "Never Koshii, I couldn't imagine being without you.", Then he pulled back, "1565, huh? Well, we have 2 years to prepare. We should leave by 1564. We should take Shippou with us."

"And possibly Kirara,", Kagome added.

"Yes, of course.", Inuyasha agreed, "Let's go get some sleep." They got up and headed to Kagome's bedroom.

They decided to stay for a few more days, so that Kagome's family could get to the know the pups better. Kagome explained to her mom, grandpa, and Souta that the family was going to have to move away from the well, to the same town where they lived when they married.

"I won't see you again until over 400 years from now,", Kagome said, wiping a tear from her eye, "By that time the pups will be mostly grown." Then thinking about future Inuyasha she said, "But for you, it could very well be tomorrow that you see us. With grown pups."

"That would be weird," Souta said.

Her mother and grandfather agreed but understood why the couple had to do what they had to do. A few days later, they packed up the pups, along with enough ninja treats and toys to supply the Japanese Imperial Fleet and headed back through the well.

The Village 1562

"Welcome back", Miroku called out as Kagome climbed over the side of the well and pups began bouncing out of the well.

"It looks like the well is producing pups.", Shippou said, laughing at his own joke.

After everyone was through, Kagome placed a spell on the well.

"What was that for?", Sango asked.

"It's a long story.", Kagome started, "Let's go back and get settled and I'll tell you everything that happened."