InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ The Return Of Father ( Chapter 42 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 41

The Return of Father

The Village, Summer 1563

The past year had seem a blur. The pups seem to have already forgotten their trip to the future, except for some of the toys that were brought back. The pups had become infatuated with a modern day playground and Inuyasha had studied how they were built while he was there. Once back, he set to work building some swing sets, jungle gyms, slides, and teeter-totters for the village kids. Even some of the adults tried them out, fascinated by Inuyasha's designs.

Upon their return, Inuyasha and Kagome explained to Miroku and Sango about their visit and how they were going to have to leave for Kusamura again, this time for good. Miroku and Sango took the news well, and promised that they would make sure their children would keep watch over the area and also that the promise would be passed down upon the generations.

Inuyasha enjoyed his stash of ramen and stretched it out as long as he could, knowing full well it would over 400 years until he tasted it again. Kagome slowly doled out the candy to Shippou and the pups, until at last, that too was all gone. At least she could still get sugar and other specialty spices from Kusamura by sending Taka and Khan with scrolls of 'grocery' lists and bags of money to the merchants. While in the future, her mother taught her how to make "glass candy" and she started making that for Shippou and the pups.

This was an especially good year, considering that at the beginning of the season that had two typhoons blow through. Most of the damage was from the houses, and alot of repairs were needed, but the crops seemed to fare well.

Inuyasha was working in the fields weeding, while a few pups walked the rows picking ripe tomatoes, green beans, peas, and carrots. He had sent a few other pups to the trees and vines to get any ripe plums, oranges, and grapes. As he was working on the cabbage beds he picked up a scent that was not normal. Stopping his work, he sniffed again.

"No, it can't be ... can it?", he said to himself.

"What papa?", Kieran, who was next to him, said.

"DAMMIT! Stay here!", he ordered the pups who could hear him, as he ran to the forest in front of his home where he saw a lone figure standing, waiting, "FUCKING BASTARD! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He yelled to the figure.

"Stay out of this puppy! I came to see my child!" said the figure.


"MY CHILD, DAMMIT!", Kouga yelled back, "I know Kagome was fertile, I smelled her, and I know she conceived, I smelled that too, so I want to see my child."

"After what you did to her, you have the nerve to show your fucking ugly face around here? I should've killed you when I had the chance. I guess you want me to complete the job?" Inuyasha growled at his opponent.

"I want to see my child. And I plan to take my child with me. A wolf cub doesn't belong with a puppy!", Kouga growled back.

"WHAT?," Inuyasha asked, incredulously.

Hearing all the commotion, Kagome and the other pups gathered. Kagome found Lily and hugged her close.

"Who's that man, Mama?", Lily asked, confused.

Kneeling down to the child's height, Kagome said quietly, "That's your father, Lily."

Even more confused, Lily replied, "But Papa's my father."

Kagome gently explained, "Remember when I told you how pups are created, by the joining of a man and a woman?"

"Uh Huh.", Lily replied.

"Well, when you were made, I had joined with Kouga over there.", Kagome said, trying to spare her daughter the details.

"But why, Mama?", Lily persisted.

"Well,", Kagome thought a bit, "Well, I didn't want to, but he forced me to. Some men do that to women. And you were created. But I love you just the same. It doesn't matter how you were created, but you were and I am so happy you were. And so is Papa. He loves you very much too."

Lily hugged her mother and said, "I know", And then Lily asked, "Can I meet him?"

Kagome responded, "Yes, if you want to."

The arguing was still going on between Inuyasha and Kouga, when Kouga stopped suddenly and said, "Kagome!"

Inuyasha turned, and seeing his wife and Lily, yelled to her, "Go back inside, Kagome and take her with you!"

Surprising Inuyasha, Kagome said, "No, I won't. I explained to Lily about Kouga. She wants to meet him."

Kouga looked from Kagome to the little girl, "I have a daughter?"

Kagome brought Lily over and said, "Kouga, this is Lily, your daughter."

Kouga knelt in front of the child and took her face in his hands as he admired her, "She's beautiful, Kagome."

Inuyasha didn't care for the scene in front of him, "Kagome, this mangy wolf wants to take Lily away from here, with him. Didn't you hear that?"

Kagome gasped as she heard this news, "Kouga, you wouldn't!"

Also upon hearing this, Lily back quickly away from Kouga and ran to Inuyasha, tears forming in her eyes, "Papa, don't let him take me away!"

"I won't, baby, don't worry about that," Inuyasha cooed to his daughter, that he had picked up in his arms. She clung to him for dear life.

Kouga demanded, "She belongs with me, Kagome, not with that insolent puppy you decided to mate with. She's a wolf."

Hearing this, Lily cried harder and really dug her claws into Inuyasha.

"She's a hanyou!", Inuyasha retorted, squeezing Lily, "And she belongs in a hanyou family."

Kagome looked at Kouga and said, "I won't let you take her from me. She belongs with her mother", she said firmly.

Kouga looked at Kagome, and said, "The other reason I came by was to apologize for what I did even though it was unforgivable. I wasn't myself. I had looked for years for you, hunted for your scent and always came up empty. When I finally picked up Inuyasha's scent for the first time in years, I was determined to find you, I ... I ... I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry, Kagome."

Kagome responded, "Kouga, I have already forgiven you. Your explanation doesn't excuse what you did but you are forgiven. I forgave you when Lily was born. No matter what you think of Inuyasha, he has always loved Lily. He has treated her no different than the other pups. To take her away would be the worst thing you can do."

"Besides that, try it and I will kill you on the spot, right here in front of Kagome, I won't give a damn what she says. You will not take my daughter!", Inuyasha stated gruffly.

"Please Kouga, for your sake, for Lily's sake, go back to your tribe. Marry Ayame and have full wolf demon cubs."

Kouga smiled, "I already have married Ayame. And we've had quite a few cubs.", he said proudly.

"Then leave here before I prevent you from having anymore, wolf!" Inuyasha demanded.

Kouga looked at Lily, who was still clinging to Inuyasha like a vine and not looking his way, and then back to Kagome and said, "I'll go, because you asked me to and only because you asked me to. Goodbye, Lily. Always remember I love you. Goodbye, Kagome. I'll always love you too."

Kouga turned and ran into the forest, disappearing in a whirlwind of dust. As he left, he thought, "I'll see you again sometime, Lily. I promise."