InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What The Future Holds ❯ Back To Kusamura ( Chapter 43 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't own Inuyasha so please don't sue!

Chapter 42

Back to Kusamura

The Village, Spring 1564

Inuyasha had prepared his family for their trip over the past year. As he did before he left for Mushashi 14 years ago, he had plowed under his ground for the last time in the fall. Kagome had gathered grass seed and the family spread it out before the first frost hit. After Kagome finished smoking all the meats, pickling and storing vegetables, he dismantled the smoke house and root cellar. After selling off all his animals, except for Izayoi's horse, Nightmare, and a couple goats, he dismantled the barn. Miroku would dismantle the house after they left. Inuyasha wanted as little trace of their existence left. The wagons had grown from two to four and he had purchased four oxen to pull the load.

Taka had been sent to Kusamura informing the locals of their impending return and the response they got back was one of great excitement. The town was looking forward to their return. As soon as the last frost had faded, they would pack up and leave, this time forever. Inuyasha and Kagome wanted no harm to come to the villagers on their account. In addition, they realized that it was getting difficult on the pups to watch their friends grow up and marry while they didn't age. At least in Kusamura they would be around their own kind.

Along the Road to Kusamura

Devi had returned to Inuyasha and Kagome to show them a safer road to travel on to the town. This road was generally free of troops and bandits, thus making their travels safer. Unfortunately, some war still remained in the area.

One night at camp, Inuyasha knew he smelled lots of blood. He wasn't concerned for his family because Kagome had placed a protection spell over the campsite, but what disturbed him was that the blood was inu-youkai. A pack had obviously been slaughtered recently. In the morning, as he went out to do some hunting, he followed the stench of the blood. Coming across the now dead pack, he reasoned it was a rogue pack by the size. Then he saw her, a human woman, dead among the pack. Sniffing her out, he realized she was the alpha female. That's when he saw her body move.

"She's not dead?", he thought to himself.

Going over to the woman, he moved aside her body. She was definitely dead. But what was underneath her was not. Lying underneath the woman was a female inu-hanyou pup, with red hair and brown ears. Inuyasha estimated her to be about a year old.

"Hey, little one, you're lucky to be alive.", he said as he reached for the child.

At first the pup resisted his attempts to pick her up, squirming out of the way, but eventually she allowed it. Obviously exhausted, the little pup laid her head down on Inuyasha's shoulder and fell asleep. He went back to the campsite and announced,

"Look what I found."

The other pups gathered around to look and Kagome came over. Seeing the little pup asleep on Inuyasha's shoulder, she asked,

"Where did she come from?"

"There was a pack of rogue inu-youkais murdered last night. There was a human woman among them, obviously her mother. I found her under her mother. Her mother must have died protecting her."

"The poor thing,", Kagome said as Inuyasha handed the sleeping pup to her.

"I figure we might as well add her to our pack. What's one more mouth to feed when you have 15 hanyou mouths to feed.", Inuyasha added.

"I agree. Plus, she's all alone now. She needs a family.", Kagome said, with a smile.

The family pulled up stakes and continued on their journey. During their trip, the new halfling quickly made the rounds of her new brothers and sisters, obviously fascinated with her new pack. She proved to be a happy child, and all the pups wanted to play with her. She especially enjoyed riding on Yasha's shoulders, pulling at his hair.

"The red hair is unusual for an inu-youkai, isn't it Inuyasha?", Kagome asked.

"I've never seen it before. I don't know where that pack was from.", Inuyasha agreed.

"She sure is an easy going child. She has taken to us quickly."

"Survival instinct. She knows she's safe. That's why she eventually let me pick her up. She could smell that I was inu. I was like her.", Inuyasha explained.

"Hmmm.", Kagome said, nodding, then wrapped her arms around her husband, "Inus are smart like that aren't they?", she said, lovingly, as she nuzzled him and licked his chin, the inu sign of submission, but also, from the alpha female, it indicated she saw him as the protector.

Inuyasha leaned in and nuzzled her neck, gently nipping the base of her neck, causing a giggle to erupt from Kagome.

A Few Weeks Later

The pups were fascinated by their journey as they were discovering new things all the time. The boys were getting better at their hunting skills, and started bringing to the campsite their own kill for meals. Izayoi and Lily's archery brought to the campsite quail, duck, rabbit, and once a fox, much to Shippou's chagrin. Some of the pups passed the time by riding on Kirara or Khan above the traveling group.

They crossed a meadow and came upon a forest and Inuyasha stopped.

"Where are we Papa?", Kentaro asked, sniffing the area.

"Ooooooo,", cooed Izayoi and Jasmine, "Pretty."

"What's pretty? What are you talking about?", Shaoran asked his sisters.

"The city,", Kiyoshi chimed in.

Inuyasha was taking notice of which pups could see the city that until now, only Kagome could see.

"So they have the power to see it too.", Inuyasha thought to himself.

"Machihoto!", Kagome called out.

The pups that couldn't see the city, stared in awe as a bright light in the forest opened up. They were greeted by Zeshin, just as they were when they had first arrived in the city.

"Welcome back, My Lord and Lady! How wonderful you have returned!", Zeshin welcomed them in the city.

The pups stared in awe of the city as they walked through the castle gates. Zeshin led them to a beautiful house among the samurais.

"I assume you will be building a home among the farmers, My Lord, as before. But you are welcomed to stay here until you finish that."

"You assume correctly, Colonel. Thank you for allowing us to stay here however.", Inuyasha said, bowing to his superior.

The family went inside and prepared to settle in. After dinner, the pups clamored to be able to roam the town.

"Should we subject the town to them, Koshii?," Inuyasha looked at Kagome.

"Ahhhh, let them go.", she said amidst cheers as all the pups from Lily on up headed out to explore, "Be back by nightfall!", Kagome yelled after them.

Kagome settled in on a pillow as the younger pups played with their toys that Inuyasha had taken out of the wagons. He settled down beside his wife and nuzzled her neck as he pulled her into him. She laid her head on his chest as she wrapped her arms around him. Tired, she started to fall asleep to the gentle thumping of Inuyasha's heart, his gentle purr, and his hand rubbing her back. These were the moments she lived for.