InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What They Gave To Naraku ❯ Kidnapped ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This is my other first attempt at writing a fanfic that I began a few months ago and decided to continue it. I hope you enjoy what I have so far, so please Read, Rate, Review. Arigato.
Disclaimer: Nope, not yet. I just want Sesshy.
Chapter 1: Kidnapped
She was scared. She thought today was the day when it would all be over.
He held her by the scruff of her neck feeling pretty pleased with himself. Today would be the day when the cursed miko would die.
They were terrified as well. For the first time they couldn't do anything. The barrier couldn't be broken.
* * * * *
Everyone thought the fight was going well. Kagome and Inuyasha did their special favorite technique of combining her purifying arrow with his infamous Wind Scar. Little did they know that Naraku was not fighting to his full potential. He had a few tricks up his sleeve. All was going well; well until—
* * * * *
This time when she pierced him with her purifying arrow, something happened. He couldn't describe it. It was as if a warm burning sensation was going on through his body. However, unlike the last time, he was able to tolerate the miko's arrow. Despite his ruined efforts, something sparked to his mind as he pulled out the miko's arrow from his arm. “Stupid girl,” he thought, “She still can't aim. She'll never be Kikyou.” Quickly cursing himself for that human heart he would never be rid of. In a blink of an eye, he sped towards the two and had the miko's throat clutched in the palm of his hand. Kagome tried to scream, as they were now a few feet above the ground.
“You've ruined my plans for the last time, miko! Inuyasha,” he sneered, “surrender Tetsusaiga and your precious wench will be able to live.”
“No one calls Kagome a wench but me! You so much as shed a drop of her blood and it will be your last time shedding anything before I rip you from limb to limb,” Inuyasha yelled as he tightened his grip on his sword.
Naraku eased his stronghold grip on Kagome, only holding her firm enough so she could just barely breathe. The others looked on completely terrified with feelings of helplessness to the one they not only considered friend, but also family.
“Nooo!” The little kitsune pup yelled as far as his voice could travel. Shippo ran to the young woman who was now being held hostage by their most hated enemy. Speeding along as fast as his little legs could carry him; he plunged towards the barrier with much desperation.
“Shippo stop,” the others yelled at him trying to speed up to him. Not being able to get there in time, he was badly burned by the terrifying miasma shooting off from Naraku's barrier.
Naraku's anger steadily increasing as the atmosphere deepened with hatred. As he lifted her a few more feet away from Inuyasha's safety on the solid ground, she screamed, terrified that he would kill her off as quickly as his anger increased. He clenched her throat tighter, only allowing her to pant for breath as her screams turned into yelps. While her fear was heightening his youkai's anger, the darkness of the sky deepened to a deadening violet, almost black and casting fear to Sango and Miroku as they froze wondering if this was it. Miroku couldn't use his wind tunnel since Naraku's Saimyoushou were out. The transformed, faithful neko youkai flew to Shippo's side, helping him to safety. A very low “arigato Kirara” barely uttered from his lips as he clung to her body with all his might.
It was getting more dangerous as everyone could tell with the significant absence of a certain grandpa flea. Not two minutes ago when the cloudless skies deepened, Myouga could be seen packing his bags and fleeing the scene.
On the other side of the barrier, Inuyasha screamed charging towards the youkai who threatened Kagome's life. Lifting his sword, he raced towards Naraku before being propelled backwards by the energy charge released from Naraku's barrier.
“Better watch how you're playing with that toy of yours pup, or you might just hurt your precious girlfriend.”
“You picked the wrong pup to fight with.” Inuyasha raced closer towards his evil vibes. With all his might, Inuyasha took a mighty leap and swung his sword with such great force. It seemed as though a slender mark was made in the barrier, but quickly healed it self and threw off vibes so horrific, had Inuyasha been a real dog, he would have been scarred, and terribly hurt. (Sorry for the doggy jab, I couldn't resist.)
“Stupid half-breed!” Naraku exclaimed.
“It takes one to know one,” Inuyasha truly pissed off at hearing Naraku utter the name his idiotic half-brother Sesshoumaru liked to call him.
As Inuyasha ran towards the barrier with all the strength he had left, it happened. The barrier turned a shade of pink that only Kagome was skilled at doing. In doing so, her purifying aura must have shocked or hurt Naraku in some way; seeing as how the sky lightened in its color to a milder violet tone, nowhere near black anymore.
Naraku growled as his barrier was consumed in the pink aura that seemed to be—“wait, what the hell is this crap!?!” He exclaimed to himself as he felt strange tingling sensations.
“MUST. NOT. GIVE. UP,” Kagome thought to herself as she used the last of her energy to emit as much of her purifying aura as she could.
In a state of shock, the energy from the girl jolted and did a full body slam into Naraku's body of evil. He seethed as his barrier weakened and he started to plummet to the ground. “NO!” He shrieked as he saw the hanyou racing towards him with all his might. As he now held the girl by her waist and one arm just tight enough around her neck, Naraku yelled at Inuyasha as loud as he could. “If I can't use this girl, then no one else will!” Naraku mustered as much energy as he had left from what the stupid miko had drained of him as and formed all his miasmic energy towards the running hanyou and sped off as far as possible from the stupid half-breed as fast as he could.
As Naraku sped away with Kagome, Inuyasha noticed something he was sure no one was able to. Even though Inuyasha detected that Naraku's barrier weakened, there was something else he noticed. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on. “Just what the hell happened when she purified him,” he thought to himself. Only he was close enough to see it, so of course, Inuyasha being the hanyou that he is, felt frustrated that he couldn't tell. He leapt to where everyone was to tell them of what he thought. “Maybe he was actually purified,” the inu-hanyou supposed. “Maybe since Naraku is actually hanyou, his human side can't be purified and killed.”
“But that doesn't make any sense. Even when he was human, he was pure evil. And he always lusted after Kikyou,” the monk remembering the tale they had told by Kaede, their elderly miko friend who was Kikyou's younger sister.
“Well Inuyasha,” Sango inquired, “what else are not telling us?”
“Look Sango,” he began, “you being the great taijiya, did you notice something strange about Naraku as he was leaving?”
“I don't know. He was to far away for me to see—wait, you mean when he Kagome purified him? I guess he looked a little different, in the face,” she mentioned.
“Yeah, that's what I mean. He shouldn't have been able to keep holding onto Kagome the way he did. He should have dropped her or something. But he left like nothing happened.” Inuyasha was getting more and more upset as he continued. “For now, you guys take a few minutes to recuperate. Especially Kirara. Then we have to find out where Naraku took Kagome,” he mentioned, a little aggravated by thought of Kagome being in Naraku's grasp.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Only a few miles away from the last battle scene, Naraku continued his flight feeling weakened. And, well, something else. Something he'd never felt before. He knew the miko tried to purify him, but this had never happened. All he felt was tingling sensations crawling up and down his spine. For a split second, he was filled with a sense of guilt for what he was doing and feelings of doing something good. But as quickly as the tremors of good came, they were quickly replaced by the evil thoughts and feelings he was used to.
Naraku stared at the girl as he held her in his arms still flying above the earth in the protection of his barrier. For a split second he resisted the urge to rake his hands through her free-flowing raven locks. Trying as hard as he could to keeping himself filled with thoughts of evil, but the sensations of good kept attacking him.
Exhaustion filled the girl's face as she kept giving off her miko vibrations, which were steadily fighting with youkai's rage. The villainous hanyou grew weaker as he found his youkai fighting with the never-ending, warm-hearted aura that the stupid miko was releasing.
“Please,” Kagome weakly begged, almost drained of all her miko powers. “Please let me go. It's not even me you want. If you want the Tetsusaiga, then you should be fighting Inuyasha, not taking me as prisoner.”
“You are as dumb as you look. Kidnapping you will buy me time to heal and get stronger. Inuyasha will be wasting a lot of his useless energy looking for you, stupid wench,” having the satisfaction of calling her the name that he knew would anger the inu-hanyou if he were here. He then began to shudder as the feeling ran throughout his body sending shivers up and down his body as though his whole body were being cleansed from the inside out.
“Please,” Kagome weakly begged before passing out.
The miko looked terribly exhausted and lifeless lying there in the hanyou's arm. He figured the miko was worthless to his cause now. And if she did wake up and regain her strength, she might try to purify him; and it might be worst than this time. Now he couldn't have that, being the youkai he was. (Not liking to refer to himself as a hanyou like that mangy mutt.) The day would come when he would purge himself of his human part, and when he did, Kikyou and Inuyasha would suffer terribly. Oh, it made him smile to think of the evil tortures he would put them through.
The dark hanyou, feeling light-headed, knew it was time to ditch the wretched miko before she woke up and do more damage to his already weakening self. Not totally wanting to drown the miko in the fast-moving river in case he needed to use her again, he let the girl go watching her fall and tumble to the ground. The flourishing green grass next to river would be enough to cushion her fall. But in his mind he still hoped that she would at least hurt herself a little bit.
As he left, he stared at the girl lying lifeless next to river. Knowing he had to hurry back to the safety of his castle, he left with what little energy he had left. In the protection of his barrier, he tried to understand what exactly had happened during the fight, and in his barrier. The sensations that his body was going through, the inner war of good and evil, was too much for him to handle. He would go back to the castle and tend to his wounds, and check up on the little girl.
He wouldn't be surprised if Sesshoumaru still didn't know that she was missing. Taiyoukai he might be, but he was still dumb enough to leave her in the hands of that ill witted, dense toad retainer of his. Jaken could hardly much damage without that stupid Staff of Two Heads. Even with it, he couldn't cause much harm to anyone, unless they were full human. And still, they would just be badly burned with that little amount of fire he uses. “Now, to tend to the girl,” he thought to himself. “I must see if she's attempted to escape yet. Hopefully that Kagura hasn't failed me again.”