InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What They Gave To Naraku ❯ Missing Pup ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This is my other first attempt at writing a fanfic that I began a few months ago and decided to continue it. I hope you enjoy what I have so far, so please Read, Rate, Review. Arigato.
Disclaimer: Nope, not yet. I just want Sesshy.
Chapter 2: Missing Pup
Miles and miles away from the battle scene, Sesshoumaru came back to the campsite where he left Rin, Jaken, and Ah-Un. A while ago, he had finished fighting some of Naraku's youkai's. As he came back, he realized something was wrong; it was quiet, too quiet. Yes they were a distance away from the river, but he still should have sensed something. Then he stopped. “Naraku. And Kagura,” he thought to himself. He ran at lightening speed to the sakura tree where Rin was known to play.
There was the tree and a bunch of blossoms on the ground. But no Rin. No Jaken either, but the toad was almost the last thing on his mind. Wait. Jaken was supposed to be watching Rin. And although he knew that Jaken didn't get along with Rin because she was human, he didn't think that Jaken would go so far as to take Rin somewhere and hide.
Naraku and Kagura's repulsive smell insisted on climbing up his nose, making him want to gag. With a change of plans he stormed off tracking their scent in search of the girl he'd recently began to think of as his. His pup was gone and he was furious. But of course, if there were anyone who could anger him so, it would have been Naraku and Kagura. He remembered the last time when Naraku kidnapped Rin. His plan had failed, but back then she wasn't much to him. Just the little orphan human girl who insisted on following him around, just because he saved her life. But now she was much more.
He'd taken her into his castle, given him her own room. Hell, she was the only one he allowed to see him smile. And now she was gone, just when he was on the verge of claiming her as his own daughter. Might as well have, she had no one else to claim. Except Ah-Un. The two-headed dragon came to be more than her flight in the sky. She treated him as if he were her best friend; taking extra care in brushing his hair and kissing him at night before bed when they were out. Left to right, first Ah would get a kiss on the cheek and she'd nuzzle the fur behind his ears. She would do the same to Un, and he would whimper and nuzzle her just the same.
Just as the taiyouakai started to follow the direction of Kagura and Naraku's hideous scent, he caught a whiff of something quite familiar. “Miko,” he thought as he went to follow where her scent was coming from. A few minutes later he came out of the cover of the field of trees to a quiet, vast area along the riverside where he saw the miko. She lay sprawled out on her side dangerously close to the river. If she were to roll over once or twice, the river would have carried her to the waterfall's edge. She looked mangled and lifeless, almost as if she weren't breathing. “Wait a minute,” Sesshoumaru inwardly said to himself.
The great taiyouakai walked over to where the unconscious miko lay. Standing next to her, he could see that she was barely breathing as if all her energy had drained out of her body. Slowly kneeling beside the girl he cocked his head and sniffed in the air. There was no trace of his brother, the stupid hanyou who never seemed to let her out of his site for a second. He wondered where the hell his brother could possibly be, seeing as how he never let her out of his site.
Then he noticed it. That sickening scent was all over her. Naraku. He wondered why Naraku's scent would be all over the girl, unless he was the reason why she was here, by herself with no stupid hanyou brother in sight. Although he hated his brother and humans, he couldn't leave this girl here alone with the possibility that Naraku might come back and try to kill her. He wouldn't give Naraku that satisfaction. Sighing to himself at the unfortunate task he just gave himself, he picked the girl up very carefully with his one arm and carried her back into the cover of the forest where camp had been set up. Where Rin should have been, right under the tall blossoming sakura tree.