InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What They Gave To Naraku ❯ Conversations With Rin ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: This is my other first attempt at writing a fanfic that I began a few months ago and decided to continue it. I
hope you enjoy what I have so far, so please Read, Rate, Review. Arigato.
And a special thanks to WhisperingWolf, Lexbubble, Inuoko, and Sasori-sama for your wonderful
Disclaimer: Nope, not yet. I just want Sesshy.
Chapter 3: Conversations With Rin
Naraku had just arrived at his castle. He was highly upset at that wretched miko. She tried to kill him by purifying him. It would take a lot more than any miko powers that she and Kikyou had combined. He knew he shouldn't be alone for too long, in fear of what he would do if he gave in to the serene and pleasant sensations that kept attacking him. He cocked his head to the side and used his youkai senses to see if everything was okay, and if everyone was there.
Kohoku was still there; the human kid who he had control over and almost no purpose but to infuriate Sango. She couldn't kill him, her only brother and the only person who was left from the village massacre. Oh yes, that was fun. He hadn't had that much fun in a while. The stupid inu brothers hadn't put up much of a fight lately. The only way he could have a well-fought battle and any fun is if he could find some way to get those two together. He already had Rin. He had the miko, until her aura started to finish him off.
He cocked his head to the other side. Kanna was there as well; his first detachment, his first child. The only one he actually trusted to do anything. Yes she failed her assignments sometimes, but not all the time the way Kagura did. He still wasn't sure why he kept her. So far, no one has been able to kill that stupid inu-hanyou, but just about every assignment he gave Kagura, she screwed up on. Well, maybe he was being a little too hard on her. No! That was the stupid purification talking. He needed to be careful of where he went or what he did, because he might end up doing something stupid, like giving Kagura her heart and freedom. And knowing if he ever did that, she wouldn't waste a moment's hesitation to take it and flee.
He sensed that the little girl was still there, so he went down the hallway to the little room he put her in. The room was so small, it almost couldn't be called a bedroom. It had a mattress for sleeping, with the thinnest sheet covering so that a person would still shiver in the room at night if it weren't properly heated. There was a tiny closet that held two ratty, old kimonos that still hung untouched by the young female child. As he entered her room, he noticed her on the bed, sitting down and softly singing to herself.
The little girl gasped in shock as he walked into the room; highly disappointed from expecting it to be Sesshoumaru-sama coming to rescue her. Maybe he got lost, she inwardly thought. She knew he would never abandon her, as she held on to all the hope she had.
For such a little girl, she held a lot of expectations, hoping that the stupid taiyoukai would come to rescue her. “He's not coming. He's been, how should I say this, he's been detained,” Naraku told her. If Kagura has done her job properly, it could be days before Sesshoumaru would find Naraku. While he had a false trick of a battle set up for him, he kidnapped the girl at the same time Kagura had kidnapped that ugly toad that seemed to have no life, but to follow the inu youkai around. And if all had gone according to plan, after knocking the toad unconscious and moving southward together, she would have taken Jaken somewhere far away while he covered his trail. It would be necessary that his aura be well hidden as to confuse the demon lord. She would have double-backed her trail many times before taking off in the feather she always flew in so that he wouldn't be able to follow her path to castle.
He paused. Naraku detected no trace of fear or worry on her body. “Why do you not fear me, human child? Do you not know who I am?”
“I know that you are the one who is always trying to kill Sesshoumaru-sama. And his brother, or at least that is what Jaken always says. But I'm not scared because I know that Sesshoumaru-sama will come and save me.”
“You are so naïve. Why would Sesshoumaru, great inuyoukai, hater of humans come to rescue you? I still have yet to understand why he even lets you follow him around. It's only for so long that he'll put up with you. He has his own life, you know.”
“I know. And he has me. He lets me stay with him just because. Why should you know what he does? And he will save me because he cares about me. Maybe that's something that you don't know about,” Rin simply stated.
“Why should I? Why would I do something so trivial as to care about something, or even someone for that matter? I am Naraku, and I think it's time you learned that, little girl.”
Rin stood up in front of the tall hanyou with his long flowing hair. His hair tie came out and he had yet to notice it. But Rin was hugely aware of this, wondering how his hair never managed to tangle. “Maybe you never cared for someone because no one ever cared for you,” she quietly managed to say.
“Yeah right,” he sarcastically replied. “Why would I want someone to care for me? No one cares for me because I don't care for them. And I intend to keep it this way. Caring is such a trivial feeling—I dispose of it. All of my minions could die, and it would not mean a thing to me. The only thing of any concern to me is seeing Inuyasha dead, and me having the complete Shikon Jewel. And after that, I will be the happiest evil hanyou in the world. No, youkai, because once I have the completed jewel, I will be able to be the full demon that I have longed to be. Then, I will have all the powers I could ever want,” Naraku glared at Rin.
“Kagome,” she slowly whispered.
“What?” He sneered at the sound of the miko's name.
“Kagome. Kagome likes Inuyasha just the way he is. He doesn't mind being hanyou,” Rin paused. “You don't care because you don't have a heart. If you cared, and had a heart, you would understand why Sesshoumaru-sama doesn't say anything about me being with him. If you had a heart, you would see why Inuyasha and Kagome make such a pretty couple.”
“Keh! Don't make me puke. He's worse off with that stupid miko than he was with Kikyou. At least Kikyou still has sense enough to want to kill him.”
“Well he loves Kagome, and she loves him; even if they won't say anything. If Sesshoumaru-sama found someone, then he would be happier, and I would have a mama.”
“Don't make me laugh. Sesshoumaru, great inuyoukai, Demon Lord of the Western Lands taking on a mate and claiming you as his kid, that will be the day,” he laughed wickedly.
“And I bet if you found someone and fell in love with her, you wouldn't know what to do.”
“Please. Why would I, Naraku, waste such worthless emotions on someone? I don't need a mate. I can create my own detachments whenever I want.”
Rin just stared at the hanyou in contempt, and narrowed her pretty brown eyes. “You were purified,” she blatantly stated.
“You were purified. I can tell. Your face isn't as frightening like it usually is when you are fighting Sesshoumaru-sama. You look sort of content, peaceful, at ease. Am I right?”
Now he was getting angry. The hanyou couldn't understand how she could tell. Maybe it was because she was still young and hadn't ever had a bad thought cross her mind. He was still skeptical how she had not reached that impressionable state while she was traveling with that taiyoukai. Apparently she took too many lessons from that stupid miko. Just as he was hoping that she was still lying hurt and unconscious by the river, a rapid, vivid image flashed in his mind. Kagura was smirking as he was giving her heart back.
He quickly shook the image out of his mind and tried to regain his wicked composure. Naraku's hair flew wildly as his whole body was consumed in his reddened-violet miasma. As sudden as he was outraged, he was instantly calmed. Upon opening his eyes he noticed the girl slouched down on her knees, her arms wrapped around his legs. Her orange kimono slightly blackened, and face a little scorched from his miasmic energy. “Human,” he began as he took notice that there was wetness soaking through his kimono pants; he looked down at the girl and saw that she'd been crying. “Why do you cry?”
Receiving no answer, he bent down, removed her arms from his legs, and took notice in her face. He picked her up and sat her on the mattress. Sitting next to her, he brushed a small lock of her hair behind her ears as he inwardly laughed at the girl's determination not to be afraid. “Humph,” he declared, “you would not be in pain if you knew how to obey my rules. Never touch me, never make me mad, and if you do make me mad, definitely do not touch me. Maybe, just maybe, I'll have Kagura or one of my servants to clean your face for you,” he said as he got up.
“And maybe,” Rin slowly and tearfully whispered, “Just maybe, if you were purified again, you could learn to care for someone. And maybe even love them the way inu papa-sama does with me. “Uhh,” she quickly gasped, realizing that she called Sesshoumaru-sama the name that she still had not yet said to his face. She rolled over, facing the wall and ignored him.
“Stupid human,” he growled to her. “This Naraku will never allow himself to be purified again, nor will I ever I do something as trivial as caring for someone.” And with that, he stormed out of the room and slammed the door.
Naraku leaned against the wall outside the door trying to compose himself. Stupid human girl. How dare she notice that he had been partially purified; and then she had the nerve to point it out to him. It infuriated him, and his eyes began to glow a deep, crimson red. He smirked at the thought of his inner youkai being enraged once more. Petty humans. Always trying to fixate their trivial feelings on him. First the miko and her stupid attachment to that dumb inu-hanyou—he would have to kill her next time. He would not let her purification aura get the better of him. He would kill her if took all of his energy.
Naraku began to think back to the past fifty years ago. If only he had of been able to get the Shikon Jewel before Kikyou died, then the stupid miko would have never been reincarnated. “Kagome,” he furiously spat her name. She was nothing, just a cheap imitation of Kikyou. He should have just taken Kikyou when he had the chance; taken her and made her his. Why did he let it get to him that one time he tried to take her? “Fucking Onigumo,” he roared as he thought about the spider mark on his back that he would never be rid of. Why the hell did he have dirty thoughts about her? Baka murderous thief. His heart still lived inside Naraku's body, unable to get rid of it. When he was ready and the time came, he would certainly kill all those who annoyed him. Starting with Kikyou. But there must have been some other reason why he couldn't kill her. Some other reason beside the fact that he had Onigumo's heart.
As far as he was concerned, Onigumo was just a murderous thief who had dirty thoughts. There had to be something else. Perhaps the baka human actually had a heart; maybe he actually had feelings and cared about others in some sort of weird, psychotic, repressed way. And if that were the case, he would never know. As if he cared to know. Now his inner youkai was in uproar. The purification that was floating around in his blood was making him wonder what went on in Onigumo's past that made him unable to kill Kikyou and unable to completely harm the little human child that lay on the opposite side of these walls. His youkai was mad at the thought of the thief not being completely evil, and actually having some heart in him. Feeling even more conflicted he bashed his fist against the wall behind him. He turned around noticing the minor damage he'd caused. “Let it stay,” he thought.
The smell of her tears was still soaked in his kimono. He would have to have one of the servants to wash it. Perhaps he would just burn it, that way he wouldn't have to run the risk of his nose being assaulted with that horrid smell again. That twerpy, diminutive human spawn was out to wreck his plans. Why had he even brought her here, with her stupid ideas of love and caring. If he wanted a mate to care about he would have had one by now. It wasn't that hard to find some insignificant female to make as his mate. He just chose not to. He growled, frustrated at everything right now and stormed off. He needed to get away from this spot and far away from her as possible, before she ran any more baka ideas through his mind about caring. “Ughh,” he shuttered and walked down the hallway, away from her bedroom.