InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What They Gave To Naraku ❯ Conversations With Kagome ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: I wrote this chappie many months ago, and I realize that, yes, Sesshoumaru is a little OOC, but it works for what I plan to do later in the fic.
Disclaimer: Nope, not yet. I just want Sesshy.
Sesshoumaru noticed the sun beginning to set as he watched Kagome slowly wake up. Upon seeing him, she started to scream. “Silence your outburst, miko.”
“Where am I?” Kagome was worried about what had happened. “Why am I here with you?”
“You, miko, are with this Sesshoumaru. If I had left you by the riverside, you would have rolled into the river. And if that happened, that would ruin any plans I would ever intend to use in order to gain Tetsusaiga. Now, tell me miko, what do you remember?”
“First of all, I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me miko!” Kagome exclaimed.
“If you'd rather, I can call you wench,” the youkai smirked.
“No, Kagome will do,” glad that she was able to break some kind of emotion across his face. She recalled as much details as she could remember before she was knocked into ground exploring her unconsciousness. “I think I purified him. Or at least a little bit.” Noticing a flicker of interest run across his face, she continued. “After we left the site, he had a weird look on his face. Almost as if he were happy or feeling peaceful and didn't want to show it. Kind of the way you look different when you smirked at calling me wench.”
“I think you should leave me out of any examples comparing me to that piece of scum. Besides, I take pleasure in calling you that very name that you hate my brother calling you. Now, continue your story. I am quite interested in knowing how a miko like yourself could possibly purify Naraku.”
“I don't think I completely purified him. That would take a lot of sacred arrows and all of my powers; and even then, he still wouldn't be fully purified. Anyways, after I hit him with my arrow and used my powers on him, he had a strange look, and his face looked a little pale as if he were using all his energy to draw out his miasma in order to counteract my purification aura. But I wonder if it was possible that he could have been partially purified.”
“If what you say is true, then perhaps there is a minor possibility that some of his powers were weakened. But know this human, if you have made him weaker, it will only add to his anger. Then you and your friends might really be in trouble the next time you come across him.”
“Well, maybe next time he'll think twice before trying to kidnap me,” she mentioned as leaned against the base of the sakura tree.
The taiyoukai notice her wince as she tried to get comfortable. “Are you in pain? I assume you took a rather nasty fall when Naraku dropped to the ground.”
“I think I'm just a little sore. I'll probably feel better once I sleep it off. Besides, I need to get some rest before I can try to find Inuyasha and the others,” she tried shifting again.
And with that, he walked over to Ah-Un and picked up the blanket that he kept on top of his faithful two-headed dragon. It was the blanket he kept for Rin whenever she got too cold, or just wanted to get a little more comfortable on their journeys. Better to use it on her, than to let it go to waste, he thought, not knowing how long it would be before he saw his precious Rin again. He took the blanket and spread it out on the ground as best he could. It took him a while in doing so, considering his limited ability. “Lie down,” he instructed.
“Lie down with your stomach to ground.”
Not wanting to risk angering him, she warily laid on top of the blanket, not quite sure what he was going to do to her. The taiyoukai removed his armor; not wanting to hurt the girl as he performed his task. He sat down next to the miko and leaned over her with great care in order to keep his balance. With much ease, he carefully placed his hand on the nape of her neck and gently massaged. He worked his way from her neck to her shoulders concentrating on her right side; he would tackle the left later. Alternating using the pressure of his fist and the heel of his palm, he used much effort to work out the kinks in her muscles. He thought about the smile he missed seeing on his pup's face.
Realizing what he was doing and knowing he meant no harm, she began to relax. Kagome felt completely at ease as he moved his hand down and began to work on her lower back. She let out a sigh of relief as she turned her head to the side, closed her eyes, and placed her head on her arms. He went to sit on the other side of her and continued letting his fingers work their magic. As she gave herself completely to the steady up-in, out-down motion of his hand working wonders on her back, she fell into light slumber, just barely snoring.
He wondered how long it had been since she had received a good night's sleep. He allowed himself to smile after he finished his task, glad that no one was around. He sighed heavily thinking of how much he missed his Rin, and even Jaken, with his annoying self. He would never admit to anyone that the life of a taiyoukai isn't all that as it seems. And every female youkai that he meets isn't the one. Oh, well. I still have things I need to do before finding my mate. Although, Inuyasha would be raging mad if I were to kidnap this miko and claim her as my own. He smirked at the very thought as he allowed one finger to very gently graze the side of her face down to the nape of her neck. Wondering how she looked under those strange clothes she was wearing. His breathing became a little faster and deeper as his youkai began to feel the urge to claim her. Maybe not claim her. But if she went back to his stupid hanyou brother with enough of his scent on her, then he'd be furious. Furious enough to step up his act in their battles. Sometimes he wondered why he hadn't killed his brother yet.
Since it didn't seem as though he would be able to get his brother's Tetsusaiga any time soon, he wondered the small possibility of his actually needing his brother's help in killing Naraku.
His priority right now was first and foremost, killing Naraku; which he could have done, if he had the Tetsusaiga. For some strange reason, the task he just completed made him think of his Rin. Maybe it was the fact that she was young enough to still need him. Maybe this miko needs somebody; somebody better than his pathetic brother. From his observations of his brother, the girl lived in another world, somewhere beyond the well.
Some time had passed as he noticed her light snoring. Smiling, he thought of how Rin would snore at night when she was truly tired. Oh Rin, I hope you are still alive and well. Sesshoumaru noticed that the sun was beginning to set behind the vast painted sky of magnificent oranges, pinks, yellows, and just a hint of purple.
“Oh wow,” the miko sleepily replied. “The sunset is so beautiful tonight. I don't really notice it anymore. We're too busy fighting, or looking for the shards, or something. And if I ever pointed it out to Inuyasha, he would probably laugh and call it sissy stuff.”
“That does sound like my baka brother. Never could understand what he saw in that undead miko,” he said aloud, not really paying attention, and letting his mind wonder a little. “Miko, no matter where you are,” his voice softer than usual, “you should not allow yourself to miss out on the things you love. And if you have to, tell my idiotic brother that you want to rest earlier than usual. He doesn't really need to know why; he's not your mate.”
Kagome sat up, ready to argue. “So if he were my mate, I'm just saying, he would need to know why? That sounds about right, him being my mate and my keeper. You know Sesshoumaru; he's not my father. And he's not my mate, either, but he is my friend. And your brother, by blood, whether you like it or not. I shouldn't have to be defending him to you. You know, I don't even understand why you two don't get along! So what if you father left him Tetsusaiga. He needs it more than you. You're strong enough as it is without it. So why do you need it.”
“Listen miko,” getting pissed off. “Whatever the reason may be, that is my business. And I'm sorry that you're stuck with him, that you have feelings for my baka brother, when he is still in love with Kikyou.”
“Why is my love life any concern to you? It isn't as if you care about Inuyasha or me, so you shouldn't be in our business!” Her voice rising, never quite understanding what went on his mind. His cold, stoic face never revealing any expression. “I'll bet you've never been in love! You probably don't know what it means to have feelings for someone you truly care about, knowing that they're still in love with their old girlfriend, who just happens to have been brought back from the dead! You probably don't know what it's like to care for someone, and have them taken from you, knowing there's nothing you can do.”
“Miko, never say that there's nothing you can do. Unless you're dying and have asked for help from every single person possible, then you can say there's nothing you can do. And you don't know me; so don't say that I don't know what it's like to care for someone. I may not cry and sulk and show my emotions like you pathetic humans do, but I do know what it's like to care about someone,” he stood up. “And if you ever tell anyone I said that, it will be the last time you ever tell anyone anything.”
“Oh really. You, Sesshoumaru, great taiyoukai, Lord of the Western Lands actually care about someone? I'll believe it when I see it,” she smirked. “And who is this person you care for? Is it someone other than Rin?”
And with that, he walked away. Not wanting to think about what she just said. So what if he cared about Rin. He didn't need to display his feelings the way mere mortals did. He was youkai, and he wasn't weak. As long as Rin knew that he cared for her, then that was all that mattered. He would tell the girl that she had a choice, either she comes with him to get Rin back, or he takes her back to Inuyasha, not quite sure that he really wants her accompanying him. She'll just get in the way.
“So you do care about Rin. I'm sorry, I didn't know.”
“Well of course you didn't know,” he turned around. “I don't go around telling everyone who I care and don't care about. I'm not like you and every other human.”
“I'm not everyone,” she scoffed. “So, that doesn't mean that I can't know that you actually care. By the way, where is Rin?”
Sesshoumaru grew gravely silent. He didn't want to say what happened or it would seem more real than it actually was. He just wanted to get through this, get her back, and kill Naraku. “She's not here.”
“What do you mean she's not here? She's always with you, except for that one time when we first met her, when Naraku kidnapped.” She gasped, “Is that what you mean? She's been kidnapped? By Naraku?”
“You ask too many questions miko. Listen, it will be dark soon so I need to know this,” he wanted to avoid getting into this right now. “Either I can take you back to my brother, or you can follow Ah-Un and myself as we go to look for Naraku's castle to get Rin and Jaken. Not that I want another human trailing me, I'll let you decide. If you're with me, you won't have to worry about getting yourself kidnapped, not like how it is when you're with my brother,” he spoke harshly.
“I wish you'd stop being so mean to Inuyasha. But any rate, I think I'd rather go back to my friends. They are probably worried about me, since I was taken by Naraku,” finally standing up. “Besides, maybe we could all work together. You know, in finding Naraku's castle, saving Rin, and finally killing Naraku.”
“This Sesshoumaru helps no one. Especially not a weakly hanyou and a bunch of lowly humans.”
“What if we were somehow able to help you recover you arm?” Kagome had briefly thought of this when had massaged her to sleep.
“Do not bother. I have been doing fine without it, and I can continue to do well without it. One gets used to it by now.”
“Oh,” she replied looking up. “You know it's getting dark, don't you? Aren't you hungry?”
The youkai inwardly laughed. It reminded him of the way Rin always told him when she were hungry. “I can see that it is getting dark. I have eyes you know; my brother did not hack them out, like he did my arm. And if you're hungry, then you should go and catch some fish. Or gather berries” he gruffly told her, now wishing he had of just ignored her.
“Will you come with me to gather some firewood?”
Does she ever stop with the questions? No wonder she gets on my brothers nerves. Still, she's something else. He felt a warm sensation run through him. For a moment he thought he was actually enjoying her company. She wasn't a nuisance like Jaken, and she wasn't signing the Rin always does. Even though he did miss her singing. “Miko, do you sing?”
“Do I sing?” What kind of question is that? Has he never heard anyone sing before? “Why do you ask? Do you want to hear me sing?” She curiously asked.
WHAT! And for the quickest second, a hint of bright pink flashed on his cheeks warming his face. “Why would I want to hear you sing?” Not wanting her to know what he was feeling, he hurriedly replaced his blushing face with that of his stony, expressionless mask.
“I don't know, maybe because my asking you made you blush. Kind of like what you're doing now,” she laughed.
“STUPID MIKO,” he growled. “As if I could find pleasure in hearing you sing. Now it is getting late. You should get some rest; we are getting an early start in the morning. You will have to let me know what you decide.”
Not wanting to bother him anymore, she let all her questions go unanswered. She could wait a day for food; she'd done it before. And she could do without a fire, she could see by moonlight. But wait a minute, I need a fire so I don't get cold, she thought as she shivered.
Noticing this, he asked, “Have you ever slept on top of a dragon? It is like sleeping upon a horse.”
“Slept on a horse or dragon? What's that got to do with anything?”
“If you think you'll be comfortable, you can sleep on top of Ah-Un's back. You can use that blanket to keep yourself warm,” he pointed where she had previously lain.
“Oh,” she replied as she stood in front of the two-headed dragon and rubbed the fur behind each ear after both heads bent down towards her. Smiling, she though of how much the dragon probably meant to Rin. Not knowing how much her action would remind Sesshoumaru of his missing pup; she leaned forward and gave each head a quick kiss on either cheek. “I guess I can try something different tonight,” she said as she climbed on top of Ah-Un. Grabbing the blanket that he handed her, she wrapped it across her shoulders and leaned against him in attempts to get comfortable.
After getting into a nice, comfortable position, she took one last look at the night sky with its twinkle-filled stars, sighed, and fell asleep for the night.
A/N: Please Read, Rate, and Review.
Thank you Bubble-chan for your review.