InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What to do about evil ❯ author note ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author's note.

Some thoughts about Kagome and her actions/reactions

Kagome has been shown to ignore/handle/not get upset about death and destruction. (The scene where she first picks up a bow and arrow amid the dead samurai comes to mind.)

So, why have her react as much as she did in this story?

This story I would place in the time line soon after Sango joins the group. And as such, she would still be somewhat innocent.

Most the death/destruction she has seen has been after the fact. Walking through battlefields, etc. In this case, she thinking about it before it happens.

She knows that she can leave at any time and NOT have the deaths happen. In most fights, Inu-yasha, or the opponent controls whither or not there is any fight/deaths. In this story, her friends have made it pretty clear that they are not going to fight Hojo without her pushing them. It is her decision to fight, not anybody else, which is a change.

Most of the fights she's been in, the opponent has tried to hurt/kill her or her friends. And the fights as such have been in self-defense. In this case, except for the small fight with Sango, she and her friends were never threatened by Hojo. (Hojo was going to attack them for the bag, no matter what, but at the time Kagome makes her decision, all Hojo had done was stare greedily at the bag) And Sango was the one that most wanted to ignore the fight that did happen.

The villagers themselves were not asking for help. Even the Sakura declined help when offered. The villagers may not and were not happy with Hojo, but were willing to endure him.

Other non-storyline reasons...

Most fanfics tend to have Kagome as an innocent/pure soul, and this story plays to that interpretation of her character.

I would have written her as less emotional, if I was doing this just for myself. After a few battlefields, I don't think she'd had been as I have written her, but, as stated above, most fanfics tend to emphasize her innocence. (I got an idea about Kagome, very soon after coming thru the well, walking on a battlefield, and finding a very wounded samurai. The samurai asks her to kill him. The wounds he has taken will kill in a few hours, but he will be in pain until then. So he asks her to kill him to take him out of his agony. She does kill him, since that is the merciful thing to do.)

no real spell/gram check on the above. This is just a quick explanation...

Thank you
jeff shelton