InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Would You Do? Part 2 ❯ Actions better than Words ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: sorry for the long wait…but I did try to warn you. However I appreciate the support. I write for you all. I hope you enjoy. R / r and bring a smile to my face. Happy Holidays and safe winter greetings to you all.
*hands Muffins and pies to the reviewers * I finally got a stable job and so I'm back hehe by the divine power of high speed cable…
Disclaimer: I still don't own the characters only the storyline in which this fanfiction takes place.
Inuyasha & co. belongs to the infamous Rumiko Takahashi
What would you have done? Part 3-
The best apologies are actions, not words
Sometimes I wish I had my mother to hide behind. There are moments in life that really make you want to be a kid again so you don't have to deal with it. This was one of those times.
I hadn't seen Sango since the change, and that was the day I sent her brother to the afterlife. I know she must understand why, but I also know that when you're in pain it's easier to hate then give into the pain of loss.
I don't blame her but I am not looking forward to seeing the look of betrayal in her face. I wish I could make the hurt go away if just for awhile.
The closer I get to the village the tighter my stomach twists. But they are not there. I can smell them in the area but not in the village. Dusk has already bared its head and the townspeople smile at me, a few bless me for ridding the evil and offer me their homes for the night but other than that they are ready to retire for the evening.
Curiosity overrides my fear and instead of heading straight for the well I follow my nose. There is a part of me that is in serious need of a girl talk. Reason tells me I should leave before Inuyasha and Sesshomaru come but I can't leave without seeing her. What if I can't get back? What if this is my last time because my mission is done. I know my heart would break to lose my only true friend. The only one that accepted all of me without a price, she never wanted to be more than my friend.
I hope she still feels that way.
The air is lightly scented with musk, but it's human and strangely familiar.
My nose has brought me to the hot spring and there I find my friends Miroku and Sango.
They had gotten `friendlier' then when I had last seen them. I was happy for Sango, though she wasn't joining in; she wasn't resisting her feelings towards him. As they sat on the bank kissing, his hands fondling her breast through the fabric of her kimono as he bent her backwards.
I could hear her breathing laboring the closer she got to the ground. The intensity as he clung to her, the gentleness of his hands as they explored her, as they traveled the expanse of her body, lingering at her hip.
His kisses were thorough and truthful, he wanted her, but he wanted to love her. His every action to bring her pleasure, slowly his hand opened her outer kimono, his lips trailing a path to her neck. Her hands meekly gripped his shoulders as he slid his other hand inside and up her thigh, creating tremors in her form as she tried to let go of her fear at this situation.
The creeping terror lacing her scent increased until suddenly she jerk as he found her hidden junction, his mouth teasing the hardening nipple beneath him.
“Stop “she cried pushing him away, closing her heart.
He tried to plead with her but she would not listen, he tried to beg to stay by her side, to explain that he understood, that he could wait but she had already started locking him out of her mind, fear making her retreat.
He finally left defeated and she started to weep silently as she lay on the soft ground.
I came to her then; I could not bear the pain in her scent. I thought she would turn me away but instead when she saw me kneel before her she threw herself upon me, embracing me as if I could shield her from the outside.
I held her as she shook with her silent weeping. After a few moments I spoke.
“Why Sango, Why did you stop him?”
For months before the final fight with Naraku we had spoken of nothing but our plans for the future. Sango had finally admitted her desire to give into the houshi's advances. I had even thought it would have been romantic for us to lose `it' on the same night.
So now that we finally had peace, well she had peace, I'm currently being chased by horny youkais... But back to the point, she should be happy.
“IS this not what you've wanted? “
She sighed deeply then sitting up. “Yes, but it's him, I just wonder if it can last … I mean I trust you ... if only “She laughed then sitting up fully looking me straight in the eyes.
“Why couldn't it be you?”
I didn't know what to say in that moment. We had joked before about how much easier it would be if one of us was a man and then everything would be perfect because we understood each other so much but in this moment it defiantly did not seem like a joke. She was serious and for the first time I looked at Sango in new light.
Her face was a perfect heart face and her cheeks had a peasant flush to them from her earlier outburst. I found myself drawn to the watery depths of her eyes, so full of life.
It was clear to me now that even though I could not resolve her feelings with Miroku, I could ease her down the path to intimacy she desired with him.
“Sango “I murmured the heat of the moment increasing as I tilted my head in closer to hers, “I know you afraid … but it's ok ... Let me help you get over your fear of letting go.. Let me show you how good he will make you feel…” I seized her lips moaning as my heat was returning with the sweet smell of her desire picking up. Shock also laced her scent as she gasped at the feel of my lips against hers. I pressed her back laying her underneath me as I nibbled and sucked her lower lip, teasing the bruised lips as my tongue would then sweep back into her mouth.
The taste of her mouth made my inner thighs moisten as I thought of what her lower lips would taste like. My hands found hers and I did my best to mimic the actions that where so successful with her. She hoped that they had similar tastes.
I knew nothing about seducing anyone, in fact I had been the one seduced and thoroughly yet I let my instincts guild me.
Now until this time I had never thought of Sango in this way, so many times I had bathed with her seen her nude form and thought nothing of it.
However as I loosened the confines of her inner kimono feasting my eyes upon the flesh provided there I was hit with the need to touch and see more.
Her neck and the tops of her bosom were lavished by my tongue. She tasted of sweat and bittersweet chocolate. I wondered why she did not fight me or stop my advances.
She arched against me but her fear was still there but it was fainter. She trusted me. Why could she not see Miroku would only give her more?
“Kagome …how do you know?'' her voice called to me as I teased one of the peddled nipples Miroku had previously been caressing.
I paused, my mouth on her form to answer, but not my hand as they spread her legs .I used my new claws to slice through her wrapping and reveal her fully to the night and me.
Her scent assaulted me but thankfully I didn't lose my ability to speak.
“Because I have been touched…and because I know what he would do if you would only allow him?” I answered.
“His hands would cradle you firm thighs as he pressed you against the earth.” As I spoke I mimicked my words with my actions. It seemed to be working as her arousal spiked a bit each time.
“His tongue and teeth would graze from the beginning of your collarbone to the valley of you breasts. He would start slow enjoying your little mews and pants as he brought one of you breasts to his lips and teased them into constricting. His tongue greedily flicking and suckling them like a hungry child would.”
I paused remembering the feel when I first felt my lovers lips enclose around my nipples. After attending to hers I shifted moving down her heaving body.
I paused sniffing the air. Past her desire something else was there .glancing at her, her hands curled into fist at her side; I glanced around, the bushes moved slightly. I saw a flash of hidden violet and knew he was watching. I smirked maybe Sango would have her night after all but I still had some convincing to do.
Her eyes were closed and I thought about using it to my advantage so Miroku would know the purpose of this.
“His mouth trailing down to the flat plain of your stomach as his hand molds against your secret treasure rubbing ever so softly … barely there , barely touching ,caressing you as would the air yet building a consuming desire for his touch….Can't you feel it Sango ?...Can you feel him ?”
I glided a thin digit into the moistening lips there and stroked her clitoris gently. She cried out her body gasping as if electrocuted.
Yet she answered, labored and restless for me,'him' to continue.
“Yes... Yes I feel him”
I smirked good it was worked still her scent was unsure. It was time for drastic measures. I heard the bushes shift against he was behind us now with a clear view of where my hand was and just what it was doing. His arousal was mixing with hers due to the wind he was not downwind.
I manipulated her core as my mouth attacked her breasts again.
She was breaking but she needed to admit it to herself before their desire maddened me.
“Then say it Sango... tell your Miroku that you want this... Let go and trust me to give you the pleasure you desire most.” I really should become an actress after this.
Sango's eyes were still closed as she was locked into her fantasy.
Her labored breath made her breasts jiggle up and down. Sitting back I looked her over. I wondered if this was the vision I had portrayed for my past lovers, If Ayame had been this excited by our encounter.
Maybe one day I would ask her. Right now I shifted to the side of her licking her body, my right hand seeking out her core, spreading her folds to Miroku's vision as my other hand squeezed and pinched her breasts.
“I want you ... Oh God's yes... please...” She was nearly pleading and I wondered if Miroku understood what I was doing.
I his fidgeting as he decided whether to come to her or not. I lock my eyes on the position I guess him in and stared intently.
She was bucking against my hand wanting more. Miroku moved quietly into view staring at me silently as I nodded to him.
He crawled up to us and after a bated breath, dove his head between her parted thighs, and attacked the entrance to her core with his tongue as I spread her folds for him. His hands grasped her hips and brought her flush against his mouth.
He was devouring her and it was one of the hottest things I could have witness, he intent clear as he fed on her like a starving man.
Sango cried out in pleasure and shock opening her eyes at the penetration and the feel of a second pair of hands.
She flushed prettily abashed and about to try to clover herself in shock but he would have none of it as he flicked her hidden puffy nub with his tongue before sucking hard.
I needed relief modesty be damned I hoped Sango would no mind returning the favor besides it would take her mind off the sudden change. Freeing myself of my clothing which was still just my `borrowed' Haroi I crawled over her form straddling her face I whimpered at her.”Sango...Please help me feel it too”
She was hesitant but when I lowered my head to lap at the top half of her core as Miroku thrust his tongue into her cavern her hands slide up to my thighs and guided my wet core to her mouth. Her innocent licks and laps became bolder as I mewed in pleasure and ground against her tongue.
Miroku barely noticed me, only when our tongues met at her entrance, did he look at me. Our eyes locked. There was heat, questioning, and thankfulness in them and then we set to work to gifting pleasure upon the one we both cared for so much.
Her tongue was delightful and quickly earning my stamp of approval when Miroku paused. He wanted to undress and looked at me silently the first time his eyes being allowed to roam my form. His eyes were appreciative but it held nothing to the way his lust clouded them when he looked down on Sango's whimpering form at his pause.
Yes, he was hooked. I took his place while he undressed. She was close and he felt it. I marveled at the way her inner muscles sucked my tongue and knew she could feel mine doing the same to hers.
He came back and situated himself back between her. His manhood jutted out from between his legs, Already a bead of pre-cum at the tip.
He made me think of Inu-yasha…Kouga...And Sesshomaru
…Sesshomaru… All three had driven me to my point but there would always be a reason his was a Dai inu youkai… I gasped him stroking lightly hoping to delay my need to retreat. I was so close and had been so good to be denied now.
“This was not the way I thought this would happen...” He spoke raspy his voice was gruff with desire. He leaned into my touch. I nodded but simply guided his manhood to Sango's Folds.
They both groaned and soon his was grinding against her, her legs spread wide for him. He paused and prodded her entrance, straining waiting for her to grant him access.
I raised myself from her face so she could look upon him. My juices lined her mouth and lips and as I sat back he leaned forward pressing his lips to hers. They kissed my juices mixing with their salvia and I almost came then. She nodded to his silent entreaty as their tongues waged wars and then he flexed his hips forward, into her sealing them together.
When I had been with Kouga and Ayame I had been too caught up be the emotion of the moment to really focus but now my need made me take in the full erotic scene for its worth.
Her whole body arched as she cried out into his mouth. Her blood hit my nose and added to my heat. I started to play with myself when he started moving again.
She called out to him and he answered their need going past the physical as they almost relied on each other to breath. Each push and pull, flex of his or her hips made their lungs expand and deflate.
Sango seeming to remember me after they had started to move faster, I had already come once she had climaxed shortly after him entering her form. I was still in need like her for another.
She reached out a hand to beckon me forth and I returned to her side she brought her lips to mine with her hand on the back of my head.
Miroku snaked a hand out and started to finger my cunt as I kissed his lover.
I groaned wanting more I was sorely beginning to miss my two Inus but Sango's words quelled the feeling a bit “ Let me taste you again Kagome.. Let me show you what I've learned...”
Not hesitating, I moved back over her face I lowered my dripping core to her face and rode her tongue and Miroku rode her. Her legs around his waist as he plunged into her, one hand groping her breast, the other gripping her hip until I climbed back on top and that hand decided to attack my bosom. He seemed content to be encased within Sango, cupping each of us as long as he had her, I was welcome.
I rubbed her clitoris with the one hand that was not gripping Miroku's shoulder for support. We were all close and I could smell it.
So we all grinding against each other and then in a rippling effect we crested together. I was first this time. Sango sucked my clit hard and bit down with enough pressure to break me as fond memories coursed through me. She was next screaming his name and her climax into my pussy. Miroku came last as her walls constricted to their tightest limit and held him within him almost completely as he spent himself into her awaiting womb, her name upon her lips.
We all came tumbling down in a heap of satisfied lust. The two found each other and spooned kissing passionately. They were lost to me and the outside world. Only they remained. It was the most intimate moment of the whole thing and after catching my breath I grabbed my clothing and left them in peace to share it.
As I placed the haroi back on a warm smile claims my lips. Maybe not the resolution I expected to have with her but sometimes actions work better than any apology and if this is my last time in this world what better parting gift could there be. I made it to the well and braced myself, taking in the place as if for the last time. I couldn't bear to go and say goodbye to Shippou.
I just kissed his sleeping form and wrote a brief note so he would know my heart would always have him in it. It was better this way if I was just overreacting he would not have gotten upset for nothing.
Gripping the side of the well I jumped awaiting the blue light to envelop me.
Ok so maybe not the best way to handle things but if you where in my shoes, what would you have done?
I thought so... Still I don't have time to think about that as I try to figure out why I feel a pair of hands no, two pairs, firmly gripping my hips. I turned but the light consumed everything within as the ancient magic activated and I would have to await my destination to figure out my fate. I hope mom cleaned the spare room and made extra cause it looks like there going to be a few more for dinner…and perhaps dessert .
The End or is it?
Well minna sans I hope you liked it... Please let me know your feedback inspires my creations lol should there be more or we leave
It on this side of the well.
Till next time.
Kagomereborn out (pg count 11)