InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Your Eyes Did To Me ❯ One Way to Use a Desk ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi.
2 - One Way to Use a Desk
Inu was waiting in his study when his son knocked lightly before entering. He had always been an early riser and he knew that Sesshoumaru would come shortly after first light, so he was ready for him. He had devised several different plans for his son's vacation and it was up to him to choose from there. When Sesshoumaru had left the day before, Inu Senior found himself feeling guilty. He knew he should never have insulted the girl, even if he was thinking it. His son just needed more time. He needed something to distract him and he needed to get laid. He needed to be with someone else so he would stop thinking about her.
He was ready to launch into his practiced pitch when he saw the look in his son's eyes. Sesshoumaru's face very rarely showed emotion, but if you watched closely you could see it in his eyes. Instantly he was on his feet and at his son's side. “What's happened, Sesshoumaru?”
The younger taiyoukai let his father to guide him to a chair before he allowed himself to collapse. The short walk had been more than he could handle and he had no idea what to do. Just walking away and letting Inuyasha have her wouldn't work. He needed her too much, and his brother didn't deserve her.
“She is here.”
The elder taiyoukai's eyes widened in surprise. “You found her? But then why do you look so upset?”
“It seems she has chosen the hanyou over this Sesshoumaru.”
Inu Senior furrowed his brows in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“She is here, and it appears she is moving in with the hanyou.”
Inu was silent for a moment, waiting for the joke; because there was no way that he was talking about Kagome. When Sesshoumaru didn't speak again he decided to clear things up. “Son, tell me your girl's name.”
The depressed demon stared up at his father with an empty look in his eyes. “What difference does her name make?”
“Trust me, my boy. It could make a world of difference. Now tell me her name.”
Sesshoumaru's mouth was open and her name was almost out when there was a soft knock on the door. “Hey, Dad? You in there? Inu said you should be up by now and I wanted to talk to you.” It was Kagome's sweet voice that floated through the door, the sound making Sesshoumaru's heart ache even more. He stood up without a sound and walked out the French doors and into the garden while his father watched in surprise.
When he decided Sesshoumaru wasn't coming back in any time soon he opened the door for the girl he loved like a daughter. “Kagome, dear! So good to see you. What do you need from an old demon like me?”
She laughed and the two sat down facing each other. Sesshoumaru was standing just outside the partially opened doors, leaning against the house so she wouldn't see him. Even though it hurt he still needed to hear her voice.
“Well, okay this is kinda embarrassing, but… did Inuyasha tell you how I came a day early the last time and went to a club?”
“Tell me? The boy wouldn't stop telling me. Kagome dear, you really had him scared, especially when you weren't answering your phone.”
“Yeah, I know, and I feel terrible about worrying him, but he never lets me have any fun when we go out. I wanted to have a good time and… well… I did. I had a very good time.”
Sesshoumaru couldn't control the smirk that her words inspired. At least he knew she really had enjoyed herself.
Inu tried not to laugh. He knew his son was listening. What better way for him to understand that she wasn't `with' Inuyasha than to hear it from her own lips. “Alright, so what's the problem then?”
Kagome sighed and looked up at him with sad eyes. “I… I really liked him… but… he never gave any indication that he wanted anything more and I didn't want to be one of those girls that tries to push a guy into a relationship he doesn't want, so I just wrote a little note and left before he woke up.” She sniffled and he was worried for a moment that she would cry. “When I went home I couldn't get him out of my head. It's like he's stuck in there with super glue or something! I tried to get over it and move on, but then I'm sure Inuyasha told you about Kouga. It was stupid of me, really, to think that I could find anyone to replace him.”
“If you feel so strongly about it why don't you get in touch with him and see. Maybe he felt something more than you thought. You didn't leave him any way of getting in contact with you. No last name, no phone number, not even what city you lived in. He could have been looking for you all this time.”
“I doubt it. He was a beautiful demon. There's no way he would spend a second looking for a plain girl like me. I was lucky to spend the time I did with him.” Kagome's eyes widened for a moment before narrowing. “How did you know he didn't have my number, name, or city? I didn't tell you that.”
“Oh… well… I uh…” the taiyoukai backpedaled, but it was too late. She knew something was up and he knew she wouldn't give up until she found out what. He was waiting for Sesshoumaru to show himself but apparently his son wasn't going to come to his rescue.
Sesshoumaru was too busy to save his father. He was running her words through his mind over and over again. She'd been thinking of him all the while he was thinking of her? She thought he wasn't interested?? And she wasn't with Inuyasha??? Slowly he began to realize that Inuyasha had to be the overprotective friend she'd mentioned, but that meant…
The car, the car Inuyasha was driving that day when they'd passed in the driveway wasn't his. It was the one that was parked outside right at that very moment. But he was sure Inuyasha had been alone in the car. And he knew that his brother's nose wasn't that bad to have not noticed his scent on her. She'd been absolutely covered in it before they went to sleep, even after the shower.
“Dad, how did you know that? I didn't even tell Inuyasha that until last night.”
“Well my dear, you see… well, the thing is…” his pathetic attempt at excuses suddenly became background noise when she saw movement in the garden from the corner of her eye. Turning to see more clearly she froze in place, her eyes wide in shock and surprise. There in the doorway stood Sesshoumaru and the way he was looking at her… she just couldn't move. There was this incredible heat in his eyes and she knew that everything she'd assumed was wrong.
Inu finally realized that he no longer held her attention and turned to see what she was staring at, already knowing. He smiled as he saw how his son was looking at her. He knew that look. It was the same way he looked at Sesshoumaru's mother and Inuyasha's as well. It wasn't just a look filled with desire, though the desire was definitely there. It was a look of absolute love and adoration and Kagome's eyes held the same. He knew then that they would never be separated from one another again.
He laughed when he noticed that neither of them was moving, each paralyzed by the other's eyes. “You know, you haven't seen each other in two months. You could at least say hello to each other.”
Sesshoumaru broke the eye contact to glare at his father for a moment before his gaze returned to the beauty before him. “You just left.”
“I… I didn't think you'd want to see me again.”
“You were wrong.”
When the silence grew awkward once more Inu decided it was time to go. “Alright kids, I'm gonna leave you alone to catch up. Sesshoumaru, try not to make too big of a mess of my desk, okay?” They both glared at him and Inu only laughed before walking around his desk, stacking his papers neatly together and putting them safely in the filing cabinet. “What? They're in order and I don't want to spend hours fixing them because you couldn't take a minute and… oh never mind.” He walked out of his study, closing the door behind him, and his happy whistling could be heard throughout the house as he made his way upstairs to see the woman he loved.
Kagome and Sesshoumaru were back to staring at each other. Neither knew what to say and the tension was killing them. When he finally took a few steps forward Kagome smirked. “So you can move. Good. Then maybe you can remind me of what I've been missing for two months?”
Sesshoumaru visibly relaxed and smirked back. “Gladly.”
Inuyasha was getting worried. Kagome had been gone for a long time, and while her talking with his father was common, he hadn't thought to warn her about his brother being in the house. Now he couldn't stop imagining what Sesshoumaru might say or do to her. He was sure he'd never seen him look quite so pissed and out of control as he had earlier, and Inuyasha wanted to smack himself for letting her go to his father's study alone.
He opened the door, intent on finding her and making sure everything was fine, but his father was standing on the other side, his hand raised to knock. “Nope. No, my son, you stay right here.”
“What? Why? Where's Kagome? She's supposed to be talking to you!”
“She found someone more interesting than me and I'm sure she's thought of something far more interesting to do.”
Inuyasha gave his father the dirtiest look imaginable. “What… the HELL… are you talking about?!?”
“You're old man killed two birds with one stone.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that Kagome is otherwise occupied and you're going to leave her and your brother alone.” Of course as soon as the last four words came out of his mouth he wished he had a rewind button because Inuyasha looked ready to push him down the stairs if necessary to get to her. “Calm down, Inuyasha! She's fine! Happier than she's been in the last two months even. Now you just need to calm down and wait for her to come to you. You guys will have to talk, but not right now. Don't make me post a guard outside your door. You know I will.”
“I thought you cared about her! How could you leave her alone with that bastard? If he hurts her I swear to…”
“Oh just shut up,” his father growled in frustration. “She's in good hands at the moment, most likely literally. Trust me; she wanted me to leave her alone with him. They've met before.”
“No they haven't! He's never laid eyes on her! She doesn't even know his name!”
“Sorry son, but you're wrong on both counts. Now you march yourself right back in your room and stay there! Don't make me say it again!”
Inuyasha frowned but obeyed. When his father used that tone he knew he meant business.
“We're not… we're not really going to do this on his desk, are we?” Kagome asked in a breathy voice. Sesshoumaru had already hoisted her up to sit on the shiny wood surface and was covering her throat and shoulders with kisses and little nips that made her gasp, every now and then nibbling on her earlobe as well. She was, understandably, having a difficult time focusing on anything but the demon standing between her legs and making her feel things she'd only felt once before, with him.
“Hn,” he mumbled into the crook of her neck. “Why not? He offered after all.”
“Yeah but… hey, hey wait a second.” She had to physically pull his face back by his hair so she could look at him. “Don't you have a room here?”
“Too far away. I take you here or you risk me taking you in the hall somewhere in between. Why do you smell so much like the hanyou if you are not `with' him?” he asked as he allowed his hands to roam under the oversized shirt she wore, one he was sure belonged to Inuyasha, finding her bare breasts, nipples already hard and awaiting his touch.
“I slept with him last night,” she replied, not thinking about how it would sound. This time he pulled back to look at her on his own. When she noticed that his motions had ceased she looked up and met his eyes, seeing something like pain in them. “No… no, no, no, no, no… Not slept with him like this. I slept in his bed last night. He came and got me and we didn't get back until the middle of the night, and…” she trailed off, not quite sure how to tell him about Kouga.
“The wolf demon?” When her eyes widened in surprise he chuckled and explained. “You still carry his scent as well. And am I to assume he was your boyfriend by your hesitance to tell me of him?”
“Mmm Hmm… nice guy… not you… can we talk about this later?”
Her choppy answer was enough for him. After what he'd overheard her say to his father he had no doubts about her feelings for him. She was his now. It didn't matter who else had touched her body, kissed her lips, and held her close before him. All that mattered was that he would be the last. “As you wish,” Sesshoumaru said in a deep, heated tone that told her she was in for it, and she couldn't wait.
She allowed him to turn her around on the desk and watched as he moved to sit in his father's chair. He pulled her to the edge and started pulling her shirt up to reveal her body, the body he'd dreamt about for two months, and she helped by pulling it up over her head before she tossed it at one of the empty chairs in the room. She was covered with just a tiny pair of panties now and he sat back to take in the sight. She was already panting, causing her breasts to bounce ever so slightly, and she was just as perfect as he remembered her to be.
“Are you just gonna sit there and look at me or what?” Kagome said with a smirk. In less than a second her panties were gone and she had no idea where they went. He leaned toward and put one finger in the middle of her chest, slowly pushing her to lie back while keeping his eyes locked with hers. When she was holding herself up with her elbows he slowly dragged the single digit down her stomach, making her squirm and giggle until he made it to the top of the soft black curls he'd missed so much.
“This Sesshoumaru has been dying for a taste of you for two months.” She shivered at the promise in his voice and watched him intently as he leaned forward to brush his nose through her curls, breathing in deeply the scent of her arousal and loving that it was all for him. Ever so slowly he allowed his tongue to slip out and slide along her slick folds, purring in pleasure at the taste. He kept his eyes locked with hers while his tongue explored, circling her clit before returning to her entrance and delving inside.
Seeing the look of absolute enjoyment on her face and hearing her soft moans drove him on and soon he had her teetering on the edge of ecstasy, always pulling back a moment too soon, keeping her from reaching fulfillment until she was pleading with him for more. Deciding she'd suffered enough for the moment, Sesshoumaru slipped two fingers into her tight passage while running the tip of a fang over her clit, tossing her right over the edge.
She practically screamed his name while she came and he couldn't help but smirk, knowing that every demon, hanyou, and probably even human in the residence heard her. He couldn't help but enjoy the thought that Inuyasha had to be pissed. He was surprised the hanyou hadn't barged in to `save' her from the big bad demon already. He kept her on her orgasmic high for several minutes until he was certain she would pass out if he continued and then slowed his ministrations, allowing her to come back down to earth.
When she could finally see straight again she looked down at him, laughing when she saw the smug look on his face. Kagome sat up slowly, her entire body still shaking from the intensity of her orgasm. Sesshoumaru allowed his hands to rest on the curve of her hips and leaned in to rest his head against her stomach, smiling when her hands came up to run through his hair. “I really missed you,” she whispered. “And you're wearing way too much clothes.”
He looked back up at her with a smirk and allowed her to tug his shirt over his head, not bothering to waste time on buttons. He kicked off his shoes and socks, undid his pants, and stood just long enough to drop them and his boxers to the floor before sitting back down in the chair. “Better?”
“Much,” Kagome said in a distracted tone, staring at the beautiful erection she thought she'd never get to experience again. He noticed where her attention was focused and again a smug smile pulled at his lips. At least he had succeeded in his goal of giving her a night she would never forget; the best she ever had. And now he would get to do so every night. “Sesshoumaru?” she almost whined.
Taking the hint he lifted her effortlessly off the desk and perched her over his lap, allowing her to reach between their bodies. When her hand touched his overheated skin he groaned and she giggled, giving him a little squeeze before lining it up with her entrance. Her giggling turned into a moan of complete ecstasy as he lowered her slowly, sliding smoothly into her tight, slick passage. When he was fully sheathed he released her ass and allowed his hands to caress her, teasingly trailing claws down her spine with one hand while the other rolled a hard pink nipple between thumb and forefinger. His mouth claimed the other pebbled peak, sucking roughly and making her moan louder while she ground her hips against his.
Once he'd fully teased and worshipped both perfect breasts equally, he looked up into her eyes. Again he felt the rush of intimacy he had experienced that night, but this time it didn't scare him. He understood it now and only wished he had then. If he had simply spoken his thoughts neither would have had to suffer the long separation. His right hand came up to cup her cheek and she tilted her head into his touch. “Kagome…” he trailed off, not sure how to say what he really wanted to.
She smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him softly. “I know. Me too.” His arms wrapped around her back and hers around his neck and he rested his cheek between her breasts, listening to her heartbeat. Every inch of his body relaxed as he was wrapped in her sweet scent and calming aura, well, every inch except for a not so small area that alerted him to its quite un-relaxed state when her passage twitched around his aching cock. He hadn't been with anyone since that night, even though he'd tried, and taking care of it himself just wasn't the same. He flexed his muscles, making his arousal move slightly inside her slick heat and she moaned.
Both reminded of their current position and activity, Sesshoumaru almost reluctantly pulled back from their shared embrace and looked up at her with a smirk as he flexed again. He watched her eyes flutter closed in pleasure and moved his hands to her hips once more, lifting her easily until just the head remained inside her before slowly lowering her again. On his second lift she rearranged her legs so she could lift herself, her legs thrown over the arms of the chair, using her thigh muscles to move with him rather than just letting him do all the work. Kagome grabbed the back of the chair on either side of his head for leverage and Sesshoumaru allowed her to control the speed of their motions.
She kept it slow for a while but it wasn't long before she wanted and needed more and her movements became faster and more urgent. Soon he was lifting his hips to meet her downward motions, pumping more rapidly every moment. He felt it when she came, her passage tightened around him while her back arched and her head was thrown back in ecstasy, his name on her lips as a whispered mantra as her muscles locked in place and the world crashed down around her. He fought it but the pleasure was just too much and her clenching pussy forced him to orgasm with her.
Neither moved nor spoke for several minutes as they fought to catch their breath. Finally Kagome leaned in, wrapped her arms around him and rested her forehead on his shoulder. His arms circled her body and he held her gently. A few minutes later he felt her begin to shake and for a moment he was afraid she was crying until he remembered that he would smell tears if she was. He listened carefully and could hear her almost silent laughter as her body shook with it.
“What is it you find so amusing, Kagome?” he asked, trying to hide his confusion and worry.
“It's just… I… I remember when I first met your father, Inuyasha and I were waiting in here for him and I sat down in this chair and I thought Inuyasha was going to have a stroke! Or kittens. Quite possibly kittens. But when your Dad came in he said I could use his chair if I wanted to. I don't think this was what he had in mind when he said it though.”
Sesshoumaru chuckled. “No, I expect not.”
“I can't believe we really just did this in your father's study, on his desk and in his chair!”
“This Sesshoumaru would gladly replace the furniture if he so wishes. It would be money well spent. Now, my pretty little vixen, we have a bed to christen.” When she didn't answer right away he tried to make eye contact but she kept turning away. “Is everything alright, Kagome?”
She sucked in a deep breath, let it out slowly, inhaled again and then spoke. “I think we need to talk.”
Author's Note:
I have to say that I am totally honored by you guys. The Syndrome has now been nominated in 3 categories and SWtPF in 1 at the Feudal Association. I can't thank you guys enough. Your support keeps me happy and writing. Your reviews keep me inspired. Your nominations touch my heart that you enjoy my stories enough to think them award-worthy!
Nominations end Saturday night at midnight and you can join whenever, so head on over to the Feudal Association and nominate your favorites. I nominated a couple. I know there are more things I would like to but for the life of me I can't remember them! I guess that's what I get when I write 95 percent of the time and read only 5 percent. There are some really good things nominated, so if you're looking for things to read the Feudal Association is a great place to start. They even have a list of all their previous winners, which looks an awful lot like my `to read' list.
I've been working almost non-stop on my CafePress store the last few days. In the Fanfic and Inu Fanfic sections I now have black and colored shirts available as well as more color choices and I've added bumper stickers too! In the Scout section I'm working on the new Daisy section that should be visible in a few more days when I finish with it. I love my new graphics program. Not only can I make really cool banners but I can make my images look really professional. I'm addicted to the program now!
And now I'm off to bed, at least I think I am. I never know if my brain will let me sleep or not!