InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Your Eyes Did To Me ❯ Don't Turn Your Back on Me ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

3 - Don't Turn Your Back on Me
Sesshoumaru was never afraid of anything. He'd faced powerful demons in battle. He'd stood alone against entire armies. He lived for centuries, static in an ever changing world. He, along with his father, learned business the hard way through trial and error. He took on multinational corporations and brought them to their knees before him. He feared no man, no group, no army, no company, nothing, but this little bitty thing in his arms had him terrified with just a few words.
What did she want to talk about? He thought she understood what he was trying to say, that she knew that he couldn't survive without her. She was his, or at least he thought she was. His body was tense, still holding her close, still sheathed inside her and she wanted to talk. As his mind began to come up with possibilities he could feel his heart hardening in his chest. She left him; hurt him without ever knowing it, but this was different. She was looking into his eyes. If she could hold his gaze and break his heart…
Kagome saw lots of things swimming in the swirling molten gold he called his eyes. She saw insecurity, worry, nervousness, and even fear and she could see his expression growing colder by the second. Her right hand came up and stroked his cheek, tracing his markings before moving to slide along the edge of his ear like she was memorizing the shape and he unconsciously leaned into her touch. “Sesshoumaru, I just said we need to talk.”
“Is that not what women say when ending relationships?” He tried to keep his voice steady and cold but it was impossible. Too much was riding on her words.
“Maybe, but that's not what I'm doing. It's just… we don't really have a relationship. We don't know anything about each other. I didn't even know that my best friend of almost ten years was your brother.”
“Half-brother,” he corrected out of habit.
“Whatever,” she said, rolling her eyes at him. I just think that if we really want to have something together we need to go back and start a relationship the right way. If we just base everything on sex… it just won't work.”
“What is it you are saying? You wish to date?”
Kagome smiled. “Something like that. And as wonderful as it is, being with you like this, I think we need to… not have sex for a while, to just spend time together, get to know each other, you know?”
He nodded his understanding, overcome with relief. He could handle not sleeping with her for a while, so long as he got to be near her, in her presence with her scent and aura surrounding him. It might not be comfortable but it was a hell of a lot better than what he'd thought she was going to say.
“I know Inuyasha is going to throw a fit when he finds out.”
“It is quite likely that he already knows,” Sesshoumaru said with a smirk. “You did scream this Sesshoumaru's name rather loudly.” He chuckled as she blushed and buried her face in his shoulder.
“Lovely. Yeah, that isn't going to be fun. Why don't you two get along?”
“The hanyou hasn't told you?” She shook her head. “Father replaced my mother shortly after she died with the hanyou's mother.”
Kagome's eyes softened and her arms wrapped around his neck again. “You know that isn't his fault, right? He didn't choose who his parents are or the situation he was born into.”
“By the time this Sesshoumaru understood the damage was done. He has hated me for years because he believes I still hate him. Tell me, Kagome, how is it that he did not recognize my scent on you? Even with his weaker senses he should have easily detected it.”
“Easy,” she said with a grin and he watched in surprise as her blue eyes began to glow, her irises lightening until they were a lilac color, her pupils disappearing completely. His entire body began to tingle and he was instantly aroused again. “Sniff,” she ordered, not noticing his shocked expression. He leaned forward obediently and sniffed the crook of her neck where he'd marked her with his scent, but it was gone. She smelled pure, clean, and simply like Kagome.
“You are a miko?” It didn't make sense. Miko were conditioned to kill demons, not befriend them, and definitely not sleep with them.
“Not trained or anything. I didn't want the classes.”
“Your family?”
“Gramps was disappointed for a while but my mother understood. She lived her life as a miko but didn't like the separation of species that she was taught. It's probably why I like demons and half-demons too, just as much as humans. She raised me to believe that everyone was equal.”
“If you were not trained how can you…”
“Self taught. I just read a lot of books. Let me tell you, the scent thing is a life saver. Inuyasha has always wanted to beat up any guy that I spent any amount of time with. I learned to hide their scents so he couldn't find them. Otherwise I think he'd be in jail by now.”
“The hanyou is protective of you but you are not in a relationship with him?”
“Nope, never have, never will. I love him like a brother. I guess I should probably go upstairs and talk to him before he explodes. Your father must have done something to keep him in his room. That's the only reason I can imagine that explains why he isn't here yet.” Sesshoumaru pulled her back to his body and nuzzled into the crook of her neck, marking her with his scent again. She smelled beautiful all on her own but with his scent mixed with hers, it was divine. That and anyone with a nose would know she'd been claimed and was hands off.
“This Sesshoumaru is not ready to let you go yet.” She shifted slightly in his lap and they both moaned at the unexpected friction, both now quite aware of the position they were still in.
“That thing I said about not having sex for a while…” Kagome whispered.
“Yes?” he asked with a smirk, hoping that she was thinking what he most definitely was thinking.
“Let's start that tomorrow.” He flexed his muscles and gasped. “Oh yeah, definitely tomorrow. Maybe the next day even.”
“This Sesshoumaru finds that more than agreeable.” He leaned forward and caught a nipple between his lips and she arched towards him in pleasure. His arms wrapped around her and he stood, holding her to his body before setting her at the very edge of the desk. This time he wanted to be in control. Kagome leaned back slightly, propping herself up on her arms behind her, and looked up at him. He slid his hands to the curve of her waist to keep her steady and slowly pulled back loving his she moaned for him. He smirked before pushing his way back in torturously slowly.
“Mmm… more,” she murmured.
Deciding to have a little more fun with her he pulled back again, even slower than before, this time pushing back in only halfway. Sesshoumaru repeated his motions several time, staring into her eyes while she glared at him. After almost a minute of his torture she whimpered and slid one hand down to rub firmly on her clit, only to have her hand moved away. When she growled in frustration he simply smirked at her and moved his right hand so that his fingers were splayed over her lower abdomen and his thumb rubbed her clit gently.
He continued his slow motions for a short while longer until he was sure she wasn't expecting it and then he thrust into her hard and deep. The sound that escaped her, a combination of surprise and bliss, drove him on and he finally moved like she wanted him to, fast and hard. Between the beautiful friction and his well placed thumb, Kagome was almost instantly at the edge of orgasm. When she felt him start to slow again she reached up with one hand and grabbed a fistful of silver strands that had slipped over his shoulder.
He chuckled at her desperate attempt to reach her peak and did as she wished, thrusting even harder, and he watched as her body tensed, groaning when her passage clamped down around him again. This time he managed to retain control and he kept moving, driving her higher instead of allowing her to come down. His left hand came up and ran teasingly down the middle of her chest and stomach, dragging his claws carefully over hypersensitive skin.
She was whispering her mantra again, this time throwing in a few “Oh gods,” with the previous, “Sesshoumaru, oh, Sesshoumaru.” He pushed harder with his thumb and her entire body locked again, her back arched so far that the top of her head nearly touched the desktop. She tightened around him again, this time so much so that he was almost in pain, but what a wonderful pain it would be. The hand still wrapped in his hair gave a tug and he joined her in ecstasy.
His body went limp over hers and she lay back carefully, holding his head to her shoulder as she went, and they both lay there panting for several minutes. Finally he could move again and he lifted his upper body to kiss her softly. “Promise me that you won't disappear again,” he whispered in a pleading tone.
“I won't disappear again, I promise. Though I could use a nap.” He smirked before groaning as he lifted himself from her completely, slowly slipping from her depths. Kagome let her head fall back to the desk with a thump and he just watched her breathe for a while before bending under the desk and putting his boxers and pants back on. Sesshoumaru walked around the desk and gathered the rest of their discarded clothing.
“Sit up, Kagome,” he said softly. When she groaned he grabbed both her hands and pulled her carefully to a seated position, with her simply allowing him to move her. “You have to stay sitting up if you want your shirt back. This Sesshoumaru could always carry you through the house as you are…”
That got her and she snatched her shirt from over his shoulder, pulling it over her head. “Can I lay back down now?” she grumbled.
“I can assure you that this Sesshoumaru's bed is much more comfortable than a wooden desk.”
“I'm sure you can and I'm sure it is.” She looked up at him and a small smile appeared on her lips. She gave him the best puppy dog eyes she could. “Carry me?”
He chuckled at her again before pausing to think that he'd never chuckled so much in so little time before. “This Sesshoumaru had intended to do so already, so do not think your puppy eyes have anything to do with it.”
“Sure you were,” she said teasingly. He merely grunted back before lifting her into his arms. “Do you have my panties?” she asked with a slight blush.
“Do not worry. I would never leave such a prize behind.”
She glanced up at him in surprise, not bothering to notice that they had left the study and were moving closer and closer to where Inuyasha was most likely waiting for her. Her gaze turned suspicious and when he was almost to the top of the stairs she spoke. “You put them in your pocket,” she mumbled before raising her voice. “You have them, don't you? My panties from that night? When you took them off in the parking lot you put them in your pocket! I looked everywhere for those!”
A door opened and Sesshoumaru smirked as his brother came barreling out of his room towards them. “Sesshoumaru, you bastard! Put her down.” Right when Inuyasha was about to reach them, the taiyoukai and his precious package disappeared as he used his demon speed to moved faster than the blink of an eye. Inuyasha skidded to a stop and whirled around, ready to charge at them again, looking rather similar to a bull ready to gore the toreador.
“Inuyasha! Stop it right now!” Kagome yelled. Seeing that he wasn't slowing down she sighed and Sesshoumaru moved out of the way again. “Inuyasha, if you don't stop this right now I'm not even going to bother explaining this to you! I'll just go take my nap with your brother.”
“Half-brother,” they said simultaneously.
“Half, whole, quarter, I don't give a fuck. This… you have to stop! Damn it Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru is him! The guy from that night, the one I haven't been able to forget about. I love you, I really do, but I will not let you mess this up for me!”
Finally the hanyou seemed to hear something and stopped to stare at his best friend in his worst enemy's arms. “My brother? You slept with my brother?” he asked in disbelief.
“Oh, she did much more than sleep with this Sesshoumaru,” the taiyoukai mocked.
Kagome turned and smacked his chest. “Put me down,” she hissed. When he didn't move a muscle to comply she hit him again, this time adding a little charge of her power through her tightly balled fist. “Put me down right now!” When he grudgingly obeyed she moved away from him, much to his dismay. She stopped at a spot just about right between the siblings and looked from one to the other. Deciding on Inuyasha, she turned and looked straight into his eyes. “I didn't know he was your brother, Inuyasha! You never even told me his name. Sure, you look similar, but so do all silver dog demons! You have to understand that this has nothing to do with you.”
“The fuck it doesn't! You're mine! Mine to protect and take care of and I have to protect you from him! Don't you understand? He's a huge jerk. He's just taking advantage of you! When he's done he'll toss you away like last weeks garbage and I refuse to stand back and let it happen.” There was a vicious snarl from behind her and both Kagome and Inuyasha focused on the taiyoukai who now had bright crimson eyes.
“Sesshoumaru?” Kagome asked in almost a whisper.
“Kagome, get away from him!” Inuyasha yelled before rushing forward to drag her to safety. He didn't make it within five feet of her before he was thrown back and Sesshoumaru stood between them, his back to her and his beast fully focused on the male that wished to challenge his claim on the female he desired as his mate.
“Kagome has no need of your protection from this Sesshoumaru. She is mine,” he growled threateningly.
Kagome looked up at the back of his head in surprise. She was used to Inuyasha calling her his but Sesshoumaru… it made her wonder just where he saw their soon to be established relationship going. Demons didn't make claims lightly. “Do you… do you mean that?” she whispered.
Sesshoumaru turned around slowly and looked into her eyes, his still blazing red. “You belong to this Sesshoumaru.” His hand reached out and touched her cheek gently. “Since the moment we saw you we wanted you, not for one night or for a few but for all of them, for every single night of the rest of your life… the days as well.”
Tears welled up in her eyes and just when she was about to speak his hand jerked, the deadly claw that tipped his thumb cutting into her cheek. The beast was instantly enraged. Inuyasha leapt on his back. Inuyasha caused him to injure his intended mate. Inuyasha was going to die. Sesshoumaru was going to kill him. Kagome held a hand to her bleeding cheek and watched in horror as the two fought.
Sesshoumaru clawed at the hanyou's sides and back in an attempt to loosen his hold and shake him off, while Inuyasha's claws dug into the taiyoukai's chest, his arms thrown over the larger and stronger demon's shoulders, holding on for dear life, all the while yelling and screaming threats and accusations regarding `his' Kagome.
Finally she regained the ability to move and think and she took off at breakneck speed, running down the hall and skidding to a stop outside their father's bedroom door. She began to beat her first on the door while yelling for him and in a few seconds the door was open, a confused and instantly worried taiyoukai looking at her in shock as blood leaked from between her fingers and rolled down her arm, dripping off her elbow to the floor. “Kagome?”
“Inuyasha… Sesshoumaru… fighting…” she gasped out between panting breaths. “They're gonna kill each other.”
“Izayoi, take care of Kagome,” he called back towards the still winded human standing outside his door. He was already halfway down the hall already.
“Kagome dear? Oh my god, what happened to you!?”
“Sesshoumaru… Inuyasha…” she gasped, pointing down the hall with the hand not trying and failing to slow the rapidly bleeding face wound. The long hall echoed with snarls, crashes, and thuds, and both women looked worriedly towards the source of the noise before Izayoi came to her senses and dragged Kagome inside, closing and locking the heavy wood door behind her. She knew what the scent of blood did to demons, especially demons that were natural predators like the demons in her family.
If one of her sons, yes, she considered Sesshoumaru a son even though he acted like she didn't exist, if one of them hurt her then they both had to be kept away. From what her mate had told her, Sesshoumaru was in love with Kagome, something she knew Inuyasha wouldn't take well. Hopefully Inu Senior would be able to get a handle on things before they injured each other too badly. Fights over females weren't taken lightly and were often to the death, and Izayoi silently prayed for the safety of her husband and both of her sons while she led Kagome into the bathroom.
Kagome took one look in the bathroom mirror and almost passed out. She had been so worried by the fighting, so determined to get Inu, that she hadn't even thought about the cut. She hadn't felt the blood running down her arm. She hadn't felt the sting of the wound. She had no idea that it was so serious until she took in her red stained shirt and arm. Her face was already pale and she began to get dizzy. Izayoi noticed and led her to sit on the toilet. “Kagome? I need you to move your hand so we can press this towel to your cheek. It should help slow the bleeding better than just your hand. Okay?” Kagome nodded slowly and let her hand drop, her stomach flip-flopping when she heard the woman she loved as much as her own mother gasp in shock.
“Is it that bad?” she asked weakly.
“It isn't good sweetie. How did this happen? I can't imagine either of them hurting you on purpose.”
Kagome shook her head and looked up at Izayoi, her hand coming up to hold the towel so Izayoi could continue gathering emergency supplies. In a house full of demons injuries happen so she had an overstocked first aid kit that included the things necessary to stitch closed larger wounds. She'd even taken a class after the third time Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru tried to shred each other when they were little.
“Inuyasha was mad and said some things about Sesshoumaru that he shouldn't have and I'm pretty sure Sesshoumaru lost control.”
“But if he's in love with you, dear, then his beast wouldn't hurt you either.”
Kagome's eyes widened. “Love? You think he loves me?”
“Oh… I… I'm sorry honey. I thought you knew.”
“Are you sure?”
“That's what Inu said. Said he could tell by the way you looked at each other that he loved you and you loved him too. Is he wrong, sweetie?”
Kagome slowly shook her head. She knew she was in love with him but she had no idea he was in love with her. The whole dating thing was her way of testing the waters, to see what his intentions really were while hoping that he would grow to love her as much as she did him. Apparently she didn't need to do that at all. If Papa Inu said it then it was true. He could read people like a book, a large print book at that.
Izayoi smiled. She could tell already that Kagome would soon be becoming an official part of their family. “So if it wasn't his beast either… was it Inuyasha? Inuyasha didn't hurt you, did he?”
“Sesshoumaru was talking to me with his back to Inuyasha…”
The woman before her clicked her tongue. Sesshoumaru was snubbing Inuyasha, turning his back to him like he posed no threat. It wasn't a surprise that a fight started. You never turned your back on an enemy unless you deemed them weak. Sesshoumaru knew that of course, and had aggravated Inuyasha on purpose.
“He had his hand on my cheek and then all of a sudden he moved and his thumb slipped and cut me. It happened so fast I didn't even know what happened at first. Inuyasha attacked him, jumped on his back.” The world was beginning to tilt before her eyes and Kagome wasn't sure what was happening.
“So this was made by one of Sesshoumaru's claws?” Izayoi asked with worry she couldn't hide in her voice.
Kagome nodded weakly. Something was wrong. She'd lost too much blood or something, because her eyes refused to focus and it felt like she was sitting on a barstool and spinning at mach four. Izayoi turned and caught her just before she hit the floor, out cold.