InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Your Eyes Did To Me ❯ A Quarter for Your Thoughts ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi.  
5 - A Quarter for Your Thoughts
Sesshoumaru followed his nose into the large entryway, spotting his father, Inuyasha, and Izayoi all sitting against the far wall. He had to fight the urge to go and strangle the half-breed right then. Utilizing every ounce of his self control he approached the little group and looked directly at his father, ignoring the existence of the other two. “Father, this Sesshoumaru wishes to speak with you.”
Inuyasha looked at his half-brother who was making a point to not look at him. He needed to know if she was alright. What he really needed was to see her himself, but that was rather unlikely to happen anytime soon. “Is she alright?” he asked softly, looking away when Sesshoumaru's eyes snapped to focus on him.
“She will recover,” he said coldly. “This Sesshoumaru made it just in time.”
“I didn't mean for her to…”
“This Sesshoumaru has not yet decided how to deal with you. It would be wise to keep your distance from both her and myself.”
Inuyasha's shoulders slumped and he nodded while staring at the floor. He'd expected as much.
“Come, Sesshoumaru. We will speak in my study.” Inu frowned at his eldest. He still had a few things to learn, and one of them was that his behavior towards Inuyasha would have to change for the sake of his mate. Forcing her to choose between them would just be cruel and he would not allow it. He loved the girl like a daughter. He would not see her hurt by either of his sons ever again.
The two taiyoukai left the human and hanyou in the entry way, and once they were out of sight Inuyasha sniffled loudly and Izayoi pulled him back into her arms. “Your father will take care of it, honey. I promise everything will work out fine.”
- - - - -
Sesshoumaru breathed deeply when he entered his father's study, a smug smirk pulling at his lips. The scent of their activities was still heavy in the air, and as the elder taiyoukai entered he chuckled. “I knew you wouldn't be able to wait.”
“I believe it was you that offered the use of your desk,” Sesshoumaru replied.
“Least I could do my boy, least I could do. So, are you here to talk about Inuyasha or Kagome?”
“A bit of both actually. First, I wish to know if you will interfere.”
“If you and Inuyasha fight again? Yes, I certainly will interfere. There is something you need to understand. I know that you want to kill him right now, and I'm sure your beast is calling for his head, but you simply cannot do so.”
“The half-breed deserves to die. He caused her injury and she almost died because of it. Now the choice she should have made as been made for her and I am not sure how she will feel about it when she wakes.”
“If you kill him you'll lose her, no matter how strongly she feels about you.” Sesshoumaru frowned and the elder taiyoukai shook his head. “They have been friends since they were ten, Sesshoumaru. He is her best friend. You two are going to have to find a way to get along for her sake. She deserves that much. She should not have to choose between you, and choosing for her is worse. She will not blame you for her injury and she will not blame him either. Of that I can assure you.”
Sesshoumaru sighed and nodded. He would not risk his relationship with her. He'd just found her again and then almost lost her once more. He couldn't stand it if she turned her back on him. “Fine, the half-breed and this Sesshoumaru will `talk'.”
“The first thing you need to do is stop calling him that. She hates it.”
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes. It was a damn good thing she was worth the trouble. “I also would like to speak with you about a problem I am having.”
“Problem?” Inu asked with a lifted brow suggestively. “What kind of problem?”
Sesshoumaru glared at his father. “Not that kind of problem,” he growled. “This Sesshoumaru is having difficulty with…” he sighed, something he usually wouldn't allow himself to do with an audience, even if it was just his father. “…a word.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “When I was looking for her, when it seemed like I would never find her, the… word… did not bother me. I could think it just fine. I could even admit it out loud. Now though, that she is here with me I cannot even think the word. I can't think of me… feeling that way… about her or her feeling the same about this Sesshoumaru, but I can think of her baring my pups with no difficulties.”
Inu furrowed his brows in thought, frustrated that his son was speaking in riddles. “You cannot think this… word?” Sesshoumaru shook his head. “And it is how you feel about her?” A nod. Inu smiled then. “You are in love with her, are you not?”
“Yes, I am. I just cannot think or say it. It is ridiculous.”
“You're just afraid to tell her is all; afraid she won't say it back. Let me let you in on a little something. She loves you. It's obvious, just as obvious as your love for her. There is nothing to worry about. Now, go upstairs and stay with her. She might need you when she wakes. And let your brother see her, even if just for a minute. He blames himself, and we both know that it was not entirely his fault. You provoked him and you did not think of the consequences of her injury at the time either.”
Sesshoumaru frowned and sighed but did not deny it or refuse. He rose slowly and made to leave. He stopped at the door and spoke without turning to face his father. “This Sesshoumaru has not held a grudge against the half-… against Inuyasha for years. It is only his hatred for me that continues.”
Inu watched in shock as Sesshoumaru left the room, closing the door softly behind him. He'd never known, never noticed a change, but now that he took the time to think about it, Sesshoumaru hadn't initiated any conflicts, physical or verbal, in a very long time. He wondered though, if it was too late for Inuyasha to forget all the wrongs his brother had done him over the years so they could start over.
- - - - -
Sesshoumaru made his way to the entryway where Inuyasha still sat beside his mother. The sight that greeted him made him oddly uncomfortable. Inuyasha's head was buried in his arms and his shoulders shook while his mother rubbed his back and cooed soothingly in his ear. It wasn't the fact that Inuyasha was crying, sobbing even, that bothered him, but the way Izayoi soothed him. He could barely remember his mother, and he had always treated the human woman before him poorly, not matter how hard she tried. He found himself wondering, if he had… would Izayoi have held him like that? Would she have cared for him? Shaking the thought from his mind, he spoke.
“Inuyasha, you will come with this Sesshoumaru.” His voice was cold and left no room for argument. The hanyou pulled himself to his feet, his eyes never leaving the floor. Izayoi watched in fear as her son walked away with his older brother, not sure what was going on. When the two were out of sight she hurried to her husband's study, hoping he knew what was happening.
Inuyasha had already accepted his fate. It was Sesshoumaru's right to kill him. He'd hurt the woman who would be his mate. Even though his father had promised, he hadn't gotten his hopes up. Sesshoumaru wasn't the forgiving type. He was surprised when his brother led him directly to his room where Kagome was resting. Surely he didn't intend to kill him with her in the room?!
“Calm yourself. There is no reason for your fear,” Sesshoumaru said without giving the hanyou a second's glance.
“But…” the hanyou started.
“You wished to see her, did you not? There are things you and I must discuss, but now is not the time.” With that said he opened the door to his room and stepped inside, waiting for Inuyasha to follow. When he glanced at the taiyoukai and then the sleeping miko, Sesshoumaru nodded and Inuyasha slowly made his way to her bedside.
She was so pale. That was the first thing he noticed. Then he saw the cut on her cheek that had been the cause. It already looked like it was healing. He listened to her gentle breathing and her heartbeat, allowing himself to relax when both sounded healthy and normal.
Sesshoumaru remained by the door as he watched his brother looking at Kagome. He fought to keep in the growl that rose up in him when Inuyasha reached out and touched her cheek, the uninjured one.
“I'm sorry Kagome,” he whispered to his best friend. “I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I… I didn't know how he felt about you. I'll understand if you never want to see me again.” Both brothers watched closely when she shifted and a small, unintelligible sound escaped her, Sesshoumaru hurrying to the other side of the bed, moving to sit next to her.
“Inu… yasha…” she whispered, her lips barely moving. A wave of jealousy swept over Sesshoumaru. She thought of the hanyou first? They watched as her beautiful blue eyes slowly slid open. “Come here…” The hanyou obeyed and bent closer to her. “I don't ever…” Inuyasha's eyes widened. “…want to…” He closed them tightly terrified of what was coming next. She really didn't ever want to see him again! “…hear you say that again.”
Inuyasha laughed, relieved. “You had me scared there for a minute, wench.”
“Inu… what happened? What were you talking about?” Her voice was soft but steady and both brothers silently thanked the gods.
Inuyasha went to answer but thought better of it and looked up at Sesshoumaru instead. Kagome turned her head slightly, following her friend's eyes. There was confusion painted on her face and in her eyes as she studied the male beside her. She looked at his long silver hair and golden eyes, studied the markings on his cheeks and forehead, and then frowned, causing terror to sweep through Sesshoumaru. She didn't seem to recognize him!
“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked, turning back to her dog eared friend.
“Yeah, wench?”
“What's going on?”
Inuyasha's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't remember? It looked like she didn't even know who his brother was. “What's the last thing you remember?” Her eyes slid closed and her lips pursed while she thought. “We were on the phone… talking about me visiting…”
Sesshoumaru's hands began to tremble and he clenched them into fists trying to stop it. This wasn't possible. It was not happening. He was asleep with Kagome in his arms. He was dreaming. A dream, that's all it was, just a nightmare. It wasn't real. She didn't forget him. She couldn't.
“No… that's not right… we were talking on the phone but we were both driving to your house. We got there and went to sleep… left my stuff in the cars… too tired…” Her eyes opened again and she looked at the silver haired golden eyed male opposite Inuyasha, a wicked smile spreading across her lips. “I needed a nap… why am I still so tired?”
Now Sesshoumaru was confused. Did she remember him or not?
She breathed in through her nose and furrowed her brows. “Who was crying? And why are you both confused?” She was silent for a moment. Just when Inuyasha was opening his mouth to answer she spoke again. “And why can I tell how you're feeling by how you smell?”
The two males looked at each other over her. Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders and Sesshoumaru frowned. “Kagome? Do you know who I am?” the taiyoukai asked, thoroughly afraid of the answer.
She studied him for a minute, every second that passed making him more and more petrified. Finally she smirked at him. “Why don't you remind me?” When he didn't move an inch, just stared at her, she sighed. “What in the hell happened that I wake up to the two of you in the same room, not fighting, when the last thing I remember is you trying to kill each other? And why do you think I wouldn't remember you? I couldn't forget you if my life depended on it.”
Finally Sesshoumaru's shoulders relaxed and his hands opened before he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. “It has been brought to my attention that killing him would displease you. It was not solely his fault you were hurt.” When she gave him a confused look he continued. “Your cheek was cut by this Sesshoumaru's claw when the fighting began. Some of my poison entered the wound, making it impossible to stop the bleeding. You almost died… that is why you are so tired.”
Inuyasha took the break in conversation as his chance. “I'm going to leave so you can talk, okay Kagome?” She frowned but nodded and soon the miko and the taiyoukai were alone at last.
“So why do I feel so odd? Why can I smell how you feel?” She watched as he looked away, refusing to hold her eyes. “Sesshoumaru, what happened?”
“This Sesshoumaru had no other choice. I had to or you would have died.”
“Had to what?” When he failed to answer she struggled to sit up, huffing when she couldn't. “Hey, dog boy, just tell me!” she said, exasperated.
He looked at her and lifted a brow. “Dog boy?”
“Yeah, dog boy, answer my question. What? Do you think I'm gonna be mad? You did it to save my life. Why would I be upset about it?”
“It was a choice you should have made, not I, and it cannot be undone. It is also why you are able to smell how others are feeling.”
“Just spit it out, would ya?”
“You are now bound to this Sesshoumaru. You will experience some changes. It is impossible to predict how much you will be affected as it varies for everyone, but it has obviously enhanced your sense of smell. It has extended your life as well.”
“Bound to you?” she asked with a bit of nervousness in her voice that bothered him.
“Yes, it is traditionally done during… mating.”
“You did it to save me?” she whispered.
“You are upset.”
“Huh? I'm not upset. But… you didn't have to… if you didn't…”
“This Sesshoumaru could not lose you, not again. What is wrong if you are not upset?”
She sniffled and looked away, his eyes snapping to her face, seeing the tears shimmering in her eyes. “You did it because you felt you had to…”
Understanding finally dawned in his golden eyes. “This Sesshoumaru had every intention of taking you as my mate before you were injured. I did not do it because I felt obligated. I did it because I…” He growled in frustration. He needed to be able to say it now! “I…”
“You wanted me as your mate?” she asked, still surprised by the whole thing. She'd never expected him to feel as strongly about her as she did him.
“Not wanted… want…” He looked into her eyes and willed her to understand what he still for some reason couldn't say.
The look in his eyes made her heart race. “But you hardly know me.”
“I know all I need to. Your eyes speak to me. Your voice and scent soothe me. Your body drives me wild. You can make me laugh, something that this Sesshoumaru does not do. Most importantly, I cannot live without you. I was absolutely miserable for the last two months. When I look into your eyes, there is this connection, this feeling of intimacy I have never before experienced. I… when our eyes first met it happened. I just had no idea what it was then.”
“And you know now?”
He nodded. “I do, though the word…” He shifted to lie beside her; half perched over her so he could look down into her eyes, his hair falling around them like a silk curtain. His hand touched her cheek and he softly kissed her still pale lips. The longer he looked at her the more he understood and believed his father's words. She did. She felt the same. Suddenly it was easy. “Kagome… I love you.”
The tears that had welled up in her eyes moments before spilled over and for a brief second or two he panicked. When she smiled brightly at him he relaxed and bent lower to lick the trails of tears from her cheeks. “No tears, my love,” he whispered.
“I…” she broke into giggles and he brushed the tip of his nose against hers. “Thank god,” she whispered. “I was afraid it was just me.”
“Just you?” he nudged gently.
“Just me hopelessly in love with someone I barely know.” She closed her eyes as his lips brushed hers sweetly.
“If you still wish to date… to get to know each other… this Sesshoumaru finds it agreeable.”
“Might be a good idea.” She opened her eyes again and gazed at him. “So, what's your favorite color?”
He chuckled and she let out a little moan. God, she loved that sound. “This Sesshoumaru is finding it difficult to choose between the black of your hair and the blue of your eyes. You should be resting. You are nowhere near recovered.” He watched as she stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. “Is there some reason you are against rest?”
“What, you're not gonna ask me?” When he lifted a brow at her she let out a cute little growl that made him want to kiss her again, so he did.
“Ask you what?”
“My favorite color!” He chuckled again at her adorable pout.
“What, my sweet little vixen, is your favorite color?”
She smirked at him. “Don't have one.” She giggled as he rolled his eyes. “Though I am becoming rather attached to silver and gold.” She looked into his eyes. “If I go to sleep… will you stay with me?”
“Of course.”
“One more thing…”
“You wanna tell me why I'm naked?”
“This Sesshoumaru can think of several reasons.”
“Well then tell me `several reasons',” she said, playfully mocking his tone.
“One, this Sesshoumaru had to clean your blood off of you.”
“You did? Was it that bad?”
He nodded. “You lost a great deal of blood. The shirt you had on was stuck to you, and you were covered nearly head to toe in dried and drying blood.”
“How did you…?”
“This Sesshoumaru gave you a shower.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “You did?”
“Why would that surprise you?”
“Well, I just didn't expect you to…”
“Did I not help you shower the last time we were together?” He smirked at her blush. “That's what I thought.”
“You said there were several reasons,” she said, swiftly changing the subject.
“This Sesshoumaru prefers you as such, and I had every intention of joining you.” With that said he rolled to a sitting position and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor before standing and removing the rest of the annoying barriers keeping him from feeling her body against his. She watched him, admiring the chiseled abdomen, strong back, muscled arms and legs, an ass she could bounce a quarter off of if she could move and had a quarter… He was just absolutely edible.
He smirked at her as he caught the scent of her arousal. “Are you enjoying the show?”
“I would be a bit more if I had a quarter.” When he gave her a confused look she laughed. “Never mind. Get in here!”
His smirk widened and he slipped between the silk sheets and gently rearranged her still weak body so that her back was pressed to his chest. He buried his nose in her hair and listened as her breathing began to slow. “Sleep well, Kagome,” he whispered before allowing himself to fall into the first restful sleep he'd experienced since the last time he held her close like this, a smile on his face at the thought of waking up with her still in his arms this time.
Author's note:
First I want to those of you who nominated my work. In the Dokuga Awards, What Your Eyes Can Do has been nominted for Best Oneshot, What Your Eyes Did to Me for Best Lemonfic, and Open Mouth Insert Foot for best drabble. They have decided to open membership again, and it will remain open until voting starts, so if you want to nominate or be able to vote you need to go join now. Nominations end Saturday. The Inuyasha Fanguild is also open membership until April 23 I believe, and nominations are currently open there as well. Both are yahoo groups and they are linked to on my LiveJournal.
I'm not sure how much longer this fic is going to be because I haven't started chapter 6 yet, but I will promise you at least one more lemon before the end. Though I do have some ideas that might add several chapters, I'm not at all decided. I'm open to suggestions. If there's something you would like to see, let me know in an email or a review and I'll see what inspires me.