InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Your Eyes Did To Me ❯ Breakfast in Bed ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha & co. belong to the illustrious Rumiko Takahashi.  
6 - Breakfast in Bed
Sesshoumaru's eyes opened slowly and he took in his surroundings, his mind still half asleep. It took less than a minute for him to realize the problem though, and once he had he was completely awake. He was alone in his bed. Kagome was gone. He sat up and searched the dark room for any hint of her presence but found none. He couldn't believe it. Why would she have left? She said she loved him. Why would she sneak away while he slept again? Was it just a lie? Did she not love him after all? Every ounce of his confident demeanor disappeared and he was left with nothing but a mountain of insecurity.
The taiyoukai almost leapt out of bed to search for her, ready to burst into the hanyou's room to see if she'd left him for his half-brother. He yanked on a pair of pajama pants and had one clawed hand on the doorknob when he heard her voice.
“Sesshoumaru?” she whispered in question. “Where are you going?”
He turned around and was surprised to see her standing in the doorway to his private bathroom. How had he missed it? When he realized that it was still pitch black in the rooms he smirked. She went to the bathroom and didn't turn on the light and she could see him where he stood. Kagome's eyesight had developed and she now had night vision like he did.
When he didn't answer her question she walked slowly towards him, noticing the pajama pants. “Were you leaving?” she asked nervously.
He didn't speak right away, scrambling for excuses, but finally he gave up and told her the truth. “This Sesshoumaru thought you'd left me again.”
“And just where did you think I would go?”Kagome watched as his eyes stared intently at the floor. “You thought I would leave you and go to Inuyasha?” When he didn't answer her arms wrapped around his neck and she pulled him down for a kiss. “I'm not going to leave. I'm not going to disappear in middle of the night. I promise.” She smiled as she felt his shoulders relax and squeaked in surprise as he swept her off her feet into his arms.
“You should not be out of bed. You are still recovering and obviously still changing as well.”
“I like this seeing in the dark thing,” she replied as he carried her back towards the bed. “No kicking furniture in the middle of the night. My toes thank you.”
Sesshoumaru's lips twitched up in a small smile and he allowed his hands to slide over her bare skin. At least he knew she was comfortable in his presence since she hadn't made any effort to cover herself. His smile stretched into a smirk when his nose caught the scent of her arousal. She responded to him so readily and he would have more than willingly taken her again if he hadn't also detected the scent of her exhaustion. He'd waited two months to see her, that and he'd just had her that morning in his father's study. He could wait a while longer to play her body like a harp and make her sing sweet music for him again… at least a little while longer.
The sun was just barely peeking through the curtains when Sesshoumaru was once again pulled from sleep. It only took seconds to figure out what woke him this time though. He lifted the sheet from his chest and looked down to find beautiful blue eyes looking back up at him sparkling with amusement. His head fell back on his pillow when her tongue slipped out and traced the underside of his very awake cock. For a moment he thought that she should still be resting, but only for a moment. Her hot mouth was far too distracting for any real thinking.
Kagome moaned softly with her lips wrapped tightly around him. When she'd woken up she hadn't been able to resist. He was so deliciously naked, already hard and waiting and besides, what guy would mind that kind of wakeup call? Both her hands traveled up his sculpted abdomen and chest while she expertly slid his massive erection in and out of her mouth. She remembered thinking that his skin tasted amazing before but it was ten times better than the last time and she wanted more. She scraped her fingernails down his chest and she would have smirked if her lips weren't quite so occupied when he moaned and his hips bucked simultaneously.
He tossed the sheet to the side so he could watch her and Sesshoumaru's hands caught hers, lacing their fingers together. She looked beautiful, her hair wild and perfectly framing her face, her eyes so full of heat that she could burn him with a glance, her back curved just so, giving him an amazing view of her ass, and the cherry on top of the sexy sundae of Kagome was the sight of his dick disappearing between her soft pale pink lips. God he loved her. She was perfect in so many ways and he was certain that he would never regret his decision to save her. He knew he would never have survived without her.
He was close, so close, and Kagome gave him a confused look when he pulled her up his body using their connected hands. “Good morning to you too, Kagome,” he murmured in a promising tone, smirking when her cheeks flushed an adorable shade of pink. She would never cease to amaze him. She'd woken him up with a blowjob but she was embarrassed when he mentioned it? No matter what they did together she never seemed to lose that innocence that made fucking her brains out all the more fun. He would never get tired of making her blush.
Sesshoumaru pressed his lips to hers before rolling her beneath him. Their fingers were still interlocked and he used the connection to pull her hands over her head as he kissed her. His hips were cradled between her thighs and he fought a groan as her soft skin slid along his, her legs wrapping tightly around him. Her movement caused his aching erection to slip between her hot, slick folds and he knew that just a slight tilt of his pelvis would send him sliding home but he stayed still. He pulled back to allow her to breathe and chuckled when she shifted against him, seeking the incredible full sensation that only he could invoke.
“Stay,” he ordered in a deep, husky voice before releasing her hands.
Her eyes flickered confusion for a moment before understanding dawned in the twin ocean blue pools. Kagome kept her hands on the pillow as told by locking her fingers together and sliding them under her head. She was very interested in seeing what he had planned. She moaned as he purposely caressed her clit with the head of his cock and she groaned when he pulled away.
The taiyoukai moved down her body, kissing her throat and collar bone. His hands unlocked her legs from around his hips, keeping her knees bent at his sides, and torturously teased her using just the tip of his nose and tongue to circle her perfect breasts until her nipples pebbled to tight pink peaks. He continued his erotic torment until she whined and whimpered in frustration before continuing his path south.
He was driving her crazy as he kissed across her stomach, nibbling at the curve of her waist, making her giggle and squirm until his hands slid down her sides to hold her still. “Sesshoumaru,” she pleaded, “please!” He was touching everywhere but where she wanted it most and she didn't know if she could take much more.
Sesshoumaru's eyes were closed tightly. He was losing it and his beast was taking over. It wouldn't be long until it had complete control. He knew she hadn't been afraid that night in the shower or the previous afternoon when his beast surfaced to meet the hanyou's challenge, but he was still nervous about it. He didn't want her to fear him. She was going to be his mate and if she was afraid of him… just the thought caused a painful tightening in his chest.
It wasn't just her fear he was worried about. Most humans avoided relationships with demons because they were disgusted by the beast, likening it to having sex with an animal, in his case a dog. Would she be upset? Would she be bothered by it? He knew his beast would never hurt her, but did she?
Kagome frowned as a new scent entered her now sensitive nose. “Sesshoumaru?” When he didn't reply she moved her hands to cup his cheeks, tilting his head so she could see his face. “Sesshoumaru, look at me.” Very slowly he opened his eyes only to be utterly confused by the soft smile on her face. “What are you worried about?” His eyes widened a little in surprise and she laughed. “Let go.” For a moment Sesshoumaru's heart broke, thinking she meant for him to stop, to let go of her, but as her fingers traced the now jagged lines of his face she spoke again. “Let him out to play, Sesshoumaru. It's okay.”
Her words were all it took and the last threads of his control snapped. She released his face and returned her hands to rest under her head and his kisses changed to licks as he tasted her soft skin. The beast was thrilled to be free, even more so because she wanted it. Sure, he'd gotten the chance to fuck her in the shower but that was all and he wanted so much more. He slid lower, bending her knees further, spreading her legs so that she was open to his perusal. The beast just looked at her neatly trimmed black curls and folds that were shining with her arousal before moving in for his first taste of her.
Kagome moaned as a growl of approval rumbled in his chest, his long tongue hitting all the right spots. It was amazing. He'd been unbelievably good at this before, but the beast was even better. His clawed hands carefully but firmly held her thighs as he used nothing but lips, teeth, and tongue to bring her to orgasm over and over again. When he finally pulled away Kagome watched as he licked her juices from his glistening lips before he smirked at her, proudly displaying his deadly fangs.
Sesshoumaru, with his beast still in control, sat back on his heels and lifted her off the bed into his lap like she weighed no more than a pillow, one arm under her back while the other slid over her ass to between her legs. In one smooth motion he lined up his throbbing cock with her tight passage and slipped inside. One arm wrapped around her waist, his hand clutching her opposite side while the other came up to fist in her hair. He kept complete control of everything, speed, depth, and pace, moving her up and down on his cock while the hand in her hair pulled her head back so he could lick and nibble at her throat while she moaned and whimpered his name in absolute pleasure.
He was amazing, absolutely worshipping her body but remaining completely dominant, and she loved it. She came twice more in rapid succession before his thrusts became harder, more urgent, and Kagome screamed his name as he threw her over the edge into ecstasy, a deep growl escaping him as he filled her with his hot seed, ensuring that his scent would remain heavily mixed in with her own for several days. Every demon and hanyou would know she was his, assuming she didn't use her little miko trick to remove his scent from her body, and he didn't see any reason she would.
By the time Sesshoumaru opened his eyes, Kagome's arms were draped around his neck, her head on his shoulder, and her body completely limp in his hold. He immediately found himself checking her breathing and heartbeat, afraid the beast had overwhelmed her. She was still healing, still changing. He should never have allowed the beast out. “Kagome?” he asked softly, worry filling his voice.
“Mmmm… fine… perfect… sleep now.”
The taiyoukai relaxed and smirked before lying back carefully, keeping their bodies intimately connected, before tossing the sheet over them and following her into sleep. For a human, she could not only keep up with him. She could tire him out.
The next time they woke it was to the sound of Kagome's stomach rumbling. It was already late morning and she hadn't eaten anything the day before, unless you counted the blood and poison cocktail and since she had no memory of it she certainly didn't.
“Hungry?” Sesshoumaru asked teasingly before groaning when Kagome moved on top of him.
They were still connected and he was ready to go again, making her roll her eyes. “Are you ever not turned on?”
“Not a single moment so long as this Sesshoumaru is in your presence.” He pulled her down and they shared a soft, passionate kiss before he rolled them so that she was pressed between his body and the bed. “I will make you breakfast… once I'm finished here of course.”
“From what I've seen I'll starve to death because you're never finished,” she said with a smirk.
He pulled slowly from her hot depths before sliding back in at an even more torturous pace. She felt incredible, better than anyone he'd ever been with in his entire life, and she was right. He would never be finished with her. If he could figure out how, he'd stay inside her tight walls forever. He wouldn't mind carrying her around, not a bit if he got to stay right there in heaven. He continued his painfully slow pace, enjoying watching her face and listening to her soft breathy moans. Sesshoumaru leaned in and pressed his lips to hers before his tongue traced her pouty bottom lip and she opened for him, her tongue moving to dance with his.
When they finally came up for air his pace was starting to increase. “Kagome, open your eyes.” She did as he asked and blue met gold. The look in his eyes was intense and it seemed like she could feel his love for her in every single cell in her body. They may not know all the little details about each other yet, but it didn't matter. They both knew the only thing that really mattered, that they loved each other. They would figure everything else out along the way.
Their eyes stayed locked on one another as her soft moans became louder and closer together and Sesshoumaru kissed her softly while watching her orgasm washing over her. She tightened around his cock and her hands slid over his back to firmly grab his ass, and he hissed in pleasure as her nails dug in painfully, joining her in ecstasy. Looking into each others eyes when they reached the brink and fell over it was amazing, strengthening the already rapidly growing emotional connection that would keep them together for the remainder of his immortal life. He rolled to the side, slowly pulling from her depths, making them both groan when their intimate connection ended. He lay flat on his back, panting from the intensity of his orgasm, made all the more powerful because they'd shared it.
Kagome rolled to her side to watch him. It was enthralling to see him so affected and know that it had been all her doing. “Sesshoumaru?” she asked softly.
“I'm so glad it wasn't just a one night stand.”
“This Sesshoumaru concurs. I refuse to live another moment without you.”
“Well then I guess it's a good thing I don't wanna live without you either. Now, about my breakfast…”
The taiyoukai turned his head and shot her a smirk. “You have not yet experienced this Sesshoumaru's cooking, have you? You, little miko, are in for a treat.”
“I don't know how many more treats from you I can take. What the hell am I going to wear? You're gonna have to go get my clothes out of my car.”
Sesshoumaru frowned. “You were willing to wear the hanyou's clothing. Is this Sesshoumaru's somehow less appealing?”
“I didn't know if you'd want me to wear your…”
He rolled to lean over her, looking into her eyes with a serious expression. “There is very little that is more attractive to a male than his female in his clothing. You are more than welcome to wear anything that belongs to this Sesshoumaru. I will be back soon with your breakfast. You can shower if you would like.”
Kagome lay there and watched as Sesshoumaru pulled on the pair of pajama pants he'd grabbed last night when he thought she'd left him, unable to keep from licking her lips as she traced the stripes on his hips with hungry eyes. He gave her one last kiss before leaving the room and Kagome slowly dragged herself out of the bed and stumbled into the bathroom. A shower sounded good. She was sweaty and sticky from their repeated activities and her hair felt dirty, probably from the blood she'd been covered in. It had to have been rather difficult to hold her unconscious form and clean the blood off of her completely and it was likely that he'd missed some.
She leaned into the stall and turned on the water, allowing steam to fill the smaller room while remembering just how beautiful the shower at his penthouse apartment was. Kagome found herself wondering just what they were going to do about living arrangements while they took the time to get to know one another. Would he want her to live with him or would he want her to stay here at his family's home? While she knew it would be incredibly difficult to stick to the decision not to have sex while they `dated' if she stayed with him, she also really didn't want to be away from him at the moment. She'd missed him far too much over the last two months and she wasn't ready to let him go.
`I wonder where we'll go on our dates,' she thought to herself as she slipped under the nearly scalding hot water. She smirked as ideas began popping into her head. She was going to have fun with him; that was for sure. A sigh escaped her as her mind traveled to the changes she was still experiencing. She wished he hadn't had to do it. She would be much more secure in their budding relationship if his choice to bind her to him had been of his own free will instead of to save her life. Sure, she believed him when he said he loved her, but still… she couldn't help the nagging in the back of her mind, the little voice asking if he really would have chosen her for his mate if she hadn't been injured and on the brink of death.
Either way, she had a lot to think about and a lot to do. Kagome mentally listed things while lathering her hair with the very mildly scented shampoo that it appeared Sesshoumaru preferred considering it was the same as he'd had at his apartment too. She needed to call her mother and tell her not only that she'd moved out of Kouga's but that she was basically engaged to be mated, even if he hadn't officially asked. She was halfway there already as it was. She wondered if they would have a mating ceremony, if they would have a regular wedding too. She wasn't any different from every other female in the world. As a child she'd dreamt of her flawless white wedding, of the music and the dress, the food and the reception, the cake and the bridesmaids' dresses, and the honeymoon. She didn't need any of it but that didn't mean she didn't want it.
She rinsed the shampoo from her hair and worked the conditioner through her heavy black locks. She was going to have to have a talk with Inuyasha too. He had to have known that someday she would meet a man and have a serious relationship, and while he would never have imagined it to be his brother, it really didn't make a difference. He was going to have to let go a little, let Sesshoumaru take care of her and protect her like Inuyasha insisted he do. She just wished they got along. She didn't want to have to choose between them, to split her time and attentions. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. They needed to figure out how to deal with the other's presence. No more fighting. She couldn't stand it if one or both of them ended up hurt. She loved them both, just in different ways.
She wondered if Sesshoumaru would want her to get a job. Kouga hadn't wanted her to work, said he liked supporting her, and Inuyasha had always insisted he pay for whatever she needed. Kagome realized that she didn't even really know what Sesshoumaru did. She knew he worked for Inu Senior, but had no idea in what capacity. She hoped that he wasn't a workaholic like their father tended to be. She didn't want to have to compete for his time. She moaned softly as she ran her hands over her body, washing away the scent of sex and sweat and wishing he was there to help her. His hands felt so much better gliding across her skin than her own did. Oh yes, it was going to be very hard to keep from jumping him and riding him over and over while they played the `get to know you' game. His touch was addictive.
Sesshoumaru made his way into the kitchen and was standing in front of the open refrigerator, trying to decide what Kagome would like and kicking himself for not asking. He should know what his mate-to-be liked for breakfast, damn it, but he didn't even have the slightest clue. Maybe she was right about them needing to spend time getting to know each other. He felt like a bad mate and he hadn't even had her back for more than a day!
He growled at the contents of the fridge and then turned around when he heard footsteps approaching. Inuyasha walked slowly into the room looking rather nervous before stopping to lean on the island countertop. Sesshoumaru frowned. The answer to his current problem had walked right up to him, but he didn't want to use it. If he had to ask Inuyasha then he would have to admit he didn't know the first thing about her and Inuyasha didn't need ammunition.
The hanyou looked at his older half brother, unsure of how to act. Last night he'd allowed him to see Kagome, but they still hadn't had the talk Sesshoumaru said was needed. Now all he wanted was to see how she was doing, but he wasn't sure how to ask. His nose told him that she'd apparently been well enough to screw his brother, but he really didn't want to be thinking about that. The image of Kagome with Sesshoumaru was just too hard to imagine right then, even in non-sexual ways. It didn't make sense for his sweet, loving, emotional Kagome to be with the cruel, cold, emotionless taiyoukai who'd hated him for as long as he could remember. He'd heard opposites attract, but this was just ridiculous.
Sesshoumaru held in a frustrated sigh and gave in. “This Sesshoumaru is making breakfast for Kagome, but I do not know what she would prefer.”
Inuyasha smiled. “Her favorite is a ham and cheese omelet. She also likes the little fried potatoes. So then she's feeling better? Getting her strength back?”
The taiyoukai nodded while pulling things out of the fridge. “She is feeling much stronger and she now has improved eyesight as well.”
“That's good.” Inuyasha looked around, unsure what to do now. “You said last night… said we needed to talk?”
“We each are going to have to learn to endure the presence of the other for her sake. I am aware that you do not like this Sesshoumaru and I understand that this is difficult for you, seeing her with me.” Inuyasha didn't know how to respond so he stayed silent, waiting for his brother to continue. He watched as Sesshoumaru's shoulders lifted and dropped with an almost imperceptible sigh. “I know that the rift between us is my doing, but I have not hated you for a long time now.”
The hanyou was angry. Sure, he admitted it was his fault but how could he stand there and act like everything was alright? How could he have the nerve to say he didn't hate him still? “Damn right it's your doing! You treated me like shit my entire life! What the hell did I ever do to you? That's what I want to know. Why? How can you say you haven't hated me for a long time? You certainly never apologized or acted any differently!”
Sesshoumaru held in a snarl and fought down his anger. He knew that their relationship, or lack thereof, had always been his fault, but how dare Inuyasha raise his voice at him? He had no idea how hard it was to say what he had in the first place. Sesshoumaru didn't admit he was wrong! Sesshoumaru didn't apologize!
“You wish to know why I treated you as I did? Father mated your mother almost immediately after my mother's death. He replaced her. Yes, it was not her fault or yours but I was young and I held it against you. I have long since learned that it was unfair of me to do so. You are the one that has continued the animosity.”
Inuyasha stared at his brother in shock. What he'd said actually made sense and he found himself almost feeling bad for his brother. He opened his mouth the reply but a hand fell on his shoulder, stopping him.
Inu Senior patted his younger son's shoulder. “Take some time to think about it before you say anything, Inuyasha. I want to talk to your brother.”
The hanyou nodded and left the room, heading upstairs to his own to do just what his father said. He had serious thinking to do. Had Sesshoumaru really changed his mind somewhere along the way? Had it been his fault then that they hadn't made up before now? He'd always hated the way it seemed that his brother despised him for no reason. Had he been doing the same?
“I'm very proud of you, Sesshoumaru. I know that wasn't easy to say.”
Sesshoumaru slid the finished omelet onto a plate and then turned to look at his father. “I did it for her.”
“It is proof of just how strongly you care for her.”
The younger taiyoukai nodded slowly. “This Sesshoumaru would do anything necessary to ensure her happiness.” He frowned and looked at the ground. “I didn't even know what she would want for breakfast.”
“Ah, well that is one of the downsides to forming such a strong connection so quickly. It's alright and she'll understand it too. You both just need some time to get to know each other.”
“She wishes to `date',” he said with a small smirk.
“And so you will.”
“But…” he hesitated, the very thought bothering him.
“But what, my boy?”
“But what if she discovers that she does not like this Sesshoumaru after all?”
“Son, she is in love with you. Of course she's going to like you. You just need to relax and let it happen on its own. I guess it's a good thing you're on vacation for the next couple of weeks, isn't it? You'll do fun things together. You'll take her to nice places. You'll get the chance to prove to her you can and will make her happy, and then you'll ask her to be your mate properly. Since you don't know a lot about her yet my son, I feel I should tell you. She will be waiting for a formal proposal. She knows a lot about demons, especially inu, and she will be watching for the steps. She's going to want the formal ceremony and a wedding too.” When his son made a face he continued. “I've known Kagome since she was ten. I've listened to her talk about her perfect wedding with Izayoi. You want to make her dreams come true, don't you?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then you will give her these things, whether you enjoy them or find them unnecessary, you will give them to her either way. You may want to take that to her before it gets cold,” Inu Senior said with a nod at the waiting plate. When Sesshoumaru nodded and began arranging things on the tray he continued. “Sesshoumaru, she is also going to be insecure in your relationship because of the circumstances of your bonding. She may try to hide it, but it will still be there. Make sure she knows that you did not feel obligated to do it, that you did not do it to save her life, but that you did it to keep her with you and because you would have done so anyway.”
“Thank you, Father,” Sesshoumaru replied. He stopped at the fridge and poured a glass of orange juice before heading up to Kagome with her breakfast in bed. “I will make sure she knows,” he said quietly to himself. “She will know just how strongly this Sesshoumaru feels about her and desires her.” He smirked at the new thought that slipped into his mind. Kagome would make the perfect addition to his apartment.
Author's Note: The final poll for selecting their date venues and the order of said dates is up in my livejournal. If you aren't a member of the site then you can vote by leaving a comment to the poll with your ONE favorite choice instead. The link to my LJ is in my profile.