InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Whatever You Want ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu Yasha and co. BUT I WILL SOMEDAY!!! Okay, maybe not. *cries*

A/N - Hope this is up to the standards of what everyone was expecting!! And please forgive me, I'm currently drawing a horrific blank. What is Sango's outfit called? Not the demon exterminator one, but the Yukata/Kimono dealy. I've searched the net and found at least seven different names for it. So, I'll call it what I will, and I hope that it does rain of anyone's hentai parade. =D One more thing- a friend of mine gave the suggestion of the talking between Sango and Miroku during… certain parts. I was a little skeptical at first at doing that, but after much "encouragement" (or threatening!!) I decided to give it a try. So, good or bad?

meng: Thanks for reviewing, glad you liked it!! I also think that Shippo should get a lemon, but he's just a kid, you know? Maybe I (or someone else that can write better than me) will do one about Shippo when he's all grown up… But with who... Hm… =D

kittygirl: Thanks for reviewing, hope you like this one, too! hehe 10 is a lot better than 1. =D

Crimson Tenshi: lol Glad you liked it!! Here is the Sango and Miroku one, hope you enjoy it!!! Oh, and thanks a million for the fic name that you e-mailed me!!

Venom Injection: Thanks for reviewing!! I love the Miroku/Sango coupling, and I definitely don't think that there are enough fics with them! Hope you enjoy this one!!

Miroku walked back into Kaeda's village, keeping an eye on the back on Sango's head. He noticed that she didn't go back to the hut that they were staying in, but instead walked away from the village into a large field, away from everyone. Miroku quickly followed her. What was she up to?

Sango walked through the tall grass, absently looking up at the sky. It was nighttime, so the stars were flickering brightly above her. She gently placed her hands behind her back and gave a small smile. Sango slowly sat down on the ground and looked up, off in her own world.

Miroku walked over to her quietly, transfixed on her beauty. The moon, not quite whole yet, was sending light onto her body, giving her a glowing appearance. Unable to stop himself he walked over to her and sat down next to her. Sango tensed visibly, causing Miroku to chuckle.

"Relax, Sango. I'm not going to grope you at the moment."

Sango sighed. "At the moment, Houshi-Sama? Why not just stop completely?" She sounded hopeful and Miroku grinned at her.

"I'm sorry, I can't. It's far too impossible. Your beautiful body just calls to me."

Sango flushed and moved to stand up, but Miroku grabbed her wrist and said, "Please Sango, don't go. I already said I wouldn't grope you, so what's the problem?"

Sango bit her lip but stayed where she was. The two of them sat in silence, looking around at the beautiful surroundings.

"It's a beautiful night." Sango mumbled.

"And better yet, I'm with a beautiful companion." Miroku gave a charming smile.

Sango blushed slightly. "Beautiful? I think you've had to much sake, Houshi-Sama."

Miroku shook his head. "I am completely truthful when I call you beautiful. Every part of you is beautiful."

Have you forgotten the massive scar on my back? She thought to herself bitterly.

Miroku's hand suddenly went to said scar, gently touching it. Sango jumped.

"Every part of you, Sango. Our skin may be marred, but it does not make us any less. Scars add to internal beauty, showing others our strength. And you have much strength." He added as an afterthought, rubbing his cheek jokingly.

Sango gave a small smile, although she was still tense with his hand on her back. Praying that she wasn't going to end up killing him, Miroku gently began caressing the scar. Sango's eye widened slightly. She hated that scar. It was a constant reminder of all that Naraku put her through, and her failure to save Kohaku. And now Miroku was touching it gently, as if it were something beautiful and delicate.

"Houshi-Sama…" She began slowly.

"You didn't fail him, Sango. You did all you could. You need to let yourself live. It wasn't your fault." Miroku spoke gently.

What is he, a mind reader? Sango looked down at her hands.

Miroku reached his hand over and lifted her chin so he could look in her eyes. Don't do it, Miroku! She's going to kill you! His mind was screaming at him, but Miroku ignored it. Slowly, he brought his head closer to hers.

Sango's heart sped up. What is he doing? What are YOU doing? Pull away! Pull away! But Sango didn't. She licked her lips out of nervousness, anxiously waiting for whatever he was going to do.

Miroku watched her lips, yearning to feel them against his own. He finally touched her lips gently, and he thought he was going to explode. She's so soft… He thought vaguely as he moved his lips against hers.

Sango, inexperienced with the opposite sex, slowly responded to his kiss, but her eyes snapped open when his tongue played across her lips. She carefully opened her mouth, letting her eyes flutter back shut. Miroku happily let his tongue explore her mouth as his hands held onto her back gently. Sango's hands were fisted in his robes tightly.

Miroku brought one of his hands down to her backside and squeezed. Sango gasped and pulled away from the kiss, obviously just comprehending what she was doing. She panted against his lips, slowly raising her hands to touch her own. "I… I have to go…!"

She stood up hurriedly, leaving a stunned Miroku. What the…? Oh hell no! She isn't getting away after a kiss like that! Miroku shot to his feet and chased after Sango through the field.

Oh Kami, oh Kami, oh Kami!!! Sango chanted as she hurried through the field. The field was a lot bigger than she thought, and she hadn't realized before just how far away from the edge she really was. Suddenly, she felt someone grab onto one of her wrists, spinning her around. She stumbled and fell onto him.

"Oof!" He mumbled when he landed on the ground, Sango on top of him.

"I'm sor-! Houshi-Sama!" She tried pushing away from him, but he tightened his grip around her waist.

"Do you honestly think I'm that stupid, Sango?" He asked teasingly.

"What do you mean?" She didn't like that hungry glint in his eyes.

"After a kiss like that, you really think I was just going to sit back and let you leave?"

Sango opened and closed her mouth a few times. Well, yeah… Kind of! She blushed when she suddenly realized Miroku's hardness was pressing against her. With all her might she pushed away from him and began running again. Miroku had shot to his feet a second after her, and saw her running towards the closest haven she could find. Which just happened to be a very large tree.

Sango ran behind the tree, panting heavily. The branches were to high for her to reach, but maybe if she hid behind it long enough, she could run back to the village. Maybe Miroku hadn't seen her. Why are you running? You enjoyed that kiss as much as he did! Part of her mind screamed at her. I'm… scared. Her heart sped up. She had never known herself to cause excitement for men. And just now, she had found out that Miroku was very excited.

Miroku chuckled to himself. Poor, adorable, naïve Sango. She has no idea just how much I want her. He silently walked through the large grass over to the tree. He could see Sango's hair blowing gently on one side of it. Miroku stood on the other side of the tree and waited quietly.

Has he… has he left? Sango cautiously peeked around the side of the tree. Not seeing him anywhere, Sango breathed a sigh of relief and slowly stepped away from the tree, only to have someone grab her around the waist and press her against the tree.

Miroku stood in front of her and mumbled seductively, "Got you."

Sango look into his eyes. "Houshi-Sama -"

Miroku tightened his grip on her body. "Miroku. My name is Miroku."

Sango gasped slightly but didn't say his name. She heard Miroku chuckle huskily in her ear. "If you won't say it Sango, then I'll make you moan it."

Sango's jaw dropped in shock. What had gotten into him?

Miroku began kissing her neck slowly. He wanted her. And the kiss proved that she wanted him, as well. He just had to prove to her that she wanted him. Make her open up. Miroku smirked and snaked his tongue out to lick her neck. Sango felt her knees get weak and she clutched to Miroku's arms. Miroku pressed his body directly up against hers to "support" her. She gasped and her lips quivered slightly.

Miroku grinned and picked her up bridal style. He carried her across the field and laid her down in the tall grass. Sango watched with nervous curiosity as he kneeled over her, staring down into her eyes, one hand slowly undoing the folds of her yukata. She felt the cool breeze on her skin as he slowly opened it, causing her to shiver and blush.

Miroku watched her the entire time, grinning. When her breasts were finally opened to the night and his eyes, he sucked in a sharp breath to his teeth. He leaned down and began nuzzling her neck. "Beautiful."

Sango blushed as he pulled back and stared at her pert breasts, his eyes full of hunger and lust. She began fidgeting under his intense gaze and suddenly gasped as she felt one of Miroku's firm hands cupping one of her breasts. He grinned down at her as he squeezed the breast, and then gently rolled her nipple between two fingers.

"Hou-shi - Sam-a!" Sango panted, trying to sound ferocious, but instead sounded lustful.

Miroku smirked as he continued to squeeze and tease the nipple. He slowly leaned down to the other breast and breathed on it as he spoke. "Say my real name, Sango."

Sango shivered but was unable to say anything at the moment. Miroku smirked again and suddenly grabbed the nipple between his teeth, causing Sango to cry out. Her hands went to his hair, desperately trying to keep her sanity.

Miroku swiveled his tongue around her nipple and gently grazed his teeth across the soft skin as his hand groped her other breast. Sango held tightly onto Miroku's head, unconsciously urging him on. She whimpered and mewled, struggling to keep her eyes open and her breathing regular.

When Miroku decided that that breast had had enough, he switched to its twin, inflicting the same pleasurable ministrations. Sango called out again, her toes curling. She vaguely began wondering why she ignored the hentai Houshi for so long, if what he did felt this good.

When Miroku was satisfied that he had tortured her breasts enough, he moved up her chest, across her neck, and onto her lips. He kissed them fiercely, causing her to squeak but kiss him back with just as much passion. When he pulled back for air, he was pleased to see her lips were red and puffy. She forced herself to open her eyes meeting his passion filled ones instantly.

He smiled down at her as he began removing his outer robes. Sango watched him, her fear ebbing away and being replaced with lust. With his outer robe gone, Miroku knelt back down to place wet kisses on her neck as he began undoing the bottom of her outfit. Sango gently ran her hands up and down his back, trying to steady her breathing. When Miroku had completely undressed the beauty below him, he finished pulling off his robes, leaving the two of them naked.

Sango pulled Miroku down on top of her, kissing him harshly. The places where their skin met caused sparks to shoot through them, making them even hotter then they already were. Miroku ran his uncursed hand over her soft curves, lower and lower till he was directly above her heat. Sango's eyes snapped open, and she watched him, confused as to what he was going to do.

Miroku grinned down at her and kissed her cheeks softly as he gently parted her soft, wet folds. She bucked in alarm below him and he smirked at her. Miroku gently pushed one finger forward, reveling in how tight she was. Sango gasped and arched her back off the ground, her eyes wide. Miroku grinned mischievously at her and swirled his finger around once. Sango gasped and bit onto her lip, squeezing her eyes shut. She began panting slightly as Miroku pumped the finger slowly, that grin still plastered on his face.

"How does it feel?" He murmured sensually in her ear.

Sango moistened her lips and tried to speak, but no words came out. She wasn't even thinking straight! Did he really expect her to answer?

Miroku smirked and added another finger, causing her to gasp and grip onto his upper arms tightly. "Tell me how it feels, Sango."

Her chest rose and fell deeply as she tried to control herself. She arched her back again as his pace picked up ever so slightly. Miroku gently brushed against her sensitive nub for a moment, getting another cry out of her. He grinned and added another finger, becoming even more turned on at the way she moaned. "Do you like the way this feels, Sango?"

Sango slowly nodded her head, panting. Miroku smirked and began sucking on her neck. "Tell me that, then. Tell me you like this."

Sango's muscles squeezed around Miroku's fingers tightly, and he began chanting in his head, trying to keep himself from taking her then and there. "Tell me, Sango." He urged her quietly, her fingers moving faster.

"I… Oh…!" Sango's breathing became more ragged as she felt herself floating.

Miroku knew she was going to come soon, so he began rubbing that sensitive nub again and said urgently, "Tell me something, Sango. Tell me you like this, or say my name." He swiveled his fingers and then began the previous pace.

Sango bit her lip. She was so close… Almost there! But what there was, she didn't know. Suddenly, something snapped inside of Sango. Her hips bucked forward and her eyes flew shut as she suddenly called out, "Miroku!"

Miroku grinned in masculine pride as he felt her warm honey cover his fingers. He slid his fingers out of her and licked them clean as she watched him, catching her breath. Miroku positioned himself over her. Sango felt the tip of his manhood at her entrance and she gave him a confused, slightly worn out look.

"You think I'm done, Sango? Give my imagination a little respect. All this time that I've waned you, and you think I'd be done after that? Oh no Sango, it gets much better." He purred silkily in her ear as he gently prodded her entrance with himself teasingly. Sango bucked slightly and gasped.

Miroku bent down and gave Sango a gentle kiss. He pulled away and kissed her cheek up to her ear and whispered, "I can't wait any longer Sango. I want you. But I can stop if I must. If you want me to stop, tell me now."

Sango threw her arms around Miroku and shook her head violently. "Don't-!" She took a deep breath, unable to say anything else.

Miroku grinned and kissed her cheek again, moving back down to her lips. Sango hungrily kissed him back when he finally touched her lips, trailing her nails up and down his chest and back.

While Miroku distracted her in the sweet kiss, he began pushing himself inside of her slowly. Sango tried turning her head away as she felt him entering her, but he refused to release her lips until he was entirely inside of her. They were both a little surprised that Sango felt no pain, but he just assumed it was from her rough travel and work as a demon exterminator.

Sango had heard stories of the first time hurting for women, and was slightly worried when she hadn't felt any pain. However, all coherent thought flew out of her head as Miroku pulled back and thrust inside of her again. She gasped and he moaned, both in pleasure.

Miroku pulled back once again and thrust into her harder, loving the sounds she was making. Sango gripped him tightly in her arms. Without thinking she wrapped one leg around him. Miroku moaned and nipped at her neck, so Sango wrapped the other leg around him receiving an even louder moan. She gave a small smile and tightened her muscles around him slightly. Miroku panted and began hungrily sucking on her neck as he began thrusting in and out of her quickly.

The two of them moaned into each other as they experienced the wonderful euphoria that was growing inside of them. It was much stronger than what Sango had experienced before, and she knew by Miroku's moans that he was feeling the same thing. He thrust into her three more times, much more powerful thrusts, before the two of them came together. His lips muffled her cry as she felt the immense pleasure flow through her body.

Miroku slid out of Sango and fell next to her, keeping his arms around her. He nuzzled her neck softly as she regained her breath.

"Say my name again." He whispered into her ear.

Sango gave a tired smile. "Miroku."

He grinned and pulled her closer to him. He gently began sucking on her ear as his hands trailed lazily up and down her body.

Sango sighed and said, "Thank you."

He pulled away from her ear and looked at her. "For what?"

"For… everything. For this. For being a good friend, a perverted monk, but most importantly, the man that I love." She stated boldly, closing her eyes.

Miroku stared at her wide-eyed. He placed a gentle kiss on her lips and said, "I love you Sango."

Sango grinned at him. "And I love you, Miroku."

Miroku pulled her to lie on top of him and wrapped his arms around her body, closing his eyes happily. Sango rested her head against her chest and closed her eyes as well, equally pleased.

A/N - Ho-Ha! Done! So… good? Please no flames! However, I love reviews, so feel free to leave me one if you'd like.